Vrin_ Ten Mortal Gods Part 2

Vrin_ Ten Mortal Gods -

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Since I wasn't quite ready to be on my own I decided to take Kitaya up on her offer to stay the night in her palace. She informed me that we didn't require sleep, so I figured this would be a good time to push for answers. I gathered she knew the condition of my memory and I hoped we'd be able to spend several hours discussing the questions plaguing me, questions like: who am I, who are you, and why don't we need sleep? why don't we need sleep?

She left me in what she called her "living chambers" while she attended to her nightly routine, so I looked about and took in my surroundings. In the center of the large room was a huge stone fireplace, magnificent, though apparently unused. I circled the enormous structure. All four sides opened like insidious mouths complete with teeth running across the tops and bottoms. An immense chimney reached to the ceiling high above.

The rest of the room reflected the artistry and earthy motif of the village. The walls were alive with vines and vibrant flowers. A small stream gurgled along the base of one wall, emptying into a fountain in the corner. At the far end of the room thick gla.s.s doors stood slightly opened, revealing a balcony. The doors merged perfectly with the surrounding walls as though finished gla.s.s were a natural part of an outdoor scene. It was nature with structure, a work of art, and I wished to compliment the artist.

A servant brought a platter of delicacies for me to sample. I thanked him, he departed, and once again I stood waiting. I was anxious to find out what Kitaya knew about this world. I thought back to what Sajin had asked of me. He wanted to meet with Gaza because he thought Gaza could stop the war between Rath and Armadon. I wondered if Kitaya would agree. I also wanted to find out more about Rath. He was obviously unstable and apparently had a particular interest in me. This did not settle well in my stomach.

Kitaya entered and my thoughts evaporated. Again I tried desperately not to stare. She had changed into a thin silk evening gown with iridescent fabric clinging gently to her small curves. She gestured and I turned to see two comfortable chairs next to a crackling fire.


We settled in and I gazed at her radiance, desperately trying to bring my mind back to the questions at hand. She raised her arm slightly and began making a circular motion with her finger. Presently a cup and saucer materialized in her gentle grasp. The smell of sweet tea reached my nostrils, so I decided to make a cup of my own. First I visualized a cup and saucer, the threads formed the frames. I then added material, black porcelain with gold tr.i.m.m.i.n.g. And finally the tea, Earl Grey, hot.

Kitaya spoke. "Are you feeling any more relaxed?"

"As relaxed as possible under the circ.u.mstances." I took a deep breath. "I've been tense since I awoke-- but somehow in your company..." I gave a warm smile. " I feel much more at ease."

"That is good to hear." Her eyes lit up. "You must have questions."

"Indeed. Unfortunately they all fall into the same category of urgency, I hardly know where to begin. I guess, first and foremost, I'd like to know who I am." am."

She frowned slightly. "I am afraid I cannot help you there but I do know what the people of this world call you."

"And that is?"

"Sam' Dejal, the G.o.d of reason."

That's odd, I thought, I thought, the butler at the mansion called me Tardin. the butler at the mansion called me Tardin.

"What's your t.i.tle?" I asked.

"I am Ki' Janu, the G.o.ddess of the wood, or more accurately, the G.o.ddess of nature."

"That is fitting. You do seem to love trees."

"You mean because of the village? I created this village more for the people's sake than for my own. Trees are wonderful and I like nature and all, but I would not consider myself connected to it in any way." She shrugged and took a sip of her tea.

I studied her a moment. Then spoke again. "Do you remember anything from before this place?"

She shook her head. "I do not."

"Then you must have been as confused as I was when you first awakened."

"Hmm. Probably not. I did not have time to be. Rath was on me from the beginning." She tilted her head. "But that is a long story, you probably would not want to hear it."

"On the contrary, if you wouldn't mind telling it."

"Very well..." She sat up straighter and furrowed her brow. "Well, when I first became aware, I was in a large, lavishly furnished tree house." She paused and her eyes took on a distant look. "I was reaching into a kitchen cabinet to get something but I could not remember what. what. I felt strange and everything looked so I felt strange and everything looked so funny." funny." She paused a moment, then gave her head a little shake. "Anyway I heard someone knocking so I found my way to the front door and looked out. Just outside standing on a large branch was this She paused a moment, then gave her head a little shake. "Anyway I heard someone knocking so I found my way to the front door and looked out. Just outside standing on a large branch was this magnificent magnificent looking man in dark When I opened the door he greeted me with a bow. I was instantly taken in by him, he seemed harmless enough, so I invited him in." She looked at me and smiled. "After all I had a lot of questions. looking man in dark When I opened the door he greeted me with a bow. I was instantly taken in by him, he seemed harmless enough, so I invited him in." She looked at me and smiled. "After all I had a lot of questions.

