The Koran (Al-Qur'an) Part 18

The Koran (Al-Qur'an) -

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60 The chiefs of his people answered him, We surely perceive thee to be in a manifest error.

He replied, O my people, there is no error in me; but I am a messenger from the LORD of all creatures.

I bring unto you the messages of my LORD; and I counsel you aright: for I know from G.o.d, that which ye know not.

Do ye wonder that an admonition hath come unto you from your LORD by a man from among you, to warn you, that ye may take heed to yourselves, and that peradventure ye may obtain mercy?

And they accused him of imposture: but we delivered him and those who were with him in the ark, and we drowned those who charged our signs with falsehood; for they were a blind people.

And unto the tribe of Ad we sent their brother Hud. He said, O my people, wors.h.i.+p G.o.d: ye have no other G.o.d than him; will ye not fear him?

The chiefs of those among his people who believed not, answered, Verily we perceive that thou art guided by folly; and we certainly esteem thee to be one of the liars.

He replied, O my people, I am not guided by folly; but I am a messenger unto you from the LORD of all creatures: I bring unto you the messages of my LORD; and I am a faithful counsellor unto you.

Do ye wonder that an admonition hath come unto you from your LORD, by a man from among you, that he may warn you? Call to mind how he hath appointed you successors unto the people of Noah, and hath added unto you in stature largely. Remember the benefits of G.o.d, that ye may prosper.

70 They said, Art thou come unto us, that we should wors.h.i.+p G.o.d alone, and leave the deities which our fathers wors.h.i.+pped? Now bring down that judgment upon us, with which thou threatenest us, if thou speakest truth.

Hud answered, Now shall there suddenly fall upon you from your LORD vengeance and indignation. Will ye dispute with me concerning the names which ye have named, and your fathers; as to which G.o.d hath not revealed unto you any authority? Do ye wait therefore, and I will be one of those who wait with you.

And we delivered him, and them who believed with him by our mercy; and we cut off the uttermost part of those who charged our signs with falsehood, and were not believers.

And unto the tribe of Thamud we sent their brother Saleh. He said, O my people, wors.h.i.+p G.o.d: ye have no G.o.d besides him. Now hath a manifest proof come unto you from your LORD. This she-camel of G.o.d is a sign unto you: therefore dismiss her freely, that she may feed in G.o.d's earth; and do her no hurt, lest a painful punishment seize you.

And call to mind how he hath appointed you successors unto the tribe of Ad, and hath given you a habitation on earth; ye build yourselves castles on the plains thereof, and cut out the mountains into houses. Remember therefore the benefits of G.o.d, and commit not violence in the earth, acting corruptly.

The chiefs among his people who were puffed up with pride, said unto those who were esteemed weak, namely unto those who believed among them, Do ye know that Saleh hath been sent from his LORD? They answered, We do surely believe in that wherewith he hath been sent.

Those who were elated with pride replied, Verily we believe not in that wherein ye believe.

And they cut off the feet of the camel, and insolently transgressed the command of their LORD, and said, O Saleh, cause that to come upon us which thou hast threatened us, if thou art one of those who have been sent by G.o.d.

Whereupon a terrible noise from heaven a.s.sailed them; and in the morning they were found in their dwellings prostrate on their b.r.e.a.s.t.s and dead.

And Saleh departed from them, and said, O my people, now have I delivered unto you the message of my LORD and I advised you well, but ye love not those who advise you well.

80 And remember Lot, when he said unto his people, Do ye commit a wickedness, wherein no creature hath set you an example?

Do ye approach l.u.s.tfully unto men, leaving the women? Certainly ye are people who transgress all modesty.

But the answer of his people was no other than that they said the one to the other, Expel them your city; for they are men who preserve themselves pure from the crimes which ye commit.

Therefore we delivered him and his family, except his wife; she was one of those who stayed behind: and we rained a shower of stones upon them. Behold therefore what was the end of the wicked.

And unto Madian we sent their brother Shoaib. He said unto them, O my people, wors.h.i.+p G.o.d; ye have no G.o.d besides him. Now hath an evident demonstration come unto you from your LORD. Therefore give full measure and just weight, and diminish not unto men aught of their matters: neither act corruptly in the earth, after its reformation. This will be better for you, if ye believe.

And beset not every way, threatening the pa.s.senger; and turning aside from the path of G.o.d him who believeth in him, and seeking to make it crooked.

And remember, when ye were few, and G.o.d multiplied you: and behold, what hath been the end of those who acted corruptly.

