To Tempt A Wolf Part 10

To Tempt A Wolf -

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"This is your lucky day, little sis. It just so happens I know a guy who's an expert with those kind of

things. I'll send him right over."

"Oh wow, that's great! Thanks, Bryn. I owe you big time."

"I'll settle for lunch at O'Neils."

"You got it."

They said their goodbyes and Hayley settled in to wait for her rescuer. It wasn't long before there was

the sound of a vehicle in the drive. She looked out the window and was surprised, then hurt and angry to see Jace. She wondered why he hadn't told her he was back in town. She walked to the door at the sound of his knock, preparing for battle. Opening it, she found him standing there with a grin on his face, looking smug, and oh-so yummy. The man had everything a woman could want, at least at face value.And doesn't he know it, she thought.

"I hear you need me." His words implied so much more than her need to have the lock fixed. "Ineed a locksmith. I do not needyou but since you're here, I want you-" "Ah, well,want is just as good as need. Maybe even better." Hayley gave him a gimlet-eyed stare. "Stop interrupting me. I wouldlike for you to fix the lock on the back door."

Jace smiled at her change of words. He walked in the door, deliberately not giving her time to move, so that he could brush his body against hers. "What's wrong with the lock?" he asked gruffly. Her touch

caused his insides to clench tight and her scent swept into his nostrils, a cloud of ambrosia that left him ravenous.

"If I knew, I would have fixed it myself."

He noticed the delicate flush that infused her cheeks and heard the slightly breathless tone of her voice. Inevitably, his c.o.c.k began to thicken. Without preliminaries he took her in his arms and softly kissed her. "Why are you angry, sweetheart?" he murmured lightly.

"When did you get back?" she asked and Jace could hear the tiniest hint of hurt in her voice.

"About an hour ago. I had some things to discuss with Logan and then I was coming right over here to surprise you. I was there when you called Bryn and told her about the back door." Jace gently rubbed her back. "You don't think I'd come back in town and not let you know, do you?"

Hayley shrugged and Jace set her back from him, firmly taking her chin in his hand. "Do you?" he asked again, searching her eyes.

"No," she answered sheepishly.

"d.a.m.n right. Now let's get this lock fixed. I have some things I want to talk to you about."

Feeling restless and edgy, he moved away and walked through the living room on his way to the kitchen. Hayley followed and almost b.u.mped into him when he abruptly halted.

A scent a.s.saulted his nostrils and they flared wide as his baser instincts came charging to the fore. He recognized the sour aroma of the man who'd accosted Bryn and Hayley at Morgan's. A surge of fury and incredulity hit like a bolt of lightening.

"What the h.e.l.l was that man doing here?" his question was flat and accusing as he turned to face her.

Hayley felt a s.h.i.+ver slide down the length of her spine at the furious and possessive glow in his eyes. She felt an answering flare of aggression suffuse her being. "What man? If this is your idea of a joke, it's not funny."

Jace stepped closer. "It's no joke. What was he doing here, Hayley?"

She frowned at the deadly serious tone of his voice and felt her own ire dampen. "Jace, I'm telling you the truth. No one's been in the house but you. What makes you think someone else has been here?"

He blinked at the sincerity and puzzlement in her voice. She really didn't know. "I smell him."

Her brow rose and she took a deep breath. Astonishment caused her eyes to widen. "I smell him too. Why didn't I notice it before? I thought you were joking."

"I'm dead serious," he answered and walked out to the kitchen to examine the door lock. "As to why you didn't notice it, maybe the smell of your Chinese food masked it." A frisson of alarm then stone-cold rage swept through him. "This lock has been tampered with. How did you know it wasn't working? It looks fine."

Hayley moved to stand beside him. "I always pull on the door after I lock it." She looked uncomfortable for a moment then decided to share the memory with him that Bryn had teased her with. "When I was in my mid-teens, our parents went away for the weekend. It was the first time they left us on our own and of course I was thrilled, at least on the surface. I didn't tell Bryn, but I felt kind of uneasy about it." She shrugged.

"Mom and Dad were my security and they weren't there for the first time I could remember. I had a bad dream the first night they were gone. I dreamt that I locked the front door, but it kept swinging open. Something bad was coming. No matter how many times I locked it, it wouldn't stay shut." She gave him a wry grin. "I woke up and couldn't sleep, so I wedged a chair under the front door. I went back to bed and slept like a log. Anyway, I got in the habit of always pulling on the door after I lock it, and this time it just came right open. What makes you think it's been tampered with?"

