Under The Highlander's Spell Part 26

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Honora grew upset.

It has nothing to do with you, Zia a.s.sured. It is the babe who is making his wants and needs known.

What do I do? Honora asked anxiously.

You rest and listen to what the babe has to say.

How? Honora asked, near tears.

Zia reached out and took hold of her hand. You already know. You knew as soon as the babe pained you that it was time to rest. Dont be stubborn. Listen to your babe and he will be born without a problem.

Addie shared her own experience. Like father like son. Cavan kept me off my feet for several weeks before his birth.

Really? Honora asked with relief.

And look at him now, Addie boasted with pride.

The three women laughed while Honora sipped the brew.

Tell me what to do and I will do it, Honora said. And then I will share the news with Cavan. I would not want him to keep a secret from me, and I will not keep one from him. She placed her hand on her rounded stomach. He is our babe, and we must face any problem together.

Zia settled Honora to rest and promised she would send Cavan to her right away. Addie left with her, and as soon as they were out the door, took hold of her arm and moved her aside.

Honora will be all right? she asked in a low voice.

Zia nodded. With rest and attention to the babes demands, I believe all will go well.

But youre worried, Addie said. I can feel it.

I always worry when a babe makes demands before he arrives, but we are aware of his demands and will keep a watch on him and Honora.

They continued to walk and Addie continued to question, though not about the babe.

How are you and Artair?

We do well, Zia said, and realized it was true. They were doing better than she had imagined they would, or was it better in spite of what shed imagined?

You seem surprised.

I suppose I am, Zia admitted.


We are different, Artair and I.

Addie smiled. Not so much.

Zia looked at her, dazed. Artair and she were like night and day, yet Addie was suggesting that they werent.

Addie stopped before they reached the hall. One more thing. I want to know the truth about Ronan.

Zia had been expecting her to ask about her son. However, she wasnt sure how to answer.

I am confident that my son one day will return home and with what you have told the family, I am sure of it. So tell me the truth. Tell me why he has yet to return when it appears hes free to do so.

Zia took hold of her hand. There are times when it is best that a question is not answered.

Tears pooled in Addies eyes and she looked ready to argue.

Please, Zia begged. I know how difficult this must be, but let it be for now. You will have your answers soon enough.

Addie stuck her chin up. Cavan is waiting.

I envy you your strength, Zia said softly.

And I thank you for looking after Ronan long after he left your care.

They entered the great hall, and Zia immediately informed Cavan that Honora wished to speak with him. She hoped to talk with Artair; about what, she wasnt sure, she simply wanted time with him, even if it were just a walk and they didnt speak a word. She just felt the need to be with him, hold his hand, touch him, kiss him, or have him there beside her, and his intense glance told her he felt the same.

She was walking toward him when a woman entered the hall asking for the healer. Zia stopped, and for a moment wished she wasnt a healer. She could see that Artair felt the same way.

Surprisingly, it was Artair who made the first move, taking her arm and walking with her out of the hall. He was letting her know that he was there beside her and would support her in whatever she did, and his consideration touched her heart and made her want him all the more.

How could a practical man have captured her heart?

Perhaps there was something she could learn from him? Or could Addie be right? Could she and Artair be more alike than she thought?

The possibility intrigued her but didnt have time to gain substance since she was soon busy tending a wounded warrior who had developed a fever. A mere glance at the man told her that her hoped-for time with Artair might not materialize.

She looked to Artair with disappointment.

He smiled softly and rolled up his sleeves. Tell me what to do to help.

Chapter 24.

Artair and Zia stumbled into the room together, exhausted but charged with pa.s.sion. It had happened innocently enough, with a brief kiss on their walk to the keep. It sparked a pa.s.sion that they could not ignore, nor did they want to. Soon their steps were hurried, their hands reached out to touch, and they were kissing, their lips simply not wis.h.i.+ng to part.

Clothes were nearly ripped off as they tumbled on the bed. Their need was too great to linger in play. Their pa.s.sion-charged bodies immediately joined in a frenzied union. It was as if he couldnt drive deep enough inside her, or that she couldnt have him deep enough inside her. It was almost as if they wished to blend as one losing themselves in each other until there was no difference between them.

Their naked bodies were soon drenched with sweat, their breathing more labored than ever before and still they would not relinquish the connection between them that spiraled on forever.

They were one. With each forceful climax Zia grew closer and more deeply in love with Artair and though he never voiced the same, she felt it, for certainly love could be the only driving force that could bring them to the brink of insanity and make it feel so right.

They lay side by side in the aftermath of their lovemaking, their bodies drenched in sweat and their breathing barely controllable. Their fingertips touched as if they refused to relinquish the connection that had made them feel so utterly whole, so beautifully complete.

