Absent Shadows: Destiny Part 9

Absent Shadows: Destiny -

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'We've had a nice little chat, haven't we Lili? But I'll go now and let you two have some time to yourselves. It was really nice talking with you, Lili. I hope you will come here again soon.'

'Oh, of course I will,' I said out loud so that Sam could hear too.

Then she was gone, and Sam stood up and pulled me up off the bench and gathered me in his arms and kissed me. When he stepped back, I looked into his eyes to try to read his emotions. His eyes were sparkling, the dark lashes even more p.r.o.nounced today.

'Can I walk you home?' he asked, offering me his hand to lead me up the path.

'That's quite a trick, isn't it-talking to her that way. Tell me, are there others that talk to you?' I said, as we made our way up the path.

'Sometimes. When they're really distressed, or when they think I can help them with something. But mostly they just sort of walk around mumbling.'

'So, can you always tell they are ghosts then? Or do they just look like regular people to you?'

'I can tell they're ghosts, if I'm looking directly at them. But there have been times when I've been deep in thought, and I've walked toward them and not noticed. But I tell you what, I notice when they walk right through me. It feels really bizarre when they do that-when you can see them walk through you. You sort of jump, like you expect to bounce off them, but you don't. It can be rather startling-even though you'd think I'd be getting used to it by now.'

This was freaky. I mean, the idea of vampires, well, they seemed sort of just like people to me now, with strange eating habits. But ghosts-I hadn't really had time to process them yet. They hadn't yet made it to the normal category. But I suspected, in time, the idea of talking to a ghost wouldn't be any more foreign to me than talking on the phone to someone in another country.

'What are you thinking Lili? Are you regretting meeting me? Hearing all this? Seeing Elizabeth?'

'No, not at all. I was just wondering how long it would take for ghosts to make it to the normal category in my brain, like vampires have.'

He smiled, and squeezed my hand. 'So, you think I'm normal, do you?'

'Well, perhaps normal isn't quite the right word. But ... you know what I mean,' I said, shaking my head.

I quickly moved across in front of him, letting him come up from behind me, then pulled his arms tightly around me and stood there, just breathing in his musky scent. Being with him felt more than 'normal'-that word didn't even begin to describe the elation I felt when he touched me, or the wholeness that came over me at moments like this, when his arms were around me. It was as if some portion of me had been missing, and had now returned to make me whole again.

We walked the rest of the way home in silence, then when we got to the apartment, he looked down at me with a grin on his gorgeous face. 'Oh, I nearly forgot. We're going to The Grampians next weekend. Claire has spoken and, as far as Tom is concerned, her wish is his command.'

Monday morning Debs left early for her day at the museum which gave me the whole day to myself. I was sitting watching one of the morning programs, thinking about Sam and wondering if I would see him today, when I was startled by the door buzzer. I answered it, a.s.suming it would be a package delivery or something, but was pleasantly surprised to hear Sam's voice. He'd decided to take a chance that I might not have plans, and wondered if I'd like to go for a drive over to a place called Williamstown.

He drove us over the Westgate Bridge and then along a road called The Strand that ran beside the bay. The houses here were a mixture of old and new, with spectacular views across the water back to the city. We reached a roundabout and drove past an area filled with shops and restaurants, but Sam didn't stop. He continued driving around to a road called The Esplanade which took us to a small beach that was all but deserted on this cold Monday morning. Sam parked the car and we got out to walk along the water's edge.

We walked hand in hand, not speaking, just enjoying the morning sounds: the gentle waves rolling onto the sand, and seagulls calling out in their screechy voices. The air was fresh and clean, but the wind had a real bite to it. When eventually I could no longer control the s.h.i.+vering, Sam led me back to the car.

We drove back to The Strand and Sam asked if I'd like to go into any of the shops. I hadn't done much in the way of gift shopping, so he patiently watched as I walked up and down the aisles of the shops searching for little things that I could bring home to Mom and Raye. I even got some postcards to send to the friends that I'd all but forgotten.

He dropped me home around three, and after he'd gone I sat in my room to write out the postcards I'd bought. I tried to think of clever things to say about what I'd done and seen so far, but all I could think about was Sam. How wonderful he was, and how he made me feel, and how different he was from David.