"These scratches, there are tool marks here. Someone fixed this lock to make sure it looked functional but wouldn't work." He looked at Hayley, concern clearly apparent in his eyes. "Are you sure no one's been through your things? Are you missing anything?"

Surprised and somewhat alarmed, Hayley looked at Jace, her guard totally down, an uneasy vulnerability clearly visible in her eyes. "I didn't notice anything. If someone was in the house they didn't disturb anything."

Seeing the concern in her eyes, Jace felt his protective instincts kick into high gear. He looked at his watch. "The hardware store is closed. I won't be able to get the things I need to fix this until tomorrow, which means one of two things. Either you come home with me tonight, or I'm staying here."

"I'm not going home with you! I'm staying right here," she answered defiantly, not liking the idea of being driven out of her own home. "Who knows what they'd do with no one here."

"Fine with me, the couch looks comfy." Jace moved into Hayley's s.p.a.ce. "Much as I want to, I won't share a bed with you. Not under these circ.u.mstances. If that guy shows up I want to catch him, and you're just too d.a.m.ned distracting." He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

Hayley's stomach clenched and she felt a thumping pulse ripple through her p.u.s.s.y in answer to his touch and sweet admission. She might have said nothing, but stubborn pride had her wanting to make sure he didn't take too much for granted. She stepped back, unconsciously licking her lips. Jace's taste had her almost changing her mind but she held her ground.

"I don't remember asking you to share my bed," she told him with a haughty lift of her chin. She found herself torn at the prospect. The idea of Jace in her bed brought back thoughts of the other night and what they'd shared on the phone. Even before that night she'd had dreams of decadent seduction and writhing bodies in which Jace played a starring role. Just thinking about it had her breaking out in a sweat.

Jace still hadn't mentioned the L-word and Hayley wasn't anxious to begin another relations.h.i.+p that would end up going nowhere. This thing with Jace was too important to take lightly. There were already too many unanswered questions pending. Seesawing between what her head told her, what her heart wanted and what her body demanded had Hayley's head whirling.

The teasing smile left Jace's face, his expression suddenly serious. "I think that's a question we're going to be addressing real soon, but for now, someone broke the lock on your door. I say it's the guy who threatened you. Whether you believe me or not, the point is, this person didn't do it to steal anything. That leads me to believe that what he really wants is to take you by surprise sometime when you're here alone." He looked deeply into Hayley's blue eyes. "If you think I'm going to stand by and let that happen, think again. And if you have even the slightest notion of telling me I don't need to stay, save your breath. I'm not leaving you here alone."

She felt a warm wave of affection sweep through her. Jace really did care and she couldn't help but be pleased by the thought. "I'll get you a pillow and a blanket," she answered, giving in gracefully.

Jace smiled. "Good, I was hoping you'd say that. I don't want to fight with you, I just want to be here when that b.a.s.t.a.r.d comes back." He opened the door and stepped out on the back porch. "I'm going to put my truck in the garage so anyone cruising by will think you're alone."

"Get that idea from all your amorous adventures with the ladies of Whispering Springs?"

"A gentleman never tells," he answered and gave her an impudent grin.

With an annoyed frown on her face, Hayley watched him walk out to the drive then turned back to the kitchen. She felt a tightness in her chest and admitted the truth to herself, finally and completely accepting the finality of it. She was in love with Jace McKenna.

The thought of him being with someone else was disturbing. She knew whatever he did before they met was his business, just as he could say nothing about the fact that she'd had an encounter or two in her own past. Shrugging in resignation, she walked through the living room and down the hall to her bedroom. Once there, she dug out an extra pillow and blanket for his overnight vigil.

Jace couldn't sleep. In order to trap a possible intruder, they'd decided to go to bed early and turn the lights out. After several uneventful hours, Jace was still wide awake. There was nothing wrong with the sofa. It was fairly comfortable as those things go, and plenty long enough that he could stretch out. With things so quiet, he'd even stripped out of his clothes, nude being his usual style of sleepwear. He'd hesitated at first, thinking he should keep his clothes on, then shrugged.With clothes or without, I can catch the guy just as easily, and if I need to change in a hurry, I won't have to worry about getting undressed.

