The Life of Florence Nightingale Volume II Part 30

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(23) _Notes on Nursing for the Labouring By Florence Nightingale._ London: Harrison, 1861.

Bound in limp red cloth, pp. 96, price 7d. The preface is dated "March 1861." An abridgment of the previous book; but with some additions, and with a supplementary chapter ent.i.tled "Minding Baby" (see Vol. I.

p. 450). This cheap edition was reprinted in 1865, 1868, 1876, 1883, 1885, 1888, 1890, 1894, 1898.

(24) _Sidney Herbert._ A Paper--headed "Private and Confidential" (no other heading and no t.i.tle)--on his Services to the Army. Privately printed. Blue-book size, pp. 5.

The substance of this Paper, considerably enlarged, appears in _Army Sanitary Administration_ (1862). The Paper is dated "August 2, 1861"

(the day of Sidney Herbert's death); it was written a few days later (see Vol. I. p. 408).

(25) _Miss Nightingale on the Volunteer Movement_, in a letter to Sir Harry Verney. Printed on a folio card, intended, no doubt, for exhibition in post offices, halls, etc.

The letter, dated October 8 (P.S. Oct. 9), 1861, was printed in the _Standard_, October 12, and copies were distributed by the Non-Commissioned Officers of the 1st Suss.e.x Volunteer Artillery at the Prize Distribution Soiree at the Royal Pavilion, Brighton, October 18, 1861.

(26) _Die Pflege bei Kranken und Gesunden_, ... _mit einem Vorwort des Geh. Sanitats-Rath, Dr. H. Wolff, Bonn._ Leipzig: Brockhaus, 1861.

A German translation of _Notes on Nursing_, arranged for by Miss Nightingale's friend, Fraulein Bunsen, "with a very idiotic Preface,"

said F. N., "by a very clever man."

(27) "Hospital Statistics and Hospital Plans." A paper printed in the _Transactions of the National a.s.sociation for the Promotion of Social Science, 1861_, pp. 554-560.

Reprinted in 1862: see next item.


(28) _Hospital Statistics and Hospital Plans. By Florence Nightingale.

Reprinted from the Transactions of the National a.s.sociation for the Promotion of Social Science (Dublin Meeting, August 1861)._ London: Emily Faithfull & Co., 1862. A pamphlet, 8vo, pp. 8.

This includes the Model Statistical Forms which were approved by the International Statistical Congress (see above, No. 18). It also gives plans of the "Herbert Hospital" at Woolwich, then being built.

(29) _Army Sanitary Administration and its Reform under the late Lord Herbert._ London: M'Corquodale & Co., 1862. A pamphlet, 8vo, pp. 11.

A paper read at the London meeting of the Congres de Bienfaisance, June 13, 1862; a revised and enlarged version of the Privately Printed Memorandum of 1861 (No. 24). The Paper was also printed as vol. ii.

pp. 103-111 of the Proceedings of the _Congres de Bienfaisance de Londres, Session de 1862_. London: Trubner, 1863.

(30) _Deaconesses' Work in Syria. Appeal on Behalf of the Kaiserswerth Deaconesses' Orphanage at Beyrout._ Signed "Florence Nightingale, London, September 19, 1862." On a fly-sheet, folio.

(31) _Thomas Alexander, C.B., Director-General Army Medical Department._ A Memorial Letter by Miss Nightingale, printed in the _Weekly Scotsman_, September 13, the _Lancet_, September 27, 1862, and many other papers.

The letter was read by Lord Elcho in unveiling a public monument to Dr. Alexander at Prestonpans. "I can truly say," she wrote, "that I have never seen his like for directness of purpose, unflinching moral courage and honesty."

(32) _Des Soins a donner aux Malades: ce qu'il faut faire, ce qu'il faut eviter. Par Miss Nightingale. Ouvrage traduit de l'Anglais avec l'authorisation de l'auteur. Precede d'une Lettre de M. Guizot et d'une Introduction par M. Daremberg._ Paris: Didier. Crown 8vo, pp. lx.x.x. + 301.

A translation of _Notes on Nursing_ (1860). A biographical "Notice sur Miss Florence Nightingale" occupies pp. lxi.-lxxvii. For a reference to Guizot's letter, see Vol. I. p. 82.


