The Koran (Al-Qur'an) Part 17

The Koran (Al-Qur'an) -

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Thus do we set some of the unjust over others of them, because of that which they have deserved.

130 O company of genii and men, did not messengers from among yourselves come unto you, rehearsing my signs unto you, and forewarning you of the meeting of this your day? They shall answer, We bear witness against ourselves: the present life deceived them: and they shall bear witness against themselves that they were unbelievers.

This hath been the method of G.o.d's dealing with his creatures, because thy LORD would not destroy the cities in their iniquity, while their inhabitants were careless.

Every one shall have degrees of recompense of that which they shall do; for thy LORD is not regardless of that which they do, and thy LORD is self-sufficient and endued with mercy. If he pleaseth he can destroy you, and cause such as he pleaseth to succeed you, in like manner as he produced you from the posterity of other people.

Verily that which is threatened you, shall surely come to pa.s.s; neither shall ye cause it to fail.

Say unto those of Mecca, O my people, act according to your power; verily I will act according to my duty: and hereafter shall ye know whose will be the reward of paradise. The unG.o.dly shall not prosper.

Those of Mecca set apart unto G.o.d a portion of that which he hath produced of the fruits of the earth, and of cattle; and say, This belongeth unto G.o.d (according to their imagination), and this unto our companions. And that which is destined for their companions cometh not unto G.o.d; yet that which is set apart unto G.o.d cometh unto their companions. How ill do they judge!

In like manner have their companions induced many of the idolaters to slay their children, that they might bring them to perdition, and that they might render their religion obscure and confused unto them. But if G.o.d had pleased, they had not done this: therefore leave them and that which they falsely imagine.

They also say, These cattle and fruits of the earth are sacred; none shall eat thereof but who we please (according to their imagination); and there are cattle whose backs are forbidden to be rode on, or laden with burdens; and there are cattle on which they commemorate not the name of G.o.d when they slay them; devising a lie against him; G.o.d shall reward them for that which they falsely devise.

And they say, That which is in the bellies of these cattle is allowed to our males to eat, and is forbidden to our wives: but if it prove abortive, they they are both partakers thereof. G.o.d shall give them the reward of their attributing these things to him: he is knowing and wise.

140 They are utterly lost who have slain their children foolishly, without knowledge; and have forbidden that which G.o.d hath given them for food, devising a lie against G.o.d. They have erred, and were not rightly directed.

He it is who produceth gardens of vines, both those which are supported on trails of wood, and those which are not supported, and palm-trees, and the corn affording various food, and olives, and pomegranates, alike and unlike unto one another. Eat of their fruit, when they bear fruit, and pay the due thereof on the day whereon ye shall gather it; but be not profuse, for G.o.d loveth not those who are too profuse.

And G.o.d hath given you some cattle fit for bearing of burdens, and some fit for slaughter only. Eat of what G.o.d hath given you for food; and follow not the steps of Satan, for he is your declared enemy.

Four pair of cattle hath G.o.d given you; of sheep one pair, and of goats one pair. Say unto them, Hath G.o.d forbidden the two males, of sheep and of goats, or the two females; or that which the wombs of the two females contain?

Tell me with certainty, if ye speak truth.

And of camels hath G.o.d given you one pair, and of oxen one pair. Say, Hath he forbidden the two males of these, or the two females; or that which the wombs of the two females contain? Were ye present when G.o.d commanded you this? And who is more unjust than he who deviseth a lie against G.o.d, that he may seduce men without understanding? Verily G.o.d directed not unjust people.

Say, I find not in that which hath been revealed unto me anything forbidden unto the eater, that he eat it not, except it be that which dieth of itself, or blood poured forth, or swine's flesh: for this is an abomination: or that which is profane, having been slain in the name of some other than of G.o.d. But whoso shall be compelled by necessity to eat of these things, not l.u.s.ting, nor wilfully transgressing, verily thy LORD will be gracious unto him and merciful.

Unto the Jews did we forbid every beast having an undivided hoof; and of bullocks and sheep, we forbade them the fat of both; except that which should be on their backs, or their inwards, or which should be intermixed with the bone. This have we rewarded them with, because of their iniquity; and we are surely speakers of truth.

If they accuse thee of imposture, say, Your LORD is endued with extensive mercy; but his severity shall not be averted from wicked people.

The idolaters will say, If G.o.d had pleased, we had not been guilty of idolatry, neither our fathers; and pretend that we have not forbidden them anything. Thus did they who were before them accuse the prophets of imposture, until they tasted our severe punishment. Say, Is there with you any certain knowledge of what ye allege, that ye may produce it unto us? Ye follow only a false imagination; and ye utter only lies.

