His To Love Part 20

His To Love -

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"s.h.i.+t," he cursed and bent down. One of his hands went to my knees and then he hauled me to him, carrying me with one arm behind my back, the other beneath my legs. I burrowed into his chest, fisting his suit in my fingers. I didn't say anything as he carried me through the hotel lobby, or when he adjusted his hold just enough to hit the b.u.t.ton on the elevator for my floor.

"I'm sorry," I whispered when the doors shut behind us.

"Nothing to be sorry about. I'm just glad you're okay, I've been waiting here for hours."

Hours. Had it been that long since I sent that text? I had no idea. Time pa.s.sed by while I'd been lost on the riverfront but it didn't matter.

Because I needed him-and he came.

He waited for me.

"I've been calling you like crazy," he said as the elevator doors opened. "I was starting to freak the h.e.l.l out when you didn't answer your phone."

"It's in my purse," I answered. "I think I turned it off."

I s.h.i.+fted in his hold when we reached my door, signaling that he could put me down. Once on my feet, with his arm still wrapped around my back, I dug through my purse and grabbed my keycard. I inserted it into the lock with minimal problems and opened the door.

I stepped through it, knowing Tyson was following me, and just as I set my purse down on the table next to the door, I was swept back into his arms and once again being carried down a hall. I was too exhausted, too wrung dry to insist I could walk by myself. I didn't want to. It felt good to be in Tyson's arms and be cared for by him.

When we reached my bed, his arm at my back tightened as he bent down to pull down the covers. Then he placed me on the bed and I curled to my side, not wanting to take my eyes off him.

"Want to talk about it?" he asked and ran the back of his knuckles down the side of my face. His thumb wiped away my tears.

I shook my head, but murmured, "My mom."

It was all I could say before I felt his hands at my ankles. He dropped my shoes on the floor, and s.h.i.+fted my body, lifting my hips while he removed my skirt. Then he pulled me to a sitting position so he could remove my top. I let him undress me like a rag doll, too exhausted to move my limbs. As he reached around to my back to remove my bra, my forehead fell to his shoulder. "I can get undressed," I told him, even though he'd already done most of the work.

His hand grazed my back up to the nape of my neck. His lips pressed against my ear. "I want to take care of you."

A shudder rolled through me as he laid me back down, disappearing for only a moment before he came back with a tank top I'd slept in before. He quickly slid it on me.

"Do you need to brush your teeth?"

I shook my head, no. "I'm too tired."

He chuckled, and it made me smile. With another lift, I was in his arms, carried to the bathroom, and then gently set down on the vanity. I did nothing while he put toothpaste on my brush and handed it to me. Then he filled a cup with water and held up an empty one so I could spit in it.

"I feel foolish," I admitted, once I'd spit and rinsed my mouth.

"Don't. We all need someone to take care of us, and while you're there for your mom and your family, I want to be the one you lean on."

Another warm s.h.i.+ver rolled down my spine as he lifted me again.

Then I was back in my bed, curled to my side, but this time facing his side of the bed. I was too exhausted to open my eyes, but I reached out toward him when he pulled away.

"Don't leave me."

"I'm just getting undressed."

"Okay," I whispered, already feeling the darkness of sleep and emotional overload pulling me down.

Then he was back, lying down next to me and pulling me to him so my head was on his shoulder, his heartbeat to my ear. He placed my hand on his chest.

"Sleep well, Blue. I've got you."

But I couldn't respond to tell him thank you because I'd already fallen asleep.

- I woke up with red, scratchy eyes and a cold bed next to me.

Blinking the haze of sleep away, I wondered briefly if I had dreamt everything that happened last night, but when I rolled over and saw a note propped up by my phone, which had been plugged into the charger, a grin pulled at my lips. With sleepy movements, I reached for the note and flipped it open. It took me a moment to focus my blurry eyes on the confident scratches of Tyson's writing.

Bluejay- Early meeting today and a busy week ahead. Sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up. Call me if you need anything and I'll be there.

Yours...always, Blackbird The immature smiley face after his equally immature nickname made me laugh. Even more immaturely, I pressed the note to my chest, clasping it with both hands. And like I did in high school, I sighed.

Because he loved me. His words might confuse me sometimes, but it was the actions that made the man.

