The Koran (Al-Qur'an) Part 16

The Koran (Al-Qur'an) -

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Who is more unjust than he who inventeth a lie against G.o.d, or chargeth his signs with imposture? Surely, the unjust shall not prosper.

And on the day of resurrection we will a.s.semble them all; then will we say unto those who a.s.sociated others with G.o.d, Where are your companions, whom ye imagined to be those of G.o.d?

But they shall have no other excuse, than that they shall say, by G.o.d our LORD, we have not been idolaters.

Behold, how they lie against themselves, and what they have blasphemously imagined to be the companion of G.o.d flieth from them.

There is of them who hearkeneth unto thee when thou readest the Koran; but we have cast veils over their hearts, that they should not understand it, and a deafness in their ears: and though they should see all kinds of signs, they will not believe therein; and their infidelity will arrive to that height that they will even come unto thee, to dispute with thee. The unbelievers will say, This is nothing but silly fables of ancient times.

And they will forbid others from believing therein, and will retire afar off from it; but they will destroy their own souls only, and they are not sensible thereof.

If thou didst see when they shall be set over the fire of h.e.l.l! and they shall say, Would to G.o.d we might be sent back into the world; we would not charge the signs of our LORD with imposture, and we would become true believers: nay, but that is become manifest unto them, which they formerly concealed; and though they should be sent back into the world, they would surely return to that which was forbidden them; and they are surely liars.

And they said, There is no other life than our present life; neither shall we be raised again.

30 But if thou couldest see, when they shall be set before their LORD! He shall say unto them, Is not this in truth come to pa.s.s? They shall answer, Yea, by our LORD. G.o.d shall say, Taste therefore the punishment due unto you, for that ye have disbelieved.

They are lost who reject as a falsehood the meeting of G.o.d in the next life, until the hour cometh suddenly upon them. Then will they say, Alas!

for that we have behaved ourselves negligently in our lifetime; and they shall carry their burdens on their backs; will it not be evil which they shall be loaden with?

This present life is no other than a play and a vain amus.e.m.e.nt; but surely the future mansion shall be better for those who fear G.o.d: will they not therefore understand?

Now we know that what they speak grieveth thee: yet they do not accuse thee of falsehood; but the unG.o.dly contradict the signs of G.o.d.

And apostles before thee have been accounted liars: but they patiently bore their being accounted liars, and their being vexed, until our help came unto them; for there is none who can change the words of G.o.d: and thou hast received some information concerning those who have been formerly sent from him.

If their aversion to thy admonitions be grievous unto thee, if thou canst seek out a den whereby thou mayest venetrate into the inward parts of the earth, or a ladder by which thou mayest ascend into heaven, that thou mayest show them a sign, do so, but thy search will be fruitless; for if G.o.d pleased he would bring them all to the true direction: be not therefore one of the ignorant.

He will give a favorable answer unto those only who shall hearken with attention: and G.o.d will raise the dead; then unto him shall they return.

The infidels say, Unless some sign be sent down unto him from his LORD, we will not believe: answer, Verily G.o.d is able to send down a sign: but the greater part of them know it not.

There is no kind of beast on earth, nor fowl which flieth with its wings, but the same is a people like unto you; we have not omitted anything in the book of our decrees: then unto their LORD shall they return.

They who accuse our signs of falsehood are deaf and dumb, walking in darkness: G.o.d will lead into error whom he pleaseth, and whom he pleaseth he will put in the right way.

40 Say, What think ye? if the punishment of G.o.d come upon you, or the hour of the resurrection come upon you, will ye call upon any other than G.o.d, if ye speak truth?

yea, him shall ye call upon, and he shall free you from that which ye shall ask him to deliver you from, if he pleaseth; and ye shall forget that which ye a.s.sociated with him.

We have already sent messengers unto sundry nations before thee, and we afflicted them with trouble and adversity that they might humble themselves: yet when the affliction which we sent came upon them, they did not humble themselves; but their hearts became hardened, and Satan prepared for them that which they committed.

