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4. (E. OF WILD LETTUCE, INSp.i.s.sATED JUICE OF W. L.; EXTRACTUM LACTUCae VIROSae, SUCCUS Sp.i.s.sATUS L. V.--Ph. E., L.)--_a._ (Ph. E.) From the leaves of strong-scented wild lettuce (_Lactuca virosa_).[295]
[Footnote 295: See general instructions, p. 682.]
_c._ (Ph. Baden.) As EXTRACT OF FOXGLOVE--Ph. Baden. See LACTUCARIUM.
=Extract of Liq'uorice.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM GLYCYRRHIZae (B. P.), L. _Prep._ 1. (SOFT E. OF L.; EXTRACTUM GLYCYRRHIZae MOLLE, L.)--_a._ (Ph. L.) From fresh liquorice root, as EXTRACT OF HOPS--Ph. L.
_b._ (Ph. E.) From the fresh root, cut into slices, dried, and powdered, as EXTRACT OF GENTIAN--Ph. E. The form of the Ph. Baden is very similar.
_c._ (Ph. D.) As ordered for simple extracts (EXTRACTA SIMPLICIORA--Ph.
_d._ (B. P.) Liquorice root in coa.r.s.e powder, 1; cold distilled water, 5; macerate the root in half the water for twelve hours, strain, and press; again macerate the pressed marc with the remainder of the water for 6 hours, strain and press, mix the strained liquors, heat to 212 F., strain, and evaporate to a pill consistence.--_Dose_, 1/2 to 1 dr.
_e._ (B. P. EXTRACTUM GLYCYRRHIZae LIQUIDUM.) _Prep._ Liquorice root in coa.r.s.e powder, 1 lb.; distilled water, 4 pints. Macerate the liquorice with two pints of water for twelve hours, strain, and press; again macerate the pressed marc with the remainder of the water for six hours, strain, and press. Mix the strained liquors, heat to 212 Fahr., and strain through flannel; then evaporate by a water bath until it has acquired, when cold, a specific gravity of 1160; add to this one eighth of its volume of rectified spirit; let the mixture stand for twelve hours and filter.
_f._ (U. S. Disp.) Crude liquorice (SPANISH JUICE), q. s. is dissolved in water, and the solution filtered and evaporated. To produce a good article (EXTRACTUM GLYCYRRHIZae PURIFICATUM) in this way, the solution should be allowed some hours for defecation, and should not be decanted and strained until quite cold.
_Obs._ Soft extract of liquorice is often employed as a pill-basis, and the hard extract (SPANISH JUICE, &c.) is used as a lozenge to allay tickling cough. The portion of the latter is, however, consumed by the porter brewers and brewers' druggists. The product of the last formula, evaporated until it is quite solid when cold, and made into small pipes, sticks, or rolls, forms the BEST REFINED LIQUORICE or REFINED JUICE of the shops.
2. (HARD E. OF L., SPANISH JUICE, S. LIQUORICE, GLYCYRRHIZIN, BLACK SUGAR; EXTRACTUM GLYCYRRHIZae SIMPLEX, E. G. DURUM, SUCCUS G., S. G. Sp.i.s.sATUS, L.) This is seldom prepared by the English druggists, being imported in the dry state from Spain and Italy. That from Solazzi (SOLAZZI JUICE) is the most esteemed. A great deal of the foreign extract is mixed with fecula, or the pulp of plums, hence its inferior quality. It also frequently contains copper, derived from the boilers in which it is prepared. The extract prepared from the fresh root is usually preferred to the best foreign, as the latter has a less sweet and agreeable taste.
REFINED JUICE is prepared by dissolving the foreign juice in water, filtering and evaporating. See LIQUORICE, and _above_.
=Extract of Lobe'lia.= _Syn._ ACETIC EXTRACT OF INDIAN TOBACCO; EXTRACTUM LOBELIae, E. L. INFLATae, L. _Prep._ (W. Proctor.) Lobelia seeds (bruised), 8 oz.; dilute alcohol (sp. gr. 935), 4 pints; acetic acid, 1 fl. oz.; by maceration for 24 hours, and subsequent displacement. Expectorant and diaph.o.r.etic, in small doses; emetic and narcotic, in larger ones. It is used in asthma and other chest diseases.--_Dose_, 1/4 gr. to 5 gr.
