Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts Volume I Part 231

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_b_. (Ph. Bor.) As EXTRACT OF ALOES--Ph. Bor., afterwards reducing it to a fine powder. The formula of the Ph. Baden is similar.--_Dose_, 6 to 15 gr., or more.


RESINOSUM, L.) From the tincture. Tonic and stimulant.--_Dose_, 5 to 10 gr., or more.

3. (Compound; EXTRACTUM MYRRHae COMPOSITUM, L.--Swediaur.) Myrrh, 2 oz.; gum arabic (in powder), 2 dr.; triturate, add water, q. s. to form a thick emulsion, and add extract of couch gra.s.s, 4 oz. Much recommended in phthisis and uterine ulcerations.--_Dose_, 1 to 2 dr. in water, twice or thrice daily.

=Extracts, Narcotic, with Sugar.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM NARCOTICA c.u.m SACCHARO.

(Guager.) _Prep._ Dissolve 6 oz. of alcoholic extract of the plant in 14 dr. or 2 oz. of strong alcohol by trituration in a porcelain mortar, and mix with it 30 oz. of powdered white sugar, gradually added, with constant stirring. Set the mixture in a warm situation until dry. Add sugar q. s.

to make up 36 oz. These preparations are less liable to lose their efficacy than the simple extracts. 6 gr. represent one of the extract.

=Extract of Net'tles.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM URTICae, L. _Prep._ (P. Cod.) From the juice of nettles (_Urtica dioica_), as EXTRACT OF ACONITE--Ph. L.

Antis...o...b..tic, diuretic, and narcotic.

=Extract of Nose'gay.= _Syn._ ESSENCE OF NOSEGAY; EXTRAIT DE BOUQUET, Fr.

_Prep._ Flowers of benzoin, 1 dr.; essence of ambergris, 2 fl. oz.; spirits of jasmine and extract (esprit) of violets, of each 1 pint; spirits of ca.s.sia, roses, orange flowers and gillyflowers, of each 1/2 pint; mix. A delightful perfume.

=Extract of Nux Vom'ica.= _Syn._ EXTRACT OF KOOCHLA NUTS; EXTRACTUM NUCIS VOMICae, B. P. _Prep._ 1. (Aqueous; E. N. V. AQUOSUM, L.--Ph. Bor.) From the powdered nut, as EXTRACT OF HOPS--Ph. L. (nearly.)--_Dose_, 1 to 5 gr.

2. (Alcoholic; EXTRACTUM NUCIS VOMICae--Ph. L. E. and D., E. N. V.

ALCOHOLIc.u.m, L.)--_a._ (B. P.) Soften nux vomica by steam, dry rapidly, and reduce to fine powder; boil with rectified spirit until exhausted, strain, distil off the spirit, and evaporate to the consistence of a soft extract.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 2 gr.

_b._ (Ph. L.) Koochla or poison nuts (seed or fruit of _Strychnos Nux-vomica_), 8 oz.; rectified spirit, 3 pints; expose them to steam until softened, then bruise, slice, and dry them, and macerate them in 2-3rds of the spirit for 7 days; express the tincture, and repeat the maceration with the remaining 1-3rd of the spirit; again express the liquid; lastly, filter the mixed tinctures, distil off the greater part of the spirit, and complete the evaporation by a gentle heat. The formula of the P. Cod. is similar, but using spirit sp. gr. 863 (=41 o. p.).

_c._ (Ph. E.) The sliced and dried nuts are to be ground in a coffee-mill, and either exhausted by percolation with rectified spirit or by boiling the powder in repeated portions of the menstruum. The formulae of the Ph.

Baden and U. S. are similar.

_d._ (Ph. D. 1826.) From a tincture of the rasped nut made with proof spirit, observing that the extract, whilst thickening, should be properly stirred.

_Obs._ This extract consists chiefly of impure igasurate of strychnia, and is exhibited in similar cases to that alkaloid. Used as a stimulant of the nervous system in paralysis.--_Dose_, 1/2 gr., gradually and cautiously increased to 2 gr. It is very poisonous. On the large scale, the nuts are ground in a drug-mill.

=Extract of Oak Bark.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM QUERCS, E. CORTICIS QUERCS, L.