And when they had forgotten that concerning which they had been admonished, we opened unto them the gates of all things; until, while they were rejoicing for that which had been given them, we suddenly laid hold on them, and behold, they were seized with despair; and the utmost part of the people which had acted wickedly was cut off: praise be unto G.o.d, the LORD of all creatures!

Say, what think ye? if G.o.d should take away your hearing and your sight, and should seal up your hearts; what G.o.d besides G.o.d will restore them unto you? See how variously we show forth the signs of G.o.d's unity; yet do they turn aside from them.

Say unto them, What think ye? if the punishment of G.o.d come upon you suddenly, or in open view; will any perish, except the unG.o.dly people?

We send not our messengers otherwise than bearing good tidings and denouncing threats. Whoso therefore shall believe and amend, on them shall no fear come, neither shall they be grieved: but whoso shall accuse our signs of falsehood, a punishment shall fall on them, because they have done wickedly.

50 Say, I say not unto you, The treasures of G.o.d are in my power: neither do I say, I know the secrets of G.o.d: neither do I say unto you, Verily I am an angel: I follow only that which is revealed unto me. Say, Shall the blind and the seeing be held equal? do ye not therefore consider?

Preach it unto those who fear that they shall be a.s.sembled before their LORD: they shall have no patron nor intercessor, except him; that peradventure they may take heed to themselves.

Drive not away those who call upon their LORD morning and evening, desiring to see his face; it belongeth not unto thee to pa.s.s any judgment on them, nor doth it belong unto them to pa.s.s any judgment on thee: therefore if thou drive them away, thou wilt become one of the unjust.

Thus have we proved some part of them by other part, that they may say, Are these the people among us unto whom G.o.d hath been gracious? Doth not G.o.d most truly know those who are thankful?

And when they who believe in our signs shall come unto thee, say, Peace be upon you. Your LORD hath prescribed unto himself mercy; so whoever among you worketh evil through ignorance, and afterwards repenteth and amendeth; unto him will he surely be gracious and merciful.

Thus have we distinctly propounded our signs, that the path of the wicked might be made known.

Say, Verily I am forbidden to wors.h.i.+p the false deities which ye invoke, besides G.o.d. Say, I will not follow your desires; for then should I err, neither should I be one of those who are rightly directed.

Say, I behave according to the plain declaration, which I have received from my LORD; but ye have forged lies concerning him. That which ye desire should be hastened, is not in my power; judgment belongeth only unto G.o.d; he will determine the truth; and he is the best discerner.

Say, If what ye desire should be hastened were in my power, the matter had been determined between me and you: but G.o.d well knoweth the unjust.

With him are the keys of the secret things; none knoweth them besides himself: he knoweth that which is on the dry land and in the sea; there falleth no leaf, but he knoweth it; neither is there a single grain in the dark parts of the earth, neither a green thing, nor a dry thing, but it is written in the perspicuous book.

60 It is he who causeth you to sleep by night, and knoweth what ye merit by day; he also awaketh you therein, that the prefixed term of your lives may be fulfilled; then unto him shall ye return, and he shall declare unto you that which ye have wrought.

He is supreme over his servants, and sendeth the guardian angels to watch over you, until, when death overtaketh one of you, our messengers cause him to die: and they will not neglect our commands.

Afterwards shall they return unto G.o.d, their true LORD: doth not judgment belong unto him? he is the most quick in taking an account.

Say, Who delivereth you from the darkness of the land, and of the sea, when ye call upon him humbly and in private, saying, Verily if thou deliver us from these dangers, we will surely be thankful?

Say, G.o.d delivereth you from them, and from every grief of mind; yet afterwards ye give him companions.

Say, He is able to send on you a punishment from above you, or from under your feet, or to engage you in dissension, and to make some of you taste the violence of others. Observe how variously we show forth our signs, that peradventure they may understand.

