INSPIRATIONAL MUSINGS 14 Disengage From The Lifestyle That Limits You


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"Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure."


A negative lifestyle has a foundation of bad habits. It is like a veil, you will not break barriers, you will not run, when you are burdened with one. It's like a chain of bondage,

and until you break it you won't set your soul free, you won't amount to anything in life.

There's a story of a popular footballer who was very good in his days, for some he is arguably the best footballer ever, but his career was cut short because of "DAILY NIGHT PARTYING". He just couldn't get it out of his life. According to reports he will party all night and get late to trainings in the morning, he did this consistently over a long period of time, but because he was good, coaches could tolerate him, but over time his energy levels dropped, he couldn't sustain it he had to cope with the regret of early retirement. You see it is okay to get thrown off the perch because of things you have no control over, n.o.body prays for a misfortune, you can suffer a domestic accident that can reduce your work rate or energy level but it is sad when you get knocked off the top spot because of habits you just couldn't put a leash on.

A lot of would be achievers never attained projected heights because of habits like laziness, watching TV all day, overeating, overspending, procrastinating, p.o.r.nography watching, surfing the internet all day, spending the whole day on social media, skipping work, daily or regular night partying, being inconsistent in words and actions, losing your temper, being late, gambling, over speeding, borrowing but not paying back, gossiping amongst many others.

No matter what you are doing or saying my good friend, people are watching you, your lifestyle will determine where you will get to in life. Self-discipline is priceless if you want to be successful, and there is no short cut to it. You have to consistently work at it till it becomes a part of you at all times.

Advantages of Self Discipline

Self-discipline guarantees success than you can ever imagine. It saves you from distress and regrets. It also helps you to always be in charge of your emotions. What you think you lack in the pleasure you derive from those unprofitable habits by being disciplined is actually your strength because you are travelling on a lonely path. The path to success is very lonely because of the self- discipline required to get there. Many people abhor discipline, they are wilful and are not ready to submit themselves to a regimented life style, and that's why there are fewer successful people in the world.

Self-discipline builds a strong character. Talent or skills can take you to the top but character sustains you, there is nothing as heart breaking like a bad habit that denies you of achieving your

greatest dream in life. Can we all remember a former French presidential hopeful that allegedly molested a hotel maid? That singular action ruined his political ambition till date. Whereas what a strong character does for you is to always weigh immediate pleasure against long term achievement. That's the difference. Character is everything. It has to be built with all sense of purpose. Self-discipline plans your future. The future is very expensive and it takes self-discipline to save for it, to invest in it, to adhere to the rules that take care of the future. There's always a temptation to spend, to skip work, to sleep a little more but when you remember that the future is expensive and you have to follow a regimented process to enjoy it, then it won't be difficult. It takes us back to immediate pleasure versus a secure future.

I was groping in the dark for so long despite my G.o.d given talents until I realized that there was no way I would be successful without self-discipline. I had always made money but somehow I was never able to save or do anything worthy of note because I frittered most of it away on negative habits. I bought things I didn't need, I spent on people that added nothing to me physically or spiritually. I spent to be noticed. I spent to revenge. I was d.a.m.n stupid. The day I made up my mind to live differently, I found peace, it was as if a veil was taken off my face, I came into realization of self. That's why when I was asked to describe 2016 in one word I called it my year of DISCOVERY!

That's what self-discipline does for you, it helps you to discover SELF. Self-discovery helps to unveil the hidden skills you possess that you never knew of. You will find out there are lots of talents within because you have killed the things that used to distract you. Until you starve your distractions, it will be difficult to change your lifestyle for the better.
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Make a decision today to constantly suppress those things that distract you from fulfilling your purpose and constantly do the things that are profitable to you, you will be shocked at the

positive things you will achieve in 90 days. The best way to drop those negative habits is to replace them with positive habits because life doesn't permit a vacuum, something has to fill an empty place.

I wish you all the best in your journey of SELF DISCOVERY!

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