And if part of you believe in that wherewith I am sent, and part believe not, wait patiently until G.o.d judge between us; for he is the best judge.

The chiefs of his people, who were elated with pride, answered, We will surely cast thee, O Shoaib, and those who believe with thee, out of our city: or else thou shalt certainly return unto our religion. He said, What, though we be averse thereto?

We shall surely imagine a lie against G.o.d, if we return unto your religion, after that G.o.d hath delivered us from the same: and we have no reason to return unto it, unless G.o.d our LORD shall please to abandon us. Our LORD comprehendeth every thing by his knowledge. In G.o.d do we put our trust.

O LORD do thou judge between us and our nation with truth; for thou art the best judge.

90 And the chiefs of his people who believed not said, If ye follow Shoaib, ye shall surely perish.

Therefore a storm from heaven a.s.sailed them, and in the morning they were found in their dwellings dead and prostrate.

They who accused Shoaib of imposture became as though they had never dwelt therein; they who accused Shoaib of imposture perished themselves.

And he departed from them, and said, O my people, now have I performed unto you the messages of my LORD; and I advised you aright: but why should I be grieved for an unbelieving people.

We have never sent any prophet unto a city, but we afflicted the inhabitants thereof with calamity and adversity, that they might humble themselves.

Then we gave them in exchange good in lieu of evil, until they abounded, and said, Adversity and prosperity formerly happened unto our fathers, as unto us. Therefore we took vengeance on them suddenly, and they perceived it not beforehand.

But if the inhabitants of those cities had believed and feared G.o.d, we would surely have opened to them blessings both from heaven and earth. But they charged our apostles with falsehood, wherefore we took vengeance on them, for that which they had been guilty of.

Were the inhabitants therefore of those cities secure that our punishment should not fall on them by night, while they slept?

Or were the inhabitants of those cities secure that our punishment should not fall on them by day, while they sported?

Were they therefore secure from the stratagem of G.o.d? But none will think himself secure from the stratagem of G.o.d, except the people who perish.

100 And hath it not manifestly appeared unto those who have inherited the earth after the former inhabitants thereof, that if we please, we can afflict them for their sins? But we will seal up their hearts; and they shall not hearken.

We will relate unto thee some stories of these cities. Their apostles had come unto them with evident miracles, but they were not disposed to believe in that which they had before gainsaid. Thus will G.o.d seal up the hearts of the unbelievers.

And we found not in the greater part of them any observance of their covenant; but we found the greater part of them wicked doers.

Then we sent after the above named apostles, Moses with our signs unto Pharaoh and his princes; who treated them unjustly: but behold what was the end of the corrupt doers.

And Moses said, O Pharaoh, verily I am an apostle sent from the LORD of all creatures.

It is just that I should not speak of G.o.d other than the truth. Now am I come unto you with an evident sign from your LORD: send therefore the children of Israel away with me.

Pharaoh answered, If thou comest with a sign, produce it, if thou speakest truth.

Wherefore he cast down his rod; and behold, it became a visible serpent.

And he drew forth his hand out of his bosom; and behold, it appeared white unto the spectators.

The chiefs of the people of Pharaoh said, This man is certainly an expert magician: 110 he seeketh to dispossess you of your land; what therefore do ye direct?

They answered, Put off him and his brother by fair promises for some time, and in the mean while send unto the cities persons who may a.s.semble and bring unto thee every expert magician.

So the magicians came unto Pharaoh; and they said, Shall we surely receive a reward, if we do overcome?

He answered, Yea; and ye shall certainly be of those who approach near unto my throne.

They said, O Moses, either do thou cast down thy rod first, or we will cast down ours.

Moses answered, Do ye cast down your rods first. And when they had cast them down, they enchanted the eyes of the men who were present, and terrified them: and they performed a great enchantment.

And we spake by revelation unto Moses, saying, Throw down thy rod. And behold, it swallowed up the rods which they had caused falsely to appear changed into serpents.

Wherefore the truth was confirmed, and that which they had wrought vanished.

And Pharaoh and his magicians were overcome there, and were rendered contemptible.

120 And the magicians prostrated themselves, wors.h.i.+pping; and they said, We believe in the LORD of all creatures, the LORD of Moses and Aaron.

Pharaoh said, Have ye believed on him, before I have given you permission? Verily this is a plot which ye have contrived in the city, that ye might cast forth from thence the inhabitants thereof. But ye shall surely know that I am your master; for I will cause your hands and your feet to be cut off on the opposite sides, then will I cause you all to be crucified.

