To Tempt A Wolf Part 12

To Tempt A Wolf -

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"Right here, sweetheart, right here."

They stood together quietly as the warm water continued to cascade over their bodies. Hayley turned in Jace's arms and looked up at him. Her silvery-gray eyes were aglow with warmth, liquid with unshed tears. Wordlessly she pulled free and poured soap into her hands. She washed him, wors.h.i.+pping his body with her touch.

Their world became a gla.s.s-enclosed cubicle filled with steam, wet warmth and unspoken love. It found its outlet in candid looks that hid nothing and touches that radiated intense feeling and tender pa.s.sion. It was only the cooling of the water that finally drove them out, laughing as they escaped the cold spray.

Frolicking like carefree children, they dried, dressed and readied themselves for the day. Together they fixed breakfast and cleaned up the dishes. Finding no other reason to delay, especially as it was already nearing two o'clock, Hayley grabbed her purse and keys.

"You know how to get to Hibberd?" Jace teased.

"Yes, Mr. Smarty. I even have a map. See?" She waved it under his nose.

"If you ask me real nice, I'll show you the route with the prettiest scenery."

"All right," she agreed. Hayley circled around him, trailing her hand across his chest, around his shoulder and over his back. Placing both hands on his shoulders, she leaned against him, rubbing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s against his back. Her lips played over the back of his neck then found his ear. "Is this nice enough?" she whispered, before taking his earlobe in her mouth to nibble and suck.

"Mmm," he growled. "That's more than nice, darlin'. If you don't stop it, your trip's gonna be delayed."

Hayley chuckled and stepped back around him. She wrapped her arms around him and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "You asked for it,darlin' ," she teased, then stepped back.

Jace took the map and spread it out on the table. "Here's hoping you give me everything I ask for," he murmured.

Hayley grinned and stood next to him. Jace slipped an arm around her waist while he pointed out his favorite route to Hibberd. "If you go this way, there's hills and woodsand an old-fas.h.i.+oned covered bridge."

"Oh I love those. They're so picturesque."

"I'll take you to the bridge festival this fall. I have a feeling you'll really like that."

"That sounds like fun."

"All right. So here's the plan," Jace explained, and pulled her around to face him. "I'm going to fix the lock on your door and take care of some other stuff. You do whatever you need to do and we'll meet back here this evening. There are some things I need to discuss with you," he told her, his eyes solemn and sincere. "It's very important. Okay?"

With a whimsical smile on her face, Hayley nodded.

"I'm serious, Hayley."

"I didn't say you weren't."

"Stop smiling at me like that."


"It does funny things to my stomach."

Her smile widened into a grin. "Now you know how I feel."

"Do I make your stomach do flip-flops?" he asked with a pleased, boyish smile.

"Yeah," she admitted softly.

Jace pulled her close and held her, swaying back and forth. He sighed. "That's good to know, darlin'.

That's very good to know."

Hayley relaxed against him. She could hear the smile in his voice and closed her eyes. For a few long and silent moments, they stood together, letting contentment wrap them in its warm embrace.

Finally Jace released her. He kissed her. A slow, gentle kiss, filled with unspoken words and promises.

"Get going and be careful, you hear?"

"I will. You too," Hayley teased.

Seeing the sparkle in her eyes, Jace sent her a mock frown. "What's that mean?"

"It means don't smash any important body parts while I'm gone."

"Very funny. I'll remind you that smas.h.i.+ng my thumb with the hammer was all your fault."

"I know," she admitted, giving him a look of contrition. "I'm sorry."

"No, you're not," he accused.

A small smile curved her lips. "You're right. I'm not. I was flattered."

"I'm glad you enjoyed my pain."

"Aww, poor baby. When I get home, I'll kiss it and make it all better."

"Well now," Jace answered with a leer. "That's a real nice offer, but my thumb's okay now. But I've got

something else you can kiss."

Hayley grinned and raised a mocking brow. "I'll just bet you do."

She headed out the back door, laughing as she went.

"Is that a yes?" Jace called after her while following her around to the front.

"See you later," she answered, got in her car and backed down the driveway. With a wave she drove


Jace shook his head. Smiling he murmured to himself, "I love that woman."

He halted in his tracks. For some reason the words sent a shock through him. He'd accepted the concept of Hayley as his mate, had even told Logan that he loved her, but this was the first time he actually felt the power of the words. They melted through his being and electrified every nerve, suffusing him with excitement. Heloved her. He felt short of breath. A wave of wonder and uncertainty swept over him. He was fairly certain she felt the same, but only until she said the words to him would he be able to still the uneasy qualms that stirred in his belly.

He looked forward to the coming evening with antic.i.p.ation and dread. Tonight, no matter the consequences, he would tell Hayley that he was a werewolf. The thought brought a shudder of near panic. "d.a.m.n," he muttered. "I gotta talk to Logan."

Hayley made the trip to Hibberd without incident. Jace had been right. The scenery along the way was beautiful. There were woodlands and open meadows, cultivated fields and several farms that were obviously owned by Amish families. While on the road, she pa.s.sed two Amish wagons, the occupants dressed in their traditional black, white and gray.

The city of Hibberd was considerably larger than Whispering Springs. Luckily, Hayley had asked the librarian for directions. She found the library with little trouble and parked her car in the smaller east lot, avoiding the large lot that bordered the main street with its heavier flow of traffic.

She pocketed her keys and grabbed her purse, not bothering to lock the car. Walking into the library, she wasn't aware of the hostile gaze that followed her.

