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7. (EXTRACTUM CONII SEMINIS ALCOHOLIc.u.m.) (P. Cod.) _Prep._ Hemlock seeds in coa.r.s.e powder, 1 lb; percolate with proof spirit until exhausted.
Distil off most of the spirit, and evaporate residue in a water bath to pilular consistence.
A. CANNABINI, L. _Prep._ From the root of the _Apocynum cannabinum_, as EXTRACT OF GENTIAN. A hydragogue cathartic.--_Dose_, 2 to 6 gr.; in dropsy, &c. The plant from which this extract is prepared is called 'Indian HEMP' in the United States of America, a practice which should be avoided, as this name is now almost exclusively appropriated to _Cannabis Indica_, a variety of the common hemp (_Cannabis sativa_, var. _Indica_) growing in India. See EXTRACT OF INDIAN HEMP.
=Extract of Hen'bane.= _Syn._ EXTRACT OF HYOSCYAMUS; EXTRACTUM HYOSCYAMI (B. P.), SUCCUS Sp.i.s.sATUS HYOSCYAMI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. L.) From the fresh leaves and leafstems of common henbane (_Hyoscyamus niger_), as EXTRACT OF ACONITE--Ph. L.
3. (Ph. P.) From the fresh leaves and young branches, as EXTRACT OF BELLADONNA.--_Dose_, 3 to 6 gr.
4. (Ph. U. S.) From the expressed juice coagulated by heat and strained.
_Obs._ In the Paris Codex Extracts are ordered to be prepared from henbane both by the processes Nos. 1 and 4 above.--_Product_ (by the ordinary method):--1 lb. of the fresh leaves yielded fully 8 dr. of extract (Geiger); 1 cwt. yielded 4 to 5 lb. (Brande); 1 cwt. of the recent plant yielded, by an ordinary screw press, 59-1/2 lbs. of juice, and this evaporated in a water bath gave 5 lbs. 9 oz. of extract (Squire); 1-3/4 cwt. of the green herb yielded 11 lbs. of extract (Gray).--_Dose_, 2 to 10 gr.; as an anodyne, hypnotic, antispasmodic, sedative, and narcotic, more especially in those cases in which the use of opium is objectionable.
_Externally_, as a topical application to sore or inflamed parts, either made into an ointment or spread on plaster.
5. (Alcoholic; EXTRACTUM HYOSCYAMI ALCOHOLIc.u.m, L.) The formulae of the Ph.
Bad., Par. & U. S. are similar to those for ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OF ACONITE.
6. (E. OF HENBANE SEEDS; EXTRACTUM SEMINUM HYOSCYAMI, L.--P. Cod.) An extract of the seeds made with spirit sp. gr. 900 (=about 16 o. p.) is dissolved in 4 parts of cold water, and the solution filtered and evaporated. Stronger than the simple extract.--_Dose_, 1/4 to 3 gr.
=Extract of Ho'ly This'tle.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM CARDUI BENEDICTI, L. _Prep._ 1. (Ph. Baden.) From holy or blessed thistle (_Carduus Benedictus_) by displacement with cold water.
2. (Ph. Bor.) As EXTRACT OF GENTIAN--Ph. L. (nearly). Tonic, diaph.o.r.etic, febrifuge, often diuretic, and occasionally emetic.--_Dose_, 5 to 15 gr., as a tonic or stomachic chiefly.
=Extract of Hops.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM LUPULI (B. P., Ph. L. & E.), E. HUMULI (Ph. D.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Hop, 8; rectified spirit, 15; distilled water, 80. Macerate the hop in the spirit for 7 days, press out the tincture, filter, and distil off the spirit, leaving a soft extract; boil the residual hop with the water for one hour, then express the liquor, strain, and evaporate on a water bath to the consistence of a soft extract. Mix the two extracts, and evaporate at a temperature not exceeding 160 to a pilular consistence.--_Dose_, 5 to 10 gr.
2. (Ph. L.) From commercial hops (the strobiles or catkins of _Humulus Lupulus_), 2-1/2 lbs.; boiling distilled water, 2 galls.; macerate for 24 hours, boil to a gallon, strain whilst hot, and evaporate to a proper consistence. The form of the Ph. E. is nearly similar.
3. (Ph. D.) As EXTRACT of ALOES--Ph. D. Tonic and stomachic, and slightly anodyne and hypnotic.--_Dose_, 5 gr. to 30 gr.; in dyspepsia, and cases that do not permit of the use of opium. 1 cwt. of ordinary hops yield about 40 lbs. of extract. (Brande.) The druggists usually employ hops 2 or more years old, called by the dealers 'yearlings,' 'olds,' or 'old olds,'
because these may be purchased at 2/3 to 1/2 the price of those of the last season's growth. The first of the above are estimated to have only 2/3 the strength of new hops; the second about 1/2; and the last little or none, at least in a medical point of view.