With David, everything had always been about him: where he wanted to go, what he wanted to do, and when he wanted to do it. David had wanted to marry me; wanted us to spend the rest of our lives together. And while I had been dragging my feet a little, if Mom hadn't suggested this trip to Australia, I wonder if I would have married him? I suddenly felt a rush of grat.i.tude-toward my Mom for coming up with the idea and pus.h.i.+ng me along, and toward myself for having had the courage to actually do it.


I walked into the bar just before five. I stood near the door, searching, but it appeared Claire hadn't arrived yet. I still couldn't believe I'd allowed her to talk me into coming. I wasn't a drinker, and I felt like a complete outsider.

But as much as I'd dreaded walking in by myself, no one seemed to take any notice of me. I went to a small table toward the middle of the room, and sat facing the door so I could see her soon as she arrived. As I sat there, watching the place fill up, I wondered if everyone could tell I didn't belong.

I hadn't been sitting long when I began to get the feeling that I was being watched. You know, the one where you can almost feel eyes burning into the back of your head. I looked around, but everyone looked engrossed in their own conversations and no one seemed interested in looking back at me.

I decided to ignore the sensation, and started examining my fingernails for something to do. But the sensation refused to go away. I slowly lifted my head, staring straight ahead. There was someone in my peripheral vision, just off to my right. I moved my eyes ever so slightly, keeping my head as still as possible, and the person became a little clearer, but the room was fairly dim so he was hard to make out. I was pretty sure it was a man however-one dressed in dark clothing.

I moved my head just a fraction of an inch further, and now I was certain it was a man. And something about his shape reminded me of Sam. I quickly turned my head to face him, planning to ask whether he'd followed me, but when I turned there was no one there. After that, the sensation of being watched disappeared.

If anyone had been watching me, their attention s.h.i.+fted along with everyone else's in the room. The murmur of voices stopped, and every head seemed to turn in unison to look at the three gorgeous blondes who stood there surveying the room. All three were dressed in black from head to toe-short skirts, low cut tops and tall leather boots. They looked like they could have been back-up singers for some raunchy band. All they were missing was the wind machine to blow their hair away from their faces.

After a few moments, two of the girls made themselves at home at the bar, and were instantly surrounded by men. The third, Claire, came over and sat at the table with me.

'Hey, Lili. Glad you made it. Have you been here long?'

'Not really-just a few minutes.'

'Well, we really need to sit at the bar with Holly and Steph. We won't get any action over here. Come on,' she said, grabbing my arm and dragging me up to the bar.

As soon as we sat down on the little bar stools, Claire ordered us drinks; a margarita on the rocks for her, and something called lemon squash for me. She was right about the men. Claire's friends were surrounded by them, and within a few minutes, two very nicely dressed businessmen joined us. I couldn't help but think how impressed I might have been if I'd met them a few weeks earlier-before meeting Sam that is.

George, the one who seemed most interested in me, was very handsome. He said he was born in Australia, but his parents were Greek. He asked how I'd been enjoying my visit so far, and what plans I had for the rest of my stay.

'It would be a shame if you left without seeing the Great Barrier Reef,' he said. 'And maybe even Port Arthur in Tasmania, although it would be b.l.o.o.d.y cold down there this time of year. It's haunted you know, with all the prisoners that died there and all. They do these midnight tours-we might even see some ghosts.'

'Ghosts, eh? So, you believe in ghosts do you George?' I asked, trying to sound innocent.

'Sure, I mean, why not. I'm pretty open-minded about stuff like that. And I'm pretty open to taking lovely American tourists to see Australia too. Terry, how's a trip to Ta.s.sie sound, mate? We could take these lovely ladies down to Port Arthur and let them meet the ghosts down there-do that midnight tour of the place.'

He laughed when his friend shrugged and gave him a look that said 'shut up'.

But I wasn't ready to drop it just yet. 'I'd love to meet these ghosts, George. That's a great idea. They would probably have some interesting tales to tell, don't you think? It could be very educational-I could take photos to show my husband when I get home.'

George looked down at my hand-I gathered he was looking for a ring. He seemed to take the hint, however, and excused himself to join a group of his work colleagues.

