To Tempt A Wolf Part 11

To Tempt A Wolf -

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"Nooo," she wailed and writhed against him.

"Condom. We need a condom."

"No, we don't. I'm on the pill," she gasped.

Instantly, Jace's hand appeared by her own and she released his c.o.c.k, both her hands going to his shoulders. She let him guide his c.o.c.k in and held on as the plump head softly nestled against her entrance and began its journey deep inside. She circled her hips, spreading her moisture while pus.h.i.+ng down, and gasped as the hot, throbbing head popped inside. Once begun, the rest of his shaft easily followed as she lowered herself to his lap.

She felt her muscles part, the rich friction of his body sending euphoric s.h.i.+vers down her spine. Both of them were breathing heavily and she felt a heated puff of air moments before his hot mouth engulfed her breast and began earnestly suckling her pointed nipple.

Hayley whimpered with pleasure. Her hips undulated against him as she stimulated her sheath and swollen c.l.i.t with short thrusts. His c.o.c.k head hit her cervix, sending ever increasing jolts of bliss through her, and she ground against it, groaning at the sensation. Jace let her move as she wished for a time, then emitted a frustrated growl at her efforts. She felt his hands grasp the cheeks of her b.u.t.tocks. Holding her tightly to him, he stood effortlessly. Hayley wrapped her long legs around his body and held on as he walked a few short feet.

She bounced against him with the movement. "Jace, please," she pleaded until suddenly her back came in contact with the wall.

In a voice husky with desire, he murmured in her ear. "This is more like it. Hard and fast, darlin'. Let's f.u.c.k ."

He withdrew and she waited for his return, but Jace had stopped. Digging her nails into the hard muscles of his shoulders, she did her best to shake him with little result. "Now, d.a.m.n it, now!" she demanded, tightening her thighs around his hips.

Jace gave her a feral grin and complied, sliding in to the hilt with a force and power that swept her breath away and tore a gasping groan from her throat. Hayley was unable to do more than hold on as he thrust again and again, long, hard strokes that sent his thick c.o.c.k surging in and out until she felt she would go mad with the pleasure.

Sweat broke out on their skin. Heated air swirled around them, saturated with scents that mingled and became a drugging c.o.c.ktail of male-female arousal. The sweet-spicy musk perfumed the air, screaming of need and encouraging their wanton desire for a pure, abandoned mating.

Hayley was lost and blind in a fog of sensation, filled with smooth skin and hard muscle, rough hair that abraded her nipples, trickles of sweat and the juices between her thighs that emitted a slurping sound with every thrust of Jace's thick, battering c.o.c.k. Their grunts and moans of effort and pleasure rang out, accompanied by the thumping slap of their bodies as they slammed together. The heady scent of s.e.x wrapped its tendrils around them, tying them with invisible bonds.

Arms around his shoulders and overwhelmed by the pleasure that was rapidly building to an explosion, she fastened her teeth in Jace's skin and bit. He froze for a split second and uttered a deep rolling growl that quickly became a short intense howl of sound that caused the hair on Hayley's arms to stand up. At the same time, it sent a bolt of wild desire through her that twisted her gut with a sensation near pain.

Jace reacted with savage intensity, his thrusts becoming short, hard staccato jabs that quickly had Hayley sobbing for release as the pressure built unbearably higher and higher. He moved with an endless, fluid rhythm that sent her cras.h.i.+ng over the edge with a wailing cry. Her p.u.s.s.y gripped and released him in rapid-fire pulses, milking the thick, solid length of him until, with a guttural roar, he exploded and emptied himself within her. Long, hard spurts were felt as pulsing shudders within Hayley's clasping channel. The added cream of his release sluiced between them until their pubic hair was matted with warm, milky s.e.m.e.n and the sweet cream of Hayley's arousal.

Jace managed to stagger back to the sofa and landed with enough accuracy that he kept them from the floor and left them sprawled together in an exhausted heap. Hayley rested with boneless grace on top of him. Both were struggling to regain their breath, and several minutes went by as they did just that.

Strength slowly returned to well-exercised limbs and Jace began to gently stroke his hand over the creamy smooth skin of her back.