4. (Alcoholic; EXTRACTUM LUPULI ALCOHOLIc.u.m, L.--Cottereau.) By displacement with proof spirit. Stronger than the aqueous extract.
=Extract of h.o.r.e'hound.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM MARRUBII, L. _Prep._ 1. From the fresh herb, as EXTRACT OF ACONITE.
2. From the infusion or decoction. Antispasmodic, pectoral, tonic, and emmenagogue.--_Dose_, 10 gr. to 1 dr.
3. (Ph. Baden.) By displacement with cold water.
4. (Alcoholic; EXTRACTUM MARRUBII ALCOHOLIc.u.m, L.)--_a._ From a tincture made with proof spirit. Said by M. Thoriel to possess considerable power as a febrifuge.--_Dose_, 5 gr. to 20 gr.
_b._ (Ph. Lusit.) From a tincture made with a mixture of rectified spirit, 1 part, and water, 7 parts. Inferior to the last.
=Extract of Ind'ian Hemp.= _Syn._ CANNABINE, HEMP RESIN, ALCOHOLIC EXTRACT OF INDIAN HEMP; EXTRACTUM CANNABIS INDICae, E. C. I. ALCOHOLIc.u.m, RESINA CANNABIS, L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Indian hemp in coa.r.s.e powder, 1; rectified spirit, 5; macerate seven days, press out the tincture, distil off the spirit, and evaporate.--_Dose_, 1/4 to 1 grain in pill.
2. (O'Shaughnessy.) The dried resinous tops of Indian hemp ('GUNJAH') are boiled in rectified spirit until all the resin is taken up, when most of the spirit is distilled off, and the evaporation completed by the heat of a water bath. 1 cwt. yields about 7 lbs.
3. (Robertson). By slowly acting on the 'gunjah' with the vapour of alcohol, by a species of percolation; the spirit of the resulting tincture is partly removed by distillation, and the rest by slow evaporation at a temperature not above 150 Fahr. 1 cwt. yields about 8 lbs.--_Dose_ of the last two, 1 to 3 gr., gradually increased.
4. (Messrs Smith.) The bruised 'gunjah' is exhausted with tepid water, then with a solution of carbonate of soda (1 of carbonate to 2 of gunjah), and next with pure water; it is then pressed, dried, and exhausted by displacement with rectified spirit; the tincture is agitated with a milk of lime (containing 1 oz. of lime for every lb. of gunjah), and, after filtration or decantation, any retained lime is precipitated by a little sulphuric acid in slight excess; the tincture is next agitated with animal charcoal, and again filtered; most of the spirit is now removed by distillation, and 3 or 4 times its bulk of water being added, the remaining spirit is removed by a gentle heat; lastly, the remaining water is poured off, and the resin remaining washed with fresh water, and dried.
Product, 6%.--Commencing dose, 1/4 gr.
3. (Purified; EXTRACTUM CANNABIS INDICae PURIFICATUM, L.--Ph. D.) From the crude extract of Indian hemp, as imported ('CHURRUS'), 1 oz.; rectified spirit, 4 fl. oz.; dissolve, and after defecation, decant, and evaporate.
_Obs._ The preparations of Indian hemp are said to be anaesthetic, anodyne, hypnotic, stimulant, phrenic, and aphrodisiac, and, in overdoses, to produce catalepsy. They have been recommended in hysteria, hydrophobia, cholera, rheumatism, ch.o.r.ea, convulsions, and various other painful spasmodic and nervous affections of a serious character. According to the observations of Dr O'Shaughnessy, 1 gr. of the extract produced catalepsy in a rheumatic patient. The extract prepared with the plant grown in our botanic gardens has quite a different effect to that of the Indian plant; and it also appears that the inhabitants of this country are less susceptible to its action than those of India, and consequently bear the drug in larger doses. This hemp is known in India as the 'increaser of pleasure,' the 'exciter of desire,' the 'cementer of friends.h.i.+p,' the 'causer of a reeling gait,' the 'laughter-mover,' &c. See EXTRACT OF HEMP (_above_), HEMP, &c.
=Extract of Ipecac'uanha.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM IPECACUANHA, L. _Prep._ 1. (P.
Cod.) From ipecacuanha, as EXTRACT OF BOX.--P. Cod.
2. (Ph. Bor.) As EXTRACT OF HENBANE SEEDS. Expectorant and emetic.--_Dose_, 1-1/2 to 8 gr.
=Extract of I'ron.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM FERRI, E. MARTIS, L. _Prep._ 1. From tincture of tartarised iron.--_Dose_, 2 to 10 gr.; as a chalybeate tonic.
2. (Compound.) See EXTRACT OF APPLE.
