Dare To Love: Dare To Surrender Part 7

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"You okay?" he asked her.

Lucy let out an exasperated breath. "Always. You don't need to worry about me." Her standard answer.

He set his jaw. "I raised you-"

"Hardly! I was sixteen when Mom and Dad died."

He swallowed hard. "Okay, then I got you through those horrid teenage years, with boys, dating, parties. You know, the hard s.h.i.+t."

"Oh yeah, you had to talk to me about s.e.x and birth control."

"Someone did. Decklan sure as h.e.l.l didn't want to do it."

She giggled, sounding like she had that day. He'd cornered her by driving onto a highway and staying there until the painful talk ended.

"I remember. And that means I owe you," she said, her voice taking on a deeper, more serious tone. "So if you met a woman, I need to meet her too. Make sure she's good enough for you."

His heart swelled. Lucy and Deck were the only people he still let himself love. Of course, they were family. Gabe had to love them.

Then there was Isabelle.

Chapter Nine.

Isabelle: Day of Reckoning I woke up alone in Gabe's bed, conflicting emotions a.s.sailing me. On the one hand, I congratulated myself. I hadn't had s.e.x with Gabe. On the other, he hadn't f.u.c.ked me after proclaiming how much he wanted to ... and if he'd wanted to, I wouldn't have said no.

I placated myself with the fact that last night I'd demanded and received answers to many if not all things pertaining to Gabe. I hadn't been a man's pushover this time. Score one for me. On the other hand, Gabe had commanded me to strip, told me to spread my legs open wide, and proceeded to slap me there. I'd not only allowed it, I'd come hard from the sensations. My cheeks burned, not just at the recollection but from the tingling between my thighs and the slick wetness there now.

And finally, this enigmatic man, who claimed he never brought women to his room and always used a condom, said he did not want to use one with me. He couldn't bear to have anything between us. Yet we hadn't had s.e.x, and I hadn't seen him naked.

And I was in his bed this morning, all alone.

I s.h.i.+vered, my chills having less to do with the room temperature and everything to do with my current, naked state. As I slid from beneath the covers, I spotted a large tee s.h.i.+rt draped over a chaise lounge in the corner of the room. I shrugged and quickly covered myself.

Feeling more comfortable, I retrieved my panties from the floor and pulled them on before scooping up the rest of my clothing and heading for the door. I peeked out, then tiptoed across the hall, grateful I didn't run into Gabe or his housekeeper on the way. A shower and clothing would go a long way toward providing me with armor to face the day, not to mention the man himself.

An hour later, clean, blow-dried, dressed, and wearing makeup I'd borrowed from his sister, I braced myself and headed for the kitchen, only to find myself still alone.

When the telephone rang, I jumped, the sound startling me before I realized it wasn't the phone but the intercom for the doorman downstairs. I didn't plan to answer, but the ringing was insistent, and I finally caved, lifting the receiver. "h.e.l.lo?"

"Ms. Masters?"

I wrinkled my nose. Either the doorman remembered me or Gabe had informed him I was staying here. "Yes?"

"There's a gentleman down here with suitcases he says are for you."

Lance? I wondered, my heart thudding inside my chest. Gabe had insisted he send over my things. I needed them desperately if I didn't want to spend the little money I had. If Lance had brought the check Gabe demanded, even better. But Gabe wasn't here as backup, and I had to wonder if Lance really would cave so easily.

It didn't matter, I decided. I couldn't rely on Gabe, or any one else, to deal with my ex for me. No more running, I reminded myself. I'd face him.

"Send him up, please." I hung up and smoothed my shaking hand over my wild hair.

A loud knock sounded on the door.

I entered the hall and faced the man I'd walked out on. His blond hair was slicked back, his blue eyes like ice and very cold. He'd dressed for the occasion in navy slacks and a b.u.t.ton-down dress s.h.i.+rt, and his gaze raked over my sweats and tee s.h.i.+rt, a disgusted frown on the face I'd once considered handsome. That was before I had Gabe's dark visage as a counterpoint.

He stared without commenting.

I gripped the doorframe. "Where are my bags?" I looked beyond him but didn't see a cart or luggage behind Lance or in his hand.

"Did you really think I'd roll over just because the man you're currently whoring yourself for ordered me to?"

I narrowed my gaze. I should have known this wouldn't go smoothly. Should have suggested he leave my things downstairs. "No bags? Then I have nothing to say."

I started to close the door, but he braced his arm, blocking my ability to shut him out. "You don't know who you're dealing with."

I raised an eyebrow at that. "Of course I do. You're a cheating dirtbag who didn't know a good thing when he had it. Now, I suggest you leave before-"

"Before what? Your new boyfriend throws me out? He's not here, or do you really think I'm stupid enough to show up when he's home?"

"How would you know?"

"Money buys information. But you wouldn't know because you don't have any." He shook his head, making a tsking noise as he did so. "You're too nave for your own good. A man like Gabe will grow bored of you soon enough. G.o.d knows I did."

I didn't care how many nerves he p.r.i.c.ked, I refused to let him see how badly his words hurt me. I deliberately yawned, wanting to look bored.

Unfortunately, Lance appeared to be enjoying himself. He leaned in closer. "I only kept you around out of pity, you know. That and you kept a nice, clean house and did what I asked with little fuss. Not to mention, you were frigid enough that you didn't even know how often I took my pleasure elsewhere."

A red haze of fury erupted inside me, anger not just at how callously he treated me but how stupid I'd been for falling for him at all, believing his lies, and sticking around even once I knew better.