_Prep._ (Ph. D. 1826.) From the decoction. Astringent.--_Dose_, 10 gr. to 1/2 dr. Now seldom used.

=Extract of O'pium.= _Prep._ 1. (AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF OPIUM, SIMPLE E. OF O.; EXTRACTUM OPII (B. P.), E. O. AQUOSUM (Ph. D.), E. O. PURIFICATUM, L.)--_a._ (B. P.) Opium in thin slices, 1 lb.; distilled water, 6 pints.

Macerate the opium in 2 pints of the water for 24 hours, and express the liquor. Reduce the residue of the opium to a uniform pulp, macerate again in 2 pints of the water for 24 hours, and express. Repeat the operation a third time. Mix the liquors, strain through flannel, and evaporate by a water bath to a proper consistence for forming pills.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 gr., or more.

_b._ (Ph. L.) Opium (powdered), 1-1/2 lb.; distilled water (cold), 2-1/2 pints; mix gradually, and macerate for 24 hours, frequently stirring with a spatula; (press), strain, and repeat the maceration for 24 hours with a fresh quant.i.ty (2-1/2 pints) of water; lastly, evaporate the (mixed) strained liquors to a proper consistence. The formulae of the Ph. E. D. and Baden, and P. Cod., are essentially the same.

_c._ (Ph. D. 1826.) As the last, but using boiling water, and exposing the mixed liquors to the air for 2 days, before filtering, and evaporating them. Inferior to the last.

_d._ (Purified.) The extract, prepared with cold water, is evaporated to dryness, powdered, and redissolved in cold water; after 48 hours'

exposure, and defecation, it is decanted from the dregs, filtered, and gently evaporated, as before. Superior to any other extract of opium made.

_Obs._ Good opium yields from 60% to 70% of its weight of extract, but much depends upon the variety used.--_Dose_, 1/4 gr. to 2 gr., as an anodyne, sedative, and hypnotic. It is less stimulating than ordinary opium. That prepared by the third formula is, indeed, scarcely inferior in its action to the salts of morphine.

This extract is kept in both the hard and soft state (EXTRACTUM OPII DURUM, E. O. MOLLE). A solution of the former, in distilled water, with the addition of a little spirit to keep it, forms Battley's 'LIQUOR OPII SEDATIVUS,' The Dublin formula is that adopted by the wholesale druggists.

Besides the aqueous extract, there are the following preparations:--

2. (EXTRACTUM OPII LIQUIDUM, B. P.; EXTRACT OF OPIUM.) Distilled water, 16; rectified spirit, 4. Digest the extract of opium in the water for an hour, stirring frequently; filter, and add the spirit. The product should measure 20.--_Dose_, 10 to 30 minims.

3. (Acetic; EXTRACTUM OPII ACETIc.u.m, L.--Soubeiran.) Opium, 1 oz.; distilled vinegar, 1 quart; digest 2 days (with heat), decant, filter, and evaporate.

4. (Alcoholic; EXTRACTUM OPII ALCOHOLIc.u.m, L.--Ph. Antwerp.) From the tincture.

5. (Aqueo-alcoholic; E. OPII AQUO-ALCOHOLIc.u.m, L.--Taddei.) The opium, exhausted by spirit, is digested in warm water, and the infusion and tincture, separately filtered, are mixed and evaporated.

6. (De-narcotised; EXTRACTUM OPII ABSQUE NARCOTINA, L.--_a._ (P. Cod.) The aqueous extract is reduced with hot water to the consistence of a syrup, and when cold this is mixed with 8 times its volume of ether, and the whole is frequently shaken for a day or two; the ethereal solution is then decanted, and the process repeated with fresh ether, as long as it dissolves anything. The original form of Robiquet is similar. Said to consist entirely of impure MURIATE OF MORPHINE, GUM, and EXTRACTIVE.

_b._ (M. Lamousin-Lamothe.) Aqueous extract, 4 parts; resin, 1 part; beat well together; add boiling water, 16 parts; boil to one half; add cold water, 8 parts, filter, and evaporate.