=Extract of Log'wood.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM HaeMATOXYLI (B. P.), E. H.
CAMPECHIANI, (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Logwood in chips, 1; boiling distilled water, 10; macerate 24 hours, boil to 5, strain, and evaporate to an extract, but not in iron vessels.
2. (Ph. L.) From cut logwood (logwood chips), as EXTRACT OF HOPS--Ph. L.
3. (Ph. E.) As the last (nearly).
4. (Ph. D. 1826 and Wholesale.) From the decoction.
_Obs._ The Ph. U. S. 1841 orders the wood to be rasped. The Ph. Baden directs displacement with cold water. On the large scale, this extract is prepared solely by decoction. 1 cwt. of wood yields about 20 lbs. of extract (Brande); 80 lbs. yield 14 lbs. of extract (Gray.) It is kept in two states--hard (EXTRACTUM HaeMATOXYLI DURUM) and soft (E. H. MOLLE). The dose of the first is 10 to 20 gr., dissolved in wine, or any cordial water; as an astringent, after each motion in diarrha; the second is often employed as a lozenge in the same disease, and is an inexpensive and agreeable remedy for simple relaxation of the bowels.
=Extract of Lov'age.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM LEVISTICI, L. _Prep._ (Ph. Baden.) From lovage (_Levistic.u.m officinale_), as EXTRACT OF BISTORT--P. Cod.
Aromatic, stomachic, and diaph.o.r.etic.--_Dose_, 5 to 15 gr.
=Extract of Lu'puline.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM LUPULINae, L. _Prep._ 1. From lupuline (the powder separated from hops by rubbing and sifting), by infusion in cold water, or by displacement.
2. (EXTRACTUM LUPULINae COCTIONE PARATUM.) From the decoction. Both similar to extract of hops, but stronger. The first is the most aromatic; the last the most bitter.
=Extract of Mad'der.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM RUBIae. L. _Prep._ (Ph. Hamb.) From the tincture of dyer's madder (_Rubia tinctorum_), made with rectified spirit, 1 part, and water, 3 parts.--_Dose_, 10 gr. to 30 gr.; as a diuretic, emmenagogue, and parturifacient; and in jaundice, &c.
=Extract of Mahog'any.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM SWIETENIae, L. From the chips and sawdust of mahogany (_Swietenia Mahogoni_). It is astringent, and is frequently sold for kino. It is also employed in tanning.
=Extract of Male Fern.= _Syn._ ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OF MALE FERN; EXTRACTUM FILICIS, B. P. _Prep._ 1. (Dr Ebers.) From the tincture of the dried root of male fern (_Lastraea Filix-mas_), made with rectified spirit. In tape-worm.--_Dose_, 20 gr. to 1/2 dr., twice a day, made into an electuary with powdered sugar, and followed by a strong dose of castor oil.
2. (Ethereal.) B. P. (EXTRACTUM FILICIS LIQUIDUM.) Fern root, in coa.r.s.e powder, 1; ether, 2-1/2, or a sufficiency. Pack closely in a percolator with 1 of the ether, add the rest at intervals, until it through colourless, distil off the ether, and the liquid extract remains.--_Dose_, 30 to 60 minims. See OIL OF MALE FERN.
=Extract of Malt.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM MALTI, E. BYNES, L. _Prep._ 1. From the infusion made with water at a temperature ranging between 160 and 170 Fahr., drained off, without pressure, and evaporated to the consistence of honey. Nutritious and laxative.--_Dose._ A table-spoonful, or more, _ad libitum_.
2. EXTRACT OF MALT, FERRATED. (Ph. G.) Extract of malt, 47-1/2 oz., mixed with 1 oz. of pyrophosphate of iron and citrate of ammonia, dissolved in 1-1/2 oz. of water.
=Extract of Ma"rygold.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM CALENDULae, L. _Prep._ 1.
(Guibourt.) By maceration of the herb and flowers of the common marygold (_Calendula officinalis_) in tepid water for 24 hours, and subsequent coction for 15 or 20 minutes.
2. (Ph. Baden.) As EXTRACT OF ANGELICA--Ph. Baden.--_Dose_, 2 to 10 gr.; cordial, diaph.o.r.etic, alterative, and emmenagogue; in dyspepsia, and scirrhous and cancerous affections.
