Necromancers Guide to Magic Chapter 11

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As the light touched Frank’s body. The two boys suddenly appeared to be in a different room.

“Frank! Frank! There is a letter. They finally sent us an owl.” A middle aged man with a red nose said as he ran into the room.
Sitting on the bed, Frank took the letter from his father. “In my memory, you are young master of the Ludwig family. The supposed squib?”

Frank seemed to realize Benjamin’s not to friendly look.
“That’s what I heard people say on the train at least.
“If I was a squib, why would I be going to Hogwarts?”

Are all of these kids just stupid?
Frank shrugged. If he had known, the he probably would have caused problems with him.

“Oh right! What kind of magic did you use on me? It seems like you have extracted my soul.”
“Death magic, you should not have learned of it before. Now I will turn you into a zombie. If you can just accept it we can…”

“Frank baby! It’s time to eat. It will be your birthday next month while you are at Hogwarts. Mom is so proud of you.”
Benjamin stared at Frank indifferently. “Birthday?”

Frank smiled “in fact, it is today. The day that you killed me was my birthday. This is the reason that I don’t accept you yet. I think I’ll have a special birthday at school.”

Ha ha? His obsession was so simple. The thing that bound him to that corpse was just that. But what are birthdays? Benjamin never celebrated a birthday before.

“Well Frank, you just have to listen to me and you can still have a great birthday. After you become a zombie there will be no harm done to you. You just have to listen to my commands. And there is less of a chance that you will die. Especially under no light magic.”

“Light magic? What is that?” Frank asked curiously.

“A hypocritical form of magic. Do you think light can give you strength? Faith can eat? It can’t! Death is the source of everything.

Death? Frank didn’t really understand, but was slowly being convinced by Benjamin. From what he understood, becoming a zombie isn’t so bad.
“Well, I’d like to… but I would like to hold on to my human ident.i.ty. Please help to look after my parents for me.”

Benjamin saw this and his heart sank. He felt a bit guilty about doing this to him.

He is just all that more responsible. The dead should be shared with by society. He went over and hugged Frank.
“I’ll hold your commitment in my heart.”

Frank said dryly.
Although it’s not clear why frank mutated in this way, Benjamin could feel that it was dangerous.
“Are you willing to give your soul to me, Benjamin Ludwig?”

“Yes, I would like to.”

This ritual was bad. Even Benjamin knew that. But he wasn’t the one who made it. You have to give your soul willingly in order to become a living zombie. He is not the one who made this method.

“Master you won?” The b.l.o.o.d.y Baron came quickly.

He feels fear while watching Benjamin. Fortunately, other than looking pale there was nothing wrong with him. No wounds on his body. Barrow can’t afford to lose his master again. They had already been separated for hundreds of years.

Next to him floated a white soul. It was Frank. The two boys had finally exited the dream like state comprised of memories.
Frank was looking gloomily at Barrow. Not yet used to the sight of him. He starts to calm down after a while.

“Barrow! Come over here! I can smell something heavily on your body. It reaks.” Benjamin said with disgust. It was then that the ring on his hand started to flash for a bit.

The ring that his father had given him started to flash. It had been the symbol of his family for a long time. He remembered the night that his father gave him. It was actually the day before he headed off to Hogwarts.

“Kids, they grow up so fast. Already 11 years old. You have to remember your father and mother when you are gone. Ok?”

“Ok father. What did you need me for tonight. Its late and im sleepy.”

The Duke smirked at his son’s att.i.tude and pulled out a small black box.

“Only the true heir of the Ludwig family is worthy of having this son.”

“Does this ring have some sort of special effect?” Benjamin asked curiously. The family heirlooms of a powerful n.o.ble family should not be mere trinkets.

“Goblin made. As for what it does… I think you’ll find out eventually.”

His mind went back to the present, the ring already placed at the back of his mind. The Baron and Frank were both staring at him.

Benjamin smiled at Frank.

“From now on, I think that I will call you Frankenstein. A fitting name I think.”

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