To Tempt A Wolf Part 9

To Tempt A Wolf -

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"Mmm, I like the thought of you in bed, especially a naked you in bed. We'll match."

"So are you telling me you're in bed, naked?"

"Oh yeah." "Ummm, that's so not fair. You're a tease." "I'ma tease? Look who's talking, Miss b.u.t.ter-wouldn't-melt-in-my-mouth-but-jack-off-for-me-please." "Hey! b.u.t.ter not onlydoes melt in my mouth, but as I recall, you did too." Jace groaned. "Nowthat's not fair. You're going to pay, you know that, don't you?" "Mmm, I hope so, but wait. Don't tell me how yet. I'm trying to get my clothes off." Hayley chuckled at the sound of another groan, set the phone down and quickly stripped. She pulled the comforter and sheet down and slid into bed. She wiggled to make herself comfortable while grabbing the phone and bringing it again to her ear.

"Okay, I'm ready."

A pregnant silence fell between them. Having reached this stage, Hayley wasn't sure how to proceed.

Up to now they'd been teasing each other, but not in a particularly sensual way. She s.h.i.+fted a little, not sure what to say next.

"Are you gettin' nervous on me, sweetheart?" Hayley started. "Why do you ask?" "You got awfully quiet all of a sudden." "Well, you's not like I do this kind of thing a lot." "Same here. I'm kind of disappointed." Hayley's stomach dropped. "Why?" she asked carefully.He must be hating this. Why did I suggest we do such a stupid thing? Now he thinks I'm an idiot.

"I don't get to ask you what you're wearing."

A relieved smile curved Hayley's lips. "You dope."

"Hey! That's the way it happens in movies."

"I hear you. So does that throw the whole thing off?"

"Nah, I think we can work past it. In fact," Jace's voice dropped, "do me a favor?"


"Just relax and don't say anything for a bit. I want you to close your eyes and just breathe with me."

Hayley s.h.i.+vered at the husky timbre of his voice. "Think about how I'm lying here wanting you so much I

ache with it and if you feel like touching yourself, go ahead and do it. I am."

Silence fell between them. Hayley closed her eyes and relaxed. An image of Jace, sprawled naked across crisp white sheets, filled her mind. Her lips parted, her free hand landing gently on her torso. She moved it in slow circles, caressing her skin, s.h.i.+vering at the gentle friction.

In her mind's eye she could see Jace doing something very similar and suddenly staying quiet became too much. "When I first saw you, all I could think about was how handsome you were and how much you were p.i.s.sing me off by licking that d.a.m.ned spoon. I wanted to be the one you were licking." A quiver ran over Hayley's skin at her bold admission.

"You think I didn't want the same? When you walked in that door I was stunned. You were so beautiful. I was leaning on the counter to keep from dropping to my knees. I wanted you so much. Right then, right there."

"I've dreamed about touching you, about sliding my hands over your skin. Please do it for me, Jace. Baby, please." The sudden need was so crus.h.i.+ng Hayley could barely breathe.

"I am, Hayley, I am."

"Where? What are you touching?"

"My hands are on my abs. I'm just lightly rubbing my skin."

"Move up. Touch one of your nipples." Hayley's body tightened at the sound of Jace's barely audible moan. "Do you like that?"

"Oh yeah."

"Is your nipple hard?"


"If I was there with you, I'd lick it, suck it. It felt so good when it was hard against my tongue. I love that your nipples are sensitive like mine. I love to see the changes in your body when I touch you. See and feel your nipples get hard." Hayley panted. "I want to watch your c.o.c.k go from soft to hard. I want to feel it grow in my hand. That's so amazing, so beautiful."

"c.o.c.ks aren't beautiful, darlin'," Jace gasped.