The problem was, the light blanket and pillow Hayley had given him were redolent with her scent. It was driving him insane. His c.o.c.k hadn't softened the least bit since he'd first stretched out. Instead of resting, it stood tall and solidly proud, declaring its readiness to the world. It was insisting it was going to stay fully erect until relief was offered.

It didn't help that he could hear Hayley moving around in her bedroom. The first thing that really caught his attention was when she went in to her connecting bathroom. He heard the shower running. The thought of her totally nude, with the water cascading over her satiny skin, brought back memories of that first moonlit night that he'd seen her swimming in the pond. Thinking of her now in the shower, he groaned when he pictured her hands roving over her body as she soaped herself. He could clearly see her lush, full b.r.e.a.s.t.s, slick and foamy with the slippery suds. His imagination followed the path of her hands as they moved down her torso, over her belly and lower still. Jace's lips parted, his breath coming faster as he pictured her hands sliding between her thighs. She would caress her p.u.s.s.y and languidly take her time at the ch.o.r.e.

His imagination went into overdrive as he pictured her pleasuring herself, her soap-slick fingers rubbing her c.l.i.t and sliding into her sheath to be met by the warm cream of her own lubrication. Jace was breathing hard and squirming when he was suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of Hayley getting into bed. Without skipping a beat, his imagination changed venues and again Hayley was pleasuring herself. This time she was laid out on her bed, her thighs spread wide as her fingers expertly worked all her pleasure points with practiced ease.

The fact that she was restless only helped his imagination. Each time she moved he could easily pretend that she was squirming from the pleasure she was experiencing in the imaginary masturbation scene he'd placed her in.

On a muttered oath, Jace threw the blanket back, sat up and swung his feet to the floor. Leaning back, he looked down the length of his body and silently contemplated the thick, hard length of his c.o.c.k as it returned his look with a one-eyed glare. Giving in to the inevitable, he wrapped his fingers around the base and squeezed then slid his hand up to the reddened, plum-shaped head.

Down the hall, Hayley was having a similar problem. Even sternly reminding herself that she had to get up early to make the trip to Hibberd's library for the book she needed didn't help. She'd taken a hot shower, hoping to relax, but she still felt tense andneedy . She kept changing positions, trying to find that just-right-feeling that would help her drift off to sleep, but she never found it. Her normally comfortable bed had suddenly become hostile and unwelcoming.

She knew what was bothering her. The fact that Jace was only a few rooms away and probably at least half naked. The thought made her roll over into a new position. She stared with unseeing eyes at the ceiling. She'd already pictured him taking off his s.h.i.+rt before lying down, and it made her breathless.

On the verge of giving in to the wicked thoughts that were filling her head, Hayley heard a sound and froze. Anxious to know if someone showed up in the night, she'd left her bedroom door open several inches. She sat up and slid out of bed, stalking silently to her door. Another m.u.f.fled sound came to her straining ears and she frowned, puzzled by it. It didn't sound like any kind of a struggle, but it came to mind that maybe Jace was having a nightmare or possibly talking in his sleep.

Needing to satisfy her curiosity, she eased the door open, slipped through and carefully walked the length of the hall. She stayed close to the wall so as to be out of sight of anyone in the living room. Why, she wasn't sure, but some impulse told her to do it and she complied without question. When she reached the end of the hall, she stopped and listened for a moment, hearing the sound of deep breathing. She frowned and peeped around the edge of the wall and was barely able to keep from gasping out loud as her mouth dropped open.

Leaning casually against the back of the sofa, his legs slightly spread, not only was Jace totally naked, he was masturbating! Eyes open wide, she took in the most electrifying sight she'd ever seen as heat and instant arousal gathered at her center and melted into a pool of creamy moisture.

There were millions of handsome men in the world, but for Hayley, none more so than Jace. He had that elusivesomething that permeated every cell in her body, making her crave only him. His body was magnificent. She'd already seen the broad shoulders and muscular arms. And his chest, with its delineated pectoral muscles covered by that pelt of dark hair. Her fingers tingled with the remembered feel of his back and she longed to run them through the silky hair on his chest.

