Hurlbut's Bible Lessons Part 18

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=6.= How long had L[)a]z'a-r[)u]s been buried when J[=e]'[s+]us came to B[)e]th'a-n[)y]? =Four days.=

=7.= What is told of J[=e]'[s+]us, as he stood before the tomb of L[)a]z'a-r[)u]s? ="J[=e]'[s+]us wept."=

=8.= What did J[=e]'[s+]us say at the tomb of L[)a]z'a-r[)u]s?

="L[)a]z'a-r[)u]s, come forth!"=

=9.= What took place when J[=e]'[s+]us had spoken these words?

=L[)a]z'a-r[)u]s came out of the tomb living.=

=10.= What did many of the people do when they saw this mighty work of J[=e]'[s+]us? =Many believed on J[=e]'[s+]us.=

=11.= What did the rulers of the Jew[s+] resolve to do? =To kill J[=e]'[s+]us.=

Lesson XXII. Some Parables in Perea.

(Tell Story 27 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= To what country did J[=e]'[s+]us go, soon after he brought L[)a]z'a-r[)u]s to life? =To P[+e]-r[=e]'a east of the river Jor'dan.=

=2.= What did J[=e]'[s+]us do in P[+e]-r[=e]'a? =He went through the land teaching.=

=3.= What was one of the parables or stories that J[=e]'[s+]us told in P[+e]-r[=e]'a? =The Lost Sheep.=

=4.= What did the shepherd do for the sheep that was lost? =He went after it and found it.=

=5.= Who seeks after us when we are lost from G.o.d? =J[=e]'[s+]us the good shepherd.=

=6.= Of whom did J[=e]'[s+]us tell in another parable or story? =Of a young man who went away from home.=

=7.= What happened to this young man? =He became very poor.=

=8.= What did the young man say when he was in need? ="I will arise, and will go to my father."=

=9.= What did the father do when his son came home? =He made him a great feast.=

=10.= Who is the one that forgives our sins and gives us blessings? =Our Heavenly Father.=

Lesson XXIII. Jesus and the Little Children.

(Tell Story 28 in Part Sixth, omitting "The Rich Man and Lazarus," "The Unjust Steward and the Unjust Judge.")

=1.= What parable or story did J[=e]'[s+]us give about prayer? =He told of two men who prayed.=

=2.= Where did these two men pray? =In the temple.=

=3.= How did one of these two men pray to G.o.d? =He told G.o.d how good he was.=

=4.= What did the other man say? ="G.o.d be merciful to me a sinner."=

=5.= Which of these two men did G.o.d bless? =The one who asked for mercy.=

=6.= Who were brought to J[=e]'[s+]us? =Little children.=

=7.= What did J[=e]'[s+]us say of the children? =Of such is the kingdom of heaven.=

=8.= What did J[=e]'[s+]us do to the children? =He put his hands on them and blessed them.=

=9.= What question did a rich young man ask of J[=e]'[s+]us? ="What good thing shall I do?"=

=10.= What did J[=e]'[s+]us tell this man to do? =To give all he had to the poor.=

=11.= What else did J[=e]'[s+]us say to him? ="Come and follow me."=

Lesson XXIV. Jesus at Jericho.

(Tell Story 29 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= What city did J[=e]'[s+]us visit, as he was leaving the land of P[+e]-r[=e]'a? =J[)e]r'[)i]-ch[=o].=

=2.= Whom did J[=e]'[s+]us meet at the gate of J[)e]r'[)i]-ch[=o]? =A blind man.=

=3.= What was this blind man's name? =Bar-ti-mae'us.=

=4.= What did Bar-ti-mae'us cry out as J[=e]'[s+]us came near? ="Have mercy on me."=

=5.= What did J[=e]'[s+]us do to blind Bar-ti-mae'us? =He gave to him sight=.

=6.= With what rich man did J[=e]'[s+]us stay while he was in J[)e]r'[)i]-ch[=o]? =With Z[)a]c-chae'us.=

=7.= What did the people think that Z[)a]c-chae'us was? =A sinner.=

=8.= For what purpose did J[=e]'[s+]us say that he came? =To seek and to save the lost.=

=9.= What parable did J[=e]'[s+]us give at that time? =The parable of the Pounds.=

=10.= What does the parable of the Pounds show us that we should do?

=That we should work for Chr[=i]st.=

Lesson XXV. Palm Sunday.

(Tell Story 30 in Part Sixth.)

=1.= To what place did J[=e]'[s+]us go from J[)e]r'[)i]-ch[=o]? =To B[)e]th'a-n[)y], near J[+e]-r[u:]'s[+a]-l[)e]m.=

=2.= What was made for J[=e]'[s+]us in B[)e]th'a-n[)y]? =A supper.=

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