Outside, though it was still mostly dark, the first promise of daylight was emerging from below the horizon. A few sleepy chirps sounded from the trees that shaded the house.

Hayley began to shake in his arms. Jace's initial alarm changed to understanding when he heard her satisfied chuckle. He tightened his arms around her, nuzzling his face in her hair. "Happy?" he asked.

She attempted a nod. "More than happy."

His body had tensed under her and Hayley rose up at the taut bunching of his muscles. She looked at him, love clearly showing in her eyes.

"Your eyes are glowing," she told him, seeing satisfaction and pure joy reflected there.

"So are yours," he answered softly.

Hayley frowned, a confused smile on her face. "What do you mean?"

Chapter Eight.

Jace opened his mouth to explain and froze, his head c.o.c.ked as though listening. Determined to know what secrets he was keeping from her, Hayley didn't stop to think about why he was there in the first place, but lifted herself off him and demanded, "What do you mean? How can my eyes be glowing? I don't have your medical condition, whatever it is. Which reminds me. You said you'd explain that to me."

"I will, just not right this minute," Jace replied in a distracted tone. "What I meant to say was, um, you're glowing. You know, like afterglow. Now, hush a minute."

Hayley narrowed her eyes. How dare he tell her to hus.h.!.+ Something was wrong definitely wrong here. Jace was obviously trying to cover up what he'd originally said, but at the same time he didn't seem to be putting much effort into it. He wasn't looking at her and he seemed preoccupied by something.

She was just about to question him again when Jace cursed and eased her aside. Coming up off the sofa, he ran for the back door. Hayley stared after him in blank surprise until a sudden realization hit her. Grabbing her t-s.h.i.+rt off the floor, she ran after him. Jace was already gone from sight. She was standing on the porch, listening for any sound that would give her a clue as to which direction he'd gone, when a shot rang out. Hayley gasped and felt her heart stop.

"Jace," she blurted out in a stricken whisper and scrambled for the phone in the kitchen, quickly dialing 9-1-1.

After explaining the situation to the operator and giving her address, she hung up and grabbed the flashlight she'd placed in the corner of the kitchen counter for emergencies. Heedless of the way she was dressed, she was determined to find Jace. She crossed the porch and headed across the backyard when she was brought up short by the sound of his voice calling to her.

She turned to find him coming toward her from around the side of the house and ran to meet him, throwing herself in his arms. "Are you all right?" she questioned anxiously, her voice taut with anxiety.

"Fine," he replied shortly in disgust. "He got away. The b.a.s.t.a.r.d had someone waiting with a car. I didn't even get the license plate."

"I called 9-1-1. I heard the shot and I was afraid...I was afraid that you..."

Jace hugged her tightly. "I'm okay, baby, everything's okay. That's why I didn't catch him. I had to dive into the hedge to keep from getting shot."

His voice was so filled with disgust that Hayley was surprised by a nervous laugh of relief. He gave her another hard hug. "Let's get some clothes on. I don't want to talk to the sheriff with my goodies hanging out."

By the time the sheriff arrived, took their statements and departed, the sun was well up. They were exhausted. Jace refused to leave her alone, despite the fact that there was little chance the would-be a.s.sailant would return any time soon. At this point Hayley saw little reason to keep him on the sofa, so she dragged him to her bed. He protested that he needed to fix the lock, but Hayley insisted he get some sleep. Once in bed, there was no thought of anything but sleep. They both drifted off.

Hayley was the first to wake. It was almost noon and she found herself completely tangled up with Jace. She lay on her right side. He was spooned solidly against her back, one arm snuggled firmly under her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and one leg over hers with her left leg resting between his.

She smiled sleepily, warmth and affection flowing through her as she began the complicated process of unwinding herself from Jace's possessive embrace. She didn't get far. As soon as she tried to carefully pry his arm lose, his grip tightened and he nuzzled the back of her neck.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked with a deep, husky rasp.

"To shower," she replied snuggling against him. "I have to drive to the library in Hibberd to pick up a book."

Jace began kissing the back of her neck, sending s.h.i.+vers down her spine. "We have a library here in town, darlin'," he murmured, his breath imparting a wispy, warm tickle.

