A Voice of Warning Part 3

A Voice of Warning -

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Having made this discovery, we shall proceed to examine the progress of the kingdom among Jew and Gentile; and what were its fruits, gifts, and blessings as enjoyed by its citizens.

Soon after the organization of the kingdom of G.o.d at Jerusalem, Philip came to Samaria, and there preached the Gospel: and when they believed Philip, they were baptized, both men and women, and had great joy. And afterwards, Peter and John came from Jerusalem, and prayed, and laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost. Mark here, they first believed, and then were baptized, having great joy, and yet had not received the Holy Ghost. But that was afterwards given, by the laying on of hands and prayer, in the name of Jesus. O how different from the systems of men!

Witness Paul's conversion while on his journey to Damascus: the Lord Jesus appeared to him in the way; but instead of telling him his sins were forgiven, and pouring the Holy Ghost upon him, He sent him to Damascus, telling him that it should there be told him what he should do. And coming to Damascus, Ananias being sent, commanded him not to tarry, but to "arise and be baptized, and wash away his sins, calling on the name of the Lord;" then he arose and was baptized, and was even filled with the Holy Ghost, and straightway preached that Jesus was the Christ.

Again, witness Peter going to Cornelius, a Gentile of great piety, whose prayers were heard, and whose alms were remembered, and who had even attained to the ministering of an angel; yet with all his piety, and the Holy Ghost poured out upon him and his friends, before they were baptized, they must be baptized, or they could not be saved. Why?

Because the Lord had commanded the Apostles to preach to every creature, and every creature who would not believe and be baptized, should be d.a.m.ned, without one exception. Witness the words of the angel to Cornelius: "He (Peter) shall tell thee words whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved." Now, query, could Cornelius have been saved without obeying the words of Peter? If so, the angel's errand was in vain.

Now, perhaps a minister, who should find a man as good as Cornelius was, would say to him: "Go on, brother, you can be saved, you have experienced religion, you may indeed be baptized to answer a good conscience, if you feel it your duty; or, if not, it is no matter, a new heart is all that is really necessary to salvation," etc.; as much as to say, that the commandments of Jesus are not absolutely necessary to salvation; a man may call him Lord, Lord, and be saved, just as well as by keeping His commandments. Oh vain and foolish doctrine! Oh ye children of men, how have you perverted the Gospel! In vain do ye call Him Lord, Lord, and do not obey His commandments.

Next, we call to mind the jailor and his household, who were baptized the same hour they believed, without waiting for the day; and Lydia and her household, who attended to the ordinance the first sermon they heard on the subject. Also Philip and the eunuch, who stopped the chariot at the first water they came to, in order to attend to the ordinance, although the eunuch had heard of Jesus, for the first time, only a few minutes before. Now, I gather from all those examples of ancient days, and from the precepts laid down in them, that baptism was the initiating ordinance, by which all those who believed and repented were received and adopted into the church or kingdom of G.o.d, so as to be ent.i.tled to the remission of sins, and the blessing of the Holy Ghost; indeed, it was the ordinance through which they became sons and daughters; and because they were sons, the Lord shed forth the Spirit of His Son into their hearts, crying, Abba, Father. It is true, the Lord poured out the Holy Ghost upon Cornelius and his friends, before they were baptized; but it seemed necessary, in order to convince the believing Jews that the Gentiles also had part in this salvation. And I believe this is the only instance, in the whole record, of the people receiving the Holy Ghost without first obeying the laws of adoption. But mark! Obeying the laws of adoption would not const.i.tute a man an heir of the kingdom, a citizen ent.i.tled to the blessings and gifts of the Spirit, unless those laws and ordinances were administered by one who had proper authority, and was duly commissioned from the King; and a commission given to one individual could never authorize another to act in his stead. This is one of the most important points to be understood, as it brings to the test every minister in Christendom; and questions the organization of every church on earth, and all that have existed since direct inspiration ceased.