=Extract of May-apple.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM PODOPHYLLI. L. _Prep._ (Ph. U. S.
1841.) From the tincture of the root (rhizomes) of may-apple (_Podophyllum peltatum_).--_Dose_, 5 to 15 gr.; as a subst.i.tute for extract of jalap.
=Extract of Mea'dow Saf'fron.= See EXTRACT OF COLCHIc.u.m.
=Extract of Meat.= _Syn._ EXTRACT OF FLESH; EXTRACTUM CARNIS, L. _Prep._ (Liebig.) The lean of recently killed meat (chopped very small), 1 part; cold water, 8 parts; agitate it well together for 10 minutes; then heat it gradually to the boiling-point, let it simmer gently for a few minutes, and strain through a hair sieve whilst still hot; lastly, evaporate to a soft ma.s.s. 1 lb. of meat yields barely 1 oz. See ESSENCE OF BEEF, TEA (Beef), &c.
=Extract of Mezere'on.= _Syn._ MEZEREON RESIN; EXTRACTUM MEZEREI, RESINA MEZEREI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Alcoholic; E. M. ALCOHOLIc.u.m, L.)--_a._ (Ph.
Hamb.) By distilling off 5/6ths of the tincture made with rectified spirit, and filtering the residue, retaining what is left on the filter.
_b._ By the simple distillation of the tincture.
_Obs._ Green or brownish green; insoluble in water. 1/2 oz. mezereon root-bark yielded 1-1/2 oz. (Hamb. Disp.) It is chiefly used in preparing blistering ointments and plasters.
P.)--_a._ B. P. Mezereon bark cut small, 1 lb.; rectified spirit, 8 pints; ether, 1 pint. Macerate the mezereon in 6 pints of the spirit for 3 days, with frequent agitation, strain, and press. To the residue of the mezereon add the remainder of the spirit, and again macerate for 3 days, with constant agitation, strain, and press. Mix and filter the strained liquors, recover the greater part of the spirit by distillation, evaporate what remains to the consistence of a soft extract, put this in a stoppered bottle with the ether, and macerate for 24 hours, shaking them frequently; decant the etherial solution, recover part of the ether by distillation, and evaporate what remains to the consistence of a soft extract.
_b._ (Ph. Bor.) By digesting alcoholic extract of mezereon in ether for some days with agitation, reducing the tincture to 1-4th by careful distillation, and evaporating the residuum by a gentle heat to the consistence of an extract.
_c._ (Ph. U. S. EXTRACTUM MEZEREI FLUIDUM.) Mezereon in moderately coa.r.s.e powder, 16 oz. (troy); alcohol (817), 16 oz. (old measure); proceed as for fluid extract of cubebs. (Ph. U. S.)
_Obs._ Both the alcoholic and ethereal extract of mezereon must be kept in stoppered bottles. The latter, like the former, is used as an external irritant.
=Extract of Mil'foil.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM MILLEFOLII, _E. Achiliae m._, L.
_Prep._ From the herb milfoil or yarrow (_Achillea millefolium_), as EXTRACT OF HOPS--Ph. L. Astringent, tonic, and alterative.--_Dose_, 10 gr.
to 1/2 dr.
=Extract of Mimo'sa Bark.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM CORTICIS MIMOSae, L. _Prep._ From the bark of several Australian species of Acacia or Mimosa (_Acacia mollissima_, _A. decurrens_, _A. melanoxylon_, &c.). It is chiefly imported from Van Diemen's Land. Astringent. Said to be superior to oak bark for tanning.
=Extract of Mone'sia Bark.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM MONESIae, E. M. PURIFICATUM, L. _Prep._ From the monesia or buranheim bark (bark of _Chrysophyllum Buranheim_); or from commercial monesia, as EXTRACT OF CATECHU.
Astringent.--_Dose_, 4 to 8 gr.
=Extract of Mug'wort.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM ARTEMISIae, L. _Prep._ From the tops of the common mugwort (_Artemisia vulgaris_), as EXTRACT OF BOX,--P.
Cod. An active emmenagogue.
=Extract of Myrrh.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM MYRRHae, L. _Prep._ 1. (Aqueous; EXTRACTUM MYRRHae AQUOSUM, L.)--_a._ From the strained decoction.