Under The Highlander's Spell Part 27

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I will look after her, Addie a.s.sured.

And I would love to see the garments you st.i.tch for the babe, Zia said, letting her know she would check on her.

Could it be that youre ready to start st.i.tching your own babys garments? Lachlan asked with a laugh.

Could it be that youre jealous? Zia asked. Wanting a wife, but having none?

Everyone laughed and joined in teasing Lachlan.

Enough, he finally said, holding his hands up in surrender. I will find a wife when Im ready for one.

Youll never be ready, Artair teased. Cavan should find one for you.

Do not even suggest that, Lachlan said.

I have had inquiries, Cavan said.

Not ready, Lachlan said, shaking his head.

Cavan grinned. A couple look promising.

Lachlan kept shaking his head. Dont tempt me.

I think I should have a look at them, Honora said in a serious tone.

No! Lachlan yelled. Sh.e.l.l have me wed before I have a chance to protest.

Honora laughed. Perhaps, but I would find you a wife who would suit you.

Lachlan sighed with relief. Then when the time comes, I will seek your help.

Zia wanted to linger and enjoy this time with her newfound family, but she had much to do.

She stood. I must go. I wish to see James before I start the day.

Ill go with you. Id like to visit with him, Artair said.

Later, Cavan said. I need to talk with you.

Zia planted a gentle kiss on Artairs cheek. She knew a command from a laird when she heard one, and she wondered over it as she took her leave.

Cavan, Artair, and Lachlan retreated to the solar.

Is something wrong? Artair asked as soon as the door was closed.

Lachlan has heard news about the village Black, Cavan said, and nodded to Lachlan.

It seems that the village Black harbors barbarians, Lachlan said.

Artair nodded. I know. I watched as Zia and her grandmother worked to help heal one while I was there.

And you didnt protest? Lachlan accused.

I made my objection known, but its their village, their rules. I was a guest, and one who sought answers about his brother. If I made demands, where would it have gotten me?

Artair is right, Cavan said. We cannot stop them from sheltering or healing barbarians, but it does raise a question that has yet to be answered.

Artair nodded. Who brought Ronan to the village Black.

You never found the answer? Lachlan asked anxiously.

A friend, was all that I was told, though I got the impression that they knew the person well.

I think its time to speak with Zia about the barbarians in her village, and about Ronan, Cavan said. You agree? he asked Artair.

I find Zia to be an honest woman, and anything she knows, I am certain she will share with us.

Then see when your wife has free time today to talk with us, Cavan said, though it was more an order.

Artair nodded and left the solar in search of Zia. He had planned to discuss Ronan with her, but at the moment was more interested in her unexpected and outspoken declaration of love that morning. It shocked him, and while he certainly felt the same, he felt unsure about what to do.

He wanted nothing more than to steal her away in order to discuss her outburst with her, to see if it had been real or if she simply wanted to add credence to their ruse of being married.

Now, however, he had this added problem his brother wanted addressed immediately, and he couldnt blame Cavan. He had never truly known how Ronan managed to get to the village Black, and it seemed odd that he should just disappear. The healers there"especially Bethane"knew what was going on at all times. He had a feeling there was more to his brothers arrival and departure than hed been told.

Artair walked without focus, his mind much too jumbled to pay attention.

Whats wrong?

Artair jumped at the sudden forceful query and was relieved to see Zia a few feet in front of him, hands on her hips, hair falling in spa.r.s.e curls around her face.

d.a.m.n, but she was beautiful.

Answer me, she said, having walked up to him to poke him in the chest.

Is that the way you greet your husband?

When he looks upset it is. Now whats wrong?

When you have time, Cavan wishes to speak with you.

About? she asked.

Ronan and barbarians at the village Black.

Ronan, I will discuss with him. Who I heal at my village is none of his business. He is not my laird.

Artair nodded. Actually, you being my wife makes him your laird.

Zia spoke low so no one would hear. Im not your wife and even if I was, the village Black is none of his concern.

Artair could see that this wasnt going to be easy, yet the matter had to be addressed. He had let it go far too long without forcing a discussion. Not that he believed she was hiding any great revelations from him; he didnt. In time he would get his answers, and in the meantime he changed the subject.

Do you really love me?

Her eyes rounded in shock.