Say, therefore, Unto G.o.d belongeth the most evident demonstration; for if he had pleased, he had directed you all.

150 Say, Produce your witnesses, who can bear testimony that G.o.d hath forbidden this. But if they bear testimony of this, do not thou bear testimony with them, nor do thou follow the desires of those who accuse our signs of falsehood, and who believe not in the life to come, and equalize idols with their LORD.

Say, Come; I will rehea.r.s.e that which your LORD hath forbidden you; that is to say, that ye be not guilty of idolatry, and that ye show kindness to your parents, and that ye murder not your children for fear lest ye be reduced to poverty; we will provide for you and them; and draw not near unto heinous crimes, neither openly nor in secret; and slay not the soul which G.o.d hath forbidden you to slay, unless for a just cause. This hath he enjoined you that ye may understand.

And meddle not with the substance of the orphan, otherwise than for the improving thereof, until he attain his age of strength: and use a full measure, and a just balance. We will not impose a task on any soul beyond its ability. And when ye p.r.o.nounce judgment observe justice, although it be for or against one who is near of kin, and fulfil the covenant of G.o.d. This hath G.o.d commanded you, that ye may be admonished; and that ye may know that this is my right way: therefore follow it, and follow not the path of others, lest ye be scattered from the path of G.o.d.

This hath he commanded you that ye may take heed.

We gave also unto Moses the book of the law; a perfect rule unto him who should do right, and a determination concerning all things needful, and a direction, and mercy; that the children of Israel might believe the meeting of their LORD.

And this book which we have now sent down is blessed; therefore follow it, and fear G.o.d that ye may obtain mercy: lest ye should say, The scriptures were only sent down unto two people before us; and we neglected to peruse them with attention: or lest ye should say, If a book of divine revelations had been sent down unto us, we would surely have been better directed than they. And now hath a manifest declaration come unto you from your LORD, and a direction and mercy: and who is more unjust than he who deviseth lies against the signs of G.o.d, and turneth aside from them? We will reward those who turn aside from our signs with a grievous punishment, because they have turned aside.

Do they wait for any other than that the angels should come unto them, to part their souls from their bodies; or that thy LORD should come to punish them; or that some of the signs of thy LORD should come to pa.s.s, showing the day of judgment to be at hand? On the day whereon some of thy LORD'S signs shall come to pa.s.s, its faith shall not profit a soul which believed not before, or wrought not good in its faith. Say, Wait ye for this day; we surely do wait for it.

They who make a division in their religion, and become sectaries, have thou nothing to do with them; their affair belongeth only unto G.o.d. Hereafter shall he declare unto them that which they have done.

160 He who shall appear with good works, shall receive a tenfold recompense for the same; but he who shall appear with evil works, shall receive only an equal punishment for the same; and they shall not be treated unjustly.

Say, Verily my LORD hath directed me into a right way, a true religion, the sect of Abraham the orthodox; and he was no idolater.

Say, Verily my prayers, and my wors.h.i.+p, and my life, and my death are dedicated unto G.o.d, the LORD of all creatures: he hath no companion. This have I been commanded: I am the first Moslem.

Say, shall I desire any other LORD besides G.o.d? since he is the LORD of all things; and no soul shall acquire any merits or demerits but for itself; and no burdened soul shall bear the burden of another. Moreover unto your LORD shall ye return; and he shall declare unto you that concerning which ye now dispute.

It is he who hath appointed you to succeed your predecessors in the earth, and hath raised some of you above others by various degrees of worldly advantages, that he might prove you by that which he hath bestowed on you.

Thy LORD is swift in punis.h.i.+ng; and he is also gracious and merciful.





A book hath been sent down unto thee: and therefore let there be no doubt in thy breast concerning it; that thou mayest preach the same, and that it may be an admonition unto the faithful.

Follow that which hath been sent down unto you from your LORD; and follow no guides besides him: how little will ye be warned!

How many cities have we destroyed; which our vengeance overtook by night, or while they were reposing themselves at noon-day!

And their supplication, when our punishment came upon them, was no other than that they said, Verily we have been unjust.

We will surely call those to an account, unto whom a prophet hath been sent; and we will also call those to account who have been sent unto them.

And we will declare their actions unto them with knowledge; for we are not absent from them.

The weighing of men's actions on that day shall be just; and they whose balances laden with their good works shall be heavy, are those who shall be happy; but they whose balances shall be light, are those who have lost their souls, because they injured our signs.

