The Last Roman: Honour Part 18

The Last Roman: Honour -

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Much shouting in various tongues ensued as the commanders sought to organise their troops of cavalry and it was far from smooth. But it was heartening to Flavius, watching from the deck of his command s.h.i.+p, to see it being less of a melee than had attended any of the previous disembarkations. Not long after, midday patrols were out scouring the surrounding countryside for any evidence of an enemy but there was none. Belisarius and the Roman army were ash.o.r.e and secure, now with a wooden stockade under construction and a fleet to which they could retreat at will behind them.

Next he must go ash.o.r.e himself and lead the march on Carthage. If Gelimer was not in his capital it made no difference where he lay, for with a Roman army on the way to besiege it he must hurry to secure his base. He who held the city held the region and that had been the case since the time of Hannibal and Scipio Africa.n.u.s. The only worry was the lack of knowledge of the whereabouts of any forces out in the countryside and that dictated his tactics from now on.

The Vandals, once they found the Romans had landed, would not be organised into a composite army ready for battle and thus, being dispersed, they must coalesce in groups of varying sizes according to previous arrangements at certain key locations. There had to be another plan for them to unite and his aim was to prevent such a union so that he would always outnumber whoever he faced.

There was one other consideration and it was important, the att.i.tude of those the Vandals ruled: what would they do when they encountered the Roman army, welcome them and provide aid and intelligence, or stand aside and wait to see who was more likely to triumph? The nearest town of any size was called Syllectus, a place large enough to have both a local forum and an amphitheatre.

Flavius selected one of his best bucellarii commanders to go there. Boriades had a cool head and a shrewd mind, but more importantly he was, like his general, a native Latin speaker, for that was the language of the province. The instructions were clear: whatever happened, no harm was to come to the indigenes.

'Even if you lose men in the process you are to retire in the face of any resistance.'

'Not an easy order to obey, General.'

'But obey it you must.'

The day was spent in more organisation, though the troops were given some freedom to roam and that led to the first flogging, administered to a quartet of infantry to drive home that it was not acceptable for any of his men to help themselves to food and drink without payment, which was what had occurred, though in this case it was merely picking fruit without asking.

That had him call his entire force together and harangue them; the local population had been under Vandal rule for a century but he thought them still to be Romans at heart. Such people could be their friends or, exposed to unprincipled behaviour, at best indifferent and at worst actively resistant. Treated well they might provide valuable information on the Vandals, for whom they should have no love, treated badly they might join with the enemy. Then there was food, which would be abundant only if paid for; stolen on the march, those ahead of the army would hide their stored produce.

He reminded them they were alone on a hostile sh.o.r.e and without driving it home too forcibly, alluded to the vicissitudes the men had suffered just to get here; did they want to be forced back aboard those s.h.i.+ps to return defeated to Constantinople? It was then made plain that any more incidents of such a nature would be more severely punished and the men were reminded of those two Huns publically hanged.

'Pay for what you need,' was the blanket command.

Boriades did not return in person but sent a small detachment back to the main camp to report that having bivouacked outside Syllectus the men had entered the town by just following in the morning carts proceeding to market; no violence and no parleying had been necessary. Finding Romans in their midst, albeit from the east, the leading citizens had bid them welcome and promised aid.

'Freely given or out of fear?' Flavius asked. 'Faced with a body of mounted fighting men they may be just being cautious.'

'Impossible to tell, Excellence.'

'Your impression will suffice.'

'I think them pleased, but with worries that should we not prevail their overlords will take a stiff revenge.'

While they were talking another messenger came in from Syllectus, to say that Boriades, with the help of the overseer of the local post house, had taken into custody a messenger on his way to alert Carthage to the landing, the fellow having stopped to change mounts. This revealed that the Vandals were still using the same method of fast-mounted messengers on the roads they inherited from Roman rule and that would be used to get their forces organised. Discussing what to do with this messenger, Flavius was politely interrupted by Procopius.

'Is our cause against Gelimer or the Vandals as a people?'

The man he served was quick to get the drift of that suggestion, which seemed to confuse the other senior officers present. The messenger, sent on his way, might provide an opportunity to separate those who still supported the imprisoned Hilderic from Gelimer, and the majority of those would be in Carthage where such a message might have an effect. He spoke while Procopius wrote, saying who they were and more importantly whom they represented.

The message stated that the Emperor Justinian had no desire to make war on the Vandals as a people, just to see their rightful ruler, a man with whom he had corresponded and with whom he was about to sign a treaty of friends.h.i.+p, placed back on his throne. That accomplished, the invasion force would re-embark and sail for home.

