Under The Highlander's Spell Part 30

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I want my grandmother to be here when we exchange our vows.

He nodded with a smile. Youre right. Bethane should be here to share in the celebration.

Your family will not think it odd that we wish to wed again?

I will explain that we wish to refresh our vows in front of both our families. They will be pleased and ready to celebrate.

Zia cuddled in the warmth of his arms, pleased that this was settled and she would wed for love, as shed always wanted to. This is good; I am happy.

He hugged her tightly. I will try to always make you happy.

She ran a tender finger over his lips. You dont have to try. I am happy just seeing your face when I wake in the morning, or when you wait for me to finish my work, or when you argue with me over a point which we both know Im right about. She laughed joyously then sighed. You are happiness to me.

d.a.m.n, but I love you, Zia.

And that makes me the happiest of all, hearing you say you love me. I will never grow tired of hearing it.

Good, for I will never grow tired of telling you.

We are made for each other. A perfect fit.

They kissed on the windy moor, impervious to the chill and the fine mist that began to fall. They were in love, and lost in that love. Nothing else mattered, nothing would.

Artair stopped with Zia at Jamess cottage. He was doing better, not a complaint from him. The only thing he talked about was Maves impending arrival. He had received a message from her expressing her concern and letting him know she would take good care of him.

Zia examined his wound, which was healing much better than shed expected. You are moving it like I told you?

I better, James said quietly. If I dont, Addies in here making me work it even harder, and Neddies been stopping by as well, not to mention all the other women who remind me while dropping off food. Everyone is surprised I still have the arm or that Im still alive. I think most thought Id never make it. He shook his head. For a while there I didnt think I would either.

Nonsense, Zia scolded gently. Youre a strong, determined man and you fought to live. She walked over to the fireplace to prepare a brew for him.

Artair leaned over James. Id say Mave had something to do with you wanting to live.

James grinned. Shes been in my thoughts since we left the village Black, though Ive been wondering Speak your piece, Artair urged, sensing the mans reluctance.

What if I wanted to return to the village Black with Mave?

I would wish you both a long and happy life together.

James sighed with relief. Thank you, Artair, though know I would serve you if ever you should ask.

I had no doubt of it.

Artair took Zias hand when they left the cottage.

I heard, she said. It was good of you to release him to live elsewhere.

Actually, it is up to Cavan, but I know he would do the same, which is why James asked me first.

Your brother is a good and fair laird.

Yes he is, Artair agreed.

Has he asked if youve spoken with me?

Not yet. He waits, for he knows I will have an answer for him.

You expect me to change my mind? she asked.

He tapped her head. I expect that I understand my wife and trust her word.

Zia threw her arms around him and kissed him soundly.

Be careful, he whispered in her ear, or I will carry you into your healing cottage and brace the door so no one can enter until I have had my way with you.

Promise? she begged breathlessly.

Artair shook his head as he pointed at her cottage. Five people were already waiting outside her door.

Later, she whispered, before rus.h.i.+ng her lips across his and hurrying off to tend the ailing.

Artair entered the keep with a sense of relief and joy, hoping to find his mother and tell her all about Zia and his plans. He was certain she would be thrilled and get busy immediately with the preparations, which in turn he hoped would alleviate her sadness, if only for a while. He knew his mother felt lost at times without her husband, and while she kept her spirits up in front of everyone, suffered when alone. He worried about her, but then so did his brothers. If only Ronan would return, that would surely make all the difference to her.

Youre wanted in the solar, his mother said as soon as he entered the great hall.

Artair could tell by her serious expression that something was wrong, and he hurried into the solar, to find Cavan and Lachlan waiting for him.

Cavan held up a paper with an official seal. The church council will arrive in a few days to speak with Zia in regard to claims of her being a witch.

Artair felt as though an arrow had struck his heart. He grabbed hold of the top of a chair and took a breath. Who do they send?

Bishop Edmond Aleatus, Cavan said.

He leads the witch hunt in this region, Lachlan said. Many say he is a fair man.

Fair to whom? Artair asked.

Bishop Aleatus knew Father and respected him, Cavan said. Once the bishop realizes it is the Sinclare family he deals with, I am sure there will be no problem.

Artair nearly swore aloud. He knew this farce of a marriage would return to haunt him. He should have forced Zia to wed him from the start.

Have your marriage papers ready to present to the bishop, Cavan said to him.

The villagers will be a help since they speak highly of Zia, Lachlan said.

Artair listened to them talk, though he barely heard their words. He could arrange for Zia and he to exchange vows secretly, but what of the doc.u.ments? The date would need to be forged, the cleric bribed, but if he learned or knew of the claims of witchcraft against Zia he would never agree. He would report the matter immediately to the church.

Though her remarkable healing talent could work against her, Cavan said. For instance, Jamess recovery. None expected him to survive. Many claim it a miracle.

Lachlan shook his head. Thats all the bishop needs to hear.

Artair and Zia being wed will probably do her the most good. The Sinclare name is a respected and honorable one. I doubt there are many who would go against it, Cavan said. And with the bishop having known father, I believe all will work out well.

I dont think Artair is feeling the same way, Lachlan said, looking at his brother.

