Trial Of Love Chapter 297 - Our Mission

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Huang Ming's gentle voice woke Elizabeth up from her quick nap. She was feeling a slight headache after all the drama that had played. She was experiencing extreme mental fatigue, she doesn't know how to pull herself together. "Bro Ming, are we here?"

"Yeah, are you alright? You look quite pale," Huang Ming concernedly asked. 

"I'm fine." 

They got out of the van and outside, Yixing Zhang was waiting for them. He too was surprised to see how the girl looked and inquired. 

"Li Zi, are you alright? You complexion is deathly pale!" he asked. 

Elizabeth chuckled hearing the exact same question asked not a minute ago repeating again. 

"Bro Zhang, I'm fine... I'm just exhausted today since I had school." 

When the family of four got out of the van, the father and children remained indifferent. Only the woman's face turned ugly when she saw where they were standing. She had expected they'll be staying at the most luxurious apartment but to her surprise, they weren't even near the National Park at all. 

"What is this? This isn't here home! Is she planning to let us live here?" The woman grabbed hold of the man's arm as she vented her disappointment on him. 

"Quiet down, be thankful she hasn't sent us to prison." The man responded already on the edge of his fear that any minute soon, he'll be thrown into prison. 

"What? Are you willing to stay here? Don't you know she lives in Knight Park? So, so why are we living here? Th-this" She continued to mutter such nonsense while neither the father nor his children found any of the girl's arrangement unacceptable. They were already grateful that they can still be together and not be thrown in the streets and worst, prison. 

Yixing Zhang noticed the quarrel between them and approached them. He looked coldly with hostility at them, displeased at the fact that because of them, Li Zi's reputation and career might be affected. 

"Is there something wrong?" 

"No, nothing at all." The man hastily replied, fearing that they might caught into their conversation. 

"Don't tell me you aren't pleased of your current accommodation? Don't tell me you don't want to live here?" Yixing Zhang was right on the nose of what he just declared. He became more enraged, but was immediately put under control when he felt someone holding onto his hand. 

"Li Zi, I'm…"

Elizabeth shook her head stating that he had done nothing wrong. She knew very well he only acted in such manner because he wishes to protect her. But right now, this is her battle and she needs to be the one to bring the truth to light. "Bro Zhang, let's go inside..."

She grabbed hold of his arms as her gaze landed on the four who continue to stand firmly in the same spot. They all looked curiously at the girl, wondering whether she was indeed a fool or just acting like one.

"Do you think she knows that we're playing a trick on her?" The young girl asked her father.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we won't get into trouble. Miss Yuexi promised us. As long as we finished our job, we can leave at once." he responded, hoping that his words can comfort his children's concerns.

"What do you mean, leave? are you stupid or what? The girl thinks we are her family. She is only having second thoughts because of those guys. Once we win her over, she'll truly treat us better. She is one of the best actresses in the country. What's more she 's also an international model. Do you know how much she earns for a month's worth of work?

" The woman declared, suggesting that they will be staying with her even after the contract they made with Yuexi An.

"Woman, are you out of you mind! How are you sure that Miss Yuexi An would allow that!" The young boy angrily responded, annoyed at the fact that they followed the crazy woman's plans. How he wished he could turn back time and disagree with what she suggested to begin with.

"Boy, are you stupid or what? Think about it! Even if Miss Yuexi An does not agree, we already have won the girl over. If Miss Yuexi An does try to say that we aren't her real family, do you think Li Zi will believe her? Whose career to do you think will be affected more, Li Zi or Miss Yuexi An? Don't forget it was Miss Yuexi An who said that we are her family. She isn't stupid enough to take back her words and make a fool out of herself in front of everyone."

The three of them looked at each other. What the woman said actually made sense, but that would only work if they do end up winning the girl over. If not, they would end up in the streets and the man behind bars. However, the thought of them living with the girl and the benefits of doing so brought some s.h.i.+ne to their eyes since, they will be able to live in a comfortable home and at the same time, not worry about the food they'll be eating.

"No matter what happens, once we finished our mission. We're leaving..." The man sternly said, stating his stance is final and cannot be changed.

The woman was left behind as the three of them went ahead and followed Elizabeth inside. She clicked her tongue and ground her teeth together, furious at how the man treated him. If it wasn't for her they won't be where they are now. 

"We'll see about it then, I'll make sure to win the girl over and you won't have a choice but to stay with me."

"Here we are." Huang Ming said as he imputted the pa.s.scode of the door lock as they all enter the apartment

The house was simple but well maintained despite the fact that no one hads lived in it in ages. The furniture looked old and outdated, but still useable. The kitchen was well stocked meaning all necessary kitchen tools are still around including pots, pans, plates, cups and more... There were only two bedrooms and both rooms have a double decker bed. Since the house was Huang Ming's previous home, all the decorations and the interior design were all to his taste, which means that they were mainly in the shade of red.

"I'm sorry, I was in highschool..." Huang Ming said, embarra.s.sed after seeing almost every corner of the house was covered in red.

"Bro Ming, thank you for allowing my family stay here." Elizabeth stated, hoping to ease the tension that had been building between  them all. She hopes that by addressing them as her family, she'll sooner or later knock down the wall the family are desperately building in front of her and that they'll be upfront about the truth.

"No worries, anytime." He responded.

"I've already called my manager. He'll be here soon to bring some food and supplies." Yixing Zhang added.

"Bro Zhang, I almost forgot about that. Thanks for preparing everything for me. As you know, I'm still in a daze after everything that happened. To think after 23 years, I'll be reunited with my family."

Both Huang Ming and Yixing Zhang can see the girl acting in front of them. As both of them are movie kings, they too acted along with the girl.

"They are your family, we might have had acted harshly at first but we just wish to make sure they won't hurt you or make a fool out of you." Huang Ming said in a concerned tone.

"That's right. For that we'd like to apologize if we were too harsh on you earlier. Li Zi is our good friend and we hope you'll take care of her, and not hurt her." Yixing Zhang added.

Both the father and children did not know how to respond. They were feeling so guilty within. How they wish they could just tell them the truth. For them to be treated so well, only to pay them back by hurting the girl whom they cared so much for.

"No worries, Li Zi is part of our family. We'll take care of her. We failed to take care of her in the past but you need not worry now. We'll be taking care of her from now on, I promise." The woman put on the widest smile on her face as she went closer to the girl and grabbed both of her hands.  "Child, I hope you can all forgive us and give us a second chance to take care of you. I promise to be a good mother for you too."

Elizabeth simply wished to tell her, "B****! If my mother is here right now she'll be cutting your tongue for spouting such nonsense." 

Of course, she couldn't say that and instead answered her. 

"I'll be under your care then"

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