Trial Of Love Chapter 298 - No!

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Before they left, Elizabeth made sure that everything necessary for them was arranged. Thanks to Yixing Zhang, food and other necessities for them were already prepared enough for the next two days.

"Since everything has been prepared, we'll be going then. Besides that, I won't be able to see you in the next two days since I have work. If you need to contact me, my number is on the fridge." She said as she grabbed her stuff, preparing to leave.

Huang Ming and Yixing Zhang went ahead and headed out of the apartment. Before Elizabeth could make her final step out of the door, the young boy grabbed hold of her hand. She felt something strange located between her and the boy's hand.

"Good night, little brother." She said as she clenched her hand together to grab hold of what the boy gave her.

"Good night, Sis Li Zi." he beamed with joy, happy that she was able to understand his true motives.

Elizabeth closed the door and walked out of the apartment. Outside, Huang Ming and Yixing Zhang were waiting for her. They noticed that the girl seems to be in a good mood. She was smiling earnestly at the paper she was holding.

"What's that?" Huang Ming asked.

"Our first clue." She responded as she showed them what's written on the paper.


"So, it means they really aren't your family then?" Yixing Zhang face turned ugly and darkened, furious that they indeed tried to make a fool out of her.

"Bro Zhang, we don't know that yet. They might indeed be my family, but I think he is apologizing because of his mother's acting. I mean, I think he doesn't want me to be involved in their family since they have a wicked stepmother." She explained, hoping to put the two at ease and hopefully, they won't do something unnecessary that can ruin her plans as well. 

"Right now, I need to know the woman's relations.h.i.+p with the family, whether she is the second wife or just a mistress."

"Hmm, best to contact Leo then. His family has a good connection with the police." Huang Ming added.

"You should call your manager and tell him about this as well, have him double check the situation. I feel that they can't be trusted. Who knows, they might not really be your parents and are just Yuexi An's henchmen intending to bring you down. Worse, they might even..." Yixing Zhang did not finish his words for he dare not declare for such an outrageous event to happen. The thought that the family might bring Li Zi harm mentally agitates him. As for the reason why he doesn't think they are her family is because... Since the day Leo Wu mentioned about the blogs and forum discussion about Li Zi's connection with the Young Princess, it has brought some light into his curiosity and inquiry about the girl. He found an old picture of the Young Princess and compared it to Li Zi, and undoubtedly, he realized the two are one. But he thought, if the Young Princess is Li Zi, she must have a reason as to why she kept her ident.i.ty a secret. So, he dares not reveal it nor does he dare ask the girl. He thought, maybe one day, the girl will trust him too and reveal her reasons.

"Bro Ming, Bro Zhang, thank you for your help. I'll contact my manager now. Bro Zhang, it's already late, take care." Elizabeth planted a kiss on the man's cheek as she bid him farewell. She then hopped back inside Huang Ming's car as the man also bid him goodnight.

Inside Huang Ming's car, Elizabeth was busy on the phone speaking with the hotheaded Leo Wu, who continued to insist on doing things his way.

"Sis Li Zi, what's the point in doing an investigation. Trust me, just do a test again. Then I'll put them all behind bars. They dared to make a fool out of you. I'll make sure they won't see they won't see the light of day ever again"

Huang Ming who was trying his best to focus on the road couldn't help but let out a laugh. Even though the call wasn't on loudspeaker, he can clearly hear the boy's voice. "You know he's right about one thing, doing a test will set you free from all of this."

"Leo, listen... Why would I only do that. Wouldn't it be best to bring the mastermind down together with them. I mean, she set me up and played me like a fool. Why not pay her back with the same tricks?"

Leo Wu was finally put into silence. He eagerly listened to what the girl has to say. He was not the only one rendered speechless , Huang Ming too was captivated by what the girl has planned.

"From what I see, I think Yuexi An will use my so-called 'family' or family to bring me down. As you know, my fame and reputation right now can't easily be tarnished. Even though people have slandered me by saying I slept my way into some of my projects,  my fans and the company continued to prove me clean and right. So, think about it... What else can she use to ruin my ident.i.ty and career but with the use of my family? Everyone knows I'm an orphan. What I think she'll do is use my family to spread slander about me mistreating them.. Maybe she'll make story saying that I don't treat my family well since I'm already famous. Or say I'm mistreating, abusing my siblings."

Both Huang Ming and Leo Wu were amazed that the girl thought of things this far. That's right, a celebrity's relations.h.i.+p with his family is also important even though their family might not be in the limelight. Loads of fans are aspiring to live the life they have, especially the life they have with their family.

"So you plan to fight fire with fire. As far as I know, Yuexi An doesn't have a very good relations.h.i.+p with her parents. Her mother is a secret mistress whilst her father  gambler." Leo Wu said.