This people hath accused the revelation which thou hast brought of falsehood, although it be the truth. Say, I am not a guardian over you: every prophecy hath its fixed time of accomplishment; and he will hereafter know it.

When thou seest those who are engaged in cavilling at, or ridiculing our signs, depart from them, until they be engaged in some other discourse: and if Satan cause thee to forget this precept, do not sit with the unG.o.dly people after recollection.

They who fear G.o.d are not at all accountable for them, but their duty is to remember that they may take heed to themselves.

70 Abandon those who make their religion a sport and a jest; and whom the present life hath deceived: and admonish them by the Koran, that a soul becometh liable to destruction for that which it committeth: it shall have no patron nor intercessor besides G.o.d: and if it could pay the utmost price of redemption, it would not be accepted from it. They who are delivered over to perdition for that which they have committed shall have boiling water to drink, and shall suffer a grievous punishment, because they have disbelieved.

Say, Shall we call upon that, besides G.o.d, which can neither profit us, nor hurt us? and shall we turn back on our heels, after that G.o.d hath directed us; like him whom the devils have infatuated, wandering amazedly in the earth, and yet having companions who call him into the true direction, saying, Come unto us? Say, the direction of G.o.d is the true direction; we are commanded to resign ourselves unto the LORD of all creatures; and it is also commanded us, saying, Observe the stated times of prayer, and fear him; for it is he before whom ye shall be a.s.sembled.

It is he who hath created the heavens and the earth in truth; and whenever he saith unto a thing, Be, it is. His word is the truth; and his will be the kingdom on the day whereon the trumpet shall be sounded: he knoweth whatever is secret, and whatever is public; he is the wise, the knowing.

Call to mind when Abraham said unto his father Azer, Dost thou take images for G.o.ds? Verily I perceive that thou and thy people are in a manifest error.

And thus did we show unto Abraham the kingdom of heaven and earth, that he might become one of those who firmly believe.

And when the night overshadowed him, he saw a star, and he said, This is my LORD; but when it set, he said, I like not G.o.ds which set.

And when he saw the moon rising, he said, This is my LORD; but when he saw it set, he said, Verily if my LORD direct me not, I shall become one of the people who go astray.

And when he saw the sun rising, he said, This is my LORD, this is the greatest; but when it set, he said, O my people, verily I am clear of that which ye a.s.sociate with G.o.d: I direct my face unto him who hath created the heavens and the earth; I am orthodox, and am not one of the idolaters.

80 And his people disputed with him: and he said, Will ye dispute with me concerning G.o.d? since he hath now directed me, and I fear not that which ye a.s.sociate with him, unless that my LORD willeth a thing; for my LORD comprehendeth all things by his knowledge: will ye not therefore consider?

And how should I fear that which ye a.s.sociate with G.o.d, since ye fear not to have a.s.sociated with G.o.d that concerning which he hath sent down unto you no authority? which therefore of the two parties is the more safe, if ye understand aright?

They who believe, and clothe not their faith with injustice, they shall enjoy security, and they are rightly directed.

And this is our argument wherewith we furnished Abraham that he might make use of it against his people: we exalt unto degrees of wisdom and knowledge whom we please; for thy LORD is wise and knowing.

And we gave unto them Isaac and Jacob; we directed them both: and Noah had we before directed, and of his posterity David and Solomon; and Job, and Joseph, and Moses, and Aaron: thus do we reward the righteous: and Zacharias, and John, and Jesus, and Elias; all of them were upright men: and Ismael, and Elisha, and Jonas, and Lot; all these have we favored above the rest of the world; and also divers of their fathers, and their issue, and their brethren; and we chose them, and directed them into the right way.

This is the direction of G.o.d, he directeth thereby such of his servants as he pleaseth; but if they had been guilty of idolatry, that which they wrought would have become utterly fruitless unto them.