The magicians answered, We shall certainly return unto our LORD, in the next life; for thou takest vengeance on us only because we have believed in the signs of our LORD, when they have come unto us. O LORD, pour on us patience; and cause us to die Moslems.

And the chiefs of Pharaoh's people said, Wilt thou let Moses and his people go, that they may act corruptly in the earth, and leave thee and thy G.o.ds? Pharaoh answered, We will cause their male children to be slain, and we will suffer their females to live; and by that means we shall prevail over them.

Moses said unto his people, Ask a.s.sistance of G.o.d, and suffer patiently: for the earth is G.o.d's, he giveth it for an inheritance unto such of his servants as he pleaseth; and the prosperous end shall be unto those who fear him.

They answered, We have been afflicted by having our male children slain, before thou camest unto us, and also since thou hast come unto us. Moses said, Peradventure it may happen that our LORD will destroy your enemy, and will cause you to succeed him in the earth, that he may see how ye will act therein.

130 And we formerly punished the people of Pharaoh with dearth and scarcity of fruits, that they might be warned.

Yet when good happened unto them, they said, This is owing unto us: but if evil befell them, they attributed the same to the ill luck of Moses, and those who were with him. Was not their ill luck with G.o.d? But most of them knew it not.

And they said unto Moses, Whatever sign thou show unto us, to enchant us therewith, we will not believe on thee.

Wherefore we sent upon them a flood and locusts, and lice, and frogs, and blood; distinct miracles: but they behaved proudly, and became a wicked people.

And when the plague fell on them, they said, O Moses, entreat thy LORD for us, according to that which he hath covenanted with thee; verily if thou take the plague from off us, we will surely believe thee, and we will let the children of Israel go with thee.

But when we had taken the plague from off them until the term which G.o.d had granted them was expired, behold they broke their promise.

Wherefore we took vengeance on them, and drowned them in the Red Sea; because they charged our signs with falsehood, and neglected them.

And we caused the people who had been rendered weak to inherit the eastern parts of the earth and the western parts thereof, which we blessed with fertility; and the gracious word of thy LORD was fulfilled on the children of Israel, for that they had endured with patience: and we destroyed the structures which Pharaoh and his people had made, and that which they had erected.

And we caused the children of Israel to pa.s.s through the sea, and they came unto a people who gave themselves up to the wors.h.i.+p of their idols, and they said, O Moses, make us a G.o.d, in like manner as these people have G.o.ds.

Moses answered, Verily ye are an ignorant people: for the religion which these follow will be destroyed, and that which they do is vain.

140 He said, Shall I seek for you any other G.o.d than G.o.d; since he hath preferred you to the rest of the world?

And remember when we delivered you from the people of Pharaoh, who grievously oppressed you; they slew your male children, and let your females live: therein was a great trial from your LORD.

And we appointed unto Moses a fast of thirty nights before we gave him the law, and we completed them by adding of ten more; and the stated time of his LORD was fulfilled in forty nights. And Moses said unto his brother Aaron, Be thou my deputy among my people during my absence; and behave uprightly, and follow not the way of the corrupt doers.

And when Moses came at our appointed time, and his LORD spake unto him, he said, O LORD, show me thy glory, that I may behold thee. G.o.d answereth, Thou shalt in no wise behold me; but look towards the mountain, and if it stand firm in its place, then thou shalt see me. But when his LORD appeared with glory in the mount, he reduced it to dust. And Moses fell down in a swoon. And when he came to himself, he said, Praise be unto thee! I turn unto thee with repentence, and I am the first of true believers.

G.o.d said unto him, O Moses, I have chosen thee above all men, by honouring thee with my commissions, and by my speaking unto thee: receive therefore that which I have brought thee, and be one of those who give thanks.

And we wrote for him on the tables an admonition concerning every matter, and a decision in every case, and said, Receive this with reverence; and command thy people that they live according to the most excellent precepts thereof. I will show you the dwelling of the wicked.

I will turn aside from my signs those who behave themselves proudly in the earth, without justice: and although they see every sign, yet they shall not believe therein; and although they see the way of righteousness, yet they shall not take that way; but if they see the way of error, they shall take that way. This shall come to pa.s.s because they accuse our signs of imposture, and neglect the same.

But as for them who deny the truth of our signs and the meeting of the life to come, their works shall be vain: shall they be rewarded otherwise than according to what they shall have wrought?