Now, in order to come at this subject in plainness, let us examine the const.i.tution of earthly governments in regard to the authority and laws of adoption. We will say, for instance, the President of the United States writes a commission to A. B., duly authorizing him to act in some office in the government, and, during his administration, two gentlemen from Europe come to reside in this country, and, being strangers and foreigners wis.h.i.+ng to become citizens, they go before A.

B., and he administers the oath of allegiance in due form, and certifies the same, and this const.i.tutes them legal citizens, ent.i.tled to all the privileges of those who are citizens or subjects by birth.

After these things, A. B. is taken away by death, and C. D., in looking over his papers, happens to find the commission given to A.

B., and, applying it to his own use, a.s.sumes the vacant office; meantime, two foreigners arrive, and apply for citizens.h.i.+p, and being informed by persons ignorant of the affairs of government, that C. D.

could administer the laws of adoption, they submit to be administered unto by C. D., without once examining his authority; C. D. certifies of their citizens.h.i.+p, and they suppose they have been legally adopted, the same as the others, and are ent.i.tled to all the privileges of citizens.h.i.+p. But by and by, their citizens.h.i.+p is called in question, and they produce the certificate of C. D.; the President inquires-- "Who is C. D.? I never gave him a commission to act in any office, I know him not, and you are strangers and foreigners to the commonwealth, until you go before the legally appointed successor of A. B., or some other of like authority, who has a commission from the President direct in his own name." In the meantime, C. D. is taken and punished according to law, for practising imposition, and usurping authority which was never conferred upon him.

And so it is with the kingdom of G.o.d. The Lord authorized the Apostles and others by direct revelation, and by the spirit of prophecy, to preach and baptize, and build up His church and kingdom; but after a while they died, and a long time pa.s.sed away, and men, reading over their commission, where it says to the eleven Apostles--"Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature," etc., have had the presumption to apply these sayings as their authority, and without any other commission, have gone forth professing to preach the Gospel, and baptize, and build up the church and kingdom of G.o.d; but those whom they baptize never receive the same blessings and gifts which characterized a saint or citizen of the kingdom in the days of the Apostles. Why? Because they are yet foreigners and strangers, for the commission given to the Apostles never commissioned any other man to act in their stead. This was a prerogative the Lord reserved unto himself. No man has a right to take this ministry upon himself, but he that is called by revelation, and duly qualified to act in his calling by the Holy Ghost.

But the reader inquires with astonishment, "What! are none of all the ministers of the present day called to the ministry, and legally commissioned?" Well, my reader, I will tell you how you may ascertain from their own mouths, and that will be far better than an answer from me; go to the clergy, and ask them if G.o.d has given them any direct revelation since the New Testament was finished; inquire of them whether the gift of prophecy ceased with the early age of the church; and, in short, ask them if revelations, prophets, the ministering of angels, etc., are needed or expected in these days, or whether they believe that these things are done away, no more to return to the earth; and their answer will be that the Bible contains sufficient, and that since the canon of Scripture was filled, revelation, the spirit of prophecy and the ministering of angels have ceased, because no longer needed. In short, they will denounce every man as an impostor who pretends to any such thing. And when you have obtained this answer, ask them how they themselves were called and commissioned to preach the Gospel, and they will be at a loss to answer you, and will finally tell you that the Bible commissioned them, saying--"Go ye into all the world," etc. Thus, you see, all who have no direct personal revelation from the King of heaven, either by angels, the voice of G.o.d, or the spirit of prophecy, are acting under authority which was given to others, who are dead, and their commission stolen, and their authority usurped; and the King will say--"Peter I know, and Paul I know, I commissioned them, but who are you? I know you not, I never spoke to you in my life; indeed you believed it was not necessary for me to speak in your day. Therefore you never sought in faith for any revelation, and I never gave you any; and even when I spake to others, you mocked them, and called them impostors, and persecuted them, because they testified of the things I had said unto them, therefore depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: for I was an hungered, and ye fed me not; I was naked, and ye clothed me not; I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; sick and in prison and ye visited me not." "Ah!