'Justinian would brand us for such a falsehood,' Procopius ventured.

'The opposite is true; when it comes to spinning lies our Emperor is a past master. This is mean stuff to him and would scarce warrant a reward.'


The Romans having no idea of the whereabouts of their enemies or their mode of fighting, Flavius split the army into separate detachments prior to the march to Styllectus, their first destination. Three hundred bucellarii were placed under an experienced commander, John the Armenian. They were sent ahead of the main body at a distance of one league, that to be maintained.

Balas and his Huns were allotted the inland flank defence, there being no need for that on the sh.o.r.eside of the advance; that was guarded by the fleet which would accompany the army and match its pace as long as they hugged the coast. Flavius brought up the rear with the remainder of the bucellarii as well as his own comitatus, these being his best troops. Gelimer had last been placed south of their landing place; being behind his main force their commander was well placed not only to protect them but to launch an immediate attack should the need arise.

They arrived at Syllectus to be greeted by a wary populace, but that caution evaporated in the face of the way the Romans behaved. Soon a delegation of the leading citizens were happy to inform Flavius that he had their full support and the first task he had for them was that these worthies should give him some indication of the methods of fighting he was likely to face.

Being non-military it could only be partial but that proved edifying. The first point established that the Vandals did not train as an army, each fighter was expected to work on his own skills but never in large bodies, more in small local detachments, and that boded well. Better still was their opinion regarding the Moors, the local rivals of the Vandals, nomads occupying the lands to the west all the way to the Pillars of Hercules and beyond, into which these northern barbarians were inclined to encroach.

The two protagonists had fought a battle not long past in which the Moors had triumphed by placing a screen of camels ahead of their army, which threw the mounted attack into disarray, the stink of camels being one equines cannot abide. They had then, from behind that screen, a.s.sailed their enemies with archery and volleys of stones fired from small ballistae, throwing the entire Vandal a.s.sault into turmoil and eventually obliging them to retire. The first lesson to be drawn from this was obvious: the Vandals would struggle against any force that could disrupt their structure, for it appeared they lacked the ability to make swift tactical changes.

With the population of Syllectus on his side these elders were happy to send out riders to gather intelligence from the cities that lay in the Roman army's path. The reports that came back indicated that another brother of Gelimer, Ammatus, was in the capital with some five thousand effectives while the unconfirmed news was that Gelimer was hurrying north to join up with him, traversing the road between the capital and Hermione. His numbers were greater but that was yet to be established, so in essence it was a race to Carthage.

That allowed Flavius to alter his dispositions; the cavalry were to go ahead of the infantry, which he would command, keeping with him his mounted comitatus as a shock and protective force bringing up the rear until notice came that Gelimer may have reached his columns. There was no hiding the fact that this was a strategy that carried risks. The Vandals had morphed in North Africa from travelling in carts and fighting on foot into a mounted power and that was the kind of opposition the Roman infantry ever struggled to contain.

Like the Vandal messengers he would base his advance on the roads. The difficulty was that moving at the pace of a foot soldier imposed some restrictions: first there was the speed of penetration; Gelimer would not forever be in ignorance of the whereabouts of those he must fight and destroy. There would be scouts out soon if not already, so Flavius wanted any information he received to put the Roman army well ahead of where it was in total, which would form the basis of his contrary tactics.

Strung out along a highway made the infantry vulnerable but with a strong cavalry screen and the fact that he had spent so much time in training them to manoeuvre, their commander was sure by the time any enemy came upon them they would be formed up and ready to defend themselves, very likely on favourable ground chosen by their general. At that point he would send out skirmishers and archers to disrupt the Vandal preparations in order to delay any attack.

The cavalry, operating in strong flying columns, would have standing orders to retire on the position Flavius took up, which might completely surprise the enemy in the first instance. But more importantly it would unite the two arms into a formidable whole in a spot where the Romans should enjoy the advantage. To any observation on the dangers Flavius Belisarius had his response ready: war was ever carried out in a fog of uncertainty and that applied to Gelimer just as much as it applied to him.

Never one to underestimate his opponent, he knew that his enemy would be seeking to surprise him, and putting the sandal on the other foot he sought to outguess him. There was one obvious point on the old Roman maps which told Flavius danger would very likely threaten, the narrow pa.s.s at Ad Decimum, some three leagues from Carthage, a place where, if his information was accurate, success depended more on how troops were deployed than the mere numerical supremacy he was sure he enjoyed.

