Doctor Who_ Tomb Of The Cybermen Part 14

Doctor Who_ Tomb Of The Cybermen -

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'Something must have happened.'

'How long have they been down there?'

Victoria looked at her s.p.a.ce-time watch. 'Nearly an hour.'

'Yep,' said Hopper. 'That's long enough.'

He swung his feet over.

'I'm going down.'

As he stood on the first rung, he pointed to Callum's. belt.

Hanging from it were two metal canisters, rather like hand grenades.

'What are those things loaded with, Jim?' he asked. 'Smoke. I thought they might come in handy.'

'Great, let's have a couple,' said Hopper.

'Here,' said Callum. Hopper took the two slim metal canisters from him and tucked them in his anorak.

'Well,' he said, standing on the top rung and looking at Victoria. 'Here we go.'

'I'm coming too,' said Victoria.

'Later maybe,' said Hopper's voice. 'Not this trip. We don't know what's going on down there. You stay with him.'

Callum and Victoria watched as he disappeared into the cold dark. Then Callum sat down to wait, his gun still held ready for action-pointing at Kaftan. Victoria sat down too, wondering what was going on below the icy shaft. It seemed an age since she had last seen the Doctor and Jamie. What could be happening to them?

In the tomb the humans still huddled in one corner while the Cybermen, now with their voice boxes activated, talked together quietly beside the tombs that had been their homes for so long.

Jamie, shaken but not badly hurt, had been dragged back to join the others by the Cybermen. Toberman had also been carried easily on the back of the attacking Cyberman and left unconscious on the cavern floor.

There was a click, the humans looked up and saw that the Cybermen were ready to speak to them. The five leading Cybermen again formed a semicircle and the Controller strode over to the humans. He spoke to Klieg. 'We have decided how you will be used.'

'Yes?' said Klieg hopefully. He stood before the silver giant like an ambitious young army officer before his king.

'You are a logician,' said the Cyberleader. 'Our race is also logical. You will be the leader of the new race.'

'You will listen to my proposals then?' asked Klieg eagerly.

'Yes,' said the Controller's flat electronic voice. 'We will listen.

But first you will be altered.'

'Altered in what way?'

'Your brain.'

Klieg shrank back, horror dawning on his face.

'You have fear?' came the deep chords of the Super-cyber voice. 'We will eliminate fear from your brain. You will be first.'

He took another step towards Klieg, who stumbled away from him, his confident expression disintegrating in terror.

The semicircle of Cybermen moved a step nearer.

'And you,' said the first of the Cybermen, reaching out towards Parry, 'will be next.'

His steel hand gripped Parry's arm, closed in on it steadily.

'YOU...WILL... ALL... BE... MADE... LIKE... US,' rang the voice of the Controller through the cavern and tunnel.

In the tunnel beyond a figure was standing flat against the now damp walls. Captain Hopper, his hands on the smoke bombs, stood listening to the echo of the terrible voice.

'YOU... WILL... BE... LIKE... US.'.

The Captain pulled the firing pin out from one of the smoke grenades and cupped it ready in his palm.

'To die is unnecessary,' he heard the Controller say. 'You will be frozen until we are ready to use you. Your lives will be suspended,' said the level emotionless voice. 'Prepare the tombs.'

From the tunnel Hopper saw the Cybercontroller press down the console temperature lever and almost immediately the cold air rushed into the cavern and the thin sheet of melting water in the tunnel began to freeze again.

Hopper edged forward a few centimetres. Now he could see Klieg and Parry in the steel grip of the Cybermen, crushed bowed humans being pressed into the empty Cybercells and. new membrane walls being rolled out ready to be bolted on them.

'They really mean it! They are going to freeze us,' cried Parry.

'Not me!' burst out Jamie, ready to make a run for it.

'No, Jamie, not that way,' said the Doctor, grabbing his arm.

Hopper threw his first bomb into the group of Cybermen.

There was a flash, a tremendous bang and the floor of the cabin filled with-thick blinding smoke.

The Cybermen staggered, spun, toppled in bewilderment. They let go of the humans.

'Come on, you guys! Make a run for it!' shouted Hopper, throwing the second smoke bomb at the confused Cybermen.

'Quick, get the Professor,' the Doctor called to Jamie. Their lungs bursting with the smoke, they reached Parry,.and half supporting him, staggered from the cavern, easily evading the blundering Cybermen.

Jamie held up Parry, half dragging him along the corridor, with the Doctor running beside him.

'Is he all right, Jamie?' asked the Doctor.

'Aye, Doctor,' said Jamie, looking at the drooping figure leaning against him.

They came to a junction in the tunnel.

'That's funny. I canna remember this,' Jamie said. 'The Cybermen must have opened a door,' said the Doctor.

They looked baffled at the two. ways, both of which seemed to run upwards.

'This way,' said the Doctor.