Lord, when did we fail in any of these things?" "Inasmuch as you have not done it unto the least of these my brethren (taking them for impostors, because they testified of the things which I had revealed unto them), ye have not done it unto me." But to return: having examined the kingdom of G.o.d as to its offices and ordinances, and having discovered the only means of adoption into it, let us examine more fully what are the blessings, privileges, and enjoyments of its citizens. You have already seen that they were to cast out devils, speak with new tongues, heal the sick by the laying on of hands in the name of Jesus, as well as to see visions, dream dreams, prophesy, etc.

But let us look at the kingdom in its organized state, and see whether these promises were verified to Jew and Gentile, wherever the kingdom of G.o.d was found in all ages of the world.

Paul writing, first, "To the church of G.o.d at Corinth;" second, "To them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus;" third, "To them who are called to be saints;" and fourth, "To all that in every place call on the name of Jesus Christ our Lord," says to them all, in 1 Corinthians, xii, 1: "Now, concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant." And then, continuing his instructions, a few verses further on, he says: "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal; for to one is given, by the Spirit, the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; to another faith by the same Spirit; to another, the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; to another, the working of miracles; to another, prophecy; to another, discerning of spirits; to another, divers kinds of tongues; to another, the interpretation of tongues; but all these worketh that one and the self-same Spirit, dividing to every man severally as He (Christ) will. For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body; so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot shall say, because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? And if the ear shall say, because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?

But now hath Got set the members, everyone of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him. And if they were all one member, where were the body?" I reply, it would not exist. "But now are they many members, yet but one body. And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee; nor again, the head to the feet, I have no need of you. Nay, much more those members of the body which seem to be more feeble, are necessary; and those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, upon these we bestow more abundant honor: and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness. For our comely parts have no need: but G.o.d hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honor to that part which lacked: that there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care for one another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it.

Now, ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. And G.o.d hath set some in the church, first, apostles; secondarily, prophets; thirdly, teachers; after that, miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles? Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way." From the thirteenth verse of the above chapter, we learn that the Apostle is still speaking to the whole church in all ages, whether Jew or Gentile, bond or free, even all who should ever compose the body of Christ, and showing that Christ's body consisted of many members, baptized by one spirit into one body, possessing all these different gifts, some one gift, and some another: and then expressly says, that one member possessing one gift, should not say to another member possessing another gift, we have no need of thee.

And having shown that it required apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers; together with the gifts of prophecy, miracles, healing, and all other gifts, to compose the church, or body of Christ, in any age, whether Jew or Gentile, bond or free; and having utterly forbidden any of the members ever to say, of any of these gifts: "We have no need of thee," He declares the body never could be perfected without all of them, and that if they were done away, there would be no body, that is, no church of Christ in existence. Having shown all these things clearly, he exhorts them to covet earnestly the best gifts. And in the thirteenth chapter, exhorts them to faith, hope, and charity, without which all these gifts would avail them nothing: and in the fourteenth chapter repeats the exhortation: "Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy." Again, in Ephesians, i, 17, Paul prays that the Lord would give unto the church the Spirit of WISDOM and of REVELATION, in the KNOWLEDGE of G.o.d. Again, in Ephesians, iv, he tells them there is one body and one Lord, one Spirit, one faith, and one baptism; and that Christ ascended up on high, led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men. And He gave some apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers. And if the reader inquire what these gifts or offices were for, let him read the twelfth verse: "For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ." And if he inquire how long these were to continue, the thirteenth verse says: "Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of G.o.d, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." And if he still inquire what further object Christ had in giving these gifts, let him read the fourteenth verse: "That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive."

Now, without these gifts and offices, first, the saints cannot be perfected; second, the work of the ministry cannot proceed; third, the body of Christ cannot be edified; and fourth, there is nothing to prevent them from being carried about with every wind of doctrine.

Now, I boldly declare that the cause of all the division, confusion, jars, discord, and animosities; and the fruitful source of so many faiths, lords, baptisms, and spirits; and of the understanding being darkened; and of men being alienated from the life of G.o.d, through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their hearts, is, because they have neither apostles, prophets, nor gifts, inspired from on high, to whom they give heed; for, if they had such gifts, and would give heed unto them, they would be built up in one body, in the pure doctrine of Christ, having one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one hope of their calling; yea, they would be edified, built up unto Christ in all things, in whom the whole body, fitly joined together, would grow into an holy temple in the Lord.