Could Gelimer leave his capital city undefended? To ask Ammatus to come towards him was to bring that to pa.s.s, which meant wherever battle was joined the Vandal leader must win for any other outcome would leave his capital at the mercy of the invader. But the Romans were between the two Vandal forces and Flavius could not see how they could combine without him being aware of their dispositions.

Truly war was carried out in a fog; for all his intelligence and the aid of the locals no one told the Romans that there was another road to the south by which Gelimer could join forces with his brother, other than the direct route from Hermione. That road met the main route from the coast and Leptis Magna, south of the very pa.s.s where danger threatened.

It had been the intention to draw the enemy towards him, and as was his way, fight a battle on his chosen ground. If his insistence on what amounted to a defensive tactic met with disapproval from his more fiery inferiors, that he was willing to suffer, so, on the fourth day, having found a suitable site for an encampment, on ground he knew he could defend, Flavius ordered it made secure before sending Solomon and a force of mounted foederati riding off to reconnoitre for the enemy as well as join up with John the Armenian.

Unbeknown to the man in command, battle was already being joined. Balas and his Huns were still to the west of the main force to guard its flank, albeit they had increased the distance somewhat, which brought them to the main road from Hermione to Carthage and there they encountered a force of Vandals outnumbering their six hundred by some three or four times. Sense indicated an immediate withdrawal but one of Balas's men rode right on to top a slight mound and gazed down upon the enemy, defying them to attack.

This piece of bravado caused the Vandals to stop, either because they feared a trap or they were merely nonplussed by such behaviour and it was at that point Balas saw an opportunity. Famously fierce and sometimes uncontrollable he attacked an enemy now static, which was a bad situation for cavalry under any circ.u.mstances and deadly when they lacked the discipline to properly react.

Before the Vandals could get into any sort of defensive formation, the fast-riding Huns were peppering them with arrows just before, swords out, they got amongst them, throwing the Vandals into utter confusion. To say they acted like headless chickens was only to antic.i.p.ate the fate of many who ended up as headless humans, many more being skewered or dragged from their horses by whips in the hands of riders of great skill.

The enemy were routed, many of them killed, including their leader who, it transpired, was the nephew of Gelimer. The Huns also established that, two thousand strong, they had been on their way to defend Carthage, which was a solid indication that Ammatus had left the city to join his elder brother.

The next phase of the battle was as much a mystery to Flavius Belisarius as the first; at almost the same moment at Balas was routing his enemies, John the Armenian had encountered a force of Vandals scouting forward, one clearly a high-ranking leader with a small escort of no more than thirty men, and that led to an immediate engagement. John suffered casualties, for the Vandals fought bravely and well, but for his dozen dead John could account in profit of the bodies of every man he had faced.

Sensing the road to Carthage might be open, John ordered his men to follow and sped along it, encountering on his way the army of Ammatus strung out in small groups along the roadway, these either fleeing or, if they stood to fight, dying. John kept going until he sighted the walls of Carthage itself where, knowing he was isolated, he turned to retrace his steps, the men he led looting his dead and dying victims en route.

Solomon, coming upon the site of John's recent victory, discovered one of the dead to be none other than Ammatus himself, but with no sight of John he was at a loss what to do. Reconnoitring to the west he and his men ascended a decent-sized hill and from there spotted a cloud of dust on the horizon; it had to be Gelimer and the main Vandal force, so word was sent back to Flavius Belisarius that an opportunity arose to smite the enemy, to catch them strung out on the march, as long as the main army moved swiftly.

If they had sighted Gelimer, his scouts had seen Solomon. Between the two forces stood a high hill that dominated the surrounding country. Possession of that would give a huge advantage to whoever held it and a race resulted to get control. The Vandals got there first and despite Solomon's best efforts he was up against too many to prevail and was obliged to retreat, not without a hot and threatening pursuit.

Halfway back to the camp he came across a force of eight hundred bucellarii, all from the Belisarius comitatus, dismounted and holding a strong position. They, on hearing of Solomon's reverse it was not more than that instead of standing where they were to provide aid, immediately fled. It was as well they encountered their general, himself out seeking news of his enemies and, though he would scarce admit it, getting himself away from the bickering of Antonina and Procopius.

Rallying them by sheer force of personality he was able to steady his troops and get them ready to fight, while the pursuit, seeing the formation of that stand, saw it as prudent to withdraw. Now Belisarius knew the whereabouts of his enemy and he also knew of the existence of the second road leading to the pa.s.s at Ad Decimum, which had him send a fast rider to order an immediate advance to secure a position that would cut Gelimer off from Carthage or, if the Vandal usurper got there first, force him to do battle before he could retire towards the safety of the city walls.

