Cooley's Cyclopaedia of Practical Receipts -
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Aperient and stomachic. Used in double doses in lieu of extract of rhubarb.
=Extract of Paullin'ia.= See EXTRACT OF GUARANA.
=Extract of Peach Blos'som.= _Prep._ From essence of lemons, 1 oz.; pure balsam of Peru, 2 dr.; essence (oil) of bitter almonds, 1 dr.; rectified spirit, 3 pints; spirit of orange flowers, 1 pint; spirit of jasmin, 1/4 pint; mix. A pleasant and powerful perfume.
=Extract of Pel'litory.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM PYRETHRI, E. P.
aeTHERO-ALCOHOLIc.u.m, L. Prep. (W. Procter.) Alcohol (rectified spirit), 1 pint; ether, 1/2 pint; mix, and pour it gradually on root of pellitory (_Anacyclus Pyrethrum_), 1 lb., placed in a percolator; afterwards pour on alcohol, 1 pint; and subsequently sufficient dilute alcohol (proof spirit) to displace 2-1/2 pints of tincture (ESSENCE OF PELLITORY, TOOTHACHE ESSENCE); the latter is either suffered to evaporate spontaneously, or by a very gentle heat, until a soft extract is attained. Used to destroy the sensibility of the nerves of the teeth, previous to plugging, and for toothache.
=Extract of Pep'per.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM PIPERIS, E. P. NIGRI, L. _Prep._ 1.
From decoction of black pepper (bruised). Stimulant; stronger tasted than the berries, but less aromatic.--_Dose_, 10 gr. to 1 dr.; in agues.
2. (Fluid; EXTRACTUM PIPERIS FLUIDUM, L.)--Ph. U. S. From black pepper, as FLUID EXTRACT OF CUBEBS--Ph. U. S., separating the PIPERINE by expression through a cloth, and keeping the fluid portion for use.
=Extract of Pimpinel'la.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM PIMPINELLae, L. _Prep._ From the root of burnet saxifrage (_Pimpinella saxifraga_), as EXTRACT OF HOPS.
Astringent.--_Dose_, 10 to 20 gr.
=Extract of Pink'root.= _Syn._ EXTRACT OF WORM GRa.s.s, E. OF WORMSEED ROOT; EXTRACTUM SPIGELIae, L. _Prep._ 1. From Carolina pinkroot (_Spigelia Marylandica_), as EXTRACT OF BOX--P. Cod.--_Dose_, 5 to 20 gr.
2. (Fluid; ESSENCE OF PINKROOT, LIQUOR OF P.; EXTRACTUM SPIGELIae FLUIDUM, L.) Pinkroot, 1 lb.; proof spirit, 3 pints; make a tincture, evaporate to 10 fl. oz., add sugar, 3/4 lb., and rectified spirit, q. s. to make the whole measure exactly a pint.--_Dose._ For a child, beginning with 1/2 a teaspoonful.
3. (Compound; COMPOUND LIQUOR OF PINKROOT; EXTRACTUM SPIGELIae FLUIDUM COMP., L.)--_a._ (Estlack.) Carolina pinkroot or spigelia (bruised), 4 oz.; senna, 3 oz.; savine, 1 dr.; pour on boiling water, 1 quart; when cold, add rectified spirit, 1/2 pint; digest 24 hours, express (or percolate), filter, evaporate to 12 fl. oz., in which dissolve, manna, 1 oz.; sugar, 8 oz. Every fl. oz. is equal to 2 dr. of pinkroot and 1-1/2 dr. of senna.--_Dose._ For a child, 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful; for an adult, a tablespoonful.
_b._ (W. Procter.) Pinkroot, 16 oz.; senna, 8 oz. (both in coa.r.s.e powder); dilute alcohol (sp. gr. 935), 2 pints; macerate for 2 days, then proceed by displacement, adding fresh spirit, until 4 pints have pa.s.sed through; filter, evaporate to 20 fl. oz., and add carbonate of, 1 oz.; next add oils of caraway and aniseed, of each 1/2 dr.; (previously triturated with) powdered sugar, 24 oz.; lastly, apply a gentle heat to dissolve the sugar.