But so long as the cunning craftiness of men can persuade them that they have no need of these things, so long they can toss them about with every wind of doctrine, just as they please.

Now, reader, I have done our examination of the kingdom of G.o.d, as it existed in the Apostles' days; and we cannot look at it in any other age, until renewed again in the last days, for it never did, nor never will exist, without apostles and prophets, and all the other gifts of the Spirit.

Were we to take a view of the churches, from the days that inspiration ceased until now, we should see nothing like the kingdom which we have been viewing with such admiration and delight. But instead of apostles and prophets, we should see false teachers, whom men had heaped to themselves; and instead of the gifts of the Spirit, we should see the wisdom of men; and instead of the Holy Ghost, many false spirits; instead of the ordinances of G.o.d, commandments of men; instead of knowledge, opinion; guess work, instead of revelation; division, instead of union; doubt, instead of faith; despair, instead of hope; hatred, instead of charity; a physician, instead of the laying on of hands for the healing of the sick; fables, instead of truth, evil for good, good for evil; darkness for light, light for darkness, and in a word, anti-Christ instead of Christ; the powers of earth having made war with the saints, and overcome them, until the words of G.o.d should be fulfilled.

O my G.o.d, shut up the vision! for my heart sickens while I gaze; and let the day hasten on when the earth shall be cleansed by fire from such awful pollutions; but first, let Thy promise be fulfilled, which Thou didst make by the mouth of Thy servant John, that Thou wouldst call Thy people out of her, saying: "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues;" and then, O Lord, when Thou hast called Thy people out from the midst of her, by the fishers and hunters whom Thou hast promised to send in the last days to gather Israel; yea, when Thine everlasting covenant has been renewed, and Thy people established thereby; then let her plagues come in one day, death, mourning, and famine; let her be burned with fire; that the holy Apostles and Prophets, and all that fear Thy name, small and great, may rejoice, because Thou hast avenged the blood of Thy saints upon her. I ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.



Ye gloomy scenes, far hence, intrude no more!

Sublimer themes invite the muse to soar In loftier strains, while scenes both strange and new Burst on the sight, and open to the view.

Lo! from the opening heavens, in bright array An angel comes--to earth he bends his way: Reveals to man, in power, as at the first, The fulness of the Gospel long since lost.

See earth, obedient, from its bosom yield The sacred truth it faithfully concealed.

The wise, confounded, startle at the sight, The proud and haughty tremble with affright.

The hireling priests against the truth engage, While h.e.l.l beneath stands trembling, filled with rage; False are their hopes, and all their struggles vain; Their craft must fall, and with it all their gain; The deaf must hear, the meek their joy increase; The poor be glad, and their oppression cease.

While darkness covered the earth, and gross darkness the people, every man walking in his own way, and looking for gain from his quarter, the Lord having for a long time held His peace, and the people having fondly flattered themselves that the voice of inspiration would never again sound in the ears of mortals, to disturb or molest them in their sinful career; while a few were looking for the consolation of Israel, and crying to G.o.d for the ushering in of that long-expected day, when an angel should fly through the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth-- suddenly, a voice is heard from the wilderness, a cry salutes the ears of mortals, a testimony is heard among them, piercing to the inmost recesses of their hearts, when all at once the heathen begin to rage, and the people to imagine a vain thing; the clergy lift a warning voice, crying impostor, false prophets, beware of delusion, etc.; while the professor of religion, the drunkard, the swearer, the learned, and the ignorant soon catch the sound and reiterate it again and again. Thus it re-echoes from one end of our country to the other, for a long time, and if any one should be so fortunate as to retain his sober senses, and should candidly inquire, "What is the matter?"

the reply is: "We hardly know anything about it, but suffice it to say, some fellows have made their appearance, Paul like, who testify something about the ministering of angels, or some revelation or inspiration, just as though the religion of ancient days, and the faith once delivered to the saints, were returning to the earth in this enlightened age; so that not only this our craft is in danger, but our modern systems of religion, built upon the wisdom and learning of men, without direct inspiration, are like to be spoken against, and their great magnificence despised, though wors.h.i.+ped by all the world."