Luck, that indefinable quality, came to the aid of Flavius once more, for Gelimer delayed in his decision-making. He neither force-marched north nor seemed to be prepared for battle when the forces Belisarius led fell upon him. It was clear by the Vandal dispositions that Gelimer thought he had been beaten to the pa.s.s so that the arrival of the Romans at his rear threw his forces into complete confusion, a situation the better general was able to exploit.

There was resistance but it was fragmented and easily broken, which had the Vandals breaking off the battle and fleeing, not towards Carthage, but north-west towards the wide fertile Plains of Boulla, perhaps fearing that with the bodies of their comrades littering the road the route to the capital was already barred by substantial numbers of their enemies: they could never have guessed that the force of John the Armenian numbered a mere three hundred men.

The flat and and fertile plain facilitated, for mounted men, a swift retreat and left the way open for Flavius to advance, but he halted, eager to gather in his disparate cavalry. John returned laden with Vandal booty, likewise Balas, and with the night drawing in sentinels were posted and the army settled down for a night in which the general who had won a victory sought to find out how he had achieved it, that after he had sent back to the infantry to join him at Ad Decimum, bringing with them his wife.

In a.s.sessing what he had been told Flavius knew just how fortunate he had been, not least in encountering that fleeing bucellarii and rallying them, for if the pursuit had made it through to the main encampment the whole army might have panicked. He had no illusions about such a scenario; the mood of his troops could swing from confidence to despair in the blink of an eye. It was not just true of his host, it was true of any and he understood why.

A fighting soldier could only see so much and for him, and often for the men that led them, what was happening over the extent of a whole field of battle was a mystery. In essence they were confined to the periphery of a very limited vision, thus they depended to a great extent on the mood of their comrades, which was why the wildfire sense of panic could so readily spread. One man fearing death can scare a thousand.

But Gelimer had played a good hand badly too, seeking to join his forces away from Carthage and splitting them even more than when they were already divided. Having got first to the pa.s.s at Ad Decimum he should have carried on and not allowed himself to be attacked, all of these matters discussed with Procopius so that he could write up an account which would be sent to Justinian, who would have no fingernails left with the amount of worry he must be suffering.

That also afflicted Flavius when news was pa.s.sed to him that his s.h.i.+ps, now out of sight of an army too far inland, had disobeyed his orders to match his pace and proceeded to round Cap Bon, nearly to reach the point at which lay the Vandal fleet. They might have been brought to battle and if defeated where that would have left him? As it was, nothing untoward had occurred so, reunited with Antonina, he could retire to his bed and celebrate the victory in connubial bliss.

The horns blew on a bright dawn and, with Antonina at his side, Flavius Belisarius led his army on the short march to Carthage, pa.s.sing the locations of his predecessors who had fought there and humbled Hannibal and the rival Carthaginian Empire to make Rome the supreme ruler of the Mediterranean. There was an attempt at humility but it was hard; how could he not feel proud? How could he not recall his father Decimus, so much the Roman, at a time like this?

He came upon a city without a garrison to defend it and with walls in poor repair; migratory barbarians were not adept at building or maintaining fortifications, while inside the walls lived a population eager in the main to embrace them. Yet there was no rush to enter; the streets of the city were narrow, the Vandals if defeated, not destroyed. Despite the direction in which they fled how many might there be within the city waiting to ambush his men? Another day would make no difference.

Word had reached Calonymus of the victory so they were heading for the port, a move Flavius blocked; they were to stay away until he had secured the Vandal capital and all was safe. The sailors satisfied themselves by plundering every merchant s.h.i.+p they could find and many a sh.o.r.e warehouse too, in the ports close to the capital.

On the sixth day the citizens of Carthage awoke to find the Roman army drawing up in battle formation. If they were fearful they did not hear the conquering general admonish his troops to show the citizens respect, as well as their property. On demand the gates were opened and Flavius Belisarius entered the city, making for the palace of Gelimer to take up residence, eating the meal that had been prepared for the owner's return.

Two things frustrated him: Hilderic and his supporters had been murdered by Ammatus on the news of the Roman landing; also the treasury was empty and that was a great disappointment for it was legendary in its value. It was reputed to contain the proceeds of the Vandal rampage across Gaul and Aquitaine, during two centuries in which they had despoiled palaces, churches and the villas of the rich citizenry, stripping the county of every gold solidus they could find, many of them worked into fabulous decorative ornaments. Hispania had suffered the same depredations, a land that had within it the spoils of Carthage, Rome and the Celtic tribes who had inhabited the land prior to any imperial subjection.