_c._ (EXTRACTUM SPIGELIae ET SENNae FLUIDUM--Ph. U. S.) As the last (nearly).--_Dose._ As above. All the above preparations of pinkroot are regarded as powerful and certain anthelmintics; particularly the last two.
=Extract of Pipsis'sewa.= See EXTRACT OF WINTER-GREEN.
=Extract of Poi'son Oak.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM RHOIS TOXICODENDRI, L. _Prep._ (P. Cod.) From the expressed juice of the leaves of _Rhus toxicodendron_.
Narcotic, stimulant, and alterative.--_Dose_, 1/2 gr. to 1 gr., gradually increased; in chronic rheumatism, obstinate skin diseases, &c.
=Extract of Pomegran'ate.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM GRANATI, L. _Prep._ 1.
(Soubeiran, & P. Cod.) From the root-bark of pomegranate, as EXTRACT OF BOX. In tapeworm.--_Dose_, 10 to 20 gr.; followed by a purgative.
2. (E. G. CORTICIS FRUCTUS, L.) From the decoction of the fruit-rind. As the last.
=Extract of Pop'pies.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM PAPAVERIS (B. P.), E. P. ALBI, L.
_Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Capsules coa.r.s.ely powdered, 16; rectified spirit, 2; distilled water, a sufficiency; mix the poppy capsules with 40 of the water, stirring them frequently during 24 hours; then pack in a percolator, and pa.s.s water slowly through them until about 160 have pa.s.sed through; evaporate the liquor by a water bath to 20; when cold, add the spirit. After 24 hours filter the liquor, and evaporate to a pilular consistence.--_Dose_, 2 or 5 grains.
2. (Ph. L.) Bruised poppy-heads (without the seeds), 15 oz.; boiled distilled water, 1 gall.; macerate 24 hours, boil to one half, strain, and complete the evaporation.
3. (Ph. E.) As the last, with "capsules not quite ripe."
_Obs._ The medical action of extract of poppies, for the most part, resembles that of opium; but it is considerably weaker, and is generally regarded as less to produce headache and delirium.--_Dose_, 2 to 12 gr. It is usually prepared by the large manufacturers, by exhausting the capsules, by coction with water; hence the inferior quality of the extract of the shops, which contains a considerable quant.i.ty of inert matter.
The consumption of this extract is among the brewers, brewers'
druggists, and wine merchants. For this purpose it is evaporated until it becomes hard on cooling, when it is formed into half-pound rolls, and covered with paper, like lead plaster. One of these rolls added to a hogshead of ale, stout, or sherry, materially increases the 'headiness' or apparent strength of these beverages.
=Extract of Pota'to.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM SOLANI TUBEROSI, L. _Prep._ (Dr J.
Latham.) From the stem and leaves of the potato plant, as EXTRACT OF ACONITE--Ph. L. Narcotic.--_Dose_, 2 to 10 gr.
=Extract of Pur'ging Flax.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM LINI CATHARTICI, L. _Prep._ (Dr B. Lane.) From the dried herb, as EXTRACT OF HOPS--Ph. L. Aperient and diuretic--_Dose_, 5 to 10 gr.; 14 lbs. yielded 2-1/4 lbs. of extract.
=Extract of Quas'sia.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM QUa.s.sIae (B. P.), EX. Q. LIGNI, L.
_Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Qua.s.sia sc.r.a.ped, 1 lb.; distilled water, a sufficiency; macerate the qua.s.sia in 8 oz. of water for 12 hours; pack in a percolator; add water till the qua.s.sia is exhausted; evaporate, filter before it becomes thick, and again evaporate in a water bath to a proper consistence for pills.--_Dose_, 2 to 5 gr.
2. From the decoction of qua.s.sia chips. Product, 5% to 6%.
3. (Ph. E.) From the rasped wood, as EXTRACT OF BISTORT--P. Cod. Bitter and stomachic.--_Dose_, 5 to 10 gr., or more.
_Obs._ This extract is almost universally prepared by coction, and is consumed by the brewers, who employ it as a subst.i.tute for hops, in large quant.i.ties. The bark is frequently subst.i.tuted for the wood, but is considerably less bitter. The Ph. Baden has an extract prepared with spirit of 944.
=Extract of Quince Seeds.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM CYDONIae, E. C. SEMINUM.
_Prep._ From the decoction. Sucked as a lozenge, in hoa.r.s.eness, &c.