'Are you sure?'

'No, but try it,' said the Doctor decisively. 'I'll join you in a moment.'

Jamie ran down the right-hand fork and the Doctor waited while Klieg staggered up behind him, stumbling with the fear and the smoke. He halted for a moment at the junction, hardly noticed the Doctor, then took the left fork.

'Hey, this way,' called the Doctor. But Klieg took no notice, pressing on down the tunnel. Hopper returned, glancing anxiously behind him for the dangerous gleam of silver. 'Hurry, will ya! They'll soon recover. It was only smoke.'

'We've got to stop them,' said the Doctor.

'Block off this tunnel perhaps,' said Hopper.

'Not a hope. We'll just have to get out before they do. Come on!'

They ran down the right-hand fork after Jamie and the Professor. Toberman appeared stumbling and coughing, partially blinded by the smoke, feeling his way along the slippery walls of the pa.s.sage.

In his path loomed something silver-a Cyberman. Toberman turned to run but the Cyberman reached out a hand and grabbed his shoulder. Toberman turned and delivered a ma.s.sive blow at the Cyberman's neck and sent the Monster clanging back against the metal walls of the tunnel. Toberman turned to run, only to face another Cyberman. He pointed his metal finger at Toberman and the terrible spark came out like a laser and struck Toberman on the forehead.

Toberman staggered and blinked-but this time he did not go down. He stayed standing, his human muscles gleaming with the sweat of effort as he wrestled with the two silver beings, a human with nothing but muscle and strength against the bionic power of the Cybermen.

And in the end he fell.

Through the smoke loomed the Cybercontroller. 'Where are the others?'

'They have escaped through to the ladder,' one of the Cybermen replied.

'Follow them,' said the Controller. He turned to look down at Toberman. 'This humanoid is powerful. We will use him. Prepare him.'

The other two Cybermen picked up the inert Toberman and carried him like. a dead warrior back to the waiting tomb.

Jamie and Hopper were pulling the half-conscious Professor up the ladder, sweating with the effort and the need for speed.

'Can't you hurry up?' said Hopper. 'For Pete's sake, get a move on.'

Finally, the two of them managed to drag Parry over the top, helped by Callum and Victoria. She saw Jamie behind the Professor.

'Jamie!' she cried, almost weeping with relief. 'Look at all that smoke!' Behind them, curling out of the shaft, the smoke began to well out into the control room.

'Keep back, Victoria,' said Jamie. 'There's the others to come yet.'

Hopper's head showed. 'The Cybermen! They're right behind us,' he shouted, breathless, and as he climbed out they saw the Doctor a long way below, and behind him the horrible gleam they had been waiting for-a Cyberman, climbing fast.

'Quick, Doctor. Hurry.' Victoria wrung her hands and looked helplessly down the hatch as the Doctor scrambled up the gigantic rungs. The Cyberman below, moving with a steady driving rhythm, was catching up with him.

'Start closing it!' shouted Hopper. Callum threw the switch and the great lid started creaking down over the Doctor and the swift-moving terror below.

The Doctor's head and shoulders came over the hatchway to be grabbed by Jamie and Hopper.

'He's got my foot!'

'Stop the hatch!' Hopper called over. Callum pressed a b.u.t.ton, the gears stopped, suspending the hatch halfway open over the Doctor.

'It's no use!' gasped the Doctor. 'I can't get free.'

Victoria looked round in desperation. There must be something she could use. The coffee flask! She ran over to it, picked it up and threw it at the Cyberman. The vacuum exploded on the Cyberman's head. He let go of the Doctor and quickly Hopper and Jamie dragged him to safety.

'The hatch,' shouted Hopper. But Callum had already activated the mechanism. The hatch started to move down again and the watching group held their breath, as they saw the Cyberman's long silver arm come up to try to hold it open. For a moment it seemed to stop, but even he could not prevail against the power of the gears, and millimetre by millimetre, the ma.s.sive metal crushed down on him, driving him back down the shaft, and the lid was closed.

Thud! Thud! The Cyberman beat upon the closed hatch with his steel fists. At each blow a small dent appeared in the heavy metal, but the hatch held. Finally, the great clanging blows died away, as the Cyberman gave up and retired down the ladder.

Everyone in the control room drew a long breath, feeling their fast throbbing pulses subside. The Doctor ma.s.saged his foot, but smiled at the others and indicated that it was all right.

Jamie went over to Victoria, who was sitting with her head down, trembling, faint.

'It was horrible...' she whispered. 'So strong.'

'It's all right, Victoria. Dinna worry. It can't get up here,' said Jamie, holding and comforting her.

Professor Parry, who had seemed almost in a state of shock from the desperate chase, came to and sat up as if he had been dozing at a lecture.

'That was a near thing,' he said in his clipped, precise voice.

'Anyone missing?'

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