Those were the persons unto whom we gave the scripture, and wisdom, and prophecy; but if these believe not therein, we will commit the care of them to a people who shall not disbelieve the same.

90 Those were the persons whom G.o.d hath directed, therefore follow their direction. Say unto the inhabitants of Mecca, I ask of you no recompense for preaching the Koran; it is no other than an admonition unto all creatures.

They make not a due estimation of G.o.d, when they say, G.o.d hath not sent down unto man anything at all: Say, Who sent down the book which Moses brought, a light and a direction unto men; which ye transcribe on papers, whereof ye publish some part, and great part whereof ye conceal? and ye have been taught by Mohammed what ye knew not, neither your fathers. Say, G.o.d sent it down: then leave them to amuse themselves with their vain discourse.

This book which we have sent down is blessed; confirming that which was revealed before it; and is delivered unto thee that thou mayest preach it unto the metropolis of Mecca and to those who are round about it. And they who believe in the next life will believe therein, and they will diligently observe their times of prayer.

Who is more wicked than he who forgeth a lie concerning G.o.d? or saith This was revealed unto me; when nothing hath been revealed unto him? and who saith, I will produce a revelation like unto that which G.o.d hath sent down?

If thou didst see when the unG.o.dly are in the pangs of death, and the angels reach out their hands saying, Cast forth your souls; this day shall ye receive an ignominious punishment for that which ye have falsely spoken concerning G.o.d; and because ye have proudly rejected his signs.

And now are ye come unto us alone, as we created you at first, and ye have left that which we had bestowed on you, behind your backs; neither do we see with you your intercessors, whom ye thought to have been partners with G.o.d among you: now is the relation between you cut off, and what ye imagined hath deceived you.

G.o.d causeth the grain and the date-stone to put forth: he bringeth forth the living from the dead, and he bringeth forth the dead from the living.

This is G.o.d. Why therefore are ye turned away from him?

He causeth the morning to appear; and hath ordained the night for rest, and the sun and the moon for the computing of time. This is the disposition of the mighty, the wise G.o.d.

It is he who hath ordained the stars for you, that ye may be directed thereby in the darkness of the land and of the sea. We have clearly shown forth our signs, unto people who understand.

It is he who hath produced you from one soul; and hath provided for you a sure receptacle and a repository. We have clearly shown forth our signs, unto people who are wise.

It is he who sendeth down water from heaven, and we have thereby produced the springing buds of all things, and have thereout produced the green thing, from which we produce the grain growing in rows, and palm-trees from whose branches proceed cl.u.s.ters of dates hanging close together; and gardens of grapes, and olives, and pomegranates, both like and unlike to one another.

Look on their fruits, when they bear fruit, and their growing to maturity.

Verily herein are signs, unto people who believe.

100 Yet they have set up the genii as partners with G.o.d, although he created them: and they have falsely attributed unto him sons and daughters, without knowledge. Praise be unto him; and far be that from him which they attribute unto him!

He is the maker of heaven and earth: how should he have issue since he hath no consort? he hath created all things, and he is omniscient.

This is G.o.d your LORD; there is no G.o.d but he, the creator of all things; therefore serve him: for he taketh care of all things.

The sight comprehendeth him not, but he comprehendeth the sight; he is the gracious, the wise.

Now have evident demonstrations come unto you from your LORD; whoso seeth them, the advantage thereof will redound to his own soul: and whoso is wilfully blind, the consequence will be to himself. I am not a keeper over you.

Thus do we variously explain our signs; that they may say, Thou hast studied diligently; and that we may declare them unto people of understanding.

Follow that which hath been revealed unto thee from thy LORD; there is no G.o.d but he: retire therefore from the idolaters.

If G.o.d had so pleased, they had not been guilty of idolatry. We have not appointed thee a keeper over them; neither art thou a guardian over them.

Revile not the idols which they invoke besides G.o.d, lest they maliciously revile G.o.d, without knowledge. Thus have we prepared for every nation their works: hereafter unto G.o.d shall they return, and he shall declare unto them that which they have done.