It had been removed, no doubt on the orders of Gelimer, to where no one knew, but what it meant was that the man who had occupied the city previously had the means, in both manpower and money, to keep the war going. Flavius made plain, through the leading citizens of the city whom he called to consult with him, that his policy towards the Vandals who remained with Carthage was one of peace and harmony, the same as he was extending to the old Roman stock.

Most had fled to their churches and monasteries for sanctuary from the expected wrath of their enemies; he had to convince them that they had nothing to fear. Then he turned to other pressing matters. Defending the place!

'The walls can wait, surely, Husband,' Antonina protested, when he said his next task was to inspect them. It was unfortunate that it was Procopius who chose to respond, saying the same as would his employer but beating him to it.

'Gelimer is not yet beaten.'

'Then wave your stylus at him, Procopius. I am sure he will flee then.'

The reply was icy and delivered with a thin and waspish smile. 'Perhaps, Lady Antonina, he will encounter your good self and surrender to be spared from your tongue.'

'Procopius, enough,' Flavius barked. 'Both of you are commenting on matters outside your responsibilities.'

'As if I had been granted any,' pouted his wife.

'You have them now. I am the imperial representative here and you're my consort, which will mean many tasks devolving upon you to ensure that what we have gained stays in our possession.'

'And what will they be?'

'Ask Theodora,' Procopius suggested. 'I'm sure she will be able to advise you of your duties.'

'Just as long as you never seek to.'

'I am off to inspect the walls,' Flavius growled. 'They at least will not dispute with me.'


'The walls are in such poor repair, they are inadequate to repel an a.s.sault. One push and half the stones will fall.'

Valeria.n.u.s replied to Flavius with something of a shrug. 'Then they need to be rebuilt.'

'We would struggle to hold them if Gelimer attacks.'

'Flavius Belisarius, there is no indication that he has the strength.'

The desire to tell him he was wrong was solid; they had driven Gelimer from the battlefield but he had not been destroyed. The relations.h.i.+p with his second in command was interesting, Valeria.n.u.s being a patrician; it must be galling to serve under someone from the Belisarius background, the son of a centurion commanding the offshoot of generals.

His family had filled military and bureaucratic posts within the empire for centuries and, given his name, it was odd that when he spoke he chose to do so in Greek, a growing trait throughout the higher reaches of the old aristocracy. Flavius made a point of speaking to him in Latin, which tended to make the man think before replying, even if he had been reminded several times that was the language of the people they now controlled.

He never dared to condescend openly to his commanding general, nor was he overly questioning on his tactics, perhaps because he had good grounds to think that Flavius would not remain in Carthage, so there would exist a vacancy to succeed him in what would be a rich office in a province ripe for plucking. The man to whom he was talking always wondered if that was why he was studiously polite.

'I want a ditch dug around the land walls, that to be lined with stakes. Then, and only then, can we consider working on any masonry.'

'My infantry are looking forward to a touch of ease.'

'Then employ the citizens of the city, Valeria.n.u.s; let them show in labour how much they appreciate our victory.'

'The Emperor?'

'I am sending Solomon to Constantinople to carry the news.'

There was a blink then, of what? Jealousy. The messenger to Justinian would be well rewarded. Was it a task for which Valeria.n.u.s could put himself forward and one he might have a right to claim?

'Digging ditches. I doubt my family will be impressed.'

'No one is asking you to personally employ a spade.'

The task was completed within a week by obliging the Carthaginians to provide the necessary muscle. Flavius felt more secure, albeit there was bad news as well as good. Gelimer's brother, Tzazon, had reconquered Sardinia, killing the leader of the rebellion which would, once he was appraised of the defeat at home, bring him and his five thousand warriors back to North Africa. The only silver lining was that the four hundred Heruls under Pharas that Flavius had sent to aid the uprising had arrived too late to become involved and were coming back to rejoin him.

Next news came of a Visigoth refusal to aid Gelimer. The envoys he had sent to Hispania were slackers and arrived just as the news of the fall of Carthage reached the Visigoth ruler; he sent them home without bothering to tell them, thus they landed in Carthage and fell straight into the hands of the Romans. That at least shut off a potential route of escape for Gelimer, not that any indication came he was seeking one.

He had called all the remaining Vandals to his banner and was distributing gold to the indigenes who resided on the breadbasket Plains of Boulla to aid him. There was also a reward offered for the head of any one of the men Flavius led. This was particularly a problem inside the city, given the ease of committing murder. Delivery was harder and searches were introduced in which several villains were apprehended and hung from the newly repaired sections of the walls. Most of the victims turned out to be servants; the soldiers, armed, were too difficult a target.

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