Last night, Tyson showed me exactly the kind of man he was, and how he felt about me, barely saying a word.

It was enough for me.

With renewed confidence in my relations.h.i.+p, and knowing these next two days at work were going to be crazy with getting ready for night's benefit, I slid out from beneath the warmth of the hotel's bedsheets and showered.

The workday flew by. Simone and I spent the morning ensuring everything was now set to go for, confirming last minute RSVPs and changing the seating arrangements accordingly. I grimaced as I set my own name next to Malik's at the head table. We'd be dining with the CEO of Ford, the president of Detroit's largest bank, and two other CEOs of smaller companies, along with each of their wives or mistresses. My skin went cold just thinking about the influence Malik would have over these men, the shady dealings he probably already had with them. Being paraded around on his arm and joining him at dinner, like I was someone important to him, was the last way I wanted to spend evening.

We took a break for a Caesar salad lunch, eaten at the conference table in Simone's office, but my stomach swirled with the thought of what lay ahead of me. I didn't know why I thought it would be so easy to step out from under my father's rule when I returned home. Pure naivete, probably, and the fact that I hadn't spoken to him in ten years. I'd forgotten how determined and stubborn he truly could be.

I had a few other stores where I wanted to look for furniture, boutique type places with more unique pieces than the large, traditional box stores that took me out closer to Latham Hills. Then I needed to go back and spend more time with my mom.

I didn't want to.

I didn't want to have another meltdown like I did last night, when I fell into Tyson's arms afterward.

After I purchased and scheduled delivery for the living room furniture, light tealpainted and distressed tables and a coordinating gray-blue bookshelf along with a rug with hints of salmon that tied the colors together, I figured there was no harm in stopping by Tyson's office on my way back home.

Perhaps he could stop for a quick bite to eat. I wanted to see his smile and feel his touch before I spent the rest of the night in a home I despised while losing one of the few people I cared about in this world.

His grandfather's firm was easy to find. It was a small, nondescript two-story building just off Main Street. Based on memory, I knew it was close enough for Tyson to walk to work if he wanted to, and it was just three or four blocks down from the Fireside Grill.

I pulled into the small office parking lot and noticed Tyson's black truck.

Unbidden, my pulse began to flutter just knowing that he was there.

Something happened last night when Tyson wrapped me in his arms, carried me, and held me all night long. He changed from being someone I someone I needed. His strength, knowing he was here for me, knowing he was only a phone call away, helped me to know that whatever was going to come my way soon, I could bear it with him by my side.

The outside doors of the building opened to an octagonal rotunda with a winding staircase directly in the middle. The building wasn't large by any means, but it was full of bright suns.h.i.+ne coming from a skylight. After a quick scan of the directory inside the door, I headed to my right and found Tyson's office on the main floor. I opened the door and was a.s.saulted by a familiar scent that had nothing to do with Tyson.

When we dated when we were younger, I was invited to several gatherings at his family's house for holiday dinners and special occasions. There was absolutely nothing that could ever make me forget the smell of his grandmother's perfume. When I heard a feminine gasp come from my left, I already knew who I was going to see when I turned. I came face-to-face with a woman who had held me in her arms and pressed her lips to my cheeks many times.

"Blue?" Mary Anne, Tyson's grandmother asked, even as she was already pus.h.i.+ng away from her desk. "Good Lord, child! What on Earth are you doing here?"

Her smile spread wide as she moved toward me.

"h.e.l.lo, Mary Anne," I said, closing the distance between us. When I reached her, she gathered me in her arms and that same scent of her skin and hair a.s.saulted my nose. I inhaled, breathing in the warmth and familiarity of the kind woman in front of me.

"I can't believe you're here," she said, pulling back from me. "Tyson told me he's seen you since he's been back in town."

I nodded and let go of her. "Yes, I was actually wondering if he's in."

A small frown made tiny lines pop up around her mouth. "He is. But unfortunately he's in a meeting. Did he know you were coming?"

"No." I shook my head and took the woman in. She'd definitely aged, and she had to be nearing seventy. Her hair was clearly dyed and she had a few more wrinkles, but she still looked incredible. I was certain it was because she had always taken care of herself by walking daily and playing in a ladies' golf league. "This was more of a surprise visit."

