Necromancers Guide to Magic Chapter 13

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“Oh my G.o.d, How did she do that?” Draco could not help and exclaim.

Benjamin who had been watching other people in the room looked to the front of the cla.s.s. His attention had been turned to the podium.

Professor McGonagall had turned the front table into a pig.

Benjamin knew that the larger and more complex the creature, the harder it is to transfigure.

This Podium pig is one such example.

It seems that the Gryffindor dean is actually pretty powerful. Benjamin thought while stroking his chin. He already had a good impression towards the teacher.

The pig shook its tail, and with a tap from Professor McGonagall’s wand, turned back into a desk.

Professor McGonagall nodded when she saw the looks of shock and awe on the students faces.

“If you want to become an Auror later on, then getting an O in your OWLS examinations is a must in Transfiguration.”

“What is an Auror?” Frank asked. He had come from a muggle family and did not yet know all the secrets in this wizarding world.

The Girl in front of him with fluffy hair turned around and said

“It is like the Ministry of Magic’s police officer. They enforce magical law. It sounds pretty cool and I think you boys would like it.”

Frank smiled at her and said gratefully.

“Thanks! My name is Frank by the way, what is yours?”

“h.e.l.lo, Me, I… I.. My name is Hermione Granger.”

Hermione looked excited when she said that. It appeared that this is the first time that she had been thanked before coming to Hogwarts.

Benjamin did not pay attention to them. He attent.i.tively looked at Professor McGonagall and then glanced at the notebooks of all the students.

He found that other than him, only Hermione and Draco were taking notes seriously.

“Today’s task is very simple. You all are going to try and turn a match into a needle.”

Professor McGonagall started to hand out a number of matches to each student.

So simple. It is just a basic spell. Right as he was about to perform the magic, Benjamin hesitated. He then realized one of the problems in his former life.

If he didn’t turn a city into a necropolis, then maybe he wouldn’t have been chased to the ends of the earth by the church. It may not be a good idea to show off any talent for now. After all, he was only a junior magician.

So Benjamin looked at the others, took out his wand, and started to clumsily use the transfiguration spell. He even deliberately misp.r.o.nounced the words to it.

As soon as the bell sounded, Hermione succeeded in her transfiguration along with Draco shortly after.

“How could you have been like Harry, not even a bit of a reaction.” Draco complained to Benjamin. It seems he is angry about being beaten by Granger in cla.s.s.

Frank, who was the only one there who knew Benjamin’s real strength (At least what he thinks he Knows) Rolled his eyes.

“Do not give me trouble.” A voice sounded in Frank’s ear. It was obviously Benjamin’s voice but his lips did not move when he said it. The sound just appeared in his ear.

A farce did not start at this time because of Benjamin’s Interruption.

“The next lesson is Defense against the Dark Arts, can we sit together?”

Hermione said as she ran over to Frank.

“Of course, Miss Granger.” Frank said politely.

“Benjamin, your attendant in Gryffindor is together with that mudblood! Oh yeah, I almost forgot that he was a mudblood as well. They are a good match together then.”

Draco said with his childish voice in Benjamin’s ear.

“Master Malfoy, you have quarreled many times on this subject. But our next cla.s.s is Herbology and we have to hurry. I don’t want to be late to Professor Sprout’s cla.s.s.”

Draco closed his mouth. In regards to cla.s.s he was always a lot more serious. At least it seems he is better than that Potter in this manner.

When comparing the two teachers, Benjamin found that while McGonagall was like a brave, smart cat. Professor Sprout was more of a gentle bunny.

She was a fat, always smiling witch. The lesson began with her taking the first year students to see all kinds of exotic plants.

“This is primrose, they are very rare. Don’t get them confused with Sage. They look rather similar.”

Professor Sprout pointed to the front of the room to an ordinary looking plant in a pot.

“I think that you all know that this is called the Mandrake.”

The cla.s.s that was joined with Slytherin for Herbology was Hufflepuff.

A student from that cla.s.s who was covered with acne said.

“Mandrake! I heard that when you pull one out, it will scream. Muggles all think that the Mandrake is an evil creature.”

Benjamin was watching the magic plant with great interest. He had to admit that there were many things that he could do with the plant. If you add gryffin’s tears, unicorn’s blood….. you could make a few evil creatures.

Professor Sprout looked happily at her students and did not hesitate to add 2 points to Hufflepuff.

“You can get points like that? Hufflepuff is pathetic.” Draco couldn’t help but whisper.

With all the students wearing ear m.u.f.fs, Sprout pulled up a small Mandrake from its stem. The wail of the creature was dizzying even through the head gear.

After Herbology was lunch.

“I’m going to go eat.”

Benjamin left the cla.s.s without looking back for his peers.

Karl sat down next to Benjamin. If not for this, Frank may have occupied this spot.

“h.e.l.lo Benjamin, do you mind if I sit down here?”

Karl asked in a personable manner. His every move seemed like a real Aristocrat.

Benjamin looked at him with a smile. He poked the steak on his plate while shaking his head.

“Of Course.”

“Today you should have a Charms cla.s.s this afternoon. Don’t be surprised to see me, I have your schedule here. You will need to follow me to the Defense Against The Dark Arts Cla.s.s.”

Oh Yeah, The Slytherin Traditions.

Benjamin thought that most would just follow their senior guides to cla.s.s. It was stupid as they would just listen to them while being confused.

But for Benjamin, it is more useful.

If he can, he even wants to directly apply to grade five to learn more advanced materials.

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