INSPIRATIONAL MUSINGS 16 There Is No Point Thinking At All If You Do Not Think Big!


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"I like thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big." — Donald J. Trump

Nearly all big achievements in this world started with a clear vision of what the end result was going to be right from the beginning. Without that clear and big picture

of the great result, nothing big in this world can be built or achieved.
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A lot of people do not even know that the legendary Walt Disney died as far back as 1966, because of the greatness of his ideas, it was easy for his elder brother to continue where he stopped, he had bought into those big ideas long before his junior brother's death. When an idea is bigger than you it is easier for it to continue after your demise with the right organization and inputs from like minds that bought into the idea with you in the first place.

I remember watching the movies of Hubert Ogunde as a child in the late 80's. He was a big thinker, he had great ideas, he was years ahead of his peers. Looking at the movie industry today and thinking of what he achieved, I can't but admire the power of his mind. He was an actor, playwright, theatre manager, and musician. He founded the Ogunde Theatre Party, the first contemporary professional theatrical company in Nigeria. He has been described as "the father of Nigerian theatre, or the father of contemporary Yoruba theatre" by Wikipedia. Adeyemi Afolayan and Moses Olaiya (Baba Sala) deserve worthy mention too. They had great ideas as well and it reflected in their works as well.

My mum made it a point of duty to take us to the cinemas during holidays, we saw many stage plays of Ola Rotimi as well, and she had a perfect plan to make us see the best of movies and plays especially those of producers who tried to stretch their imaginations beyond the boundaries that existed in their days. And truly, those movies actually made me think big from a tender age.

The seven wonders of the world come to mind now, you would wonder how anyone will come up with those wonderful edifices, they must have had tons of large ideas within to ever come up with those magnificent structures.

The advantages of thinking big far outweigh the disadvantages, because if you set a very high standard for yourself even if you don't achieve it, you will come close, and in the process rise above the average height you could have been limited to if you hadn't chosen to think big a tall.

Donald J. Trump shocked the whole world when he won the nomination of the Republican Party of the United States of America. Little did we know he was even going to win the general election and go ahead to become the 45th president of the United States of America. When he flagged off his campaign, a lot of doubters a.s.sumed he was just in the race to make up the numbers, but I had a queer feeling he could nick it after following his career for many years. He was everything big, he always had big ideas, great projects on the table. Even when n.o.body gave him a chance, he had seen where he was going because he's always believed that if the idea isn't big enough, then there's no point trying to implement it. This is how I want you to begin to reason forward. Start small but think big, begin to surprise yourself with your ideas, make it a part of you to see the bigger picture ahead of anyone and you will break records.

Remember I told you how the movies I watched as a young kid changed my perception about life totally, I was a fan of movies that made ordinary people do great stuff through hard work, commitment and perseverance. When I grew older, I started reading biographies of achievers, I began to see life from a different view point, I became convinced I was never going to settle for less in life. I became a fan of "if it is not going to become big at the end of the day then it isn't worth it."

The Role of Self Confidence

Self-confidence plays a big role in thinking big, you must first believe that you can achieve anything you set out to do, then put in the hours required to get there, and without this it is almost impossible to break barriers.

For anyone to achieve anything great there must first be desire as well, the desire to achieve anything great strengthens your resolve, and that's where you learn the ability to persevere.

Perseverance is the most important ingredient required to complete tasks, it is always needed to see any idea to the stage of completion.

I was privileged to spend some time with Otunba Mohammed Jobi-Fele when he was alive, the former chairman of Oodua Group of Companies in Nigeria, a manufacturer of note, an achiever by any standard.

We talked on many occasions before he pa.s.sed on in the year 2011. He was an extremely wise man, he had wooden tablets of different sizes in his office which he called tablets of wisdom, he had wise sayings of his engraved on those tablets, he always had stories of his exploits to share, he believed at the time that he had attained the age he needed to pa.s.s on knowledge unto us the upcoming ones. Any moment with him was always bubbly and interesting. He shared many things with us about success, but if there was anything he was particular about, if there was anything he believed anyone who aspired for greatness needed to know was how to think big. He never minced words about the most a.s.sured way of thinking big, he called it SELF-CONFIDENCE. Without it he maintained that one will remain limited in his or her thoughts, because he was convinced it makes you believe first in yourself before anyone else does.

Self-confidence is responsible for every giant slaying initiative that has taken place in this world, it will continue to be so forever, because it is the fire you have to carry in your belly to do the impossible at all times.

Self-confidence shouldn't be confused with arrogance in anyway, because I see some people who walk around with raised shoulders, who tend to disrespect others and talk down on them because they think that is self-confidence. That is completely wrong, self-confidence is built from within, and it is demonstrated by the size of your ideas not by the size of your ego. Please take note of this.

I will leave you with this short poem my childhood friend and old school mate, Mrs. Adetutu Owolabi taught me a few days before I wrote this chapter. It was a poem her dad taught her at the age of 7:

"Think Big and your deeds would be big. Think small and you fall behind. Think you can and you will. It's ALL in the state of mind."

Truly, thinking big is a thing of the mind. Train your mind to think BIG!

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