His abs were taut and chiseled, the first eight-pack she'd ever seen. They were mouthwatering and she could see herself running her tongue over the muscular hills and valleys. Rigid, masculine nipples surrounded by copper-brown areolas were plainly visible and she scrunched her eyes closed in an effort to keep from whimpering when Jace reached up to pinch one hard nub.

He moaned, a deep rolling growl that set her heart racing ever faster while she squirmed at the moisture that flooded her p.u.s.s.y. She'd never gotten this wet this fast before. It was pleasurable and disconcerting all at once, especially when she felt a tiny rivulet wet her inner thighs.

Pus.h.i.+ng her attention back to Jace, her eyes followed the trail of dark hair on his chest as it moved downward, divided itself to meander around his bellyb.u.t.ton, then re-formed to make an enticing trail that led down to the full, dark bush at the base of his c.o.c.k. Hayley had trouble breathing when she focused all her attention on his c.o.c.k. Though she'd seen it before, it still took her breath away.

Thick, hard and long, the length easily came even with and went beyond his bellyb.u.t.ton. The fat, smooth head was copiously leaking pre-c.u.m and gleaming softly. Under his smoothly stroking hand, she could see the plump veins that ran under the dark-reddish, satiny skin. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen, and she s.h.i.+vered with desire at the thought of riding that magnificent shaft.

Jace was tanned a dark, golden bronze over his entire body. The sprinkling of dark hair on his legs and arms accompanied by that wonderful pelt on his chest made Hayley want to rub herself over him like a cat in heat. He seemed at ease, resting against the back of the sofa, eyes closed. His free hand came up to slowly rub over his torso, and again he pinched the tight bud of one nipple while his other hand slowly stroked the entire length of his c.o.c.k.

As his fist came back up, he would linger at the upper third of his erection. His hand would tighten as he used a short twisting stroke that caused his muscles to grow taut, his hips to push upward and his breath to come even faster while fresh drops of pre-c.u.m leaked from the slit in the plump head. Those clear, crystal drops reflected what light was available and slid down over the head, leaving a fresh trail of moisture. Mouth open, he would momentarily press his lips together, then his tongue would come out to slide sensuously over his full bottom lip.

Every move he made had Hayley near to groaning aloud, especially when another husky groan came rumbling up from the depths of his chest. It was then she realized it was Jace's groans of pleasure that had drawn her to the living room.And thank G.o.d I was awake to hear it! she thought. Her admiring gaze took in the rest of his body, his thighs, calves and feet. She couldn't help but marvel at his feet. Long and elegant, they were cla.s.sically beautiful, as though shaped by a master sculptor.

He continued the repet.i.tive movement of his hand and moments later, his entire body seemed to tighten, his muscles bunching and flexing. She watched as the rhythm of his stroking fingers increased over the thick, throbbing column in his fist. They moved faster and faster, their touch concentrating more and more on the upper portion of his c.o.c.k. The rate of his breathing increased and a feral growl was torn from his throat.

Hayley was breathing with him and swore his c.o.c.k swelled even larger moments before it blasted a thick, white rope of s.e.m.e.n that leapt out to land with a splash on his torso. Several more spurts flew from the flaring tip until his chest and belly were decorated with lines and dots of warm and fragrant male seed. Jace's body slowly relaxed and he heaved what sounded like a contented sigh.

Hayley's own breathing was still elevated, rus.h.i.+ng in and out of her lungs, especially now that she realized that Jace had nothing to distract him. She was going to have to be doubly careful sneaking back to her bedroom. Before she was able to take the first step, Jace spoke out loud and she jumped.

"Did you like watching me, Hayley?"

She gasped softly, her face going instantly red with mortification at being caught.Oh s.h.i.+t! "I'm sorry," she stuttered aloud, and stepping forward, she s.h.i.+vered under the weight of his heated regard. "I heard a noise. I really didn't mean to spy on you."

"Don't be sorry, I'm glad you were watching. It made it much more exciting," Jace confessed as he ran the tapered tip of one long finger through the warm s.e.m.e.n that painted his body. He scooped some up and brought his finger to his lips, his tongue coming out to lave over the tip before he sucked the finger inside.

Mouth open, tongue almost twitching with the desire to emulate him, Hayley watched in rapt fascination.

"Want some?" he asked huskily.

