The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise Part 121

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Coprinus, 331

Corticium, 452

Cortinarius, 290

Craterellus, 450

Crepidotus, 279

Crucibulum, 520

Cyclomyces, 430

Cyathus, 517

Daedalea, 426

Didymius, 578

Discina, 511

Dictyophora, 526

Eccilia, 252

Entoloma, 243

Epichloe, 573

Exidia, 481

Favolus, 429

Fistulina, 384

Flammula, 284

Fomes, 417

Galera, 275

Ganoderma, 404

Geaster, 563

Gloeoporus, 431

Gomphidius, 349

Grandinia, 449

Guepinia, 484

Gyromitra, 494

Hebeloma, 272

Heliomyces, 152

Helotium, 514

Helvella, 497

Hirneola, 482

Hydnum, 432

Hygrophorus, 204

Hymenochaete, 457

Hymenula, 484

Hypholoma, 323

Hypocerea, 573

Hypomyces, 498

Inocybe, 268

Irpex, 447

Lachnocladium, 475

Laccaria, 106

Lachnea, 510

Lactarius, 164

Lentinus, 226

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