The Life of Florence Nightingale Volume II Part 29

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Memorandum submitted by request to the Secretary of State. Printed in _The Panmure Papers_, 1908, vol. ii. pp. 381-384.

This Memorandum was included, with a few slight modifications, at pp. 15-19 of _Subsidiary Notes_ (see No. 9).

(5) _Statements exhibiting the Voluntary Contributions received by Miss Nightingale for the use of the British War Hospitals in the East, with the Mode of their Distribution, in 1854, 1855, 1856._ London: Harrison, 1857. Octavo, red-paper wrappers, pp. 68.

One of the most important sources for many sides of Miss Nightingale's work in the East. The pamphlet contains plans, also, of the Hospitals at Balaclava and Scutari.


(6) Letter to "the Colonists of South Australia," dated Jan. 28. Printed in the _Daily News_, August 26, 1858.

The letter was a reply to a Memorial adopted at a Meeting held at Adelaide, September 10, 1856, in support of the Nightingale Fund.

(7) _Report of the Commission appointed to inquire into Regulations affecting the Sanitary Condition of the Army, the Organization of Military Hospitals, and the Treatment of the Sick and Wounded._ Blue book, 1858.

Miss Nightingale's evidence, supplied in answer to written questions, occupies pp. 361-394. It was reprinted in her _Notes on Hospitals_ (ed. 1, 1859). Appendix LXXII. was also her work (anonymous). The whole Report may, in a sense, be included among her "Works" (see Vol. I. Part III. Chapters I. and IV.).

(8) _Notes on Matters affecting the Health, Efficiency, and Hospital Administration of the British Army founded chiefly on the Experience of the late War. Presented by request to the Secretary of State for War._ London: Harrison & Sons, 1858. Octavo, pp. 567.

(9) _Subsidiary Notes as to the Introduction of Female Nursing into Military Hospitals in Peace and in War. Presented by request to the Secretary of State for War._ London: Harrison & Sons, 1858. Octavo, pp. 133. With 23 additional pages (separately numbered) of "Thoughts submitted as to an Eventual Nurses' Provident Fund."

These important reports (for which see Vol. I. pp. 343, 347) were not issued to the public. 500 copies of each volume were printed at a total cost to Miss N. of 501:12s.

(10) Various articles (unsigned) in the newspapers on the _Hospital at Netley_.

In July and August Miss N. organized a vigorous press-campaign on this subject (see Vol. I. p. 383), and there is a large collection of cuttings amongst her papers. Some of the articles, etc., may have been written by friends. Those which are shown by her Papers to be hers are: "What is to be done with Netley?" in the _Examiner_, July 24, and "Netley Hospital" in the Review_, August 28 (her own t.i.tle for this latter was "Peel's Life Pills or the Elixir Vitae"). Other articles, etc., probably hers, appeared in the _Builder_, July 24, the _Daily News_, July 28 (signed "Vigilans"), the _Lancet_, Aug. 14, and the _Leeds Mercury_, Aug. 21.

(11) "Sites and Construction of Hospitals." Three articles (unsigned) in the _Builder_, August 28, September 11 and 25, 1858.

These articles were reprinted in _Notes on Hospitals_ (1859).

(12) "Notes on Hospitals." Two Papers read at Liverpool. Printed in the _Transactions of the National a.s.sociation for the Promotion of Social Science, 1858_, pp. 462-482.

These papers were also printed separately (brown paper wrapper), 8vo, pp. 22, with plan. They were reprinted in _Notes on Hospitals_ (1859).

(13) _Mortality of the British Army, at Home and Abroad, and during the Russian War, as compared with the Mortality of the Civil Population in England. Ill.u.s.trated by Tables and Diagrams. (Reprinted from the Report of the Royal Commission appointed to enquire into the Regulations affecting the Sanitary State of the Army.)_ London: Printed by Harrison & Sons, 1858. Blue-book size, in stiff lilac paper wrappers, pp. 21.

This was a reprint of Appendix LXXII. in the Royal Commission's Report, where it is stated that "The Tables and Diagrams are furnished by Dr. Farr, F.R.S." They were prepared by him for Miss Nightingale (see Vol. I. p. 376).


(14) _A Contribution to the Sanitary History of the British Army during the late War with Russia. Ill.u.s.trated with Tables and Diagrams._ London: Printed by Harrison & Sons, 1859. Large folio, pp. 16 and diagrams.

Some copies had the imprint of J. W. Parker & Co. For a notice of this important work, see Vol. I. p. 386. 150 copies were printed.

(15) _Notes on Hospitals: being two Papers read before the National a.s.sociation for the Promotion of Social Science, at Liverpool, in October 1858. With Evidence given to the Royal Commissioners on the State of the Army in 1857. By Florence Nightingale._ London: John W.