And then all again cry with a loud voice, saying: "Great is the wisdom of man; great are the systems of modern divinity; great is the wisdom of uninspired priests, who come unto us with excellency of speech, and with man's wisdom, determined to know nothing among us save opinions and creeds of their own; and their speech, and their preaching, are with enticing words of man's wisdom, not in demonstration of the Spirit, and of power, for that is done away, that our faith should not stand in the power of G.o.d, but in the wisdom of man."

In the midst of the noise and clamor, and prejudice of an opposing world, it is difficult to get the people to understand the facts of the case, in relation to one of the most important subjects ever presented to the consideration of mankind.

The Book of Mormon has perhaps been less understood, and more misrepresented, by the world at large, than any other publication which has ever appeared.

America and England have, as it were, been flooded with publications against the said book; and many of them written by those who had never seen the book, or by those who had only read a page or two in it, or slightly looked it through with a biased mind, and a determination to find fault. By some of these it has been represented as a romance; by others, as a new Bible, calculated to displace the Bible, or do away with it. Some have p.r.o.nounced it a "silly mess of stuff," not worth the perusal; and others, the most ingenious literary work ever put together. Some have found fault with it for being so much like the Bible, and agreeing with it; and others have condemned it for not being sufficiently like the Bible, and for disagreeing with it. Some have denounced it as notoriously corrupt, immoral, and blasphemous in its principles; and others have condemned it for being so exceedingly pure and moral in its principles, as to be just calculated to deceive.

One clergyman, in particular, in a tract of sixty pages on this book, condemns it for being "a strange mixture of _faith_ and _works_, of the _mercy_ of G.o.d and the obedience of the _creature_." Some literary persons have p.r.o.nounced it as altogether _ancient_ in its _style_, _language_, and _subjects_, and as bearing great internal evidence of its own antiquity; while others have condemned it, as bearing every mark of being a modern production. Some have said that there were no definite predictions of the future contained in it, by the fulfilment or failure of which its prophetic merits might be tested; and others have quoted largely from its most plain and pointed predictions, which relate to circ.u.mstances about to be fulfilled, and have condemned it on account of its plainness.

In the midst of all these jarring statements, it now becomes our duty to show, as far as possible, what the Book of Mormon really is.

When the Lord confounded the languages at Babel, he led forth a colony from thence to the Western Continent, which is now called America.

This colony, after crossing the ocean in eight vessels, and landing in that country, became, in process of time, a great nation--they inhabited America for some fifteen hundred years. They were at length destroyed for their wickedness, about six hundred years before Christ.

A prophet by the name of Ether wrote their history, and an account of their destruction.

Ether lived to witness their entire destruction, and deposited his record where it was afterwards found by a colony of Israelites, who came from Jerusalem six hundred years before Christ, and re-peopled America. This last colony were the descendants of the tribe of Joseph; they grew and multiplied, and finally gave rise to two mighty nations.

One of these nations was called Nephites--one Nephi being their founder; the other was called Lamanites, after a leader of the name Laman.

The Lamanites became a dark and benighted people, of whom the American Indians are still a remnant. The Nephites were an enlightened and civilized people, they were a people highly favored of the Lord, they had visions, angels, and the gift of prophecy among them from age to age; and finally, they were blessed with a personal appearance of Jesus Christ after his resurrection, from whose mouth they received the doctrine of the Gospel, and a knowledge of the future down through all succeeding ages. But after all the blessings and privileges conferred upon them, they fell into great wickedness in the third and fourth centuries of the Christian era, and finally were destroyed by the hands of the Lamanites. This destruction took place about four hundred years after Christ.

Mormon lived in that age of the world, and was a Nephite, and a Prophet of the Lord. He, by the commandment of the Lord, made an abridgment of the sacred records, which contained the history of his forefathers, and the Prophecies and Gospel which had been revealed among them; to which he added a sketch of the history of his own time, and the destruction of his nation. Previous to his death, the abridged records fell into the hands of his son Moroni, who continued them down to A. D. 420; at which time he deposited them carefully in the earth, on a hill which was then called c.u.morah, but is situated in Ontario County, towns.h.i.+p of Manchester, and State of New York, North America.