"Oh they are from this side of the fence, baby, and yours is gorgeous. And it tastesso good. Your pre-c.u.m is sweet, did you know that? When you shot in my mouth the taste was mild, just a hint of bitter and salt-and I loved it. Loved the way you felt in my mouth. I can't explain how good it feels to touch you with my lips and my tongue while I take you in. The skin on your c.o.c.k is so soft, like velvet or satin. It's such a contrast to what lies beneath. All that iron-hard strength and heat. When I hold you in my mouth I can feel your heartbeat against my tongue. Touch your c.o.c.k for me, Jace."

Jace's groan made Hayley's stomach clench. All the time she was talking her hand was wandering over her body. Exploring fingers climbed the slope of one breast and gently squeezed. Her moan drifted across the miles that separated them.

"What are you doing, Hayley? Talk to me, sweetheart."

"I'm touching my breast. Imagining it's you touching me. Did you know that I love the way you smell? When I had you in the kitchen, when I took you in my mouth, I could smell you. The scent of your skin, that tart musk you exude when you're excited. When we're finally in bed together, I'm going to spend an hour just breathing that scent while I suck and lick your b.a.l.l.s."

"f.u.c.k! You're killin' me here, darlin'."

"Just making you feel good like I know you'll do for me when we're together. I want you so badly. I want to feel your breath on my skin. I want to feel your heat and the weight of you pus.h.i.+ng me into the mattress when you f.u.c.k me. I need your hands and your mouth on me." Hayley twisted on the mattress, her need growing.

"Soon, I promise, darlin', soon. But for now, this, just this. Listen to me. Slide your hand down to your p.u.s.s.y. I want you to play with the hair there. Just tickle your fingers through it."

Hayley obeyed, her breath coming faster. She parted her thighs but did only what Jace asked. A cold s.h.i.+ver slid down her spine.

"How does it feel?"

"It tickles.More . Make me do more."

Jace's chuckle was strained. "Spread your legs for me. Now listen carefully. I want you to spread those plump p.u.s.s.y lips open and with just the tip of one finger touch yourself right where my c.o.c.k would be sliding in if I was there with you. Are you wet?"

"Yesss, so wet."

"That's good, sweetheart, so good. Take your fingertip and rub all around and over your entrance. Just there, nowhere else yet."

"Mmmm, Jace, it feels good."

"I hoped you'd like that. Now slide your fingertip up and touch your c.l.i.t. Just like you do when you want to make yourself come. Play with your c.l.i.t for a little then back to your entrance. Just back and forth for me, sweetheart. Do you like that?"

Hayley writhed on the bed, her back arching, her hand busy between her thighs. Having Jace direct her movements was wildly exciting, the feelings caused by her own touch exquisite. The pleasure was growing, her inner thighs tensing as she spread wider. "Yesss. Jace, are you touching your c.o.c.k? Are you stroking it?"

"Yeah, I am. It feels incredible."

"I remember how it feels, how it tastes."

"I'mgoing to be tasting soon. With my face buried between your thighs. My tongue's going to be doing just what your fingers are doing now. And while I do that I'm going to slide my fingers into your p.u.s.s.y and f.u.c.k you. Would you like that?"

"Yes,please . I want you to f.u.c.k me with your fingers and your tongue and your c.o.c.k. Want your c.o.c.k in me now. Oh G.o.d, Jace. It's so good, feels so good. I'm gonna come."

"That's it, sweetheart. Come with me.Oh f.u.c.k !" Jace's low-pitched, guttural growl hit Hayley like a punch. She wailed with the force of the pleasure that spiked hard and fast. Radiating shock waves rippled through her body and she rode them, her hips bouncing, her heels digging into the mattress. One peak, a second and a third wrenched free every bit of sensation her body was capable of producing. It seemed to go on forever. Awareness was a thing of the past, a distant memory that held no sway over the shattering release that swept through her.

Eventually, inevitably, it returned, the enveloping cloud of bliss slowly dissipating. Hayley became aware of the fact that she was still panting, albeit more slowly. It accompanied the small, raspy whimpers that still issued from her dry throat. Her body felt completely relaxed yet strangely energized, as though every pore was hyperaware of the very air that touched it.