(33) _Report of the Royal Commission on the Sanitary State of the Army in India, 1863._ Large-size Blue-book, 2 vols. At vol. i. pp. 347-370, "Observations by Miss Nightingale on the Evidence contained in the Stational Returns," dated Nov. 21, 1862, with ill.u.s.trations; pp.

371-462, "Abstract of the same Reports," headed "Prepared by Dr.

Sutherland," in fact prepared by him and Miss Nightingale.

For this Report, which was her work in further respects, see Vol. II.

Pt. V., Chaps. II., III. The Report was issued in three different forms:

(1) As above.

(2) An octavo abridged edition (July 1863). This edition does not include either Miss N.'s "Observations" or the "Abstract."

(3) A revised abridged edition, issued by the War Office. This was prepared by Miss Nightingale and included her "Observations" (pp.

297-344), and a new "Abstract of the Evidence" (pp. 157-297) prepared by her. For the story of these three editions, see Vol. II.

pp. 35-38.

(34) _Observations on the Evidence contained in the Stational Reports submitted to the Royal Commission on the Sanitary State of the Army in India. By Florence Nightingale._ (_Reprinted from the Report of the Royal Commission._) London: Edward Stanford, 1863. Octavo, pp. 92, bound in red cloth. Price 2s. 6d.

This is a reprint of the "Observations," with all the ill.u.s.trations (see No. 33). The Publisher said in a prefatory note: "On a subject of the highest interest to the country, it appears desirable that Miss Nightingale's views should be placed in the hands of the public, both in England and in India. Those who have Miss Nightingale's other volumes will thus be able to add to them a book which is second to none of them in charm of style, and will promote the reform of the sanitary condition of the British Army, as well as conduce to the well-being of the natives of India."

Extracts from the "Observations" and from "How People may live and not die in India" (No. 41) were printed in the _Soldier's Friend_, July 1, 1865.

(35) _Proposal for Improved Statistics of Surgical Operations._ Quarto, pp. 7; dated December 1863.

The proposal had been submitted to the International Statistical Congress held at Berlin in 1863 (see Vol. I. p. 434). The Paper was included in the _third_ edition of _Notes on Hospitals_ (No. 37).

(36) _Note on the Supposed Protection afforded against Venereal Disease by recognizing Prost.i.tution and putting it under Police Regulation._ Folio, pp. 8.

Not signed, and headed "Private and Confidential." Miss N. printed 20 copies only (see Vol. II. p. 75).

(37) _Notes on Hospitals. By Florence Nightingale. Third edition, enlarged and for the most part rewritten._ London: Longmans, 1863.

Quarto, pp. 187.

This edition comprised (1) the two Papers (rewritten) of the first edition (but not the evidence to the Royal Commission of 1857); (2) new chapters on Improved Hospital Plans, Convalescent Hospitals, Children's Hospitals, Indian Military Hospitals, Hospitals for Soldiers' Wives; (3) Hospital Statistics, A. General Statistics, B. Proposal for Improved Statistics of Surgical Operations; (4) an appendix "On Different Systems of Hospital Nursing."

Of these contents, (3) A. was substantially a reprint of No. 27; and (3) B. of No. 35.

Of (4) a separate edition, slightly altered, was issued (see No. 38).

The publication of this third edition led to a lively discussion in the medical press. The _Lancet_ approved of Miss Nightingale's statistical method (Feb. 27, 1864). The _Medical Times_ (Jan. 30) strongly attacked it. Dr. Farr defended it (Feb. 13), and a correspondence ensued for some weeks which was as heated as professional disputes generally are. The reviews in the general press were very numerous.

(38) _Note on Different Systems of Nursing._ A pamphlet, 8vo, pp. 5 (printed by Harrison & Sons).

This is reprinted, slight alterations, from the appendix in the _third_ edition of _Notes on Hospitals_.

(39) _Transactions of the National a.s.sociation for the Promotion of Social Science, 1863_, containing two Papers by F. N.: (1) Sanitary Statistics of Colonial Schools, pp. 475-488 (discussion on the paper, p. 557). (2) How Men may live and not die in India, pp. 501-510 (discussion, pp. 557-558).

For the reprint of (1), see No. 40; of (2), No. 41.

(40) _Sanitary Statistics of Native Colonial Schools and Hospitals. By Florence Nightingale._ London: 1863. A pamphlet (lilac-coloured paper wrappers), pp. 67.

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