"But listen to this. He convinced me he was a genie genie and that I had called to him in my dreams. At first I thought he was nuts, but then he took off his, and, well I think you can understand why I believed him. He wove this elaborate tale about how he was genie to the throne and how his search for a bride had led him to me. He said he did not want to be too forward but he wished to court me. It would be a long courts.h.i.+p and in the end, if I was not completely taken with him, he would return me to my planet with whatever riches I desired." She raised her eyebrows. "That sounded like a good deal to me." and that I had called to him in my dreams. At first I thought he was nuts, but then he took off his, and, well I think you can understand why I believed him. He wove this elaborate tale about how he was genie to the throne and how his search for a bride had led him to me. He said he did not want to be too forward but he wished to court me. It would be a long courts.h.i.+p and in the end, if I was not completely taken with him, he would return me to my planet with whatever riches I desired." She raised her eyebrows. "That sounded like a good deal to me."

"So," I interjected, "you didn't doubt him at all?"

"No." She shook her head. "I did not. He was very convincing and very very handsome." Her gaze drifted away again. "--No, I did not doubt him. So we traveled to the castle to meet the 'royal family' to whom, he handsome." Her gaze drifted away again. "--No, I did not doubt him. So we traveled to the castle to meet the 'royal family' to whom, he said said he owed his service and loyalty. And of course our means of transportation was a flying carpet. This made me believe him even more. He brought me into a room full of lavish gowns and expensive jewelry so I would be 'presentable' when he announced my arrival. I put together the most exquisite outfit: an elegant silk dress, white gloves, diamonds... When I was ready he escorted me to two enormous doors but before they were opened he gave me a blindfold. He he owed his service and loyalty. And of course our means of transportation was a flying carpet. This made me believe him even more. He brought me into a room full of lavish gowns and expensive jewelry so I would be 'presentable' when he announced my arrival. I put together the most exquisite outfit: an elegant silk dress, white gloves, diamonds... When I was ready he escorted me to two enormous doors but before they were opened he gave me a blindfold. He said said it was customary for the royal family to look upon the bride-to-be before she was allowed to look upon them. it was customary for the royal family to look upon the bride-to-be before she was allowed to look upon them.

"Finally when he opened the doors I could hear the voices of what I thought thought was the a.s.sembled n.o.bility. He led me forward several paces into the room but then stepped away. As I turned to reach for him someone shoved me hard and I landed on my chest with my face pus.h.i.+ng deep into something foul! I slid downward until finally I stopped and tore the blindfold from my head. was the a.s.sembled n.o.bility. He led me forward several paces into the room but then stepped away. As I turned to reach for him someone shoved me hard and I landed on my chest with my face pus.h.i.+ng deep into something foul! I slid downward until finally I stopped and tore the blindfold from my head. Thousands Thousands of eyes were looking down at me from row upon row of a of eyes were looking down at me from row upon row of a huge huge amphitheater. I was amphitheater. I was mortified! mortified!

"What did you do?" do?" I said, feeling shocked and somewhat thankful for my own experience. I said, feeling shocked and somewhat thankful for my own experience.

"I did not know what what to do! Then this man who I thought was my to do! Then this man who I thought was my friend friend announced, 'BEHOLD, THE G.o.dDESS KI' JANU!' I swear the whole arena shook from the laughter. I struggled to my feet in the slippery mess, wiping the crud from my arms, and looked behind me. I had slid down a slide covered with what I think was grease and human waste! Into a pool of manure!" announced, 'BEHOLD, THE G.o.dDESS KI' JANU!' I swear the whole arena shook from the laughter. I struggled to my feet in the slippery mess, wiping the crud from my arms, and looked behind me. I had slid down a slide covered with what I think was grease and human waste! Into a pool of manure!"

"You must have been livid!"