"If I was frigid, it was only because you didn't know what the h.e.l.l you were doing, you lying, cheating son of a b.i.t.c.h." I gripped the frame so hard I was surprised I didn't break one of my fingers.

"Don't pull the righteous routine on me. How long was this going on behind my back?"

I didn't answer. He wouldn't believe me anyway.

"Gabriel Dare might be attracted to you. I was too, for a time. He'll grow bored just like I did. I only came here to let you know you won't be seeing one cent from me. You've taken enough."

Once again, he'd managed to find the best way to hurt me. My ears rang with all the insults he'd hurled, but I wouldn't let him break me. "You stupid, arrogant a.s.s. I'd rather live on the streets than take anything from you."

"That can be arranged." A mean smile took hold, making me wonder how he'd kept this nasty part of himself hidden from me for so long.

I turned my back on him, and he grabbed my shoulder.

Touching me was the last straw. I spun around and kicked out, my bare foot landing in his groin.

"You b.i.t.c.h." He slapped me hard at the exact moment the elevator doors opened and Gabe stormed through in time to see Lance's hand make contact with my cheek.

Gabe's gaze swung from Lance to me before he hauled Lance up by his s.h.i.+rt, shoving his back against the wall, his fist connecting with the other man's jaw. "You don't hit women. But you especially don't hit this one," Gabe bit out, still holding Lance against the wall.

Lance glared but held his ground, not blinking.

"I specifically told you to bring her things to my office. Show up here again and you won't be able to walk out of here on your own."

"He almost didn't," I muttered. Between my kick and Gabe's punch, Lance appeared dazed and stunned.

And if I'd had on real shoes, that kick might have done some damage. As it was, I worked my aching jaw back and forth.

Gabe released his hold, and Lance scrambled not to fall. He righted himself, straightening his s.h.i.+rt, throwing a glare Gabe's way. "This isn't over."

"If you mean you still owe her, you're right." Gabe stepped beside me, pulling me into him. I allowed the show of possession, knowing it would infuriate my ex.

Lance's scowl told me I was right. "She's not worth the trouble I promise you I can-and will-rain down on you," he said to Gabe, his words a clear threat.

Gabe's low snarl frightened even me. "That just shows how incredibly stupid, not to mention ignorant, you are."

I trembled and wrapped my arms around myself, silently admitting Lance was probably right. I wasn't worth the ha.s.sle, something Gabe might have just figured out-but at least he presented a united front to my ex.

Giving my shoulder a rea.s.suring squeeze, Gabe strode into the darkened hallway and hit the down b.u.t.ton for the elevator before turning to Lance. "I suggest you leave before I call the police. You're trespa.s.sing."

Lance wisely remained silent until he stepped into the open elevator. "Don't be a fool over a piece of a.s.s," he called out to Gabe, timing his shout to coincide with the closing door.

Isabelle: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Gabe watched the doors shut completely before turning his focus to me. Gaze narrowed, his stare came to rest on my cheek.

"I should have killed him when I had the chance."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the apartment, slamming the door shut behind me. Once in the kitchen, he stopped at the freezer and filled a Ziploc bag with ice.

"Wait here." He stormed off, returning with a white tee s.h.i.+rt. He wrapped the ice inside it and held the soft cotton against my face.

I winced.

"Sorry, but keep it there." He led me to the sofa in the living room and settled in beside me. "Are you okay?" He brushed my wayward curls off my shoulder.

I didn't want to enjoy his gentle ministrations as much as I did, and the words I had to say lodged in my throat before I managed to force them out.

"I'm leaving. You did a nice thing by letting me stay, and we got carried away... Let me just say thank you and leave it at that." I placed the ice on the table.

He frowned and immediately held it back to my face. "Why did you let that b.a.s.t.a.r.d upstairs?" he asked, ignoring my statement.

Not that I was surprised. I decided to answer his questions first. "The doorman called. He said a man was downstairs with suitcases for me. I figured Lance would bring up my things, have his say, and go."

Gabe's eyes narrowed, raw anger lacing his features. "The doorman said he had luggage for you?"

I nodded.

"And he lied," Gabe said, his expression dark.

I nodded again. "When I asked how Lance knew you wouldn't be home, he mentioned something about money buying information."

Gabe shook his head in frustration. "I should have been one step ahead of him. It won't happen again," he promised.

I knew that, because I wouldn't be here. If Lance promised trouble, he meant it. Gabe didn't need aggravation in his life brought on solely because of me. That was just another reason for me to leave. My self-respect and need for independence were two more. Seeing Lance again only reinforced why I'd left him in the first place. I'd let Gabe's persuasive powers lure me into a sense of security that could only be another trap.

I grasped his wrist, pulling the ice away from my frozen skin. "It's cold."

He put the wrapped ice on the table. Bracing his hands on his knees, he appeared deep in thought.

I gave him the time he seemed to need, didn't push or speak.

"I'm sorry," he said at last.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"I apologized and you want to know why?"

I nodded.

"We've been over the whys. And you're not going anywhere," he said on a low rumble.

Yes, I was.

I needed to stand on my own two feet before I could succ.u.mb to any man ever again. Especially one who had such a potent effect on me and was as dominating as Gabe.

But I knew better than to think he would let me walk out without using the exact type of persuasion I couldn't resist, I thought. Which meant I'd have to play out the rest of the night, claim a headache, and go to sleep early.

First thing in the morning, or as soon as I could manage, I was going back to my original plan.

I was poised at yet another threshold in my life. Leaving Gabe was so much harder than walking out on Lance had been, but if I wanted Gabe to respect and not own me, I had no other choice.

Chapter Ten.

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