They have sworn by G.o.d, by the most solemn oath, that if a sign came unto them, they would certainly believe therein: Say, Verily signs are in the power of G.o.d alone; and he permitteth you not to understand, that when they come, they will not believe.

110 And we will turn aside their hearts and their sight from the truth, as they believed not therein the first time; and we will leave them to wander in their error.

And though we had sent down angels unto them, and the dead had spoken unto them, and we had gathered together before them all things in one view; they would not have believed, unless G.o.d had so pleased: but the greater part of them know it not.

Thus have we appointed unto every prophet an enemy; the devils of men, and of genii: who privately suggest the one to the other specious discourses to deceive; but if thy LORD pleased, they would not have done it. Therefore leave them, and that which they have falsely imagined; and let the hearts of those be inclined thereto, who believe not in the life to come; and let them please themselves therein, and let them gain that which they are gaining.

Shall I seek after any other judge besides G.o.d to judge between us? It is he who hath sent down unto you the book of the Koran distinguis.h.i.+ng between good and evil; and they to whom we gave the scripture know that it is sent down from thy LORD, with truth. Be not therefore one of those who doubt thereof.

The words of thy LORD are perfect, in truth and justice; there is none who can change his words: he both heareth and knoweth.

But if thou obey the greater part of them who are in the earth, they will lead thee aside from the path of G.o.d: they follow an uncertain opinion only, and speak nothing but lies; verily thy LORD well knoweth those who go astray from his path, and well knoweth those who are rightly directed.

Eat of that whereon the name of G.o.d hath been commemorated, if ye believe in his signs: and why do ye not eat of that whereon the name of G.o.d hath been commemorated? since he hath plainly declared unto you what he hath forbidden you; except that which ye be compelled to eat of by necessity; many lead others into error, because of their appet.i.tes, being void of knowledge; but thy LORD well knoweth who are the transgressors.

120 Leave both the outside of iniquity and inside thereof: for they who commit iniquity shall receive the reward of that which they shall have gained.

Eat not therefore of that whereon the name of G.o.d hath not been commemorated; for this is certainly wickedness: but the devils will suggest unto their friends, they they dispute with you concerning this precept; but if ye obey them, ye are surely idolaters.

Shall he who hath been dead, and whom we have restored unto life, and unto whom we have ordained a light, whereby he may walk among men, be as he whose similitude is in darkness, from whence he shall not come forth? Thus was that which the infidels are doing prepared for them.

And thus have we placed in every city chief leaders of the wicked men thereof, that they may act deceitfully therein; but they shall act deceitfully against their own souls only; and they know it not.

And when a sign cometh unto them, they say, We will by no means believe until a revelation be brought unto us, like unto that which hath been delivered unto the messengers of G.o.d. G.o.d best knoweth whom he will appoint for his messenger. Vileness in the sight of G.o.d shall fall upon those who deal wickedly, and a grievous punishment, for that they have dealt deceitfully.

And whomsoever G.o.d shall please to direct, he will open his breast to receive the faith of Islam: but whomsoever he shall please to lead into error, he will render his breast straight and narrow, as though he were climbing up to heaven. Thus doth G.o.d inflict a terrible punishment on those who believe not.

This is the right way of thy LORD. Now have we plainly declared our signs unto those people who will consider.

They shall have a dwelling of peace with their LORD, and he shall be their patron, because of that which they have wrought.

Think on the day whereon G.o.d shall gather them all together, and shall say, O company of genii, ye have been much concerned with mankind; and their friends from among mankind shall say, O LORD, the one of us hath received advantage from the other, and we are arrived at our limited term which thou hast appointed us. G.o.d will say, h.e.l.l fire shall be your habitation, therein shall ye remain forever; unless as G.o.d shall please to mitigate your pains, for thy LORD is wise and knowing.

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About The Koran (Al-Qur'an) Part 16 novel

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