And the people of Moses, after his departure, took a corporeal calf, made of their ornaments, which lowed. Did they not see that it spake not unto them, neither directed them in the way? Yet they took it for their G.o.d, and acted wickedly.

But when they repented with sorrow, and saw that they had gone astray, they said, Verily if our LORD have not mercy upon us, and forgive us not, we shall certainly become of the number of those who perish.

150 And when Moses returned unto his people, full of wrath and indignation, he said, An evil thing is it that ye have committed after my departure; have ye hastened the command of your LORD? And he threw down the tables, and took his brother by the hair of the head, and dragged him unto him. And Aaron said unto him, Son of my mother, verily the people prevailed against me, and it wanted little but they had slain me: make not my enemies therefore to rejoice over me, neither place me with the wicked people.

Moses said, O LORD, forgive me and my brother, and receive us into thy mercy; for thou art the most merciful of those who exercise mercy.

Verily as for them who took the calf for their G.o.d, indignation shall overtake them from their LORD, and ignominy in this life: thus will we reward those who imagine falsehood.

But unto them who do evil, and afterwards repent, and believe in G.o.d, verily thy LORD will thereafter be clement and merciful.

And when the anger of Moses was appeased, he took the tables; and in what was written thereon was a direction and mercy, unto those who feared their LORD.

And Moses chose out of his people seventy men, to go up with him to the mountain at the time appointed by us: and when a storm of thunder and lightning had taken them away, he said, O LORD, if thou hadst pleased, thou hadst destroyed them before, and me also; wilt thou destroy us for that which the foolish men among us have committed? This is only thy trial; thou wilt thereby lead into error whom thou pleasest, and thou wilt direct whom thou pleasest. Thou art our protector, therefore forgive us, and be merciful unto us; for thou art the best of those who forgive.

And write down for us good in this world, and in the life to come; for unto thee are we directed. G.o.d answered, I will inflict my punishment on whom I please; and my mercy extendeth over all things; and I will write down good unto those who shall fear me, and give alms, and who shall believe in our signs; who shall follow the apostle, the illiterate prophet, whom they shall find written down with them in the law and the gospel: he will command them that which is just, and will forbid them that which is evil; and will allow them as lawful the good things which were before forbidden, and will prohibit those which are bad; and he will ease them of their heavy burden, and of the yokes which were upon them. And those who believe in him, and honour him, and a.s.sist him, and follow the light, which hath been sent down with him, shall be happy.

Say, O men, Verily I am the messenger of G.o.d unto you all: unto him belongeth the kingdom of heaven and earth; there is no G.o.d but he: he giveth life, and he causeth to die. Believe therefore in G.o.d and his apostle, the illiterate prophet, who believeth in G.o.d and his word; and follow him, that ye may be rightly directed.

Of the people of Moses there is a party who direct others with truth, and act justly according to the same.

160 And we divided them into twelve tribes, as into so many nations. And we spake by revelation unto Moses, when his people asked drink of him, and we said, Strike the rock with thy rod; and there gushed thereout twelve fountains, and men knew their respective drinking-place. And we caused clouds to overshadow them, and manna and quailsto descend upon them, saying, Eat of the good things which we have given you for food: and they injured not us, but they injured their own souls.

And call to mind when it was said unto them, Dwell in this city, and eat of the provisions thereof wherever ye will, and say, Forgiveness; and enter the gate wors.h.i.+pping: we will pardon you your sins, and will give increase unto the well-doers.

But they who were unG.o.dly among them changed the expression into another, which had not been spoken unto them. Wherefore we went down upon them indignation from heaven, because they transgressed.

And ask them concerning the city, which was situate on the sea, when they transgressed on the Sabbath-day: when their fish came unto them on their Sabbath-day, appearing openly on the water: but on the day whereon they celebrated no Sabbath, they came not unto them. Thus did we prove them, because they were wicked-doers.

And when a party of them said unto the others, Why do ye warn a people whom G.o.d will destroy, or will punish with a grievous punishment? They answered, This is an excuse for us unto your LORD, and peradventure they will beware.

But when they had forgotten the admonitions which had been given them, we delivered those who forbade them to do evil; and we inflicted on those who had transgressed a severe punishment, because they had acted wickedly.

And when they proudly refused to desist from what had been forbidden them, we said unto them, Be ye transformed into apes, driven away from the society of men.

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About The Koran (Al-Qur'an) Part 18 novel

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