This he did in order to preserve them from the Lamanites, who overran the country, and sought to destroy them and all the records pertaining to the Nephites. This record lay concealed, or sealed up, from A. D.

420 to September 22, 1827, at which time it was found by Mr. Joseph Smith, jun., he being directed thither by an angel of the Lord.

The following account of the discovery and translation of this record is extracted from a tract by Elder Orson Pratt, published at Edinburgh, in 1840, ent.i.tled, "Remarkable Visions," etc., to which our readers are referred for further particulars:--

"'How far below the surface these records were placed by Moroni, I am unable to say; but from the fact that they had been some fourteen hundred years buried, and that, too, on the side of a hill so steep, one is ready to conclude that they were some feet below, as the earth would naturally wear, more or less, in that length of time; but they being placed toward the top of the hill, the ground would not remove as much as at two-thirds, perhaps. Another circ.u.mstance would prevent a wearing of the earth; in all probability, as soon as timber had time to grow, the hill was covered, after the Nephites were destroyed, and the roots of the same would hold the surface: however, on this point, I shall leave every man to draw his own conclusion, and form his own speculation.' But suffice it to say, 'a hole of sufficient depth was dug; at the bottom of this was laid a stone of suitable size, the upper surface being smooth; at each edge was placed a large quant.i.ty of cement, and into this cement, at the four edges of this stone, were placed erect four others; their bottom edges resting in the cement, at the outer edges of the first stone. The four last named, when placed erect, formed a box; the corners, or where the edges of the four came in contact, were also cemented so firmly, that the moisture from without was prevented from entering. It is to be observed, also, that the inner surface of the four erect or side stones was smooth. This box was sufficiently large to admit a breastplate, such as was used by the ancients to defend the chest, etc., from the arrows and weapons of their enemy. From the bottom of the box, or from the breastplate, arose three small pillars, composed of the same description of cement used on the edges; and upon these three pillars was placed the record.

* * * This box containing the record was covered with another stone, the bottom surface being flat, and the upper crowning.' When it was first visited by Mr. Smith, on the morning of the twenty-second of September, 1823, 'a part of the crowning stone was visible above the surface, while the edges were concealed by the soil and gra.s.s. From which circ.u.mstance, it may be seen, that however deep this box might have been placed by Moroni at first, the time had been sufficient to wear the earth, so that it was easily discovered, when once directed, and yet not enough to make a perceivable difference to the pa.s.ser by.

* * * After arriving at the repository, a little exertion in removing the soil from the edges of the top of the box, and a light pry, brought to his natural vision its contents.'

