The Illustrated London Reading Book Part 64

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O'PTICAL, _a._ relating to the science of optics

O'PTICS, _s._ the science of the nature and laws of vision

O'PULENT, _a._ rich

O'RACLE, _s._ something delivered by supernatural wisdom; the place where, or persons of whom, the determinations of heaven are inquired

O'RAL, _a._ delivered by mouth; not written

O'RATOR, _s._ a public speaker; a man of eloquence

O'RBIT, _s._ a circle; path of a heavenly body

O'RCHARD, _s._ a garden of fruit trees

O'RCHIS, _s._ a kind of flowering plant

O'RDER, _s._ method; regularity; command; a rank or cla.s.s; rule

O'RDINANCE, _s._ law; rule; appointment

O'RDINARY, _a._ established; regular; common; of low rank

O'RDNANCE, _s._ cannon; great guns

O'RGAN, _s._ natural instrument: as the tongue is the organ of speech. A musical instrument

ORGA'NIC, _a._ consisting of various parts co-operating with each other

O'RGANISM, _s._ organic structure

O'RIENT, _a._ eastern; oriental; bright; gaudy

ORI'GINAL, _a._ primitive; first

O'RNAMENT, _v.a._ embellish; decorate

OSCILLA'TION, _a._ the act of moving backward or forward like a pendulum

O'SSEOUS, _a._ bony; resembling bone

OSTENTA'TION, _s._ outward show; pride of riches or power

OSTRICH, _s._ a large bird

OTHERWISE, _ad._ in a different manner; by other causes; in other respects

OU'TLET, _s._ pa.s.sage outward

OU'TSET, _s._ setting out; departure

OU'TWARD, _a._ external; opposed to _inward_.

OVERFLO'W, _v.a._ deluge; drown; overrun; fill beyond the brim

OVERTA'KE, _v.a._ catch anything by pursuit; come up to something going before

OVERTHRO'W, _v.a._ turn upside down; throw down; ruin; defeat; destroy

OVERWHE'LM, _v.a._ crush underneath something violent and weighty; overlook gloomily

PACI'FIC, _a._ mild; gentle; appeasing

PA'LACE, _a._ a royal house

PA'LTRY, _a._ worthless; contemptible; mean

PA'RADISE, _s._ the blissful region in which the first pair were placed; any place of felicity

PA'RALLEL, _a._ extending in the same direction; having the same tendency

PARALLE'LOGRAM, _s._ in geometry, a right-lined four-sided figure, whose opposite sides are parallel and equal

PA'RAPET, _s._ a wall breast high

PA'RCEL, _s._ a small bundle; a part of a whole

PA'RDON, _s._ forgiveness

PARO'CHIAL, _a._ belonging to a parish

PARO'TIDA-SA'LIVART, _a._ glands so named because near the ear

PA'RTICLE, _s._ any small quant.i.ty of a greater substance; a word unvaried by inflection

PARTICULAR, _s._ a single instance; a minute detail of things singly enumerated. IN PARTICULAR, peculiarly; distinctly

PARTICULARLY, _ad._ in an extraordinary degree; distinctly

PA'SSAGE, _s._ act of pa.s.sing; road; way; entrance or exit; part of a book

PA'SSENGER, _s._ traveller; a wayfarer; one who hires in any vehicle the liberty of travelling

PA'SSIONATE, _a._ moved by pa.s.sion; easily moved to anger

PA'SSIVE, _a._ unresisting; suffering; not acting

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