=Extract of Ragwort.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM JACOBae. The insp.i.s.sated juice of rag-wort.
=Extract of Rha'tany.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM RHATANIae; E. KRAMERIae (B. P.), L.
_Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Rhatany in coa.r.s.e powder, 1; cold distilled water, 15; macerate 24 hours in 2 of the water, then percolate the whole; evaporate by water bath to dryness.--_Dose_, 5 to 20 grains.
2. (Ph. E. Baden and U. S.) From dried rhatany root (_Krameria triandria_), as EXTRACT OF BISTORT--P. Cod.
3. (Ph. Bor.) By two successive macerations in boiling water of 24 hours each, and evaporating at a temperature not exceeding 165 Fahr.
_Obs._ Extract of rhatany is astringent and tonic.--_Dose_, 10 to 20 gr. A large quant.i.ty of this extract, of very inferior quality, is imported from Brazil, and other parts of South America. It is kept in two states, hard and soft; the former resembles KINO, and is often sold for it; the latter is chiefly consumed by the manufacturers and 'improvers' of port wine.
=Extract of Rhu'barb.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM RHEI (B. P.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B.
P.) Rhubarb (sliced or bruised), 8 oz.; rectified spirit, 5 oz.; distilled water, 50 oz.; macerate 4 days, strain, and set it aside, that the faeces may subside; next decant the clear portion, strain, mix, and evaporate to a proper consistence over a water bath at 160 F.
2. (Ph. L.) As EXTRACT OF CINCHONA--Ph. L. (nearly). "The extract is obtained of finer quality by evaporation in a vacuum with a gentle heat."
The Baden formula is similar.
_Obs._ This extract is usually prepared by decoction from inferior and damaged rhubarb, picked out from the chests on purpose; hence the inferior quality of the extract of the shops. When made of good Turkey, or even East India rhubarb, it is a very valuable preparation.--_Dose._ As a stomachic, 5 to 10 gr.; as a purgative, 10 gr. to 1/2 dr. It is seldom exhibited alone. _Product._ 5%.
3. (Fluid; LIQUOR OF RHUBARB, ESSENCE OF R.; LIQUOR RHEI, EXTRACTUM RHEI FLUIDUM, L.)--_a._ (W. Procter.) Rhubarb (in coa.r.s.e powder), 8 oz.; mix it with an equal bulk of coa.r.s.e sand, and moisten it with dilute alcohol (sp.
gr. 935, = 13 u. p.) to form a pasty ma.s.s; in a short time introduce it into a percolator, shake it until uniformly settled, and cover it with cloth or paper; then pour on the rest of the spirit (the remainder of 2 pints) until the product has little odour or taste of the root; next gently evaporate the tincture to 5-1/2 fl. oz., and add sugar, 5 oz., when the whole should measure 8 fl. oz.--_Dose_, 15 to 30 drops.
_b._ (Ph. U. S.) As the last, adding of oils of fennel and anise, of each 4 drops; (dissolved in) tincture of ginger, 4 fl. dr.
4. (Compound; EXTRACTUM RHEI COMPOSITUM, E. PANCHYMAGOGUM, L.--Ph. Bor.) Extract of rhubarb, 3 dr.; extract of aloes, 1 dr. (softened with) water, 4 dr.; mix, and add of soap of jalap, 1 dr. (dissolved in) proof spirit, 4 dr.; lastly, evaporate to an extract, dry this in a warm place, and powder. Stomachic and purgative.--_Dose_, 4 to 20 gr.
=Extract of Rue.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM RUTae, E. FOLIORUM RUTae, L. _Prep._ 1.
From rue leaves (_Rutae graveolens_), as EXTRACT OF HOPS--Ph. L.
2. (Alcoholic--P. Cod.) As ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OF ACONITE--P. Cod. (nearly.) The formula of the Ph. Wert. is similar.
_Obs._ This extract is stomachic, carminative and emmenagogue.--_Dose_, 10 to 20 gr., twice a day. It is usual to add a little of the essential oil to the extract, just before taking it out of the evaporating-pan, and when nearly cold. The first is the form adopted in trade in this country.
=Extract of Saf'fron.= _Syn._ POLYCHROITE, EXTRACTUM CROCI, L. _Prep._ 1.