She took a long shuddering breath. "Thank G.o.d for multiple"

Jace's sated chuckled rumbled in her ear. She smiled at the sound and added a soft laugh of her own.

"Does that mean I don't have to ask if it was good?"

"Get real."

Jace snorted a short laugh. "You wanna ask me?"

A lazy smile curved her lips. "Was it good for you, baby?"

"Oh yeah. So good I'm wearing it up to my chin."

"Tease. You know I'd want to taste if I was there."

"Want me to taste for you?"

Hayley's mouth opened, tongue licking over her lips. "Yes." She waited a moment then heard Jace's


"Mmm, just like you said. A little bitter, a little salt."

The thought of Jace licking warm milky seed from his fingers made Hayley squirm. "How much longer

are you going to be away?"

"A couple of days."

"Convince me a couple of days isn't long."

"I don't believe I can. I'm thinkin' a couple of days is a d.a.m.n long time until I see you again."

"Guess we'll survive, huh?"

"Have to, darlin', I gotta see this job through."

"Hey, I know. I wouldn't expect anything less from you." Hayley stretched and yawned. "Umm, baby, you wore me out."

"Same here. You ready to go to sleep?"


"Wrap yourself up tight in those blankets and pretend it's me holding you. Before you know it, it will be."

"I will, I... Good night, Jace."

"'Night, sweetheart."

Hayley hung up the phone and bit her lip. She'd come d.a.m.n close to saying I love you.

The next two days were the longest Hayley had ever faced. She wavered between wanting Jace back so bad it hurt, and practically gibbering with nerves at the thought of being with him for real. Jace had called several times, quick calls just to say h.e.l.lo and tell her how his work was progressing. There was no repeat of the phone s.e.x.

It seemed both of them were taking a step back. Jace was being quite circ.u.mspect in his conversation. Back to his usual teasing self, he made clear his affection for her, but there were no declarations of love, which made Hayley extremely glad she hadn't blurted it out herself. As much as she wanted to, it just wasn't time.

Having spent the day at the library, Hayley had worked herself into a bad mood when the one book she'd especially wanted for research was unavailable. She'd phoned the library in the nearby town of Hibberd and found out that they had the book and would hold it for her. Planning an early night in order to get up early to make the trip, she decided to stop and pick up Chinese takeout on her way home.

After getting home, she settled in and ate in front of the television, watching a wildlife doc.u.mentary. At one point she found herself staring at the screen with rapt fascination as a pack of wolves took down an old stag. Instead of being horrified, she felt her muscles tighten with an odd, unreasoning need to be there. The sight of the pack feeding after the kill made her mouth water. She looked at the carton of chicken chow mein with a bit less enthusiasm. The sudden urge to have a nice, rare steak made her stomach rumble.

Hayley shook her head and frowned. She switched the channel to some comedy show and polished off her meal in a less carnal frame of mind. When she finished, she threw out the cartons and checked the front door and then the back to make sure they were locked.

Her brows beetled with concern when the back door wouldn't stay locked. The position of the locking mechanism indicated it should work, but when she pulled on the door, it opened without a hitch. She dug her phone book out of her desk and sat down to find a locksmith. She dialed the number. There was no answer, something that didn't surprise her, as late as it was.

Sighing with annoyance, she dialed Logan and Bryn's number, hoping they might know someone who could come and fix the lock. Bryn answered. "Hey, sis, it's me," Hayley said, having trouble keeping the irritation out of her voice.

"What's wrong?"

"The lock on the back door is broken and I can't find a locksmith who's open."

"Well, that's not good."

"No kidding. I suppose I could just jam a chair under the doork.n.o.b."

"Like you did when Mom and Dad left us alone that first time?"

Hayley snorted. "You're never going to let me forget that, are you?"

"Nope. But don't worry about it. I won't tell anyone you're a chicken."

"Gee, thanks. I don't suppose you know of anyone who could come to fix it tonight?"

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