=Extract of Jabor'andi (Fluid).= (F. V. Greene, 'Amer. Journ. Pharm.,'
1877.) _Prep._ Jaborandi leaves in moderately fine powder, 16 troy oz.; alcohol (50 per cent.), a sufficient quant.i.ty. Moisten the powder thoroughly with the menstruum, pack in a conical gla.s.s percolator, place a layer of two inches of well-washed sand on the top of the cloth covering the material, add menstruum until the liquid begins to drop from the percolator, when the lower orifice is to be closed with a cork, and the percolator securely covered; set aside in a moderately warm place for four days. At the expiration of this time remove the cork, and add more menstruum by degrees until the material is exhausted. The first 14 ounces (old measure) of the percolate are to be reserved, and the remainder evaporated on a water bath, with constant stirring towards the close, to 2 fluid ounces (old measure), which are to be added to the reserved portion.
If the percolation and evaporation have been properly performed the fluid extract will not be required to be filtered.
=Extract of Jal'ap.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM JALAPae (B. P.), E. SIVE RESINA JALAPae (Ph. E.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) Jalap in coa.r.s.e powder, 1; rectified spirit, 5; distilled water, 10; macerate the jalap in the spirit for seven days, press out the tincture, then filter, and distil off the spirit, leaving a soft extract; again macerate the residual jalap in the water for four hours, express, strain through flannel, and evaporate by a water bath to a soft extract; mix the two extracts, and evaporate at a temperature not exceeding 140 F. to a proper consistence for forming pills.--_Dose_, 5 to 15 gr.
2. (Ph. L.) Jalap (powdered) 2-1/2 lbs.; rectified spirit, 1 gall.; digest four days, and express the tincture; boil the 'marc' in water, 2 galls.; until reduced to 1/2 gall.; filter the tincture and decoction separately, and let the one distil and the other evaporate until each thickens; lastly, mix the two and complete the evaporation.--_Product._ About 66% = 16% of alcoholic and 50% of aqueous extract. (Brande.) 18 lbs. yield 12 lbs. of extract. (Lab. Journ.)--_Dose_, 6 to 15 gr.
3. (Ph. E.) From tincture of jalap prepared by displacement with rectified spirit. It consists of impure resin of jalap. It is more active than the last.--_Prod._ 16%.--_Dose_, 2 to 6 gr.
4. (Ph. Ed. 1744, EXTRACTUM JALAPae ALKALINUM.) As extract jalap (B. P.) adding for every pound of jalap, 1 oz., or q. s. of carbonate of potash.
_Obs._ Extract of jalap is an active purgative. It should be well beaten up with a little sulphate of, sugar, or some aromatic powder, to prevent it griping. The substance commonly sold as extract of jalap in the shops is prepared by boiling jalap root for 3 or 4 hours in water, when it is taken out, and well bruised or sliced, and again boiled with water until exhausted of soluble matter. The mixed decoctions are then allowed 12 or 14 hours for defecation, after which the supernatant portion is decanted and evaporated.
Extract of jalap "should be kept in the soft state (EXTRACTUM JALAPae, E.
J. MOLLE), so as to form pills; and in the hard state (HARD EXTRACT OF JALAP; EXTRACTUM JALAPae DURUM), that it may be rubbed to powder." (Ph. L.)
=Extract of Jasmine (Yellow).= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM GELSEMII FLUIDUM. (Ph. U.
S.) _Prep._ Yellow jasmine in very fine powder, 16 oz. (troy); rectified spirit, 16 oz. (old measure). Proceed as for fluid extract of cubebs. (Ph.
U. S.)
=Extract of Ju'niper.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM JUNIPERI, E. BACCARUM J., L.
_Prep._ (P. Cod.) Macerate juniper berries in water at 77 to 86 Fahr., for 24 hours, strain, repeat the process with a fresh quant.i.ty of water, mix the liquors, filter, and evaporate.--_Dose_, 20 gr. to 1 dr.; as a stimulant diuretic, in dropsy, &c.; and also as a pill-basis.
=Extract of Kalada'na.= _Syn._ EXTRACTUM KALADANae, L. _Prep._ (Bengal Disp.) From the tincture of the seeds of kaladana (_Pharbitis Nil_).
Purgative said to be equal to EXTRACT OF JALAP, and of double the strength.
=Extract of Lettuce=. _Syn._ INSp.i.s.sATED JUICE OF LETTUCE; EXTRACTUM LACTUCae (B. P.), L. _Prep._ 1. (B. P.) The insp.i.s.sated juice evaporated to a pillular consistence, according to the directions given for EXTRACTUM BELLADONNae.
2. (Ph. L.) From the fresh leaves of garden lettuce (_Lactuca sativa_), as EXTRACT OF ACONITE--Ph. L. Anodyne, sedative, hypnotic, and antispasmodic.--_Dose_, 3 to 10 gr. 1 cwt. of lettuce yields 4 lbs. to 5 lbs. of extract.
3. (Probait.) From the external parts of the stalks and the old and yellow leaves, after the plants have flowered, by maceration in water for 24 hours, and decoction for 2 hours; the expressed liquid is first evaporated by a gentle heat, and afterwards spread on shallow dishes, and dried by exposure to a current of air. Stronger than the last.--_Dose_, 1 to 5 gr.