Trial Of Love Chapter 296 - Yes, Mother...

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Elizabeth headed out of Yuexi An's party alongside Huang Ming. Coincidentally Yixing Zhang, Leo Wu, and Yang Zi decided to follow as well, leaving a rather big shock on people's faces. They did not expect almost the entire guest appearances from would leave. They looked at each other, dumbfounded as to why everyone else is leaving. Could it be what they said about Li Zi and Yuexi An having bad blood between each other true?

Yuexi An's face turned ugly when she witnesses almost a third of the guest leaving. Even half of the media reporters and journalists she invited left and followed the girl. She was in a fit of rage and did not expect her fame and glory to be washed away, all because of her own scheme. However, it may be, she didn't take it into heart that badly, for the show is just about to begin. 

"Li Zi, stupid Li Zi, we'll see how you're going to rise once you reach the pit of the abyss," she said as she went ahead to mingle with her guests and continued the celebration of her success as the guests greeted and showered her with praises her for all the efforts she did for Li Zi. 

"Yuexi An, you're so kind for helping Li Zi find her family!." 

"Gosh, you must really care for her. I can't believe how Huang Ming, Yixing Zhang and even Leo Wu treated you!. They must bully you a lot during take."

"Hmm, I think something feels off. Why are they acting like that towards you Yuexi? Could what they have been saying about you and Li Zi be true?"

"Of course not, we all know that every princess has an overprotective knight. It seems Li Zi's knights aren't pleased with us being close with each other." 

Everyone thought what Yuexi An said made sense. It's normally for men who are close with the girl they like tends to be overprotective towards them. But then, it still doesn't make sense that all three of them would defend her. Shouldn't the three guys be more indifferent towards each other? But it seems all three of them shares a common enemy, and it's Yuexi An. Some thought of such nuances, but most chose to set it aside.

Outside, the media has gone wild. They even have live broadcasting of her taking her family away from the party, which in turn caused quite a commotion online. Each reporter throws in different questions, curious whether the family that appeared in front of them is really her family. The question remains unanswered due to the fact that Huang Ming, Yixing Zhang and Leo Wu cla.s.sified them as fraud and were even willing to pay for their honest answer.

"Li Zi, are they really your parents?"

"Sir, are you really Li Zi's father? What is your motive? I mean, could you really be a fraud acting as Yuexi An's henchman to ruin Li Zi's career?"

"Ma'am, why did you abandon your own daughter?. I mean, she is your daughter right? No mother would abandon their own daughter." 

Reporters continued to swarm around them up until they got into Huang Ming's van which had arrived since he called his manager to arrange everything. Yixing Zhang followed them whilst Leo Wu went ahead and took Yang Zi home. 

Inside Huang Ming's van, the atmosphere was cold and suffocating, not a soul spoke and none dared to make a squink. They did not know how to react to the current situation. Even Huang Ming's manager was speechless when he came face to face with Li Zi's family. He thought the boy was joking, but seeing it for himself acts as an evidence to the saying "seeing is believing", proving it be quite accurate. One must see for himself to accept the truth. 

Huang Ming, who was seated next to Li Zi in the front of the van spoke up. "Li Zi, are you alright?"

"Hmm, I just didn't expect things would turn out this way. Who would have thought that I would end up..." Elizabeth was unable to finish her words? Right now, she is in big trouble. This problem can easily be solved but can severely affect her career if handled poorly. What she wants to know is, why? Why are they doing this? If it's money, they should have had accepted Huang Ming's and Yixing Zhang's offer but the thing is, they didn't. So what do they want from her?

"Don't worry, I won't let them harm you. If something unusual happens, I'll be here to help you." Huang Ming spoke in a gentle manner as he moved his shoulder closer to the girl for her to lean on. 

Elizabeth accepted his offer as she leans upon his shoulder. She was tired and currently, there's too many things in her hands. She needed to know what memory did she lose? Why was her family acting strangely towards Shen? Who were the people in her dreams? And the biggest question of them all... Why, why did she lose her memory in the first place? Did her father force it on her or was it by her own will?... 

"Bro Ming, thanks for your help." She spoke out, expressing great grat.i.tude for all he has done for her. A part of her feels guilty for all the kindness the man had shown her and yet she can return them since her heart is already beating for someone else. But how can she reject him when the man never proactively said he likes her? 

Meanwhile, the woman whispers to the children she was sitting with how they should act later. Right now, they are standing on cracking, fragile ice and anytime soon, the girl might throw them out. She may have had agreed to what everyone said but it won't be long before the three men find proof they weren't her real parents. 

"Do you understand what I said? You better work hard to win her over. If not, don't think I won't make your life a living h.e.l.l." She firmly reprimands them in a low and indistinct tone. 

"Yes, Aunt." They both responded meekly. 

"I told you, both of you need to call me mother. If not, she'll be suspicious seeing that we don't have a good relations.h.i.+p. Do you want your father to end up in jail?" 

The young girl was about to cry, her eyes were watery and the beads of tears were on the brink of shedding. Had they have found another way to help their father, they wouldn't have had agreed to their Aunt's horrible plan. 

"Okay... Yes, mother." 

The young boy clenched his fist, furious at their current situation. If only he was old enough to fight back. But right now, he had only entered primary school and his words are still the words of a child. No one will believe anything he says.

Reluctantly, he said; "Yes, mother..." He repeated his sister's words. 

Huang Ming noticed the low but vague commotion in the back. He wondered what was going on but didn't bother checking for himself. Right now, all he needed to do is trust the girl. He knows that she is someone not to be easily fooled. The Great Director Ge has praised the girl for being a genuine genius and even Director Mo mentioned that she is someone who can't easily be taken down. 

'Li Zi, why do you always get yourself in danger?. I mean, you already escaped from Long Yiyi's clutches and now you are facing Yuexi An. Why do you have so many enemies when you have done nothing to them? I just hope, the man who can be by your side is strong enough to protect you. Until then, I'll be here for you. I'll make sure no one gets to hurt you. I'll work hard so that someday, I can be the man to stand by your side and protect you from people like them. Don't worry Li Zi, you're never alone.' He thought as he took a quick glance at the girl resting peacefully on his shoulder. She must really be tired that she was able to let her guard down with him. 

Huang Ming grabbed his phone out and checks on the people he asked to observe Yuexi An. 

[Yo! Bro Ming, I think the snake is up to no good. But what's worse is that everyone is judging you and Yixing Zhang as the villains of today's charade. Words of what you did have spread all over the media and I'm sure Yuexi An will try her best to alter the rumors and why you did it. The media are questioning her right now, why she did all of that, and why the three of you acted in such a way. Anyway, Bro, are they really not Li Zi's family? I mean, look at the girl she almost looks like a carbon copy of Li Zi!]

Huang Ming was taken aback for a moment after hearing what his friend said. He checked on the rearview mirror to examine the young girl and without a doubt; she does look-alike to Li Zi. But that only applies to the facial structure, nothing about their eyes, nose, lips look alike. Anyway, most Asians have the same feature in some ways. 

[Thanks, continue observing the snake]

Huang Ming replied to his friend and put his phone away as he noticed that they were closing in his apartment. 

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