Spalding's Baseball Guide And Official League Book For 1889 Part 17

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SEC. 3. If the Umpire calls a "balk."

SEC. 4. If a ball delivered by the Pitcher pa.s.s the Catcher and touch the Umpire or any fence or building within ninety feet of the Home Base.

SEC. 5. If upon a fair hit the Ball strikes the person or clothing of the Umpire on fair ground.

SEC. 6. If he be prevented from making a base by the obstruction of an adversary.

SEC. 7. If the Fielder stop or catch a batted ball with his hat or any part of his dress.


RULE 47. The Base Runner shall return to his Base, and shall be ent.i.tled to so return without being put out.

SEC. 1. If the Umpire declares a Foul Tip (as defined in Rule 38) or any other Foul Hit not legally caught by a Fielder.

SEC. 2. If the Umpire declares a Foul Strike.

SEC. 3. If the Umpire declares a Dead Ball, unless it be also the fourth Unfair Ball, and he be thereby forced to take the next base, as provided in Rule 46, Sec. 2.

SEC. 4. If the person or clothing of the Umpire is struck by a ball thrown by the Catcher to intercept a Base Runner.


RULE 48. The Base Runner is out:

SEC. 1. If, after three strikes have been declared against him while Batsman, and the Catcher fail to catch the third strike ball, he plainly attempts to hinder the Catcher from fielding the ball.

SEC. 2. If, having made a Fair Hit while Batsman, such fair hit ball be momentarily held by a Fielder, before touching the ground or any object other than a Fielder. _Provided_, it be not caught in a Fielder's hat or cap.

SEC. 3. If, when the Umpire has declared three strikes on him, while batsman, the third strike ball be momentarily held by a Fielder before touching the ground. _Provided_, it be not caught in a Fielder's hat or cap, or touch some object other than a Fielder before being caught.

SEC. 4. If, after Three Strikes or a Fair Hit, he be touched with the ball in the hand of a Fielder before such Base Runner touches First Base.

SEC. 5. If, after Three Strikes or a Fair Hit, the ball be securely held by a Fielder, while touching First Base with any part of his person, before such Base Runner touches First Base.

SEC. 6. If, in running the last half of the distance from Home Base to First Base, he runs outside the Three Feet Lines, as defined in Rule 10; except that he must do so if necessary to avoid a Fielder attempting to field a batted ball, and in such case shall not be declared out.

SEC. 7. If, in running from First to Second Base, from Second to Third Base, or from Third to Home Base, he runs more than three feet from a direct line between such bases to avoid being touched by the ball in the hands of a Fielder; but in case a Fielder be occupying the Base Runner's proper path, attempting to field a batted ball, then the Base Runner shall run out of the path and behind said Fielder, and shall not be declared out for so doing.

SEC. 8. If he fails to avoid a Fielder attempting to field a batted ball, in the manner prescribed in Sections 6 and 7 of this Rule; or if he, in any way, obstructs a Fielder attempting to field a batted ball, or intentionally interferes with a thrown ball: _Provided_, That if two or more Fielders attempt to field a batted ball, and the Base Runner comes in contact with one or more of them, the Umpire shall determine which Fielder is ent.i.tled to the benefit of this Rule, and shall not decide the Base Runner out for coming in contact with any other Fielder.

SEC. 9. If, at any time while the ball is in play, he be touched by the ball in the hands of a Fielder, unless some part of his person is touching a base he is ent.i.tled to occupy: _Provided_, The ball be held by the Fielder after touching him; but (exception as to First Base), in running to First Base, he may overrun said base without being put out for being off said base, after first touching it, provided he returns at once and retouches the base, after which he may be put out as at any other base.

If, in overrunning First Base, he also attempts to run to Second Base, or, after pa.s.sing the base he turns to his left from the foul line, he shall forfeit such exemption from being put out.

SEC. 10. If, when a Fair or Foul Hit ball, other than a foul tip as referred to in Rule 38, is legally caught by a Fielder, such ball is legally held by a Fielder on the base occupied by the Base Runner when such ball was struck (or the Base Runner be touched with the ball in the hands of a Fielder), before he retouches said base after such Fair or Foul Hit ball was so caught. _Provided_, That the Base Runner shall not be out in such case, if, after the ball was legally caught as above, it be delivered to the bat by the Pitcher before the Fielder holds it on said base, or touches the Base Runner with it; but if the Base Runner in attempting to reach a base, detaches it before being touched or forced out he shall be declared safe.

SEC. 11. If, when a Batsman becomes a Base Runner, the First Base, or the First and Second Bases, or the First, Second and Third Bases, be occupied, any Base Runner so occupying a base shall cease to be ent.i.tled to hold it, until any following Base Runner is put out and may be put out at the next base or by being touched by the ball in the hands of a Fielder in the same manner as in running to First Base, at any time before any following Base Runner is put out.

SEC. 12. If a Fair Hit ball strike him _before touching the fielder_ and in such case no base shall be run unless forced by the Batsman becoming a Base Runner, and no run shall be scored.

SEC. 13. If when running to a base or forced to return to a base, he fail to touch the intervening base or bases, if any, in the order prescribed in Rule 45, he may be put out at the base he fails to touch, or by being touched by the ball in the hands of a Fielder, in the same manner as in running to First Base.

