Emperors War 35 Don't Let Me Down

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As the crowd was stunned and in a state of shock and everyone within the luxury box was taking in the scene before them One Eye was working his way towards the door that led to the exit.

One Eye was still laughing as Aker charged towards the Kulga. He couldn't help but think about how idiotic the kid was as he stopped and stood before the charging beast.

The moment Aker dodged and stabbed his knife into the monster and pulled himself up on its back One Eye began sneaking away.

'Impossible, that's impossible. You can't just dodge a beast like that from a still position and while evading counter attack and pull yourself up like that. It can't be done, what the h.e.l.l is this kid? It's just impossible!'

As One Eye was sneaking towards the door, he was constantly repeating "impossible" over and over in his mind.

Thankfully everyone in the room was distracted as the boy was slapping the head of the Kulga. As the luxury box was too far away from the arena to specifically see where on the head Aker was aiming everyone's attention was focused on the arena screen. From the screen they could see Aker repeatedly slapping the ear of the Kulga.

As this outrageous scene was playing out before their eyes, they couldn't help throw their eyes back on to the boy from the screen. Somehow watching this scene through a screen had the feeling of dissociating from what was happening. By watching the boy on the Kulga's back they felt the full effect of the terrible scene before them.

For the people in the luxury box with each raise of the boy's hand, with each slap onto the head of the Kulga it was the same as if though he was slapping them.

At this point everyone looked over and saw a beaming and radiant Sneed as his eyes were unmoving from the boy.

As Sneed watched his thoughts were running rampant 'Every time the boy makes a move I find my blood boiling...his every movement and action is truly stunning, it always leaves you wondering what he is going to do next.'

As the group's eyes had moved from the boy to Sneed, they were lost in one thought. As the grin grew ever more brightly on Sneed's face it was a tremendously powerful smack to their face. How much had Sneed bet before the fight? What were the odds? If Sneed won, he would collect 7.5 Billion franar.

While from the perspective of the empire as a whole 7.5 Billion franar was not a huge sum of money as the empire was still rather large and dealt with franar in the quadrillions it was still a devastating loss and impact for The Pit. This one loss would equal a whole year's earnings.

Suddenly everyone's thoughts turned to One Eye. They looked next to Sneed and found he was he no longer standing their smugly but had disappeared. Turning their heads toward the door there was One Eye just getting ready walk past the guards and out the door.

"Guards, stop him from leaving the room!" Fastagio called out joy could be heard in his tone. Fastagio could care less about the loss to The Pit. He was just extremely happy at the thought of the cruel fate that awaited that pompous a.s.s One Eye.

One Eye hearing the call of Fastagio tried to run now that he had been spotted leaving. The savage and brutal fate awaiting One Eye for this failure made him cringe at the thought. He couldn't imagine the murderous and vicious expression of the King upon hearing of not only the boy's survival but the vast loss to The Pit.

"Guards, just take him down and throw him in one of cells. Find one that's especially cold, dark, and disgusting." Fastagio was overwhelmed with joy as he quickly sentenced One Eye to The Pit. There was no chance that His Majesty would get upset over him condemning One Eye to The Pit, in fact he would probably be rewarded. However, if he allowed One Eye to see His Majesty again there was a chance however small that this weasel would be able talk his way out again. Before that could happen, he would have him thrown into a cell and have him fighting later today.

"You can't do this Fastagio, I demand to see the king! Let go of me! Do you know who I am? I said let go of me right this second! Fastagio, tell them you were only joking!" One Eye was screaming as the guards were grabbing his arms preparing to take him down to the cell.

As One Eye screamed out all of the others in the room looked down on One Eye as if though they were observing sc.u.m. Already this group didn't really put One Eye in their eye but now that he had failed to such a monumental degree his failure would be a lesson for all future generations.

They all simply had the same thought 'The punishment will have to fit the failure, to fail in such a stupendous way they will have to come up with a punishment worthy of this megalithic failure.'

At the thought of the creative punishment he was going to get to fas.h.i.+on Fastagio found himself in a sudden jolly mood.

Just as the guards were pulling One Eye to leave the room, he counterattacked the guard pulling a knife out from a hidden location and slitting the guards throat. Blood shot out and into the room causing the other guard to turn his head out of reflex. In the same motion One Eye slit the other guards throat as well, increasing the amount of blood jettisoning out.

It shouldn't be forgotten even though One Eye was trying to sneakily escape at the moment he had still been a dependable henchman for Fastagio for many years. He was a capable fighter who was still ranked fairly high in the Underground Empire. He wasn't really known for his fighting ability as he was more of a weasel who could be asked to do the dirty jobs, but even as a weasel with his ranking he was expected to be able to fight.

Killing two guards like this even if they were expecting the attack wouldn't have been a challenge for One Eye. Now that he attacked without warning it was too simple. Just as he turned his back and was about to run through the door another smaller throwing knife slammed into One Eye's calf. With a large scream One Eye tried to ignore the pain and continued on. Just as he took his next step anther throwing knife lodged itself into his other calf.