Zia wished to express how she felt but could not find the strength or breath to do so, and while she sensed he felt the same, he also remained silent.

She suddenly felt like crying. How could this matter ever be settled between them when she would cry out her love for him in front of the whole village, and he would wait for a reasonable time to admit his own feelings?

Her disturbing thought did not distance her from him, far be it. It made her grasp hold of his hand locking her fingers with his as if letting him know she had no intentions of ever letting him go.

His grasp was just as tight, letting her know the same.

The problem was where did they go from here?

Zia sat at the table before the burning hearth in the great hall alone. She had woken before dawn, her thoughts much too chaotic to return to sleep. She had slipped quietly out of bed, dressed and made her way to the hall, though stopped in the kitchen first. The cook was surprised to see her and only too glad to prepare whatever she wanted.

Zia only wanted to fix herself a soothing brew, but surrendered to the cooks insistence that she needed hardy fare to help her face the day. Though the food was excellent, she had little taste for it.

Troubled thoughts?

Zia jumped, startled, so lost in her thoughts that she hadnt heard anyone approach. She smiled, seeing it was Addie, and was glad for her company.

Confused thoughts, Zia admitted.

Addie sat, Champion taking up his usual stance beside her, patiently waiting for any food either woman would give him.

Tell me, Addie offered, pouring herself a hot brew and refres.h.i.+ng Zias.

I love your son, she said without hesitation or doubt and so relieved to have admitted it to someone.

I had no doubt of that, but you had?

She had to be careful with what she said, though she preferred otherwise. We are different, and I thought those differences would create a problem.

Only if you let it, and besides" Addie laughed. As I expressed to you once before, you and Artair are not all that different.

But he is so practical.

So are you.

I am not, Zia said.

You tend the ill with an unwavering responsibility.

Responsibility is far different from practicality.

Is it? Addie asked, though didnt allow her to answer. Artair places his family and responsibility before all else. You place your healing before all else. What difference is there? You both are being practical in your approach and intentions. The two of you are more alike than you know.

Zia let her words soak in.

And while Artair may be more reasonable than most; he is also more pa.s.sionate than most, for it is his pa.s.sion that drives him to place others before himself. The story of how you met proves this"he rode into the middle of a village crazed with burning a witch and rescued you. That takes a pa.s.sion of courage not many possess.

Zia remained silent, soaking in every word.

Pa.s.sion, courage, sensibility come in all different guises, and those with clear vision can see each for its own truthful worth and judge wisely.

Zia smiled. You sound like my grandmother; shes a wise woman.

Age usually brings wisdom, though it is often learned through difficulties, Addie said sadly.

You miss your husband.

Tears trickled down Addies flushed cheeks. I miss him terribly. There isnt an hour that goes by that he isnt in my thoughts. But the worst part is my empty bed.

Champion woofed as if to let her know she had him, and she gave his neck a rub. I hate going to bed alone and I hate waking up alone. My heart aches every day, and while many tell me it will get better, it hasnt. I miss my husband.

Words failed Zia. She could only reach out and take hold of Addies hand and offer what little comfort she could. She couldnt imagine nor did she want to imagine her bed without Artair in it. His loving arms sheltered her, protected her, loved her, and she would not want to live without him.

I am so sorry, Zia whispered, needing to say something.

So am I, Addie said, her tears continuing to trickle, though she took a steadying breath. Thats why you must wrap my son in your zest for life every day and share it with him as he does with you. Dont question it, just do it and love will be forever yours.

Shall I leave you to your women talk? Artair asked as he approached.

Zia jumped up, startling Champion to bark, and rushed to fling herself into Artairs arms.

I love you, she said, and kissed him soundly.

He looked at her, startled, and she looked at him the same way. Had she really just shouted her love aloud for him?

But what did it matter? It was the truth.

Like none of us knew that? Lachlan asked teasingly as he pa.s.sed the embracing couple to join his mother at the table.

Zia could see a flood of emotions wash across Artairs face, but he remained stoic, and she wished"oh how she wished"that just for a moment he would shout out his love for her as she had for him. But that was not his way; only when it was right for him would he admit his love.

Come, she said, tugging his arm. Theres honey bread with extra honey. Cook made it special for me and I shall share it with you.

He smiled and caught hold of her hand. How lucky am I.

Id say luckier than you know, Lachlan called out.

I agree, Artair said, smiling at Zia.

They joined Addie and Lachlan at the table, and soon Cavan and Honora joined them, everyone pleased that Honora was feeling better.

Im going to spend the morning st.i.tching. I have several garments I wish to have ready for the babe, Honora said with a gentle smile at Zia.

Cavan kissed his wifes cheek. I will keep you company if you like.

Honora laughed. Dont be silly. You have work to do.

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