Romano Lavo-Lil Part 22

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Seara. Mod. Gr. [Greek: ].

Saster, s. Iron.

Saster-mengri, s. A piece of iron worn above the knee by the skewer- makers whilst engaged in whittling.

Saster-mengro, s. Ironmonger.

Sasters, sastris. Nails: chokkiskey sastris, shoe-nails.


Sau, adv. How.

Sau kisi. How much?

Saulohaul / Sovlehaul, v. a. To swear.

Saulohaul bango. To swear falsely.

Sauloholomus, s. Oath. Span. Gyp. Solaja (a curse). Arab. [Arabic: ] Salat (prayer). Lat. Solemnis. Fr. Serment. Wal. Jourirnint (oath).

Savo, p.r.o.n. Who, that, which.

Saw, v. n. I laugh. Sawschan tu, you laugh.

Scamp. Name of a small Gypsy tribe. Sans. Kshump (to go).

Scourdilla, s.f. Platter. Lat. Scutella.

Scunyes / Scunyor, s. pl. Pins, skewers. See Escunyes.

Se, 3rd pers. sing. pres. Is, there is: kosko guero se, he is a good fellow; se les, there is to him, he has.

Shab, v. a. Cut away, run hard, escape. Hun. Szabni. This word is chiefly used by the tobair coves, or vagrants.

Shan. You are, they are. See s.h.i.+n.

Shauvo, v. To get with child. See Shuvvli.

Shehaury. Sixpence. See Shohaury.

Sh.e.l.lo, s. Rope. Span. Gyp. Jele.

Sh.e.l.lo-hokta-mengro, s. Rope-dancer.

Sher-engro, s. A head-man, leader of a Gypsy tribe.

Sher-engri, s. A halter.

Shero, s. A head. Pers. [Persian: ]

Sherro's kairipen, s. Learning, head-work.

Sheshu, s. Hare, rabbit. See Shoshoi.

Sherrafo, a. Religious, converted. Arab. Sherif.

s.h.i.+lleno / s.h.i.+llero / s.h.i.+llo, a. Cold: s.h.i.+llo chik, cold ground.

s.h.i.+llipen, s. Cold.

s.h.i.+n. Thou art: sar s.h.i.+n, how art thou?

Sho, s. Thing.

Sho, a. Six.

Shohaury, s. Sixpence.

Shok, s. Cabbage: shockor, cabbages. Span. Gyp. Chaja.

Shom, v. 1st pers. pres. I am. Used in the pure Roman tongue to express necessity: e.g. shom te jav, I must go. Lat. Sum. Hun.

Gyp. Hom.

s...o...b.. s. Gown. Rus. s...o...b.. See Shubbo.

Shoon, v. n. To hear. Pers. s.h.i.+niden. Sans. Sru.

Shoonaben, s. Hearing, audience. To lel shoonaben of the covar, to take hearing of the matter.

Shoshoi, s. A hare or rabbit, but generally used by the Gypsies for the latter. Sans. Sasa (a hare or rabbit). Hun. Gyp. Shoshoi.

Shubbo, s. A gown. Rus. s...o...b.. Wal. Djoube.

Shubley patnies, s. pl. Geese.

Shun. A female Gypsy name.

Shuvvali, a. Enceinte, with child.

Si, 3rd pers. sing. pres. It is, she is: tatchipen si, it is truth; coin si rawnie, who is the lady? sossi your nav, what is your name?

Sicovar, ad. Evermore, eternally. Hun. Gyp. Sekovar.

Si covar ajaw. So it is.

Sig, ad. Quick, soon: cana sig, now soon. Span. Gyp. Singo. Hun.


Sig, s. Haste.

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