"Oh I was! was! And my anger must have ignited something because all of a sudden the room went dark and all of the voices fell silent-- except And my anger must have ignited something because all of a sudden the room went dark and all of the voices fell silent-- except Rath's Rath's, he laughed louder! But then I noticed that my hands were glowing glowing orange! Now orange! Now I I had to laugh because I thought, had to laugh because I thought, I I am a genie! But I was so humiliated and hurt and am a genie! But I was so humiliated and hurt and angry! angry! I opened my arms and currents of electricity shot out toward him." I opened my arms and currents of electricity shot out toward him."

"Did you get him?"

"Yes. But he fell to the floor and just kept laughing, saying, 'Is that that the best you can do?'" She gave me an exasperated look. "But then the room filled with the blue strings and somehow I knew they were reacting to my thoughts. I thought about the flying carpet and there it was. So I jumped onto it and took off like a flash." She raised her chin in defiance. "I never looked back." the best you can do?'" She gave me an exasperated look. "But then the room filled with the blue strings and somehow I knew they were reacting to my thoughts. I thought about the flying carpet and there it was. So I jumped onto it and took off like a flash." She raised her chin in defiance. "I never looked back."

"Wow!" I said, shaking my head. "Did you ever manage to get him back for that?"

"I have tried a few times." She shrugged. "But he is extremely smart. He usually finds some way to twist things around to his advantage."

"Why do you think he's he so cruel?"

"I do not... I honestly do not think he understands he is being cruel. He is like a spoiled child."

"Do you know what happened when he first arrived?"

"No, I have never thought to find out."

"--Maybe he had a really bad experience."

"Maybe-- Hmm. How could we find..." She put her hand to her chin and looked thoughtful. "Oh!" She looked back at me. Moota!" Moota!"

I gave her a sideways glance. "Moota? "Moota? What's a What's a Moota?" Moota?"

"He is a sky searcher." She smiled. is a sky searcher." She smiled.

"--Oh, o-kay." I returned her smile. "That helps." I returned her smile. "That helps."

She shook her head. "Let me explain. A sky searcher," sky searcher," she annunciated the words, "searches the sky for fragments of the past, which were put there by what is called... Hold on. I will let she annunciated the words, "searches the sky for fragments of the past, which were put there by what is called... Hold on. I will let him him explain. Her eyes dimmed and her head tilted slightly to the side. After a short moment she looked up. "I called him. He is on his way." explain. Her eyes dimmed and her head tilted slightly to the side. After a short moment she looked up. "I called him. He is on his way."

I squinted at her. "What did you just do?"

"I have a strand attached to those I keep in contact with the most. It allows me to speak to them."

"Oh. --You'll have to teach me that trick."

She smiled. "It is easy. Just bring up the web and break a strand with your fingers." I did as she said. "Good. Now touch one end to my neck just below my ear." I reached out and placed my finger under her ear. Her skin was soft, I could feel her warmth. "Now attach the other end to yourself and close your eyes. There. Now to establish a link all you need to do is picture me in your mind. Good. Now no matter where we go we can always communicate with one another. And if for any reason you do not wish to talk with me all you need to do is detach the strand from yourself." Good. Now no matter where we go we can always communicate with one another. And if for any reason you do not wish to talk with me all you need to do is detach the strand from yourself."

"This is fantastic!" As I pictured her my thought turned to vibration and traveled to her through the strand. My thoughts were energy now, as were hers. " As I pictured her my thought turned to vibration and traveled to her through the strand. My thoughts were energy now, as were hers. "I can think of no one else I'd rather be attached to."

I heard a giggle inside.

"Really." I opened my eyes. "I want to thank you for helping me. I've been feeling pretty lost," I said aloud.

She opened her eyes and gave a tender smile. "We are both lost, but perhaps we can find the way together."

"I'd like that," I said, reaching out to put my hand on hers.

"And in so doing..." She stood and turned toward the door, "may we fix the damage caused by our own. --He approaches."

The doors opened and a tiny man entered. I stood and suppressed a smile. He looked more like a gnome than a man; stout and st.u.r.dy, with a green s.h.i.+rt, tan vest, soft pointy shoes. And upon his face (which showed the wrinkles of many years) a pair of s.h.i.+ny straddled his fat little nose. Yet despite his appearance he had a look of intelligence about him, like a scientist-- granted, a very short short scientist. scientist.

Kitaya giggled.

"Um," I whispered out of the corner of my mouth. "how do I drop our connection?" "Blank out your mind," she whispered back in like fas.h.i.+on. I did as she suggested and felt her presence push from my mind.

"You called for me, precious one?" The little man swept low in a courtly bow.