"I'm not sure yet, but do get me information about her family if you can." Elizabeth responded. She hasn't yet thought far on how she should fight Yuexi An back.

"No worries." Leo Wu replied as he ended the call.

"Li Zi, what if they do turn out to be your family?" Huang Ming curiously asked.

"Bro Ming do you think they are my family?" Elizabeth asked wondering if the man really meant what he asked or is just trying to test her.

Huang Ming smiled, not the slightest bit surprised that the girl caught to what he was up to. He was hoping by asking her, the girl would reveal herself. 

"Never mind..." He answered, as he realized that the doubts he had earlier about the girl being the Young Princess cleared, proving it to be true. Now that he realizes the girl might indeed be the Young Princess, he found himself out of place being with her. He is a lowlife when compared to her, regardless of the fact that he truly loves her. He felt that he was not the right man for her. But one thing kept his hopes up, he will continue to treat him the way he has always been. Not caring for each other's status in life...

When Elizabeth arrived at her apartment, she immediately called w.a.n.g Ji to informed him about what happened. 

"Bro w.a.n.g, sorry to bother you."

"Don't worry, I was up a few hours ago when Liying called me and told me about what happened. So, Yuexi An brought you a fake family." w.a.n.g Ji said.

"Yup, and I planned to used them to play along with Yuexi An." She replied.

"Have you told your family about this? I mean, I'm sure Lady Zhao won't be pleased if someone is acting as your mother. And worse..." w.a.n.g Ji didn't need to mention the person for Elizabeth already knew who he meant.

"Don't worry, I'll call my dad about too. I'm sure he'll hire someone to drag them in front of him and who knows..." Elizabeth couldn't think of what her father might do to them, but the first thing that popped into her mind was that they'll be dead before they can even explain why they did such an act.

"So what's your plan?" w.a.n.g Ji inquired how he'll be a.s.sisting the girl.

"Bro w.a.n.g, I need you to hire someone to follow the mother. Leave the father and children alone. Also, find a school close by to send the children to. Right now, I just need to win them over to my side. Not only do I plan to set them up but I plan to use them even further."

"What do you mean?" He curiously asked

"I found an answer to my biggest problem." The smile on her face was over the moon. Even w.a.n.g Ji who was miles away from her could imagine it.

"Don't tell me you plan to keep them and let them act as your family."

"Bro w.a.n.g, a lot of news about me being the Young Princess has spread online. Right now, I can't let anyone know who I am. I need to find out everything about my past first. I can't explain all the details but I need you to trust me. If I get the media out of my back, I'll be able to act swiftly without any accidents happening again. You know my family are in high alert and one mistake, they'll be taking me back to England."

"But Li Zi, are you sure about this. I mean, can you even trust them?"

"Bro w.a.n.g, amongst the things I'm skilled at, winning someone's trust is one of them. All I need to do is win their trust and once I get that, they'll be grateful that I didn't send their father to jail. So, afterwards I'll have them act as my family. Of course, not forever... My dad will be furious about the idea." Elizabeth could already hear and imagine her father's disapproval regarding her plans. Who in the right mind would allow their one and only precious daughter to play house with another family.

"Well, as long as you know what your doing and you won't get hurt." He sighs heavily and retreated for at the end of the day, his words won't mean anything to the girl at all.

"No worries Bro w.a.n.g, I know what I'm doing. Just prepare everything I asked you to do." Elizabeth replied as she ended the call.

After her call with w.a.n.g Ji she took her time before calling the person who plays the most crucial role for her plan to succeed. "Daddy..."


"Daddy, you don't even know what I'm about to ask you."


Elizabeth was about to cry, she knows that her father had always been hard headed. How will she ever persuade him to agree with her plan is the question she is pondering upon. 

"Daddy, please listen to my plan. I mean, it's a win win situation for me and them."

"For them?" Lord Knightley, who was on his way out of the office face was like the grim reaper, scary and frighteningly vicious, as if ready to take someone's life. Those around him wonder what his daughter has done this time to the point that he looked so menacing.

"What do you think the Young Princess did this time?"

"I just hope the Young Princess solves it as soon as possible or else, we'll be living in h.e.l.l."

"I know right, I can't work with the Lord when he is so frightening. Once he's like that nothing pleases him at all, even if Lady Zhao visits him"

The employees watched as their almighty European King left the office, leaving all of them in gloom and despair.

Lord Knightley continued to listen to her daughter's plan. He realizes what his daughter mentioned made sense. But still, the idea someone acting as her father displeases him. He is the perfect husband and father and yet his daughter wishes to find another instead of him.

"Fine, but call your mother... She might kill them."

Back in Elizabeth's apartment, the girl was leaping with joy that her father agreed to her request. She immediately thanked him and bid him farewell before he changes his mind. She went ahead and prepared herself to rest for the night as she plans her next course of action now that everything is set. 

The stage is ready, and now, to perform.

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