SEC. 14. If, when the Umpire calls "Play," after any suspension of a game, he fails to return to and touch the base he occupied when "Time" was called before touching the next base.


RULE 49. The Umpire shall declare the Batsman or Base Runner out, without waiting for an appeal for such decision, in all cases where such player is put out in accordance with these rules, except as provided in Rule 48, Sections 10 and 14.


RULE 50. The Captains and Coachers are restricted in coaching to the Base Runner only, and are not allowed to address any remarks except to the Base Runner, and then only in words of necessary direction; and no player shall use language which will in any manner refer to or reflect upon a player of the opposing club, or the audience. To enforce the above, the Captain of the opposite side may call the attention of the Umpire to the offence, and upon a repet.i.tion of the same the club shall be debarred from further coaching during the game.


RULE 51. The Umpire shall not be changed during the progress of a game, except for reasons of illness or injury.


RULE 52. SEC. 1. The Umpire is master of the Field from the commencement to the termination of the game, and is ent.i.tled to the respect of the spectators, and any person offering any insult or indignity to him must be promptly ejected from the grounds.

SEC. 2. He must compel the players to observe the provisions of all the Playing Rules, and he is hereby invested with authority to order any player to do or omit to do any act as he may deem necessary, to give force and effect to any and all of such provisions.


RULE 53. The Umpire's duties shall be as follows:

SEC. 1. The Umpire is the sole and absolute judge of play. In no instance shall any person be allowed to question the correctness of any decision made by him except the Captains of the contending nines, and no other player shall at such time leave his position in the field, his place at the bat, on the bases or players' bench, to approach or address the Umpire in word or act upon such disputed decision. Neither shall any Manager or other officers of either club--except the Captains as before mentioned-- be permitted to go upon the field or address the Umpire in regard to such disputed decision, under a penalty of a forfeiture of the game to the opposing club. The Umpire shall in no case appeal to any spectator for information in regard to any case, and shall not reverse his decision on any point of play on the testimony of any player or bystander.

SEC. 2. Before the commencement of a Game, the Umpire shall see that the rules governing all the materials of the game are strictly observed. He shall ask the Captain of the Home Club whether there are any special ground rules to be enforced, and if there are, he shall see that they are duly enforced, provided they do not conflict with any of these Rules. He shall also ascertain whether the fence in the rear of the Catcher's position is distant ninety feet from the Home Base.

SEC. 3. The Umpire must keep the contesting nines playing constantly from the commencement of the game to its termination, allowing such delays only as are rendered unavoidable by accident, injury or rain. He must, until the completion of the game, require the players of each side to promptly take their positions in the field as soon as the the third man is put out, and must require the first striker of the opposite side to be in his position at the bat as soon as the fielders are in their places.

SEC. 4. The Umpire shall count and call every "unfair ball" delivered by the Pitcher, and every "dead ball," if also an unfair ball, as a "ball,"

and he shall also count and call every "strike." Neither a "ball" nor a "strike" shall be counted or called until the ball has pa.s.sed the home base. He shall also declare every "Dead Ball," "Block," "Foul Hit," "Foul Strike," and "Balk."

RULE 54. For the special benefit of the patrons of the game, and because the offences specified are under his immediate jurisdiction, and not subject to appeal by players, the attention of the Umpire is particularly directed to possible violations of the purpose and spirit of the Rules of the following character:

SEC. 1. Laziness or loafing of players in taking their places in the field, or those allotted them by the Rules when their side is at the bat, and especially any failure to keep the bats in the racks provided for them; to be ready (two men) to take position as Batsmen, and to remain upon the Players' Bench, except when otherwise required by the Rules.

SEC. 2. Any attempt by players of the side at bat, by calling to a Fielder, other than the one designated by his Captain, to field a ball, or by any other equally disreputable means seeking to disconcert a Fielder.

SEC. 3. The Rules make a marked distinction between hindrance of an adversary in fielding a batted or thrown ball. This has been done to rid the game of the childish excuses and claims formerly made by a Fielder failing to hold a ball to put out a Base Runner. But there may be cases of a Base Runner so flagrantly violating the spirit of the Rules and of the Game in obstructing a Fielder from fielding a thrown ball that it would become the duty of the Umpire, not only to declare the Base Runner "out"

(and to compel any succeeding Base Runners to hold their bases), but also to impose a heavy fine upon him. For example: If the Base Runner plainly strike at the ball while pa.s.sing him, to prevent its being caught by a Fielder; if he holds a Fielder's arms so as to disable him from catching the ball, or if he run against or knock the Fielder down for the same purpose.


RULE 55. The Umpire must call "Play," promptly at the hour designated by the Home Club, and on the call of "Play" the game must immediately begin.

When he calls "Time," play shall be suspended until he calls "Play" again, and during the interim no player shall be put out, base be run, or run be scored. The Umpire shall suspend play only for an accident to himself or a player (but in case of accident to a Fielder, "Time" shall not be called until the ball be returned to, and held by the Pitcher, standing in his position), or in case rain falls so heavily that the spectators are compelled, by the severity of the storm, to seek shelter, in which case he shall note the time of suspension, and should such rain continue to fall thirty minutes thereafter, he shall terminate the game; or to enforce order in case of annoyance from spectators.

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