The Illustrated London Reading Book Part 68

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PU'LLEY, _s._ a small wheel turning on a pivot, with a furrow on its outside, in which a rope runs

PU'NISH, _v.a._ to chastise; to afflict with penalties or death for some crime

PU'NISHED, _a._ chastised

PU'PIL, _s._ a scholar; one under the care of a tutor

PU'RCHASE, _v.a._ acquire; buy for a price

PU'RITY, _s._ clearness; freedom from foulness or dirt; freedom from guilt; innocence

PU'RPOSE, _v.t._ intention; design; instance

PU'TRIFY, _v.n._ to rot

PU'ZZLE, _v.a._ perplex; confound; tease; entangle

PY'RAMID, _s._ a solid figure, whose base is a polygon and whose sides are plain triangles, their several points meeting in one

PYTHA'GORAS, _s._ the originator of the present system universe

PYTHAGORE'ANS, _s._ followers of Pythagoras

QUALIFICATION, _s._ accomplishment; that which makes any person or thing fit for anything

QUA'Nt.i.tY, _s._ any indeterminate weight or measure; bulk or weight; a portion; a part

QUA'RRY, _s._ game flown at by a hawk; a stone mine

RA'DIANT, _a._ s.h.i.+ning; emitting rays

RAMIFICA'TION, _s._ division or separation into branches; small branches; branching out

RA'NCID, _a._ strong scented

RAPA'CIOUS, _a._ given to plunder; seizing by violence

RAPI'DITY, _s._ celerity; velocity; swiftness

RA'PTURE, _s._ transport; haste

RA'TTLE, _s._ a quick noise nimbly repeated; empty and loud talk; a plant

RA'TTLESNAKE, _s._ a kind of serpent, which has a rattle at the end of its tail

REA'CTION, _s._ the reciprocation of any impulse or force impressed, made by the body on which such an impression is made

RE'ALISE, _v.a._ bring into being or act; convert money into land.

REA'SON, _s._ the power by which man deduces one proposition from another; cause; ground or principle; motive; moderation

REASONABLENESS, _s._ the faculty of reason

REASONING, _s._ an argument

REBE'LLION, _s._ insurrection against lawful authority

RECE'DE, _v.n._ fall back; retreat; desist

RECEI'VE, _v.a._ obtain; admit; entertain as a guest

RE'CENT, _a._ new; late; fresh

RECE'PTACLE, _s._ a vessel or place into which anything is received

RECOGNITION, _s._ review; renovation of knowledge; acknowledgment; memorial

RECOLLE'CTION, _s._ recovery of notion; revival in the memory

RECOMME'ND, _v.a._ make acceptable; praise another; commit with prayers

RECOMMENDA'TION, _s._ the act of recommending; that which secures to one a kind reception from another

RE'COMPENSE, _s._ reward; compensation

RECOMPENSE, _v.a._ repay; reward; redeem

RE'CORD, _s._ register; authentic memorial

RECREA'TION, _s._ relief after toil or pain; amus.e.m.e.nt; diversion

RE'CTIFY, _v.a._ to make right

RE'Ct.i.tUDE, _s._ straightness; rightness; uprightness

REDE'MPTION, _s._ ransom; relief; purchase of G.o.d's favour by the death of Christ

REDU'CE, _v.a._ bring back; subdue; degrade

REFLECTION, _s._ that which is reflected; thought thrown back upon the past; attentive consideration

REFLE'CTOR, _s._ considerer

REFRA'CT, _v.n._ break the natural course of rays

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