Blue Roses 3 The Hot Dreams

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Yuki's face is pale, as white as paper. He didn't hear it wrong, was he? He. A Female? An Elf? What a joke! Are they blind? He obviously a man inside out. Fujiwarsan must be crazy.

"Hahaha…Fujiwarsan, what… what are you saying? I'm a… a Female Elf? Hahaha… I think you read too much fantasy novel. Although, I look like this. I'm a man. We can confirm it at the hospital. We can go now… I mean right now" Yuki stuttering as he speaks.

"Furuyama Yuki isn't? Come. Sit. I'll explain it to you"

Yuki has no choice, he sits beside Fujiyama and facing the angelic man.

"I'm Kudo Hakuto the 6th head of the Kudo Clan. Sorry for the late introduction."

"Nice to meet you"

Kudo has been staring at Yuki while he's introduced himself. That makes he blushed a bit. He really can't stand his eyes. It's made him feels like, he can't hide anything from him, it's like, he can see right thru him. The feeling makes him more embarra.s.sing than being naked.

But, somehow, he doesn't hate it, rather, he actually like it. n.o.body ever looks at him like that. Usually when people look at him, they make him feels like monsters that don't belong with them, but this man he made him feel human… yes! Human… He made him feels exist.

"Furuyamsan, the thing that I'm about to tell you might seem weird or you may think I'm crazy. But I a.s.sure you, that everything I'll say is the bitter truth. So, to believe of not, that it's up to you."

There's a lot of things Yuki wants to say, but looking at Kudo serious faces, he lost all the words.

"Furuyamsan, how old do you think I am?" Kudo asks.

"Um… about 35 or something?"

"Hump" His smirked. "I'm 84 years-old"

Holy s.h.i.+t! Yuki was so shocked that he almost fall from his chair. "No way!"

"Yes way. And how old Aoki tell you his age are?

"32 years-old"

"He's 78 years-old"

What!? "So, you lied to me Fujiyamsan?"

"I didn't mean to lie. But if I told you the truth that time, will you believe me?"


"So, hear this" Kudo interrupt. "We are the elf. Not the kind that you've heard off. We're totally different from that. We were born and raise just like a human did but, we will not become adult until a certain age and through certain process.

About the gender, physically, we are no different than human male. After birth, every child is genderless until they reach adulthood. There's a process that we call 'Adultation'. Female adultation start earlier that male, around age 20-25 years-old, while male, around 25-30."

"So, how do you know that I'm a female? Fujiwarsan said that I'm about to became fully adult, means I'm not yet an adult, so I'm supposed to be genderless." Yuki clearly heard everything just now.

"We know because of the process of your 'adultation' has already begun." Fujiwara said. "Actually, it has already started 2 weeks ago."

"What? Tell me more"

Kudo continue to explain everything to him, about the process, what happen during the process how long the process. Male process is quite simple. They will feel hot and feverish, and during this period their s.e.xual part will increase in size, maybe 2 time bigger than normal human, and that just it. But the process will last 2 weeks. So, for the female process, based on his conditions, the hardest part is about to come. His been emitting a female scent past this 2 weeks and it's getting stronger. So, that is the first stage, and it's almost finish, and the second stage is soon.

That night.

Rolling on his bed, Yuki keep thinking about what Kudo have been telling him. Especially, about the second part of the 'adultation' process. He said that, His body will feel very hot and painful. This second stage is where his body will be under 'reconstructing'.

During reconstructing process of the female body, their p.e.n.i.s and s.c.r.o.t.u.m will become smaller, but it will not disappear, this will make the body feels hot and feverish. After that, the temperature will slowly go down, but the pain will start to kick in.

The pain is caused by the constructing the womb and the s.e.xual part of the female or what we call v.a.g.i.n.a, is formed. But it will be different from the human female. The human female s.e.xual part will be visible, but the elf female are not.

The s.e.xual part of female elf will be right under the s.c.r.o.t.u.m. It'll look like a small vertical line between s.c.r.o.t.u.m and a.n.u.s. But the line didn't reach the a.n.u.s, it's just 1/3 long the way there. Only during intercourse, that the line will open and form the entrance.

Drowning in his thought, he didn't realize when he falls asleep. After a few hours, he suddenly woke up by surprise. He's actually dreaming having a s.e.x with Kudo! "d.a.m.n! What happen to me? I'm… I'm… I was dreaming having s.e.x with him…" He covered his face with his hand. His body covered by a cold sweat, and his face was flush red.

The dream was so vivid that he actually remember every single detail. "What happen to me? Why can't I stop thinking about him?" He remember about how he pushed him down and pressed on him while both of them naked.

His hand crawling all over his body touching his chest and his abdomen. While, his hand was touching him, he lower his head kissing his eyes, nose, his cheek, lower to his neck then his collarbone, every place that he kissed was scorching heat.

That was a one hot dream...

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