"Yes, we have need of your talents. But first allow me to introduce you. Moota, this is Sam' Dejal. Sam, this is Moota."

"It is a great pleasure to meet you, lord." He bowed again.

"Likewise," I mused.

"Did you bring your event cells?" Kitaya asked.

"Right here in my bag, great lady."

"What is an event cell?" I asked.

The little man looked at me with aged and somewhat bloodshot eyes. "It is a device which allows a person to relive the past. You see around our world we have a layer of gas called the cognosphere." He gazed up as if through the ceiling. "The cognosphere acts as a mirror to what was. In it is the imprint of our entire history. Unfortunately, however, the information is scattered and the only way to access it is with an event cell." He paused. "Shall I continue, lord?"

"Please. How does it work?"

He examined me briefly, then continued. "When placed at an event, the cell sends out a pulse which marks the cognosphere. Then later, that same device, tuned to its own harmonic, can search the cognosphere for the same pulse. The cell finds all the pieces of the original pulse and combines them into one. When a mind enters the cell it encounters the reflection of the event and is able to interact with it.

"Interesting," I said, intrigued. "What if I were to enter an event cell which had never been used?"

"Oh, very bad, very bad," he said shaking his head.


"Imagine this planet's entire history fed into your mind without any cohesion, it would be like... like drinking water from the base of a waterfall. What it would do to a G.o.d we do not know, but to a mortal man..." He shuddered at the thought. "With all due respect, lord, I do not care to speak of such horrors in the presence of a lady." He turned back to Kitaya. "What do you wish of me Ki' Janu?"

She smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Moota. We would like to hear of Rath's arrival and witness the event you recently acquired."

"You heard about that," he said, sounding like a mouse caught in a trap.

"I have never forbidden any of you from pursuing that which pleases you. You are an inquisitive old sot. I like that about you."

"Thank you, your holiness." He bowed so low I thought his nose would the ground.

Kitaya sat, brought her knees to her chest, and wrapped her arms around them. She gestured for me to sit then turned back to the little man. "Alright, Moota, teach us."

He thought for a moment, then spoke. "When at first he arrived, Rath, known as the G.o.d of fire was seen only occasionally, always in the same manner, walking aimlessly through a town late at night, apparently drunk out of his mind." As the old man talked he used elaborate hand movements and animated facial gestures. "And he was always babbling to himself. At first we thought he was talking to the other G.o.ds, but soon it became clear that he was delusional; the conversations were erratic and broken. As you can imagine the spectacle was quite unnerving for the local residents. Sometimes people would muster up the courage to come out of their homes and greet him, but he would usually look right through them and keep on his way, if if they were lucky. Sometimes he would fly into a rage. So most people avoided him completely. they were lucky. Sometimes he would fly into a rage. So most people avoided him completely.

"Strangely however, the children loved him. Anytime there were children around he would become coherent and quite amiable. He seemed to truly enjoy their company; his eyes would light up as he handed out treats and gifts he'd created. In fact his affinity toward children was so great that he decided to visit hundreds of orphanages around the world. Some children were scared of him, but most were captivated by his kindness and interest in them. He promised to care for them and allow them to do whatever they wished if they joined him. For most it was an offer they could not refuse. Countless children responded. But after awhile he became restless. That's when he seized control of the country of Pagnia. He walked straight into the royal castle, declared himself ruler, and stated that all who challenged him would be extinguished. Those brave enough to stand forth were silenced in horrible ways."

Moota looked about then came in close. "Of course-- he told the people of Pagnia-- that the royal family had been relocated-- to another kingdom on the other side of the world. But we know that was not the case. Our informants tell us he had his child army go in and remove all the residents of the castle by force, save for members of the royal family, who were locked in the dungeon to perish along with their home. I recently acquired the event cell placed at Mount Dastra. It shows what was to be the pinnacle of the incursion." He reached for his pouch and pulled out a dark gla.s.s square with smoothly sanded edges. "This is the event cell." He tapped the cell with a hairy finger. "It will allow you to interact with the reflection that was marked. Which one of you would like to go first?"

Kitaya looked at me. "Would you?"

"Ah, okay. How does it work?" I stood and reached out my hand.

"Notice the top." He handed me the device and pointed. "It is malleable, slightly firmer than a sponge. Press that edge to your forehead and the moment will be sent to you. You will not actually be present at the event but you will perceive a physical body.

"What if I want to stop it?"