"Oh. I don't know how long this meeting will take."

"Do you mind if I wait?"

"Not at all." She grinned and pulled me toward a small love seat in the reception area. "How about I go get us some coffee and we can catch up? Tyson's told me some...about your mom..." She trailed off and frowned again. "I'm so sorry, honey."

"Thank you," I whispered, emotion thickening my voice.

That was one of the things I loved about being around Tyson and his family. They were quick to show affection and compa.s.sion. Feeling it and hearing it then left me trembling. I'd gone all day without crying, without thinking of the conversation with my mom last night. I didn't want to lose it now. Sensing my distress, Mary Anne patted my hand before stepping away.

"How do you take your coffee?"

"Just black, please."

"Very well." She gave me a gentle smile as I sat on the small couch. "I'll be just a minute and then we'll have some girl time."

I chuckled, shaking my head as she walked away. Once she was gone, I took my phone out of my purse and let out a relieved breath when I saw that I hadn't missed any calls. No news from anyone was good news as far as I was concerned.

I did a quick check of my email and was sliding my phone back into my purse when two angry male voices came from down a hallway in front of me. My head instantly perked up as they came closer and I recognized one of the voices.

"This s.h.i.+t gets tied up and soon," one of the men snapped.

"I tried to warn you." Tyson's voice echoed. He sounded furious and I rolled my shoulders back, affected by his emotion even though it was not directed at me. I couldn't even see him.

"Get her under control. We need more information."

"She doesn't know anything."

The voices grew louder as the two men stepped into the lobby. Both of them were formidable in their matching black suits. Tyson's black hair was slicked back and his hands were clenched into fists at his sides. The other man's stance was equally intimidating. They looked like equals, although the man I didn't know was older, with his dark brown hair dotted with light gray at the temples. His jaw tightened and he leaned forward, hissing, "This case will be wrapped by the weekend. Do your part."

I jolted from the fury rolling off him. The slight movement caught Tyson's attention, and his jaw locked and his head snapped toward me.

"Blue?" he asked, clearly shocked to see me. "What are you doing here?"

The other man seemed to be forgotten for a moment as Tyson moved to step around him.

But the man's arm reached out and snagged Tyson's biceps. "Finish this," he sneered.

Tyson barely spared him a glance and shook him off.


"I'm on it," Tyson said, waving him off. "See you"

Dismissed, the angry older man stomped pa.s.sed him, slas.h.i.+ng me with a chilling glare as he pa.s.sed. He threw open the door to the main entrance and disappeared.

"Who was that?" I asked, surprised by my breathless tone.

Tyson's hands relaxed and then balled into fists again as he took another step toward me. He shook his head, as if clearing his mind, and sighed. "An angry client, that's all."

I could still see the tension and the anger hardening his features but they relaxed when he joined me on the couch. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but I was in the neighborhood so I thought I'd stop by. I know you're working late but I was wondering if you could take a quick dinner break."

He dropped his head and with one hand, reached out to cover mine in my lap. "I've got some things I have to finish up tonight. Can you wait an hour?"

I shook my head. "I need to get home."

He leaned forward and cupped my cheek, brus.h.i.+ng his lips again mine. This kiss was quick and unexpected, but the simmering warmth that rippled through my veins when his lips were on mine wasn't. I always had that reaction when Tyson kissed me.

"What if I come to your place later tonight and bring you some ice cream?"

I laughed against his lips. "That sounds really good."

"You sure you're okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I will be."

He kissed me again and held me, just as Mary Anne returned holding two coffee mugs in her hands.

"Oh." Her eyebrows jumped. "Tyson. I thought you had a meeting."

"I did." His eyes narrowed and he shot her a look I didn't fully understand. She turned to me.

She extended a coffee mug toward me but then pulled it back. "You two going somewhere? Blue and I were going to catch up."

"Maybe another night, Mary Anne," I said. "I'm sorry. I need to get some food and get home."

Understanding flashed in her eyes. "Of course. Another day, then. Tyson must bring you to dinner soon."

"I would love it." I squeezed Tyson's hand and looked up at him.

A worry line appeared between his brows and his smile was fake when he looked back at me. "Sometime soon. Definitely."

A coolness permeated the air and left an awkward silence rippling in its wake.

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