Necromancers Guide to Magic Chapter 14

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Seeing that Benjamin did not immediately respond to him, Karl a.s.sumed that he didn’t quite understand the course.

“You don’t have to worry, the teachers know about our Slytherin traditions. They feel that we are a friendly group. Strange as that is. You are allowed to observe our 5th year during your breaks.”

Karl said while smiling.

Benjamin responded to him while shaking his head.

“I was just in a bit of a trance. Probably didn’t sleep to well last night. I think I will wait for you inside the cla.s.sroom after the cla.s.s ends.”

At this time, there was movement coming from the windows.

It seems to be a number of some kind of large bird. It is no doubt that they were owls, speeding on throughout the castle to their individual masters.

“It’s the first day of school. New students usually receive something from their parents.”

Karl said with a smile. It is not surprising to him anymore. This incident happens every year and it usually quiets down after the first few days.

A lot of Slytherin students also received something from home. Their proud little faces exposed a bit of innocence.

Did Benjamin look forward to this? No. His father told him that he will send him something when “He makes something of himself at Hogwarts. No one else will use the family eagle to send letters, besides our Ludwig family. Much better than just an owl.”

An Eagle? Benjamin had never actually seen this eagle before. According to father, it lives in the attic of their Manor.  I wonder what breed of eagle it is.

As he was thinking these thoughts a group of students suddenly burst into laughter.

Benjamin turned his head and found the source of the disturbance.

It was Neville Longbottom. He was a small, fat looking wizard. If he didn’t know better, Benjamin would have thought that he came from a muggle family. He was actually a pure blooded wizard who didn’t follow into the Slytherin house like him.

“It’s a rememberal!”

There was a small wizard next to Neville who exclaimed this. He actually overturned his pumpkin juice while doing so.

“My Grandmother had one, couldn’t remember a lot of things. Poor Neville.”

The fat child was now blus.h.i.+ng from embarra.s.sment while holding the small gla.s.s ball. He wasn’t sure if he should thank his grandmother for her thoughtfulness or blame her for being nosy.

Potter’s Owl was a snowy owl. It was a charming white owl. It apparently didn’t bring him any letters and was eating bread crumbs from his plate. The owl then flew back to the school’s owl house.

After lunch, Benjamin and Draco followed behind Potter to cla.s.s. They were accompanied by Crabbe and Goyle. The group headed over to the Charms cla.s.sroom.

Benjamin walks into the cla.s.sroom and stares at the teacher for a moment. Professor Flitwick was a short professor that stood on a stack of books in order to see over the podium.

Is he a dwarf? Dwarves are filled with courage, work iron excellently, make good alcohol, are a bit reckless…. but dwarves are not very good at magic. Benjamin dismissed the idea. Apparently Flitwick is part goblin. There should be no problems then.

“Today we are going to have a very simple lesson! We are going to practice to be more familiar with our wands. Come up and give it a wave.”

Even though he was Small, Professor Flitwick had a loud and pa.s.sionate voice.

Benjamin went up and performed the action when it was his turn.

“Well, most of you are doing very standard actions. This is the first step in using magic properly. The next step is to be familiar with the spell. What I mean is that we need to say the correct words. Is there anyone here who’s mother’s tongue is not English?”

“Ludwig is from Germany.”

Said a Slytherin that Benjamin didn’t know.

“Ludwig, I know your father. He is a great wizard. Tell him I said h.e.l.lo when you see him.”

Professor Flitwick told Benjamin kindly.

“I will professor. And I don’t think language will be a problem for me.”

It will certainly not be a problem for Benjamin. Including the common tongue he has learned Giant, Dragon, elf, and the language of souls. Before he took the path to necromancy, he wanted to be a teacher of languages. But that was long ago.

Flitwick smiled and the cla.s.s continued becoming more familiar with their wands.

After cla.s.s, Benjamin bid farewell to Draco. He saw Karl running up to him while he was waiting in the cla.s.sroom.

“Sorry for making you wait. Had to run from Care of Magical Creatures. The cla.s.s is a bit far away from here you know.”

Benjamin did not know that, but he did have the cla.s.s tomorrow with the Gryffindors. He read over the curriculum. Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, Broomstick practice, Potions. All of which he was paired with Gryffindor.

The two most incompatible houses are in the most together. The headmaster must want them to get along more.

“It was fortunate that my cla.s.s just ended.”

Benjamin followed Karl for a while to his next cla.s.s.

It seems that the Black family is really popular. A number of students greeted him while walking through the halls.

“Karl, do you want to meet up in the library tonight?” A blonde girl with a large chest started talking to him.

Karl looked awkwardly at Benjamin.

“Pepe, I need to go to cla.s.s. We will say it again at dinner.”

Pepe left the two of them as they headed over to the cla.s.s.

“Well, Pepe really is a good girl. I mean she’s hot. You will understand after… just go into the cla.s.sroom.”

Benjamin saw that the Defense Against the Dark Arts cla.s.s was also grouped up with the Gryffindor house.

He saw a young man standing in the corner wearing a prefects badge. His memory told him that he should be Percy Weasley. He talked to him for a few minutes.

“New students. I see a few young faces here today. You all must come from Slytherin. It’s a good house, full of tradition.”

Professor Quirrell was a teacher who wore a long scarf that covered his head.

He confirmed the truth told to him by the Weasley twins. The scarf did indeed have the aroma of garlic on it. It was apparently there to prepare for a vampire which seeks revenge on him.

Benjamin is actually very curious on that matter. A vampire? How did this weak looking professor escape from a vampire attack.

That was a high level undead creature.

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