Parker & Son, 1859. Octavo, pp. 108.

For the two Papers (pp. 1-22), see Vol. I. p. 417. The MS. of them (ent.i.tled severally "Notes on the Health of Hospitals" and "Sixteen Sanitary Defects in the Construction of Hospital Wards") is in the Liverpool Public Reference Library, bound in a volume with Miss Nightingale's letter of presentation. For the "Evidence" (pp. 23-88), see above, No. 7. In an appendix (pp. 89-108) three articles from the _Builder_ are reprinted (see above, No. 11). There was a _second edition_ of _Notes on Hospitals_ in 1859. For the _third edition_, which was almost a new book, see under 1863.

(16) _Notes on Nursing: What it is and what it is not. By Florence Nightingale._ London: Harrison (1869). Octavo, pp. 70.

Issued at the end of December 1859, at the price of 5s. This book, the most largely distributed of Miss Nightingale's writings, sold very quickly (15,000 copies within a month of publication), and numerous editions were issued (see Vol. I. p. 448).


(17) _Notes on Nursing: What it is and what it is not. By Florence Nightingale. New edition, revised and enlarged._ London: Harrison, 1860.

Octavo, pp. 224. Price 6s.

This edition, with much additional matter, was printed in larger type.

Simultaneously, a "Popular Edition" was issued, in limp cloth, price 2s.

The publisher also issued a pamphlet (without wrappers), pp. 43, containing _Reviews and Notices of "Notes on Nursing."_

The book was reprinted by Appleton & Co. in New York, and _American editions_ appeared in 1860, 1876, 1879, 1883, 1891, 1901, 1906, 1908, 1909.

In England the book was most widely distributed in a cheap form (see 1861).

For _foreign translations_, see Nos. 22 and 116 (Italian), 26 (German), 32 (French).

(18) _Proceedings of the International Statistical Congress, Fourth Session, 1860._ To this Congress (Second Section, Sanitary Statistics) Miss Nightingale contributed Papers, which were printed in various forms in its _Proceedings_, etc.

The _Programme_ (quarto, pp. 210) contains her Paper on "Hospital Statistics" (p. 63), with an appendix containing her detailed "Proposal for an Uniform Plan of Hospital Statistics" (pp. 65-71).

The _Proceedings_ on Tuesday, July 17, report (p. 2) the reading of her paper by one of the secretaries, and her suggestions were adopted, subject to some additions to the tabular form. The _Proceedings_ of July 18 report further discussion on these additions. The _Proceedings_ of July 19 contain (p. 5) a letter from Miss Nightingale concurring in the additions. The _Proceedings_ of July 20 mention that a letter was read from her "on subjects of inquiry for next Congress"

(see (2) below).

The _Report_ of the Congress (quarto, pp. 548) contains (pp. 173, 174) (1) an account of Miss Nightingale's Papers and of the conclusions of the Congress thereon (see Vol. I. p. 431); (2) a letter from Miss Nightingale to Lord Shaftesbury on subjects of inquiry for the next Congress (pp. 177-178).

Miss Nightingale had copies of her Papers separately printed, with an abstract of the discussions of the Congress thereon. Quarto, in blue paper wrappers.

(19) _Suggestions for Thought to the Searchers after Truth among the Artizans of England._ London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1860. 3 vols. Octavo, pp. 292, 411, 126.

For this book, printed for a very limited private circulation only, see Vol. I. pp. 470 _seq._ The second and third volumes have a slightly different t.i.tle (see Vol. I. p. 478), _Suggestions for Thought to Searchers after Religious Truth_.

(20) _Note on the New Zealand Depopulation Question._

I am not sure that this Note on the Aborigines of New Zealand has ever been printed; but it may have been. It was written at the request of Sir George Grey (see Vol. II. p. 78), and the ma.n.u.script of it was bequeathed by him with all his other papers to the Auckland Public Library. The collection includes several letters from Miss Nightingale. The Note was the work of Miss Nightingale in collaboration with Dr. Sutherland.

(21) _Note on Causes of Deterioration of Race._ A short paper, printed (probably in 1860), but not, so far as I have traced, published.

(22) _Cenni sull' a.s.sistenza degli Ammalati. Quello che e a.s.sistenza, e quello che non lo e. Di Florence Nightingale. Tradotto dall' inglese da Sabilla Novello._ Turin: Fratelli Bocca, 1860. Octavo, pp. 96. Price 1 lira 50.

Miss Sabilla Novello was sister of Clara Novello and, like her (see Vol. I. p. 500), was devoted to Miss Nightingale.

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