Throne Of World 26 Ch 26 | Inter-Departmental Rush

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Morning ended quite well. Alexander was just flipping through his books, enriching his soul with the vast knowledge of genetics and human genes. With his own extraordinary knowledge of chemistry and his newly gained biological knowledge, he formed an idea to steal gene points from the system and along with that, his 'risk experiment' was upgraded to another level.

Now with the upgraded level of his experiment, he'll need to wait for a few more weeks to start. As he'll be doing it big!!

He was already thinking about 'Inter-Departmental Rush' compet.i.tion as he'll get a chance to enter the forest and thus he'll be able to find more advanced and better herbs than he'll be able to buy with money.

"Organic Things are always the best"

This 'Inter-Departmental Rush' Compet.i.tion is a program held by the military inst.i.tute where students of different branches and graduation years are packed together forming a team and are sent to the forest to hunt other teams.

This isn't a real hunt. The students are needed to mark each other with the limestones. The students who are marked white with the limestone will get out of the forest on their own.

The aim is to unleash their survival and fighting instincts. The team with the maximum number of players remaining safe after the day ends will be declared the winner. And the winning players will be given a chance to join close combat meant for special forces.

' It's good that there is still a month left before the compet.i.tion stars. I can find better herbs then! '

Alexander took a deep breath and walked towards the library to return these books which he finished and start reading another bunch. With only 25 books remaining to read, he was confident in completing his target today.

Unknown to him, Hazel who was still depressed over the morning's matter was following behind him.

Due to his severe headache, his vigilance was already at rock bottom. He would occasionally lift both his hands and slightly press his neck and back of the head at certain points due to headache.

Hazel who was following behind him noticed his repeating actions but she let it go as she was already suffering from the insult he did by rejecting her in front of so many people.

Alexander went to the librarian, returned those books and started picking a new set of books on advanced medicine and genetics.

With over 25 books in his hands, he sat down at his usual place. And started flipping through the books ignoring Hazel who was already standing in front of him with some chemistry books in her hands.

She noticed herself being ignored and thought,

" He isn't reading some lewd books, then how am I not attractive to him than that genetics book?! "

" Did I lose my charm or is he really not interested in me? "

She coughed a bit to attract his attention once again but noticing that he didn't even move a hair, she sat down with a stomp.

" Let me see how long you'll be able to ignore me! Humph! "

" Playing hard to get with me? That's my game! "

An hour pa.s.sed and his head was still dipped down.

Hazel was getting impatient. Although she came here for the purpose of reading and learning, she wasn't able to keep calm after seeing this cold person, Alexander.

She didn't know why but his aura was changing and was becoming cold like a demon from the netherworld the more he read and there was cold smile hung on his calm face, demonifying him more.

Another hour and a half pa.s.sed and he finally kept his book down and took in a deep breathe. His eyes rolled back to his head and his vision darkened before his head feel down on the table with a "thud".

Hazel who was hiding her face behind the book heard the "thud" sound and put down her book. She squinted her eyes and saw Alexander with his face planted on the table.

" He is just relaxing after completing his 'book flipping'. He doesn't dare to talk with me?! He's probably regretting his actions and trying to find a way to talk. "
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"Let it be! He should pay for what he did, I'll ignore him."

Her thoughts formed inside her small head and she picked up her book and hid her face behind the book once again.

15 minutes.. 20 minutes.. 30 minutes...

"Still not taking? Is he that embarra.s.sed?! Is he even man?! "

She whispered a bit scornfully.

But she still put down her book to find Alexander in the same position as he was about half an hour ago.

She squinted her eyes as they became as small as slit!

" This isn't right why is he lying like that? "

She turned around and saw that the library was empty as a desert. She pushed back her chair a bit and stood up, walking she came behind Alexander.

She thought that Alexander was asleep and reached out to wake him up.

She pushed a bit and said softly, "Cla.s.smate Alexander wakeup!"

No Reaction! Deathly silence!

She felt unease and pushed harder, "Cla.s.smate Alexander wakeup! It's a library, not your dorm! "

Still Silence!

This time she was irritated as she pushed even harder but he slipped from the chair and fell on the ground with his head hitting hard on the ground and pale face facing the ceiling.

Hazel was frightened! Extremely frightened! Her soul was about to leave the library.

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