10 And now have we placed you on the earth, and have provided you food therein: but how little are ye thankful!

We created you, and afterwards formed you; and then said unto the angels, Wors.h.i.+p Adam; and they all wors.h.i.+pped him, except Eblis, who was not one of those who wors.h.i.+pped.

G.o.d said unto him, What hindered thee from wors.h.i.+pping Adam, since I had commanded thee? He answered, I am more excellent than he: thou hast created me of fire, and hast created him of clay.

G.o.d said, Get thee down therefore from paradise; for it is not fit that thou behave thyself proudly therein: get thee hence; thou shalt be one of the contemptible.

He answered, Give me respite until the day of resurrection.

G.o.d said, Verily thou shalt be one of those who are respited.

The devil said, Because thou hast depraved me, I will lay wait for men in thy strait way; then will I come upon them from before, and from behind, and from their right hands, and from their left; and thou shalt not find the greater part of them thankful.

G.o.d said unto him, Get thee hence, despised, and driven far away: verily whoever of them shall follow thee, I will surely fill h.e.l.l with you all: but as for thee, O Adam, dwell thou and thy wife in paradise; and eat of the fruit thereof wherever ye will; but approach not this tree, lest ye become of the number of the unjust.

20 And Satan suggested to them both, that he would discover unto them their nakedness, which was hidden from them; and he said, Your LORD hath not forbidden you this tree, for any other reason but lest ye should become angels, or lest ye become immortal.

And he sware unto them, saying, Verily I am one of those who counsel you aright.

And he caused them to fall through deceit. And when they had tasted of the tree, their nakedness appeared unto them; and they began to join together the leaves of paradise, to cover themselves. And their LORD called to them, saying, Did I not forbid you this tree: and did I not say unto you, Verily Satan is your declared enemy?

They answered, O LORD, we have dealt unjustly with our own souls; and if thou forgive us not, and be not merciful unto us, we shall surely be of those who perish.

G.o.d said, Get ye down, the one of you an enemy unto the other; and ye shall have a dwelling-place upon the earth, and a provision for a season.

He said, Therein shall ye live, and therein shall ye die, and from thence shall ye be taken forth at the resurrection.

O children of Adam, we have sent down unto you apparel, to conceal your nakedness, and fair garments; but the clothing of piety is better. This is one of the signs of G.o.d; that peradventure ye may consider.

O children of Adam, let not Satan seduce you, as he expelled your parents out of paradise, by stripping them of their clothing, that he might show them their nakedness: verily he seeth you, both he and his companions, whereas ye see not them. We have appointed the devils to be patrons of those who believe not: and when they commit a filthy action, they say, We found our fathers practising the same; and G.o.d hath commanded us to do it. Say, Verily G.o.d commandeth not filthy actions. Do ye speak concerning G.o.d that which ye know not?

Say, My LORD hath commanded me to observe justice; therefore set your faces to pray at every place of wors.h.i.+p, and call upon him, approving unto him the sincerity of your religion. As he produced you at first, so unto him shall ye return.

30 A part of mankind hath he directed; and a part hath been justly led into error, because they have taken the devils for their patrons besides G.o.d, and imagine they are rightly directed.

O children of Adam, take your decent apparel at every place of wors.h.i.+p, and eat and drink, but be not guilty of excess; for he loveth not those who are guilty of excess.

Say, Who hath forbidden the decent apparel of G.o.d, which he hath produced for his servants, and the good things which he hath provided for food? Say, these things are for those who believe, in this present life, but peculiarly on the day of resurrection. Thus do we distinctly explain our signs unto people who understand.

Say, Verily my LORD hath forbidden filthy actions, both that which is discovered thereof, and that which is concealed, and also iniquity, and unjust violence; and hath forbidden you to a.s.sociate with G.o.d that concerning which he hath sent you down no authority, or to speak of G.o.d that which ye know not.

Unto every nation there is a prefixed term; therefore when their term is expired, they shall not have respite for an hour, neither shall they be antic.i.p.ated.

O children of Adam, verily apostles from among you shall come unto you, who shall expound my signs unto you: whosoever therefore shall fear G.o.d and amend, there shall come no fear on them, neither shall they be grieved.

But they who shall accuse our signs of falsehood, and shall proudly reject them, they shall be the companions of h.e.l.l fire; they shall remain therein forever.

And who is more unjust than he who deviseth a lie concerning G.o.d, or accuseth his signs of imposture? Unto these shall be given their portion of worldly happiness, according to what is written in the book of G.o.d's decrees, until our messengers come unto them, and shall cause them to die; saying, Where are the idols which ye called upon, besides G.o.d? They shall answer, They have disappeared from us. And they shall bear witness against themselves that they were unbelievers.