You claimed to love me this morning. Did you speak the truth? he asked and felt his breath catch while he waited for her to answer.

She began to walk toward her cottage, toying with the shawls knot as she did.

He kept pace beside her, then followed her inside, closing the door behind him and waited as she added another log to the fire and lit several candles around the room. He had hoped for an immediate answer but could understand her reluctance, for he felt it himself.

She turned suddenly to face him. I will tell you the truth, but I do not want you to feel obligated to reciprocate. I know you think differently than I do and"

Tell me, he demanded, more sharply than hed intended.

Yes, I love you, she snapped, though I would have much preferred to admit it with a less biting tongue.

He smiled and went to approach her, but she raised her hand.

Dont, she warned softly. Let me say what I must.

He nodded and remained where he was, though he wanted to scoop her up in his arms and shout out his love for her.

Strangely enough, it was your mother who made me realize your true nature, and I admit you have more pa.s.sion than Id thought.

He grinned. You must known that by now.

She laughed softly as he took quick steps over to her and wrapped her in his arms.

She pressed her finger to his lips. Dont say a word, not now. Just show me.

Chapter 25.

A few hours later, alone in her cottage, she still continued to recall their fast though pa.s.sionate joining. Artair had scooped her up into his arms and braced her against the closed door, insisting he would not see them disturbed, and she had agreed. All could wait for at that moment she had wanted nothing more than to feel the strength of her husband inside her.

She had to shake her head to remind her that Artair wasnt her husband, but it felt so right to think of him as such and it felt so right when they made love. He had hoisted up her skirt and drove into her with a gentle force she welcomed. She had been ready for him and he had slipped into her Zia s.h.i.+vered with the memory of their joining.

Are you all right? Neddie asked, entering the cottage.

Zia cleared her head with another shake and returned to the matters at hand. Neddie had been spending time with her, wis.h.i.+ng to learn the art of healing. She had always been interested in it, and after the battle realized that such knowledge could greatly benefit her own village.

You work too hard, Neddie insisted.

A healer always does, Zia chuckled. But its my husband who occupies my mind.

Neddie smiled. Hes a handsome one; I dont blame you.

Hes a good husband and a great lover, Zia admitted with pride.

Then you are a lucky woman, Neddie said. I was blessed with a plain husband and a pa.s.sionate lover, even after all these years of marriage.

The two women continued to chat as Zia taught Neddie how to prepare healing potions for various ailments. It was well past the noon meal when Zia wandered into the keep, her stomach growling and she eager to appease it.

As soon as she spied Cavan standing by the table, she knew he was waiting for her. Artair stood as she approached, held his hand out to her and a.s.sisted her in sitting beside him. She was relieved that she would at least have time to eat before the inquisition.

Do you both wait for me? she asked, taking bread and meat from the platter in the center of the table.

Yes, we do, Cavan said directly.

Can we talk while I eat? she asked, looking around the empty hall. No one is about to hear our conversation.

Cavan nodded and sat opposite from them at the table.

First, Zia said, before Cavan could say anything. The village Black is a healing village, which means we heal the ill, the injured, the suffering. We do not care whether friend or foe, a person in need of healing receives it at our village, just as your brother did.

Cavan nodded. Fair enough, though I believe you should be more conscious of who you choose to heal.

If that were the case, we might not have chosen to heal your brother.

Why not? Ronan is a good, loyal Scotsman.

Brought to our doorstep by a barbarian, Zia said, knowing the news would shock them both, but realizing it was time for them to know what she could safely divulge without causing problems for others. They needed to understand that not all those they believed to be their enemies were their enemy.

What do you mean? Cavan demanded.

Just what I said, she confirmed. A barbarian brought your brother to the village.

Are you familiar with this barbarian? Artair asked.

Zia nodded, finis.h.i.+ng the bread shed been chewing, then reaching for the tankard of mulled cider.

Hes been to your village before? Cavan asked.

She nodded again, knowing she could divulge only so much about the person; after all, she had given her word.

Why has this barbarian been to your village before? Cavan asked.

Thats obvious, Zia said. We are a healing village. He brings to us those in need of healing.

Barbarians kill without regard to anyone not even their own kind. They do not concern themselves with healing, Cavan said. Are you sure he is a barbarian?

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