"Do you believe the luck? That uppity b.i.t.c.h showing up here in Hibberd? And all alone too. She won't get away this time."

"I don't know, Jim," said his friend. "You know what Harold told you. They been looking for us in Whispering Springs. You stirred up a hornet's nest messin' with that gal and her sister in Morgan's. And that boyfriend o' hers almost caught you the other mornin'."

"Pete's right," said Randal, who was the third man in Morgan's that night. "Somethin' happens to her, they'll be after us for sure."

Jim, their pseudo-leader, looked at his buddies in disgust. "Cowards. Ain't no way they're gonna know we had anything to do with what happens to her."

"What makes you think she won't tell?"

"When I get done with her, she won't be tellin' n.o.body nothin'." Jim laughed, a bone-chilling sound that had Pete and Randal looking at each other in alarm.

While Hayley was busy with her research, Jace fixed the lock on her door then called Logan, asking for a face-to-face council session. Logan invited Jace to come for lunch. When he arrived, Jace was surprised to find Bryn there as well.

He pulled Logan aside as Bryn led them into the kitchen. "Should she be here for this?"

Logan gave his friend a rea.s.suring look. "I just had it out with Bryn for keeping secrets from me. I'm not going to turn around and do the same. Besides, Hayley is her sister, Bryn's more likely to know how she might react. Having been in the same situation, she can probably give you some pointers on how to break it to her. I really think she could help."

Jace nodded thoughtfully. "You're right. Actually," he added with a growing smile, "I really don't need you at all. Get lost, would ya?"

"Yeah, right," Logan growled. "You think I'm going to leave my wife alone with a man of your reputation?"

"You won't let that poor woman have any fun at all, will you?"

The two of them entered the kitchen, both grinning. "If you two are finished slinging the bull around, let's put it on the table and eat. I'm starving," Bryn complained.

With an indulgent smile, Logan pulled out a chair for her. "Sit right down here, sweetheart. It'll be our pleasure to serve you."

Bryn sat and sighed with pleasure. "Now this is more like it."

While the meal was a.s.sembled, eaten and the cleanup attended to, they discussed the situation Jace found himself in. Once her shock wore off that Jace had accidentally turned Hayley, Bryn was able to give him some pointers that he might find helpful.

In the end it came down to a few simple facts. "Jace, no matter how you tell her, it's going to be a shock. For you guys, being born into a pack and growing up with the knowledge of who and what you are is just a fact of life. But for us? Oh boy." Bryn shook her head at the memory. "It's like walking into a strange place where reality has been suspended. Things you thought couldn't possibly exist are suddenly all too real. Be firm, be honest. Hayley's always been levelheaded, but she's also adventurous and imaginative, more so than I ever was. I think she'll get through the telling all right. I really believe once the shock wears off, she's going to love being a were."

Jace nodded and rose from his chair. "Thanks. To both of you," he added, giving Bryn and Logan equal credit. "This has been a big help. I still feel like I've got a rock in the pit of my stomach, but it's not rolling around as much."

Bryn gave him a smile and a generous hug. "It'll be okay. I just know it will."

"If I can do it, you can," Logan agreed. "I think I trained you well enough to handle this."

Jace rolled his eyes. "How do you put up with this arrogant dog?"

"He has quite a few redeeming qualities. They offset his flaws," Bryn commented, giving Logan a loving smile, which he returned.

"I can see I gotta get out of here before the mush gets too deep," Jace commented and headed for the door. "I'll call you later and let you know how it went. If I'm not too busy, that is," he said with a grin and waggle of his brows.

"Look who's calling who a dog," Logan complained.

Jace laughed and left in a much better frame of mind than when he'd arrived.

Chapter Nine.

With a sigh of extreme satisfaction, Hayley closed her notebook. She'd made considerable inroads on her research and was exceedingly pleased with the results. Gathering up her things and the book she'd originally come to borrow, she headed out the door. It was with some surprise that she noted the sun beginning its downward glide toward the horizon.

The previous three hours had pa.s.sed with a speed she found amazing. "Too bad time doesn't go this quickly when you're doing something you don't enjoy," she muttered as she walked to her car.

Getting behind the wheel, she started the car and looked at the clock on the dash. With an hour's drive ahead of her, it would be nearly seven before she got home. At that moment, her cell phone rang. "h.e.l.lo?"

"h.e.l.lo there, beautiful. Where are you?"

Hayley grinned. "I'm still in Hibberd. I'm sorry. I found some great books and I lost track of the time. I know we said we'd meet this afternoon. I'll hurry."

"No, you won't.Youwill take your time and drive safe. How about we order pizza from Antonia's and eat in when you get here?"

"Mmm, that sounds wonderful. Thank you. You're a sweetheart."

"We aim to please, darlin'. I'll see you in about an hour."

"All right. Bye."

Hayley hung up with a warm feeling in her heart and a smile on her face. Jace really was a sweet, considerate man. There was so much more to him than a lot of people knew. She was so glad to be among the few who were given the chance to know the man who was hidden inside, the man she'd come to love.

She started the car and headed home. Driving the speed limit, she'd made about three quarters of the trip without incident, when the car began to sputter. "Oh no. What are you doing, baby?" She pulled to the side of the road as she lost speed.

The car coasted to a stop. Hayley tried restarting but there was nothing more than an odd grinding sound. "d.a.m.n!" she cursed with feeling.

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