INSPIRATIONAL MUSINGS 15 Learn To Nurture An Idea To Fruition


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"There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them."

— George Orwell

Ideas move and shape the world. The beauty of an idea is that it doesn't need to look big at the onset, what only matters is the content of the idea. Though there's a down side to the beauty

of an idea or ideas: it is ugly when an idea dies at birth because of non-implementation.

Every great invention or edifice in the world started as an idea, the owner or owners decided to see it through and that's why it became a product or an edifice. The same for every great initiative, and I have since found out that G.o.d blessed every creature with the ability to come up with ideas but it now depends on whether you will work to see yours become a product, an edifice or the next most n.o.ble initiative in the world.

To nurture an idea to fruition you need direction. Not all ideas sound realistic or workable at the onset, it is your ability to grow and feed the idea and make it work that determines whether it is realistic or not, that is why you have to be wary of people you seek inspiration or validation from. If you talk to the wrong people about your idea, they can kill it with the wrong words or counsel. Appropriate direction is needed mentally and physically to make an idea work, that's why you need the right information. The right information is the direction you need to make your idea work, please don't grope in the dark.

Ideas are not limited to businesses, products, inventions or buildings. There are several ideas in the areas of spirituality, charity, sports, professions and much more. Every achievement in life started as an idea. That's why any idea that comes to mind has to be a.s.sessed, although some people are more blessed in the area of conceptualisation of ideas than others but everybody is blessed with the ability to think and come up with something that can make a difference in the life of themselves and others around them.

I have a task for everyone reading this, this year you have to come up with a beautiful idea no matter how unreasonable, just ensure the idea provides a solution to a nagging problem in your immediate environment or the society at large, nurture it and ensure you implement the components to the letter. The main feature of successful people is they enforce a positive end to any idea they conceptualise. They fight with everything within to see it work, and that's why many ideas die within because people often lack the will to make an idea work.

When I started as an entrepreneur, I had too many ideas flying in my head, I wanted to be everything because different ideas kept hitting my mind intermittently, luckily I came across a book that taught me everything I needed to understand about FOCUS. One of the most important thing about focus is that it concentrates your energy at a point that helps you to maximise your efforts per time on any project. To see an idea work you must remain focused, unwavering till you complete the implementation process.

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How to Make an Idea Work Tenacity of purpose:

you must continuously hold on to the belief that your idea is workable before it can see the light of day. Without tenacity an idea can't work, what tenacity does for you is to guarantee a firm grip on your vision. That picture you saw the day the idea was conceptualised; without tenacity your idea will only exist within you for a long time to come.

Hard Work: nothing can work without hard work. Please don't be deceived, for an idea to become something great you have to put a lot of work into it. Nothing will work till you work! This is an age long secret, yes, I have listened to the proponents of smart work, yes also with the advent of smart phones, smart TVs, electric cars and all of that smart work sounds trendy but the truth is you must put in man hours to see your idea work. You must brain storm, strategize, write, calculate, market/sell, knock on doors, pitch etc. to see the idea work, these things I touched on require a lot of hard work.

Sell It: there are two sets of people you must sell your idea to a collaborator and a buyer. It is straight forward that you either need to make your idea work yourself or you get a partner that will make it work. Any partner you are working with on your idea must bring something to the table, don't partner with anyone just because you like his or her face or dress sense. The individual must be a financial or technical partner who believes in the dream and is ready for any eventual outcome. The other individual you have to sell your idea to is the buyer, a buyer can be someone who pays for the end product of your idea or might be a beneficiary, in either ways, you have to sell it. Any unsellable idea is worthless, always have this in mind as you develop your idea.

Change must be constant: an idea shouldn't be a one off thing. It has to be reviewed and developed to last many generations. That's one of our problems in this part of the world, we do not think of the future most times in our projections and decisions.

Any idea that doesn't outlive you is regressive, and that's why you need to be flexible and adjust as the situation demands. Rigidity makes a fool of one in the long process, don't be carried away by the little success your idea has become, always continue to evolve to make the idea bigger than you. Change must be a continuous process in your plans to see your idea germinate to become that towering plant.

Lastly, 2017 has presented another opportunity for you to make an idea work. You don't have to abandon your job to see one work, start with one that won't reward you financially but will touch lives, in the process it might turn out to be the next billion naira making idea. Cheers!

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