Miscellaneous Writings Part 75

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We crave the privilege of saying to the sick, when their

[Page 370.]

feebleness calls for help, "Rise and walk." We rejoice [1]

to say, in the spirit of our Master, "Stretch forth thy hand, and be whole!"

When the Pharisees saw Jesus do such deeds of mercy, they went away and took counsel how they might remove [5]

him. The antagonistic spirit of evil is still abroad; but the greater spirit of Christ is also abroad,-risen from the grave-clothes of tradition and the cave of ignorance.

Let the sentinels of Zion's watch-towers shout once again, "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is [10]


In different ages the divine idea a.s.sumes different forms, according to humanity's needs. In this age it a.s.sumes, more intelligently than ever before, the form of Christian healing. This is the babe we are to cherish. [15]

This is the babe that twines its loving arms about the neck of omnipotence, and calls forth infinite care from His loving heart.

Blind Leaders

What figure is less favorable than a wolf in sheep's [20]

clothing? The braying donkey whose ears stick out is less troublesome. What manner of man is it that has discovered an improvement on Christian Science, a "met- aphysical healing" by which error destroys error, and would gather all sorts into a "national convention" by [25]

the sophistry that such is the true fold for Christian heal- ers, since the good shepherd cares for all?

Yes; the _good_ Shepherd does care for all, and His first care is to separate the sheep from the goats; and

[Page 371.]

this is among the first lessons on healing taught by our [1]

great Master.

If, as the gentleman aforesaid states, large flocks of metaphysicians are wandering about without a leader, what has opened his eyes to see the need of taking them [5]

out of the care of the great Shepherd, and behold the remedy, to help them by his own leaders.h.i.+p? Is it that he can guide Christian Scientists better than they, through the guidance of our common Father, can guide them- selves? or is it that they are incapable of helping them- [10]

selves thus?

I as their teacher can say, They know far more of Christian Science than he who deprecates their condition appears to, and my heart pleads for them to possess more and more of Truth and Love; but mixing all grades [15]

of persons is not productive of the better sort, although he who has self-interest in this mixing is apt to pro- pose it.

Whoever desires to say, "good right, and good wrong,"

has no truth to defend. It is a wise saying that "men [20]

are known by their enemies." To sympathize in any degree with error, is not to rectify it; but error always strives to unite, in a definition of purpose, with Truth, to give it buoyancy. What is under the mask, but error in borrowed plumes? [25]

"Christ And Christmas"

An Ill.u.s.trated Poem

This poem and its ill.u.s.trations are as hopelessly origi- nal as is "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip-

[Page 372.]

tures." When the latter was first issued, critics declared [1]

that it was incorrect, contradictory, unscientific, unchris- tian; but those human opinions had not one feather's weight in the scales of G.o.d. The fact remains, that the textbook of Christian Science is transforming the [5]


"Christ and Christmas" voices Christian Science through song and object-lesson. In two weeks from the date of its publication in December, 1893, letters extoll- ing it were pouring in from artists and poets. A mother [10]

wrote, "Looking at the pictures in your wonderful book has healed my child."

Knowing that this book would produce a stir, I sought the judgment of sound critics familiar with the works of masters in France and Italy. From them came such [15]

replies as the following: "The ill.u.s.trations of your poem are truly a work of art, and the artist seems quite familiar with delineations from the old masters." I am delighted to find "Christ and Christmas" in accord with the ancient and most distinguished artists. [20]

_The Christian Science Journal_ gives no uncertain dec- laration concerning the spirit and mission of "Christ and Christmas."

I aimed to reproduce, with reverent touch, the modest glory of divine Science. Not by aid of foreign device [25]

or environment could I copy art,-never having seen the painter's masterpieces; but the _art_ of Christian Science, with true hue and character of the living G.o.d, is akin to its _Science_: and Science and Health gives scopes and shades to the shadows of divinity, thus im- [30]

parting to humanity the true sense of meekness and might.

[Page 373.]

One incident serves to ill.u.s.trate the simple nature of [1]


I insisted upon placing the serpent behind the woman in the picture "Seeking and Finding." My artist at the easel objected, as he often did, to my sense of Soul's [5]

expression through the brush; but, as usual, he finally yielded. A few days afterward, the following from Roth- erham's translation of the New Testament was handed to me,-I had never before seen it: "And the serpent cast out of his mouth, _behind_ the woman, water as a [10]

river, that he might cause her to be river-borne." Neither material finesse, standpoint, nor perspective guides the infinite Mind and spiritual vision that should, does, guide His children.

One great master clearly delineates Christ's appear- [15]

ing in the flesh, and his healing power, as clad not in soft raiment or gorgeous apparel; and when forced out of its proper channel, as living feebly, in kings' courts.

This master's thought presents a sketch of Christian- ity's state, in the early part of the Christian era, as [20]

homelessness in a wilderness. But in due time Chris- tianity entered into synagogues, and, as St. Mark writes, it has rich possession here, with houses and lands. In Genesis we read that G.o.d gave man do- minion over all things; and this a.s.surance is followed [25]

by Jesus' declaration, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth," and by his promise that the Christlike shall finally sit down at the right hand of the Father.

Christian Science is more than a prophet or a proph- [30]

ecy: it presents not words alone, but works,-the daily demonstration of Truth and Love. Its healing and sav-

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ing power was so great a proof of Immanuel and the [1]

realism of Christianity, that it caused even the publi- cans to justify G.o.d. Although clad in panoply of power, the Pharisees scorned the spirit of Christ in most of its varied manifestations. To them it was cant and carica- [5]

ture,-always the opposite of what it was. Keen and alert was their indignation at whatever rebuked hypocrisy and demanded Christianity in life and religion. In view of this, Jesus said, "Wisdom is justified of all her children." [10]

Above the fogs of sense and storms of pa.s.sion, Chris- tian Science and its art will rise triumphant; ignorance, envy, and hatred-earth's harmless thunder-pluck not their heaven-born wings. Angels, with overtures, hold charge over both, and announce their Principle and [15]


It is most fitting that Christian Scientists memorize the nativity of Jesus. To him who brought a great light to all ages, and named his burdens light, homage is in- deed due,-but is bankrupt. I never looked on my [20]

ideal of the face of the Nazarite Prophet; but the one ill.u.s.trating my poem approximates it.

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