Under The Highlander's Spell Part 29

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Her wish was granted as she reached the keep stairs, an urgent plea from a young lad to help his mother, who was writhing in pain.

She was familiar with Jonas, barely six, and his mother Dora, who was expecting her fourth child. No amount of rea.s.surance helped the worried lad, and after stopping at her cottage for her healing basket, Zia hurried with the lad to his home.

Dora was doing fine, each of her babes having been delivered without a problem. Zia was more concerned for her young son, who felt sure his mother was dying.

Your mum is doing fine, Jonas. There is nothing to worry about. But I need a favor from you now that I am here to take care of her.

His little body relaxed in a sigh at Zias firm rea.s.surance.

Will you please go find Artair and tell him that I am tending your mother and will not be home until the babe is delivered?

Jonas nodded and took off.

Zia rolled her sleeves up and prepared for the birth, thanking the heavens for their intervention.

Artair had been lost in his thoughts ever since talking with Lachlan. He should have realized himself that the only way to deal with Zia was through her pa.s.sionate nature. She would not see reason the way he did, though that did not mean she didnt see it.

Hed never known Zia not to be truthful with him, and the way she had blurted out her love for him should have made him realize that if there was anything she needed to share, she would have never been able to keep it to herself. She would have spilled it out in a zestful flurry.

She was an honorable woman, and he very much admired her for that and felt pride that she would be his wife. How to get her to agree was another matter. He hadnt even told her he loved her yet, and he was certain she would never agree to wed him until he declared his love.

He planned on talking with her tonight, in their bedchamber. He intended to have their meal sent there so they could be alone and somehow work out the problems that plagued them.

You have a good plan? Lachlan asked, joining him at the table before the hearth in the great hall.

Im going to talk with her alone in our bedchamber.

You call that a plan? Lachlan shook his head. Beg her forgiveness, you fool. Better yet, tell her that you love her so much that love has made a complete fool of you.

It certainly has, Artair admitted. Ive never felt like such an idiot.

Lachlan grinned and was about to comment when Artair shoved a finger in his face. I warn you, not a word.

Lachlans chuckle rumbled in his chest.

Artair shook his head. I will settle this tonight.

Theres a good start, Lachlan said. Youre finally being unreasonable.

Before Artair could argue, the young lad Jonas raced into the hall and straight to their table addressing Artair.

Sir, the healer says she will not return until the new babe is delivered.

Jonas, you look out of breath and chilled, Lachlan said. Sit and have hot cider and a sweet cake.

The lads eyes brightened and he climbed over the bench beside Lachlan.

Artair stood. Im going to see if Zia needs anything.

She only needs one thing, Lachlan said softly, placing another sweet cake in front of the lad.

Whats that? Artair asked.


The birth took longer than Zia had expected, but the delivery went smoothly, without any problem, and mother and daughter were doing fine.

She settled them both, Jonas having fallen asleep hours ago, though hed tried to remain awake. She promised to look in on them tomorrow. It was well after midnight, the village silent as she left the cottage. The mist had grown heavier, the wind more biting, and she wrapped her cloak more closely around her.

You need this.

Zia jumped and swung around. You near scared me to death.

Artair swung a fur-lined cloak around her. You should have expected me.

Why? she asked, hugging the cloak closed, grateful for its warmth.

Artair curled his arm around her shoulder and started them walking toward the keep. Because Ive always been there for you when youve finished late and are alone.

Zia thought about it. Youre right. She rested her head to his shoulder snuggling her face past the cloak he wore to rest her cheek to his s.h.i.+rt and take in the familiar scent of him; fresh pine, burning hearth logs and pure male. It made her feel safe, secure and loved.

She tilted her head up and smiled. I love you. She didnt know what made her say it at that very moment; she only knew she wanted to. It felt right and good.

He hugged her tighter, and when they reached the keep, swung her up in his arms and carried her to their bedchamber. Not a soul was about, not a sound stirred. It was just the two of them and when he shut the door she felt complete solitude surround them.

She sighed when she saw that a bath waited for her, steam rising from the water, and quickly shed her clothes, as did he. He stepped into the tub first and held a hand out to her. Zia waited a moment, for she wanted to drink in the sight of him, his body so strong and fine, and all hers.

He settled them down together; she resting on top of him, her head nestled on his shoulder and tucked in the crook of his neck, their legs entwined and their arms around each other. She was more comfortable than she had been in a long time.

Thank you, she whispered.

Whatever for? This is pure pleasure for me. I should be thanking you.

She wondered if he knew that his words hinted at his love for her and paved the pathway to her heart.


Please, no discussions, no questions. I just want to enjoy this quiet time with you, just you and me, nothing else.

She was grateful he obliged. But why stop him? Did she fear hearing him admit his love? For when he did, decisions would need to be made. Was she ready for them?

All troubled thoughts quickly vanished when he took the soap and ran it over her body, slipping and sliding over every curve, valley, mound, and down the length of her. His strokes were lazy soft caresses that covered every inch of her.

