Lock You Up In My Heart 76 Crossing

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She hugged Ye Li, patted her back and said "Sister Ye, don't worry about me. I was the one who decided to do this. You know me well, i won't stop when i decided to do something. You can rest a.s.sured that i will not do anything rash and always remember about my own safety"

As she said that, Ye Li hugged her back. She hugged her tightly and it hurts her a bit but she doesn't care. She continued, "Sister, i blame myself for not being able to protect all of you. I blame myself for enjoying everything but can't even help to relieve any of your burden."

"I know that everyone want all the best for me, i was happy and wished that day will last forever. But i know that nothing last forever. When mom died, reality struck me hard. Father left me and remarried, i thought that he no longer loved me because he left me with such people.", She said bitterly.

"It was because of that, i realized that all this time i was walking on thin ice. I keep wailing for help, but no one can hear me. That's why i decided, i would protect myself and also the people i love"

She said that and Ye Li keep hugging her tightly, she can feels her shaking but she doesn't say anything. 5 minutes later, Ye Li released her. She took a deep breath and said one last thing.

"Huan Li, i will be going now. I was too emotional earlier, i'm sorry. If you encounter any danger, you can always call me. As for Guan, you don't have to worry about him, he will come back soon and remember all of us." , she smiled and glanced at the drawers where Huan Li put the medicine in.

"Also, don't took the medicine too frequently okay? Even if we minimize the side effect, it's still harmful for your body."

"En." , Huan Li nodded and smiled at her. This time, it's not the usual cold smile but it's a genuine smile. Even if it doesn't last long, Ye Li can still see it, she was stunned for a second.

Still, she immediately left the room without turning back. So she doesn't realize that there's tears on Huan Li face.

After Ye Li gone, Huan Li wiped her tears and calmed herself. After she calmed down, she went online again.

When she opened her eyes, she can see there is a lot of people lining up to cross the bridge. She turned her head to the side and saw fours big eyes staring at her. Fl.u.s.tered, she coughed a bit and stood up from her seat.

She fixed her clothes and told the siblings to follow her. They obediently followed her. The line of people that wanted to cross the bridge wasn't that long, as it just opened for 5 minutes. But after 3 minutes, she realized that she was wrong. It wasn't long but instead, it's very long! The number keep increasing every second, the people that lining behind her can't even be seen anymore.

She began to feel nervous. Even if the bridge will be open for 3 days, she is sure that with all these people, even 3 days won't be enough.

She remembered a posting in the forum that she saw at that time 'Red Player in Crystal Bridge' , the post wasn't that popular, she was bored at that time and casually read the whole article. The article mentioned that there is a lot of impatient people that will kill others so they can cross the bridge faster.

She isn't worried about her, she trusted her own skills. Even if she got degraded to such state, she can still beat them, but she is worried about the two siblings. She remembered those two haven't tasted any difficulty in this world and they are NPCs.

'What if they died and will never come back?', that thought is bothering her. Each minutes pa.s.sed and she became more anxious. When she realized that it's about their turn, she breathed a sigh of relief.

'It seems like we are lucky this time' , that's what she thought until she heard a scream from behind. Followed by a 'thud' sound, she saw a player got PK-ed by a Human Warrior and disappeared from the place.

Another people that saw the scene became scared and half of them ran away. The surrounding became quiet and chilly. Huan Li felt her heart beating fast. She closed her eyes.

Suddenly, she remembered about her conversation with Ye Li before. 'I decided, i would protect myself and also the people i love'. That's right, why did she became scared because of some random red players? How could she forgot about her own words, she is no longer the her in the past. Right now, she will protect them.

She took a deep breath and raised her head. She saw the Human Warrior was followed by a lot of people, around 10 peoples and there must be even more behind them. The leader was a Human Warrior with an Ninja Elf and Archer beside him.

Huan Li is sure now, these people are a guild that wanted to cross the bridge. She looked at the emblem on the Human Warrior sword, she doesn't recall any guild that she encountered with that emblem.

But seeing that he can put down a high level player with just some skills, Huan Li guessed that he must be high leveled as well. She put on her guard and told the sibling to stay behind her.

The group suddenly looked at her and she immediately received a warning. 'Forced PK has been activated', she removed the warning immediately and released a skill. The Human Warrior probably never thought that she will counter his attack wasn't prepared and took a blow from her skill.

She saw he lost half of his health from her attack and doesn't waste any second, she rushed to him and casted another skill. But before her skill hits him, she sensed an arrow approaching her and dodged to the side, resulting her skill to be canceled.

She saw that the Female Archer that has been quiet for a long time suddenly attacked her. The Female Archer never expect that someone would be able to dodge her arrow, she was stunned for a while but started to shoot more arrow to her.

Huan Li sneered, this kind of attack, even a newbie can dodge it. She went forward again and dodged the attack once, twice, thrice-. She keeps dodging and it makes the Female Archer p.i.s.sed. Suddenly, she casted a skill that will never miss 'Arrow Revolver'.

Because the arrow will move very fast but also deals a huge damage, that's why people said that this skill is very OP and many people used it. But Huan Li only smiled, looking at the Female Archer that smiling. She dodged the arrow nimbly and threw her mace straight at the Female Archer.

As a person that always stood behind, naturally the Female Archer never learned to dodge an attack and got hit straight on her face. She fell down and before she was able to curse Huan Li, she heard a voice "Light Smash".

Despite the name, it was actually one of a high damage skill for cleric. When the skill activated, the mace suddenly became a big hammer and smashed the Female Archer immediately. Her health bar became empty and her body disappeared into the thin air.
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"Come back", as she said that, the mace returned to it's normal form and flying towards her hand. After killing the Female Archer, she prepared to beat another people earlier but found out that the Ninja and Warrior has disappeared.

She panicked and saw them trying to attack Aster and Noel. She started to cast a skill and attack them but she was a step late. They already shot a skill towards the sibling first.

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