Hayley felt her nipples tighten as Jace's c.o.c.k hardened against her. "I know that,darlin' ," she said breathlessly, emulating his endearment. "But they don't have the book I need for some research I'm doing."

"Mmm, want me to go with you?"

"To Hibberd or the shower?"

"Either, both. Could be fun either way," he murmured, finding that sensitive hollow behind her ear and sensually caressing it with his tongue.

"Mmm," Hayley moaned and s.h.i.+vered. "You're supposed to fix my lock."

"Guess that just leaves the shower. Come on, sweetheart," he growled, unwinding himself from around her and urging her up. "Let's see how dirty we can get before we get clean." Hayley laughed and let him drag her into the bathroom, which was equipped with a large shower enclosed in frosted gla.s.s. There was plenty of room for two, and Jace got the water running while Hayley brushed her teeth. As soon as the temperature was adjusted to his satisfaction, he stepped out and Hayley offered him a toothbrush. She started pulling her sleep s.h.i.+rt off. "Let me help you with that," Jace offered, setting the toothbrush down on the counter. His hands moved under the hem of her s.h.i.+rt where it rested against her thighs and began to slide slowly up the length of her body, taking the s.h.i.+rt with them. "Your skin is so soft," he commented reverently. Hayley s.h.i.+vered as the tips of his thumbs brushed through her pubic hair. "So are other things," he breathed as her s.h.i.+rt rose higher. She inhaled sharply, her stomach quivering. Jace's hands continued upward. They moved over her waist and abdomen, his fingers caressing her sides while his thumbs began following the rounded path up and over her full, firm b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her nipples, already taut, beaded tightly, drawing a breathy moan from her as his thumbs brushed over their sensitized tips.

"And some things are hard," he teased with a devilish twinkle in his eyes.

Hayley managed a smile and reached out to run a trembling finger up the rock-hard length of his c.o.c.k.

"Very hard," she agreed, her smile widening at the small growl Jace emitted.

"Lift your arms," he ordered urgently.

Hayley complied and her s.h.i.+rt was swept over her head. Before she was completely free of it, Jace bent

and took one hard nipple into his mouth and began suckling her. Moaning at the wave of desire that swept through her, Hayley's hands cupped his head, her fingers clutching his hair.

"Jace," she moaned as his mouth and tongue diligently worked her nipple.

"Get in the shower, darlin', I'll be right there."

Smiling at her dazed condition, he turned her in the direction of the shower and gave her luscious tush a gentle pat. Hayley obeyed and Jace quickly brushed his teeth before joining her. He paused to take in the arousing sight, reminded of the first time he'd seen Hayley. She was standing under the showerhead, her body glistening and wet with the streams of water that cascaded over her.

Jace intercepted her as she reached for her bottle of shampoo. "Let me," he offered, taking the bottle

and squeezing some of its contents into his hand.

As he gently ma.s.saged the shampoo into her hair and scalp, Hayley murmured her approval. "If you ever want to change careers, you could make a mint as a hairdresser. Women would come from miles around for this."

"Hairdresser! I don't think so, babe. Besides, I wouldn't do this for anyone but you."

"Aww, Jace, that's really sweet."

"Hey, I'm a sweet guy. Let's get your hair rinsed."

That done, Jace quickly shampooed and rinsed his own hair. "Now for the best part," he said, flas.h.i.+ng her a wicked grin as he soaped his hands with shower gel. "Bring that bodacious body of yours over here, darlin'."

Hayley laughed at the way he wiggled his eyebrows at her. "You're a nut," she told him, but she moved closer all the same and hummed with pleasure as he ran his hands over her shoulders and back.

"I fantasized about this last night."

"Oh?" Hayley asked, pleased and curious.

"Actually, in my fantasy you were in the shower alone and you started pleasuring yourself." He slid his hands around to cup her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, tenderly kneading the sensitive globes. "You ever do that, Hayley?"

"Of course," she admitted breathlessly, leaning into his touch.

Jace's brows rose at her frank admission and he smiled mischievously. "How about you show me what you do?"

"I've got a better idea, why don't you show me your fantasy?"

