A Fresh Anointing Part 10

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17And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.

Glory to G.o.d! Did you ever stop to think about it? We're the Lord's jewels! There's a note in the margin of my King James Bible and by the word "jewels," it says, "special treasures." We are the Lord's special treasures!

The Bible says those who fear G.o.d and think upon His Name are His special treasures. As the Lord's special treasures, let's stay full of His Word and full of His Spirit. Let's bring the Lord the honor and glory due His Name by being full reservoirs, not empty cisterns. Let's not be full of our own plans, and full of our own ways; let's be full of G.o.d's Word and full of His Spirit!

We as the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ need to take advantage of the provision G.o.d has given us to be full reservoirs! We can't do it apart from the anointing! It will take a fresh anointing for each of us to be full reservoirs, but this is what G.o.d intends for us. If we follow G.o.d's New Testament pattern for being continually filled with the Holy Spirit, a fresh anointing will abide upon us and we will be full reservoirs to G.o.d's glory. Stay in G.o.d's Presence and in His Word so you can say with the psalmist, "I shall be anointed with fresh oil"!.


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