"Close your eyes and blank out your mind, this will terminate the link, and your consciousness will return to your actual body."

"Sounds simple enough," I said, not feeling the confidence I portrayed. I placed the soft black cus.h.i.+on on my forehead and instantly found myself standing in a field of knee-high gra.s.s. Hundreds of people were traveling up a dirt trail. I looked around. A short distance up the path something big was going on. I made my way to the road and followed the stream of refugees. No one paid any attention to me.

Moving up a steady incline, I looked behind and saw the origin of their trek, a large village surrounding a huge stone castle. Apparently these were the residents of Pagnia, and judging by the mult.i.tude, it looked like Rath was planning on destroying more than just the royal castle. I spotted a young child walking along the edge of the crowd, digging a stick into the dirt as he walked. He was wearing the same kind of red rubber armor I'd seen on Rath. He must be one of Rath's children, He must be one of Rath's children, I thought. Slowly I turned and scanned the outskirts of the crowd. Sure enough, there were others dressed in the same peculiar apparel. I thought. Slowly I turned and scanned the outskirts of the crowd. Sure enough, there were others dressed in the same peculiar apparel.

Topping a slight incline I encountered several small gatherings of women and children sitting about with their belongings piled around them. In the midst of the smaller groups, talking furiously amongst themselves, was a large group of men. I headed in their direction. As I weaved my way through the various groups, I couldn't help but look down on the faces of these poor displaced families. I felt for them; there was great sadness in their eyes. What right did anyone have to push these people from their homes? It was outrageous!

"This is an outrage!" came a voice from inside the circle. I saw an opening and stepped inside. Three men stood talking in the center. Their clothing stood out from the rest in both quality and design. They must be from the ruling party They must be from the ruling party, I thought. The same man continued. "Will we not stand stand and protect our property? He is but one man!" and protect our property? He is but one man!"

"We are not fighters, Fyousa and even if we were, he is too powerful."

The man grimaced. "We are not fighters fighters because we choose it not, not because it cannot be! We because we choose it not, not because it cannot be! We cannot cannot stand still in the face of this stand still in the face of this aggression aggression and do and do nothing! nothing! He has s.n.a.t.c.hed our homes, taken the land we have worked He has s.n.a.t.c.hed our homes, taken the land we have worked so hard so hard to nurture and protect! Our people have worked for centuries to build that kingdom! We to nurture and protect! Our people have worked for centuries to build that kingdom! We cannot cannot let Rath take what is not his to take!" let Rath take what is not his to take!"

The third man spoke. "Be calm my friend." He placed his hand on the man's shoulder. "Does it not state in the great text that the brothers and sisters of light would one day join us? Is it not so they created this planet and our people from the dust of the cosmos? Then is it not fair for them to reclaim the land which is rightfully theirs?" The crowd watched intently as he turned and addressed them. "Tul' Naydor is no saint but he has demonstrated the power of the G.o.ds. He is one of the Ten. He has every right to place his claim on our land! Now disperse! Go back to your families and tell them not to despair, for although things look dark, we must trust that the G.o.ds have s.h.i.+ned on us this day!"

Reluctantly the crowd began to disperse, and the old man looked back at Fyousa. "Let us not hear any more talk of revolution, my friend," he stated smoothly. "Is it not better for us to live in the dark, than to die in the light as if we never were?"

The two of them stood in silence watching as the others moved away.

Then-- through the sea of moving bodies-- I saw him. The G.o.d of fire, sitting with his legs crossed, staring out at the village. I made my way over and crouched before him. If he saw me he made no indication. His eyes were scanning the sky intently as he rocked back and forth; he was exerting some kind of force on the clouds. I looked up. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, pure white melted into a ma.s.sive pool of brown undulating liquid. Deep dark colors swirled about in pockets of chaos, blocking out the sun, hovering like a blanket of death. Everything in the valley took on a dim brown hue. I looked back at Rath. His eyes were blank. In eerie oblivion his children played behind him.

With a wicked smile he stood and faced the crowd. Without warning the brown liquid fell to the earth, it burned and smote everything it touched, filling the entire valley, dissolving everything in its path. Leaving nothing but a smoking hole and a memory of better times.

The people watched in horror, clinging to each other with tears in their eyes as everything they had ever known dissolved before them. Their past was erased, and their future looked as dark as the charred ground below.

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About Vrin_ Ten Mortal Gods Part 2 novel

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