"Oh yeah, I like that idea," he said, fire flaring in his eyes. "Put your hands right here."

Jace guided Hayley's hands to cup her own b.r.e.a.s.t.s and laid his hands on top of hers, directing her movements. Slick with soap, their hands slid slowly over the front of her body as he pressed tightly against her back. His thick erection was compressed between their bodies, lodged against the enticing crevice that separated the cheeks of her bottom. With a few swaying movements of his hips, he was able to firmly wedge his c.o.c.k between them. Once there he started a slow, rocking motion that sent his c.o.c.k sliding over her tender, pink rosebud.

Hayley shuddered, moaning at the unaccustomed feel. No one had ever touched her there. The wild urge to taste such a dark and sinful pleasure sluiced through her as Jace continued the sensual torment and moved their hands lower, over her curved belly and down. He urged her to widen her stance then guided their joined right hands between her thighs. Hayley arched her back when the pad of her finger slid over her c.l.i.t.

"Ease your finger over the left side of your c.l.i.t, babe," Jace crooned softly.

Hayley slid her finger to the left as Jace slid his to the right, effectively trapping her c.l.i.t between them. With his hand over hers he kept their fingers moving in a slow, steady rhythm that sent a rush of heat and need pulsing through the swelling folds of her p.u.s.s.y. Her sweet cream, thick and silky, coated their fingers, the delicate, musky scent rising like a silent plea.

Hayley panted, pus.h.i.+ng against him. "Jace, please, I'm burning up."

"I know, sweet, I know. I can feel your heat. It's like holding liquid fire in my hands, so hot, so wet.

Brand me, Hayley."

Jace turned her to face the shower wall, palms flat against the tiles, while urging her to bend forward. He positioned himself between her thighs and, bending his knees, he took his demanding c.o.c.k in hand, guiding it to the swollen lips of her p.u.s.s.y. Finding her entrance, he thrust.

Hayley moaned her pleasure and struggled to push back into him. His body and the thick spike of his erection pinned her in place. Jace rolled his hips. The movement stirred his c.o.c.k within her in short, teasing, in-and-out increments.

"Mmm, Jace. You feel so good. So big and hard and hot. f.u.c.k me, baby. Please!"

Hayley's wanton words electrified him. Jace grabbed her hips, his own pumping forward and back as his c.o.c.k stroked in and out. "Is this what you want, sweetheart? Like this?"


Jace rested his chin on her shoulder his mouth against her ear. "Hayley, Hayley, baby. Tell me howthis feels." His left hand released her hip to slip between her thighs. Parting the slippery folds of her p.u.s.s.y, his finger found her c.l.i.t and gently manipulated the swollen bud.

Hayley stiffened and shuddered against him. "Goood, so good, so good, so good," she moaned. "Don't stop. Make me come. Oh G.o.d, Jace, I need to come!"

"Soon, baby, soon," he promised.

Holding her tightly between his body and the shower wall, Jace released his hold on her other hip. Easing his upper body back, he slid his hand between them. He found the inviting crevice between the firm cheeks of her a.s.s and let his fingers glide over that tempting track. Moving lower, he touched the base of his c.o.c.k where it disappeared inside her body. Anointing his fingers in Hayley's pearly cream, he made the return journey through the tempting cleft of her b.u.t.tocks. His finger found her tight rosebud. It convulsively clenched at his touch and Hayley whimpered, s.h.i.+vering against him.

"Tell me how this feels," Jace whispered as he slid his finger inside the hot velvet of her dark channel.

Hayley convulsed and bucked against him as she screamed out her release. Attacked on so many fronts, her body shattered. Not one nerve in her body was spared the blazing pleasure that burned through her. Her knees buckled. Only Jace's strength kept her on her feet as he completed the ritual, finding his own release deep inside the clenching, quivering demand of her weeping p.u.s.s.y.

Breathing heavily, Jace wrapped his arms around her. "Are you still with me, darlin'?"

Hayley nodded shakily, her body still riding out the aftershocks. Small moans accompanied each electrifying peak until her shudders quieted and stilled. She took a deep, shaky breath. "Jace," she whispered.

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