Dont worry, Artair, all will be fine, Cavan rea.s.sured.

Artair shook his head. How could he have ever been so stupid to get not only Zia but his family into such a serious situation? Reason had warned him to wed Zia, and yet hed allowed her to have her way. And now look at the dangerous mess they were all in.

It cant be that bad, Cavan said once again, trying to rea.s.sure him.

In fact, his brothers confidence and support made him feel worse. He had always been the sensible one, the one to do the right thing. No one ever had to clean up after him. He had made sure of it.

Cavans right, Lachlan said. It cant be that bad, and besides, were in this together. We wont let you down.

That made him feel even worse, for he had certainly let them down and all because he had allowed a woman to enchant him. He shook his head. He was even making it seem that Zia was a witch and that this was all her fault and it wasnt. He had created this mess, and he would need to find a way out of it. But first he needed to be honest with his brothers.

Have your say, Artair, and we will work this out together, Cavan said with the confidence of a powerful laird.

Artair spit it out before he changed his mind. Zia and I are not married.

Chapter 28.

Zia received an urgent summons to the keep. She finished tending a minor burn on a childs arm and quickly glanced over the three people who waited to see her, dispensing salves and a potion and advising the last one to return to his cottage and she would come see him as soon as she could. Feeling better that there were no serious ailments, she hurried to the keep.

A knot tightened in her stomach with each step she took and caused her to grow apprehensive. Something was wrong; she could feel it.


Her grandmothers strong voice resonated in her head and she halted her rushed steps. Bethane sensed something as well, which meant she needed to keep her mind clear and remain alert. Her grandmother would help guide her; she wasnt alone.

And she had Artair, but most importantly she had his love.

She entered the keep just as a clap of thunder sounded and the ominous warning caused her to s.h.i.+ver. A servant directed her to the solar and when she entered she knew without anyone saying a word that their marriage ruse was known.

They were all there, brothers, their mother, and Honora, and they looked alarmed.

She walked straight to the middle of the room and looked to Artair. I sense that it was somehow necessary that you tell them the truth.

He nodded. The church council sends a bishop to investigate.

We need to get you two wed immediately, Cavan said, standing beside the chair where his wife sat.

Zia noticed that Honora seemed more pale than usual, and restless, s.h.i.+fting as if uncomfortable in her seat. She should have been more concerned with her own predicament, but it was Honora who worried her.

Cavan has sent for a cleric, Addie said.

Zia didnt like seeing their worried expressions. Addies few brow wrinkles seemed more p.r.o.nounced from her worried thoughts and Cavan wore a continuous frown, while the usual joyful Lachlan had not made one joke of the situation. That they were all worried was obvious, and Zia didnt like being the reason for their distress.

You and Artair will wed as soon as the cleric arrives, Cavan said, though it sounded more like a proclamation.

What of the date? Zia asked. The clerics are most precise about a doc.u.ment they affix a seal to.

The cleric we have sent for is faithful to the Sinclares, Addie said. He will record whatever date we request. She smiled sadly, though with pride. My husband saved his life when he was young and he feels indebted to the Sinclare clan.

Zia listened while keeping an eye on Honora. Something was definitely wrong and she didnt like what she was sensing.

Youll need to temper your enthusiasm while the bishop is here. It would be better if you appeared pious, Cavan said.

Zia would normally have argued. The thought of her remaining pious was simply ridiculous. But it wasnt she who presently mattered. She had brought her problems down upon the Sinclare family, and she would do whatever was necessary to protect them, as they attempted to do the same for her.

I apologize for the trouble this has brought to your clan, she said to Cavan.

Your apology is not necessary, Zia, Cavan a.s.sured her. Artair explained everything. Now it is just a matter of doing what should have been done.

She simply nodded, and actually felt a pang of guilt. If she hadnt been so stubborn and had listened to Artair, all of this could have been avoided. And Artair probably confided the truth to his family, telling them how he had wanted to wed and she had refused, making her feel guiltier.

Artair joined her, slipping his arm around her waist and gently drawing her to his side. He leaned close, kissing her cheek and whispering, We will have our ceremony, the way you wanted it; you have my word.

She swelled with love for him, but her smile never surfaced. As soon as she saw Honora cringe she was at her side. Whats wrong?

Cavan hunched down beside his wife and took hold of her hand. What is it, Honora?

Pain, she answered both, while cradling her protruding stomach.

Has it been steady? Zia asked, hoping the babe wasnt demanding to be born. It was too early. Another week and the babe would have a better chance to survive.

No, but I havent felt right since I woke.

Why didnt you tell me? Cavan demanded.

That doesnt matter, Zia said with a gentle squeeze to his arm.

He got the message. Zia is right. What matters are you and the babe. You need to rest.

Zia smiled. Now Cavan is right. Rest is what is best for you at the moment. So lets get you settled in your bed.

Cavan lifted his wife gently and carried her to their bedchambers while everyone tried to follow.

Zia turned to Artair. Please, keep Cavan busy for a while so that I may examine his wife without interference. Your mother will help me, and sh.e.l.l bring word when its all right for Cavan to return.

Zia is right, Addie said. He will worry about Honora and she will worry about him and"

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