Necromancers Guide to Magic Chapter 12

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The dawn came the next day.

Benjamin yawned. Apparently he didn’t get that good of a sleep the night before.

“Get up Frank! You are a zombie now, there is no need for sleep.” He shoved him.  Benjamin wasn’t sure when he had finally fallen asleep that night but Frank was still in his room on the floor.

Last night, Benjamin contaminated the soul of Frank with his blood. He was pretty weak right now.

“Master! You don’t know what you look like right now. It seems like you might fall over at any time.”

Benjamin did not want to admit it but the cost of using death magic in this world was great. At least the burden it placed on his body was.

Frank was soon awaken by Benjamin. He glanced at his stomach and then touched his neck. No scar on the neck and his stomach was intact. Not like how it was last night.

“It wasn’t a dream Frank, you just look normal now. Now please get up and get back to the Gryffindor tower. ”

Benjamin did not want to know what kind of sensation would happen if a new Gryffindor student walked out of the Slytherin lounge.

They may no longer find him a fool but someone who is into the other s.e.x.

Hearing this, Frank also reacted.

He did not want to be ridiculed by a group of Slytherins.

With the help of Benjamin, Frank snuck back to the Gryffindor tower.  Thankfully, he did not forget the pa.s.sword.

“Dragon slag.”

The first cla.s.s that Benjamin had to take for his first year at Hogwarts was Transfiguration. As it turned out both Gryffindor and Slytherin were paired up for this cla.s.s together.

This must be a deliberate arrangement made by Professor Dumbledore. It must be there to improve the relations.h.i.+ps between all the houses. Such a thing might work.

When Benjamin walked slowly into the cla.s.sroom, he saw Draco and Harry going t.i.t for tat. This is just impossible. It always happens when they are together apparently.

“Oh Potter, our savior.” Draco said in a sardonic voice. He was surrounded by his two friends, Crabbe and Goyle.

Although the two didn’t really know one another, Draco felt an unnatural hatred for Potter from the moment that they met. They were enemies.

Benjamin found a place for him to sit down in the cla.s.sroom. Not wanting to blend with the struggles of these children. He did not want to be involved in such minor problems.

Harry Potter was sitting next to a red haired child. He seemed to have gotten angry at the remarks that Draco said.

“That there is Draco Malfoy. He is a boring guy. I heard from Mom that his parents might be death eaters.”

Death Eaters! Harry knew who those people were. They were the devout followers of the Dark Lord. But their children went to Hogwarts? He felt very strange about that. (This is from harrys point of view not benjamins)

“Weasley, Your mother did not say that! You would say such things in front of all theses other people!” Draco heard the comment that Ron made and his face changed. He even pulled out his wand.

Screams were heard in the cla.s.sroom right went that happened.

Benjamin looks up, he is curious on the level of magic that Draco can display.

Unfortunately, fate wasn’t kind enough to let him see the show.

“Put down your wand, Mr. Malfoy.” Professor McGonagall said with a sharp voice. He did not even see when she walked in the door.

“One point from Slytherin.”

“Draco, that is Professor McGonagall. She is the dean of house Gryffindor.” Pansy pulled on the sleeve of Draco while whispering in his ear.

Frank was sitting next to Benjamin. He did not look any different from last night other than the blue of his eyes were slightly lighter.

“Frank, I know you are my zombie. You want to get close to me because of that… but don’t you think that it is strange for a Gryffindor and Slytherin to be so close.”

Benjamin did not like people being close to him. It was something he learned more of on an instinctive level. It was especially true with the case of Frank. Frank was not a pure zombie. Living zombies can be dangerous.

“Alright, but I think that professor McGonagall would like to see this. Fellow Hogwarts students being together even if they are not from the same house.”  Frank said as he raised his head. He gave the professor a smile.

She was wearing Hair tied up to the back of her head wearing a black pointed hat. Professor McGonagall looked both harsh and smart at the same time. It seems that she is a pretty good witch by most standards.

“Before cla.s.s starts, I must remind you that Transfiguration will be the most complex and dangerous cla.s.s of magic that you will learn at Hogwarts.” Professor McGonagall said while looking at Harry and Draco.

“If anyone dares make trouble in my cla.s.s, I will ask them to leave and not come back.”

Benjamin could see why she was here for the first cla.s.s. She was giving the freshmen a run of what to expect in this school.

If she had been in the Church from his previous life, she would have been a puritan. Maybe even a presiding judge.

Finally, Frank sat down next to Benjamin. Draco was sitting on the other side of Benjamin.

“I smell a strange odor.” Draco said to Benjamin who was a bit nervous. Franks body still had a trace of death magic from him turning into a living zombie.

“Its just the smell of a stupid lion.”

Right now, Frank and Draco look like they are going to start a fight. He was actually worried about it. Draco was just hara.s.sing Frank. Benjamin shook his head.

“McGonagall might see.” Benjamin coldly warned. He didn’t really care but he didn’t want these two idiots disrupted his learning. After all, this is a world of magic. He was very curious about it.

In his world, a magician will choose a subject that you are good at understanding. The kind that you are good at researching. Benjamin chose death magic. Even then, Benjamin will not shut the door to any elemental magic.

Harry and Ron sat in front of Benjamin. He didn’t understand why they would sit there, just going to cause conflict.

In the front row, there sat a very excited looking, long haired girl. I think her name is Hermione. Her head was moving back and forth trying to see every move that Professor McGonagall made.

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