She sighed, though it sounded more like a moan, and when his touch turned intimate"firing her body, her very soul"she reciprocated until they came together, she sitting on top of him, her legs around his waist as he glided into her.

The cramped s.p.a.ce left little room for movement, but his firm hands grasped her waist and set them in motion. It didnt take long, though they were far from done, for he dried them both with hurried hands and had them on the bed in no time, where he proceeded to kiss her entire body.

They were tender kisses that drove her wild and soon had her begging for much more, and he obliged time and time again until they both could stand it no more and he took her in his arms and entered her for one last ride that left them both utterly breathless.

Sleep claimed Artair fast enough, and she was glad, for the night had been perfect and she didnt want it spoiled by talk that would irritate either of them. Her eyes fluttered closed and she smiled. It had been a good night"no, a magical night"and tomorrow was a new day, a new beginning, and she would greet it with joy and deal with whatever it brought her.

Zia dressed, not surprised that she was alone. She hadnt felt Artair stir beside her and he probably chose not to disturb her feeling she needed sleep. He was considerate that way, but then, Artair was always thoughtful when it came to her. He put her feelings and needs before his.

Her grandmother was right. He was a good man. So how did she keep her word to someone and not hurt her husband in the process?


She kept making that mistake, thinking of him as her husband. But wasnt she feeling that way? More and more she thought of Artair as her husband. More and more she referred to him as so.

She smiled. This all will be settled soon enough. Im sure of it.

And she was. She knew that she and Artair would settle it agreeably, and it would be done. After all, he was reasonable and she was trying to be.

She was smiling broadly when she hurried down the stairs into the great hall. All the Sinclares were at the table before the large hearth, where they usually sat, and a few tables were occupied by warriors deep in conversation and the morning meal.

She weaved her way around the tables greeting the warriors, having gotten to know most of them when suddenly she heard her name shouted and she stopped dead when she saw that it was Artair.

Her mouth dropped open and her eyes rounded wide when she saw him standing in the middle, on top of the table where his family sat.

I love you, Zia!

She was too shocked to respond but everyone in the hall did with claps and cheerful shouts, a few stamping their feet.

I love you with all my heart! Artair shouted, grinning, and placed his hands over his heart.

She continued to stare, dumbfounded, and when it quieted and everyone stared at her, waiting, including Artair, who remained standing on the table like a centerpiece"she did the only thing she could.

She ran as quick as could be out of the hall.

Chapter 27.

Zia ran past villagers who called out greetings to her, though she was in too much of a hurry to reciprocate. She kept her frantic pace, it taking her on the moor with a st.i.tch in her side that finally forced her to stop running.

She leaned over, splaying her hands on her thighs and taking in laboring breaths while her rampantly beating heart felt ready to explode. But was it from exertion or did her heart pound because of Artairs most impractical declaration of love in front of everyone?

Stand up straight and dont fight your breaths.

Zia stood and turned though paid no attention to the warning of fighting her breathing, which only made it worse. But Artair had followed her and now stood staring at her. Expecting what?

I didnt expect you to run, but after the initial shock I realized why you did, he said. He yanked his fur-lined cloak off and handed it to her.

She took it, realizing she was s.h.i.+vering, and wrapped it around her. Why did I?

An easygoing smile surfaced across his face. Your honesty is one of the things I love about you.

Do you love that I ran from you when you declared that you loved me?

His smile turned to a chuckle. I could be insulted, but Im not.

Why? It wasnt very nice of me. I should have flung myself in your arms, especially since you didnt care if you made a complete fool of yourself in front of everyone. She giggled at the memory.

Someone reminded me that love makes fools of us all, so I decided to let love have its way with me.

Why, then, did I run? she asked with a confused shake of her head.

Because youre afraid.

Of what?

Of us being in love, he said.

But thats a wonderful thing.

Yes, he agreed nodding and approached her slowly. But it also means that now you can marry me for we marry for love.

She gasped and jumped back. Thats it. As soon as you declared your love I knew my fate was sealed.

You make it sound like a death sentence, he chortled.

No, no, she hastened to explain. I have thought often of how right it feels calling you my husband.

That is good, he said with a pleased grin. For it feels right calling you wife.

I only wish to know that you can accept me for who I am, what I do, and the pa.s.sion with which I live.

Artair reached out again and gently guided her into his arms. That woman you describe is the woman I love, and I wouldnt have her any other way.

She brushed her lips over his. It is you who are the witch, for you cast a spell over me from when we first met.

d.a.m.n, I was hoping you didnt notice, but since you did"I intend to keep you under my spell forever and always.

Zia poked him in the chest playfully. You might have to refresh that spell every now and again.

He kissed her softly, though lusciously. I do, every time we make love.

She sighed. That you do. I have never known such magic.

We make magic together and always will, he said, and kissed her quick. We will marry immediately.


Artair shook his head. Why not?

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