G.o.d shall say unto them at the resurrection, Enter ye with the nations which have preceded you, of genii and of men, into h.e.l.l fire; so often as one nation shall enter, it shall curse its sister, until they shall all have successively entered therein. The latter of them shall say of the former of them: O LORD, these have seduced us; therefore inflict on them a double punishment of the fire of h.e.l.l. G.o.d shall answer, It shall be doubled unto all: but ye know it not: and the former of them shall say unto the latter of them, Ye have not therefore any favor above us; taste the punishment for that which ye have gained.

40 Verily they who shall charge our signs with falsehood, and shall proudly reject them, the gates of heaven shall not be opened unto them, neither shall they enter into paradise, until a camel pa.s.s through the eye of a needle, and thus will we reward the wicked doers.

Their couch shall be in h.e.l.l, and over them shall be coverings of fire; and thus will we reward the unjust.

But they who believe, and do that which is right (we will not load any soul but according to its ability,) they shall be the companions of paradise; they shall remain therein forever.

And we will remove all grudges from their minds; rivers shall run at their feet, and they shall say, Praised be G.o.d, who hath directed us unto this felicity, for we should not have been rightly directed, if G.o.d had not directed us; now are we convinced by demonstration that the Apostles of our LORD came unto us with truth. And it shall be proclaimed unto them, This is paradise, whereof ye are made heirs, as a reward for that which ye have wrought.

And the inhabitants of paradise shall call out to the inhabitants of h.e.l.l fire, saying, Now have we found that which our LORD promised us to be true: have ye also found that which your LORD promised you to be true? They shall answer, Yea. And a crier shall proclaim between them, The curse of G.o.d shall be on the wicked; who turn men aside from the way of G.o.d, and seek to render it crooked, and who deny the life to come.

And between the blessed and the d.a.m.ned there shall be a veil; and men shall stand on Al Araf who shall know every one of them by their marks; and shall call unto the inhabitants of paradise, saying, Peace be upon you: yet they shall not enter therein, although they earnestly desire it.

And when they shall turn their eyes towards the companions of h.e.l.l fire, they say, O LORD, place us not with the unG.o.dly people!

And those who stand on Al Araf shall call unto certain men, whom they shall know by their marks, and shall say, What hath your gathering of riches availed you, and that ye were puffed up with pride?

Are these the men on whom ye sware that G.o.d would not bestow mercy?

Enter ye into paradise; there shall come no fear on you, neither shall ye be grieved.

50 And the inhabitants of h.e.l.l fire shall call unto the inhabitants of paradise, saying, Pour upon us some water, or of those refreshments which G.o.d hath bestowed on you. They shall answer, Verily G.o.d hath forbidden them unto the unbelievers; who made a laughing-stock and a sport of their religion, and whom the life of the world hath deceived: therefore this day will we forget them, as they did forget the meeting of this day, and for that they denied our signs to be from G.o.d.

And now have we brought unto those of Mecca a book of divine revelations: we have explained it with knowledge; a direction and mercy unto people who shall believe.

Do they wait for any other than the interpretation thereof? On the day whereon the interpretation thereof shall come, they who had forgotten the same before shall say, Now are we convinced by demonstration that the messengers of our LORD came unto us with truth: shall we therefore have any intercessors, who will intercede for us? or shall we be sent back into the world, that we may do other works than what we did in our life-time? But now have they lost their souls; and that which they impiously imagined hath fled from them.

Verily, your LORD is G.o.d, who created the heavens and the earth in six days; and then ascended his throne: he causeth the night to cover the day; it succeedeth the same swiftly: he also created the sun and the moon, and the stars, which are absolutely subject unto his command. Is not the whole creation, and the empire thereof, his? Blessed be G.o.d, the LORD of all creatures!

Call upon your LORD humbly and in secret; for he loveth not those who transgress.

And act not corruptly in the earth, after its reformation; and call upon him with fear and desire: for the mercy of G.o.d is near unto the righteous.

It is he who sendeth the winds, spread abroad before his mercy, until they bring a cloud heavy with rain, which we drive into a dead country; and we cause water to descend thereon, by which we cause all sorts of fruits to spring forth. Thus will we bring forth the dead from their graves; that peradventure ye may consider.

From a good country shall its fruit spring forth abundantly, by the permission of its LORD; but from the land which is bad, it shall not spring forth otherwise than scarcely. Thus do we explain the signs of divine providence unto people who are thankful.

We formerly sent Noah unto his people: and he said, O my people, wors.h.i.+p G.o.d: ye have no other G.o.d than him. Verily I fear for you the punishment of the great day.

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