"While viewing and contemplating this sacred treasure with wonder and astonishment, behold! the angel of the Lord, who had previously visited him, again stood in his presence, and his soul was again enlightened as it was the evening before, and he was filled with the Holy Spirit, and the heavens were opened, and the glory of the Lord shone round about and rested upon him. 'While he thus stood, gazing and admiring, the angel said, Look!' And as he thus spake, he beheld the Prince of Darkness, surrounded by his innumerable train of a.s.sociates. All this pa.s.sed before him, and the heavenly messenger said: 'All this is shown, the good and the evil, the holy and impure, the glory of G.o.d, and the power of darkness, that you may know hereafter, the two powers, and never be influenced or overcome by that wicked one. Behold, whatever entices and leads to good, and to do good, is of G.o.d, and whatever does not, is of that wicked one. It is he that fills the hearts of men with evil to walk in darkness, and blaspheme G.o.d; and you may learn from henceforth, that his ways are to destruction; but the way of holiness is peace and rest. You now see why you could not obtain this record, that the commandment was strict, and that if ever these sacred things are obtained, they must be by prayer and faithfulness in obeying the Lord. They are not deposited here for the sake of acc.u.mulating gain and wealth, for the glory of this world; they were sealed by the prayer of faith, and because of the knowledge which they contain, they are of no worth among the children of men, only for their knowledge. On them is contained the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as it was given to His people on this land; and when it shall be brought forth by the power of G.o.d, it shall be carried to the Gentiles, of whom many will receive it, and after, will the seed of Israel be brought into the fold of their Redeemer by obeying it also. Those who kept the commandments of the Lord on this land, desired this at His hand, and through the prayer of faith obtained the promise, that if their descendants should transgress and fall away, a record might be kept, and in the last days, come to their children. These things are sacred, and must be kept so, for the promise of the Lord concerning them must be fulfilled. No man can obtain them if his heart is impure, because they contain that which is sacred. * * * By them will the Lord work a great and marvelous work; the wisdom of the wise shall become as naught, and the understanding of the prudent shall be hid, and because the power of G.o.d shall be displayed, those who profess to know the truth, but walk in deceit, shall tremble with anger; but with signs and with wonders, with gifts and with healings, with the manifestations of the power of G.o.d, and with the Holy Ghost, shall the hearts of the faithful be comforted. You have now beheld the power of G.o.d manifested, and the power of Satan; you see that there is nothing that is desirable in the works of darkness; that they cannot bring happiness; that those who are overcome therewith are miserable; while, on the other hand, the righteous are blessed with a place in the kingdom of G.o.d, where joy unspeakable surrounds them; there they rest beyond the power of the enemy of truth, where no evil can disturb them: the glory of G.o.d crowns them, and they continually feast upon His goodness, and enjoy His smiles. Behold, notwithstanding you have seen this great display of power, by which you may ever be able to detect the evil one, yet I give unto you another sign, and when it comes to pa.s.s, then know that the Lord is G.o.d, and that He will fulfil His purposes, and that the knowledge which this record contains, will go to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people under the whole heaven. This is the sign: when these things begin to be known, that is, when it is known that the Lord has shown you these things, the workers of iniquity will seek your overthrow; they will circulate falsehoods to destroy your reputation; and also will seek to take your life! but remember this, if you are faithful, and shall hereafter continue to keep the commandments of the Lord, you shall be preserved to bring these things forth; for in due time He will again give you a commandment to come and take them. When they are interpreted, the Lord will give the Holy Priesthood to some, and they shall begin to proclaim this Gospel and baptize by water, and after that, they shall have power to give the Holy Ghost by the laying on of their hands.

Then will persecution rage more and more; for the iniquities of men shall be revealed, and those who are not built upon the Rock will seek to overthrow this Church; but it will increase the more opposed, and spread farther and farther, increasing in knowledge, till they shall be sanctified, and receive an inheritance where the glory of G.o.d will rest upon them; and when this takes place, and all things are prepared, the ten tribes of Israel will be revealed in the north country, whither they have been for a long season; and when this is fulfilled, will be brought to pa.s.s that saying of the Prophet, 'And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord.' But, notwithstanding the workers of iniquity shall seek your destruction, the arm of the Lord will be extended, and you will be borne off conqueror, if you keep all His commandments. Your name shall be known among the nations, for the work which the Lord will perform by your hands shall cause the righteous to rejoice and the wicked to rage; with the one it shall be had in honor, and with the other in reproach; yet, with these it shall be a terror, because of the great and marvelous work which shall follow the coming forth of this fulness of the Gospel. Now, go thy way, remembering what the Lord has done for thee, and be diligent in keeping His commandments, and He will deliver thee from temptations, and all the arts and devices of the wicked one. Forget not to pray, that thy mind may become strong, that when he shall manifest unto thee, thou mayest have power to escape the evil, and obtain these precious things."

We here remark, that the above quotation is an extract from a letter written by Elder Oliver Cowdery, which was published in one of the numbers of the "Latter-day Saints' Messenger and Advocate."

Although many more instructions were given by the mouth of the angel to Mr. Smith, which we do not write in this book, yet the most important items are contained in the foregoing relation. During the period of the four following years, he frequently received instruction from the mouth of the heavenly messenger, and on the morning of the twenty-second of September, A. D. 1827, the angel of the Lord delivered the records into his hands.

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