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TRA'VEL, _s._ journey; labour; toil
TRA'VEL, _v.n._ make travels; move; go
TRA'VERSE, _v.a._ to cross; to lay athwart; to cross by way of opposition; to wander over
TREA'CHEROUS, _a._ faithless; guilty of deserting or betraying
TREA'CHERY, _s._ perfidy; breach of faith
TREA'SURER, _s._ one who has the care of money; one who has the charge of treasure
TRE'LLIS, _s._ a structure of iron, wood, or osier, the parts crossing each other like a lattice
TREME'NDOUS, _a._ dreadful; horrible
TRE'MOUR, _s._ the state of trembling or quivering
TRE'MULOUS, _a._ trembling; fearful; quivering
TREPIDA'TION, _s._ fear; terror; hurry; confused haste; terrified flight
TRI'ANGLE, _s._ a figure of three angles
TRIBU'NAL, _s._ the seat of a judge; a court of justice
TRI'BUTE, _s._ payment in acknowledgment; subjection
TRI'PLE, _a._ threefold; treble
TRI'UMPH, _s._ victory; conquest
TRIU'MPHANT, _a._ victorious; celebrating a victory
TRO'PHY, _s._ something shown or treasured up in proof of victory
TRO'UBLE, _v.n._ disturb; afflict; tease; disorder
TRU'NCATE, _v.a._ maim; cut short
TRU'NNIONS, _s._ the or bunchings of a gun, that bear it on the checks of a carriage
TUBE, _s._ a pipe; a long hollow body
TU'BULAR, _a._ resembling a pipe or trunk
TUMU'LTUOUS, _a._ uproarious; noisy
TU'NIC, _s._ part of the Roman dress, natural covering; tunicle
TU'NNEL, _s._ funnel; shaft of a chimney; pa.s.sage underground
TU'RBAN, _s._ the covering worn by the Turks on their heads
TU'RPITUDE, _s._ shamefulness; baseness
TY'RANNY, _s._ severity; rigour
TY'RANT, _s._ an absolute monarch governing imperiously; a cruel and severe master; an oppressor
U'LTIMATE, _a._ intended as the last resort
UNABA'TED, _part._ not lessened in force or intensity
UNACCOU'NTABLE, _a._ not explicable; not to be solved by reason; not subject
UNA'LTERABLE, _a._ unchangeable; immutable
UNAPRROA'CHED, _a._ inaccessible
UNAWA'RE, _ad._ unexpectedly; without thought
UNCE'RTAINTY, _s._ want of certainty; inaccuracy
UNCHA'NGEABLE, _a._ not subject to variation
UNCO'MFORTABLE, _a._ affording no comfort; gloomy
UNCU'LTIVATED, _a._ not instructed; uncivilised
UNDAU'NTED, _a._ unsubdued by fear; not depressed
UNDERGO', _v.a._ suffer; sustain; support
UNDERMI'NE, _v.a._ to excavate under
UNDIMI'NISHED, _a._ not to be lessened; incapable of being lessened
UNDISCO'VERED, _a._ not seen; not found out
UNDISTI'NGUISHABLE, _a._ not to be distinguished
UNFO'RTUNATE, _a._ unsuccessful; unprosperous
U'NIFORM, _a._ conforming to one rule; similar to itself
UNIFO'RMITY, _s._ conforming to one pattern