7. (By fermentation; EXTRACTUM OPII PER FERMENTATIONEM, L.)--_a._ Opium and sugar, of each 4 oz.; water, 1 quart; rub together, and keep the mixture, loosely covered, in a warm situation (about 70 Fahr.), for 10 days or more; then add of cold water, 1 quart, and the next day filter and evaporate.

_b._ (Duyeux.) From an unstrained mixture of opium, 1 part, with water, 8 parts, and a little yeast; left for a week at a temperature of 68 to 77 Fahr., and then diluted, filtered, and evaporated. Some parties have recommended quince juice as the menstruum.

8. (Roasted; EXTRACTUM OPII TORREFACTI, L.--Guibourt.) Powdered opium is heated on a flat dish over a moderate fire, with constant stirring, as long as fumes are given off; it is then exhausted by treating it twice with 6 times its weight of water, and the mixed liquor, after filtration, is evaporated.

9. (Vinous; EXTRACTUM OPII VINO PARATUM, L.--P. Cod.) From wine of opium.

The above extracts of opium (excepting the alcoholic) are regarded as less exciting than the other preparations of the drug. The dose of each is similar to that of the aqueous extract.

=Extract of Or'ange Peel.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM CORTICIS AURANTII, L. _Prep._ 1. From the thin yellow peel, as EXTRACT OF MADDER.


=Extract of Ox-gall.= _Syn._ INSp.i.s.sATED OX-GALL; EXTRACTUM FELLIS BOVINI, L. _Prep._ 1. (P. Cod.) From ox-gall, strained, and evaporated in a water bath.--_Dose_, 5 to 15 gr.; in pills.

2. (Hunter Lane.) As the last, but reducing the gall to dryness, and then powdering it. It must be preserved in well-corked bottles.--_Dose_, 3 to 12 gr.

=Extract of Parei'ra.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM PAREIRae (B. P.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B.

P.) Pareira root in coa.r.s.e powder, 1; boiling distilled water, 10, or a sufficiency; digest the pareira with 1-1/2 of water for twenty-four hours, then pack in a percolator, and water till by slow percolation 10 has pa.s.sed through; evaporate in a water bath to a pilular consistence.--_Dose_, 13 to 20 gr.

2. (Ph. L.) From the root of velvet leaf or pareira brava (_Cissampelos Pareira_), as EXTRACT OF HOPS--Ph. L.

3. (P. E.) As EXTRACT OF LIQUORICE--Ph. E. The P. Cod. formula is similar.

Alterative, tonic, and diuretic.--_Dose_, 10 gr. to 1/2 dr.; chiefly in affections of the bladder.

4. EXTRACTUM PAREIRA LIQUIDUM (B. P.). Pareira in coa.r.s.e powder, 16; boiling distilled water, 160, or a sufficiency; rectified spirit, 3; macerate in 20 of water for twenty-four hours; pack in a percolator, adding more of the water; allow the liquor slowly to pa.s.s until 160 has been collected, or the pareira is exhausted; evaporate to 13, and, when cold, add the spirit; filter and make up to 16.--_Dose_, 1/2 dr. to 2 dr.

=Extract of Par'sley.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM PETROSELINI, L. _Prep._ (P. Cod.) From the root, as EXTRACT OF BISTORT--P. Cod.

2. (M. Peraibe.) From the fresh leaves, as EXTRACT OF ACONITE. Febrifuge and tonic.--_Dose_, 5 to 10 gr.

=Extract of Pasque Flower.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM ANEMONIS, L. _Prep._ (P.

Cod.) From the recent or dried flower, as either of the EXTRACTS OF ACONITE--P. Cod.--_Dose_, 1 to 4 gr.

_Obs._ Several species of _Anemone_ have been used in medicine, especially _Anemone pratensis_ and _A. pulsatilla_. According to Baron Stoerck, the former is resolvent, and is an effectual remedy in various chronic diseases, particularly in amaurosis, cataract, opacity of the cornea, nocturnal pains, suppressions, &c. 1/2 to 1 gr., combined with sugar of milk, has been highly recommended in hooping-cough.

=Extract of Pa'tience Dock.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM PATIENTIae, L. _Prep._ From the root of _Rumex Patientia_ or garden patience, as EXTRACT OF HOPS.

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