Having two throwing knives, one in each calf caused One Eye to lose his balance and slam into the floor.

Still standing in the same spot Fastagio called out "Little One Eye did you really think you sat behind me all those years just because I was holding you down? You were a tool, someone I used because you were usable. The moment you stood up tried to become a man you were destined to fail. Had you just remained a tool you would have gotten to live a few more years. I would call you an idiot but that is giving you too much credit as you weren't even a human to me. You were a at least a dog obeys its master, I guess you were closer to a rat who could follow directions."

Hearing Fastagio's words One Eye suddenly forgot about the pain he was feeling in his legs and was instantly filled with fury and resentment.

"Guards!" Fastagio called out for the guards who would be out in the hallway. Hearing the call from the luxury box a set of four guards came running up. Upon seeing One Eye laying on the floor with two knives, one in each calf the guards immediately pulled out their swords and took their formations.

"Take this rat down to the cells and throw him into a hole, he doesn't even deserve a cell." Hearing the words two guards reached down and grabbed One Eye lifting him up. The other two guards stood behind him ready to attack should he try any further shenanigans.

"Please Fastagio, just let me see His Majesty, I promise I'll make it worth it to you. If you can help me, I'll promise to follow your every command for the rest of my life. I'll live and die for you, His Majesty will listen to you if you speak up for me."

"Hahahahaha.....hahahahahaha.....why would I speak up for a rat that is about to die. Would I dare stand before the angry cat and instead have its claws pointed at me? Hurry up and take him away, I'm tired of hearing his foolish words...hahahah...hahahaha." Fastagio couldn't help but laugh as he heard One Eye's begging. He was an even bigger idiot than he had thought. He had even asked him to speak on his behalf, even if he was his own brother, he wouldn't take His Majesties wrath in his place much less for some insignificant rat.

"Wait!" Suddenly someone called out. Everyone turned to the sound of the voice and the person they saw was Sneed standing there with a solemn and dignified look on his face.

'Did this Sneed and One Eye really hit it off so well that Sneed would speak on One Eye's behalf. I heard them talking earlier but I thought that Sneed was just giving One Eye face as he flattered and agreed with him.' Fastagio couldn't help but have his joyous mood suddenly turn sour at Sneed's interruption. Before the boys last fight Sneed calling out wouldn't have any significance but now everything had changed. He had just won 7.5 Billion franar and he his voice would carry some weight to it.

As Fastagio was thinking about why Sneed had called out, Sneed began walking towards One Eye.

The despair and fear in One Eye's face had disappeared and had been replaced with hope and expectation.

'Once this idiot speaks up on my behalf it should be enough to get me a face to face with the king. I can convince the king to give me another chance, I have so many different ideas about how to twist the rules and kill the boy. Surely hearing some of my ideas the king will like one of them. After the king lets me go, I will make sure to get even with that Fastagio!' One Eye's mind was racing with his plans and he would get even with Fastagio immediately.

As One Eye's and Sneed's eyes met the expectation on One Eye was radiant enough for all the room to see and feel.
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"I just wanted to commend One Eye for dying like a man and remind him we shouldn't run away from death but should face it head on. I'll be rooting for you and will be placing my bet on you to win." With that statement Sneed turned to Fastagio and handed him 1 franar and asked....

"Do you accept my bet?"

Fastagio seeing the single franar held up in his face couldn't help but burst out into laughter. As he began laughing the entire room was filled with the sound of laughter. The most amazing part was that Sneed maintained his cool, calm and dignified expression as if though he was placing anther 75,000,000 franar bet.

Hearing Sneed's words and seeing the room filled with mockery and laughter at his expense One Eye couldn't contain it any longer and puked out a mouthful of blood.

"Good...Gooooood...Of course we will accept your bet, should we say 1,000,000 to one odds, of course you don't mind if we don't treat his wounds and poison him first right?" Fastagio replied back to Sneed's dignified and serious mannered words filled with laughter and taunt.

"Of course, a man like One Eye would only have it this way. He could only concern himself with the success of The Pit and the empire and it is only fair to whatever he fights that with One Eye's strength, battle prowess and overall abilities that his injuries not be treated and that he be poisoned to make the fight even. I couldn't in good conscious bet on One Eye if he didn't have just this little bit of restraint. It's not like he's a small child having to face back to back battles of a swarm of monsters, now that would be a challenge!"

As each word was uttered from Sneed's mouth One Eye could feel the mockery and contempt directed at him. Didn't he brag earlier about how the boy was dying like a man? Wasn't the boy comparable to him facing death?

Hearing Sneed's contemptuous words there weren't enough tears in the galaxy to fill One Eye's regret. Why did he have to volunteer to kill the boy? Why didn't he just accept his role as a rat and live a good life? Why did he have to try and suppress and rule over all of the other's here?

"Just know I'll be betting this whole franar on you to win, that's how much I believe in you. Don't let me down!" Sneed mockingly said as he turned around his intention clear for One Eye, he would relish his death and celebrate as the life drained from his body.

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