Hayley nodded, not about to deny the truth, but she wanted an answer to a question first. "You knew I was watching?"

"I heard you sneaking down the hallway."

"Why didn't you stop?"

"I didn't want to, but you still haven't answeredmy first question. Did you like watching me?"

The expression in Jace's eyes was compelling, their bright glow making Hayley s.h.i.+ver once again. She s.h.i.+fted, her body's reaction growing unbearable. Innate honesty prevented her from lying. "Yes. I liked watching you. Very much."

Jace reached out his hand to her. "Come here, baby."

His voice was so deep and soft, gentle, yet commanding. She found herself walking toward him, her own hand reaching for his. Their fingers touched, palms slid together and fingers gripped. Jace urged her down on his lap. Lost in a fog of growing desire and overwhelming hunger, Hayley willingly let him guide her. His free hand found her face and he brought his mouth to hers, pulling a moan from her open lips.

Never one to pa.s.s up an opportunity, Jace smoothly slid his tongue into her mouth and issued his own groan as her taste exploded inside his mouth with a force that left him dizzy.

He explored and Hayley answered his need with her own until their tongues were actively dueling. His hand slid from her face over her throat and down to cup a full warm breast. The nipple beaded to a hard point that poked impudently into the palm of his hand as he gently squeezed. Hayley gasped into his mouth, squirmed in his lap and pressed tighter against his exploring fingers.

Leaving the temptation of her breast, he moved over her abdomen and down the length of her thigh until he found the hem of her t-s.h.i.+rt. His fingers slid underneath. The heat of her skin burned against his hand and he was drawn irresistibly upward, seeking her fevered core.

Lost in his kisses and the sensual exploration of his hands, Hayley came to with a jolt at the feel of his hand inches from her flooding p.u.s.s.y. "Jace," she whispered, covering his hand and holding it still against her thigh, staring at him with eyes filled with uncertainty.

"You need," he growled softly. "Let me give."

Hayley looked deep into the glow of his eyes. It all seemed so simple, need and want and give and take. A shudder of desire ran through her and she nodded, releasing his hand. She did need, oh-so badly and he was the only one she wanted to a.s.suage that aching need with.

"Open for me, sweetheart, this is going to besooo good."

She spread her thighs and moaned deep in her throat as Jace wasted no time in wedging his hand between them. She hadn't donned the shorts that matched her sleep s.h.i.+rt. There was nothing to impede his progress. His long fingers petted the drenched pelt that guarded her mound and he uttered a wordless growl that set Hayley on fire. Parting the swollen lips of her p.u.s.s.y, a slick finger probed and slid deep into her weeping slit.

She gasped and tightened her muscles, holding the invader deep inside. In spite of the tight grip, Jace easily worked his finger in and out of the slick, warm heat that filled her grasping channel and very quickly sent a second finger to join the first, easing her open.

"Jace," Hayley groaned, panting as ripples of pleasure a.s.sailed her senses.

Jace withdrew his fingers and gently shushed her whimper of disappointment. He lifted his fingers, wet with her fragrant dew, and drew them into his mouth, tasting her. Hayley watched wide-eyed, and s.h.i.+vered at the inferno that built in his eyes.

"So sweet," he growled. "You taste so sweet. Honey and heat, pa.s.sion and desire. All in one wild, sweet nectar. One day soon I'm going tofeast between your thighs," he promised as he slid his hand back into position, his fingers once again penetrating the depths of her quivering p.u.s.s.y. "But for now, just this and this," he whispered as his thumb found her c.l.i.t.

Hayley stiffened and shuddered, her breath hard and fast as Jace expertly played a pa.s.sionate game between her willing thighs. "Please, please, please, Ineed ..." she gasped and writhed against him.

"Need what? This?" he questioned, pressing himself against her, his c.o.c.k once more full and hard.

"Yes!" Hayley admitted and broke free of his restraining grasp.

She scrambled to change positions until she was straddling his lap and impatiently tore her sleep s.h.i.+rt over her head, throwing it out and away from them. Reaching out, her fingers wrapped around his swollen length. Jace threw his head back, groaning as she slowly stroked him. Her need rode her hard. She rose up on her knees, holding him steady while she lowered herself to him.

"Wait! Hayley, baby, wait," Jace groaned.

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