I simply couldn't be bothered with flirting-not now. Now, a tall dark vampire with gorgeous blue eyes was the only one that could impress me.

The following night when I finished work Sam was standing near the doorway having a quiet conversation with Michael, my boss. Michael; wasn't that the name of the dhampir he'd told me about? The one married to Crystal? But surely, it couldn't be this Michael, could it? And yet, their body language suggested they knew each other quite well. As I walked up, they both turned and smiled at me.

'She's doing a great job, this girlfriend of yours,' said Michael, looking at Sam.

Girlfriend; just hearing the word spoken out loud sent s.h.i.+vers down my spine and made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face, but I tried.

'Makes a good witch, doesn't she?' said Sam, winking at me.

'Sure does. I could tell when I first laid eyes on her. That hair of hers is perfect-wild and crazy looking. She's a good worker too. She's a keeper, Sam, that's for sure. From my standpoint, anyway,' laughed Michael.

'Yeah, from mine too,' said Sam, reaching out and taking my hand.

'Wow, if you guys are trying to embarra.s.s me, you're doing a great job. By the way, Sam, I had no idea this was the Michael you were talking about,' I said, turning my focus onto Sam.

'Didn't you? I'm sorry ... I thought you knew.'

'No, it hadn't actually occurred to me ... anyway, I met Crystal the other day,' I said, turning back to Michael. 'She's ... beautiful. But really, that's such an understatement.'

Michael smiled at that, but then something behind him caught his attention. Looking over his shoulder he said goodbye as he excused himself to sort out some minor catastrophe happening in the kitchen.

We called out our goodbyes, and Sam walked me home, his arm around my shoulders most of the way. He seemed, if possible, to be even more protective. As for me, I was still on a high from having been called his girlfriend. The fact that my boss was a dhampir, and from what Sam had said about him, quite a powerful one at that, hadn't actually sunk in yet ... that would come later. Right now I was revelling in the fact that he'd called me Sam's girlfriend, and said I was a keeper!

Thursday morning it rained. Not that light stuff that falls straight down. No, this was heavy rain that came in sideways with the wind. I hated to miss my run, but I stayed in, restless, trying to focus on the television.

Debs dropped me at work on her way to bridge. I was early, but I didn't mind.

I walked in and threw my gear in the back room, then went in to the office to see if there was anything I could help Michael with.

'Ah, Lili. Sit down. How's it all going? You seem to be enjoying the work.'

'I am enjoying it. I know I'm early ... I just thought I'd see if there was anything I could help with.'

'Great. There was a delivery of napkins this morning that needs to be unpacked and put in the drawers. It would be a big help. But stay for a minute,' he said, smiling and pointing to the chair beside him. He paused, as if weighing up what to say next.

'You're having quite an impact on our Sam. I've never seen him as happy as he's been the past couple of weeks. You're a very welcome addition to our little ... group.'

'Thanks, Michael. It's nice to feel included, however I'd never in a million years dream of grouping myself with Crystal, not in any sense of the word. She's just so ... special ... and beautiful.'

'Yes, she is beautiful, isn't she? I'm lucky to have her, and I'll never forget it. But you needn't be in awe of her. She's really just like any one of us, sort of.' He grinned, and I could tell that he knew that wasn't true. Crystal wasn't like anyone.

'Yeah, well, if you say so.'

'I do. And so I hear you're taking Sam away on night. Good for you. He needs to take breaks more often. He works himself way too hard-takes the responsibility far more seriously than he should. You've given him something new to think about, to focus some of his energy on. It's refres.h.i.+ng.'

'I'm glad you're okay with it. He seems to respect you a great deal.'

'Yes, I suppose he does.'

He sat staring at me for a few moments, as though he was weighing up something. Then he simply smiled, and nodded. 'Well, off you go now, Lili. Those napkins won't unpack themselves. And the kids will be here shortly. Chop chop,' he laughed, waving me out of his office.

By five the rain still hadn't let up. Sam arrived right on time, only this time he'd brought his car which he'd parked right out front. As I dashed out into the rain he was one step ahead of me, opening the car door and helping me in. Then he ran around to the drivers' side and jumped in.

'Now, there are two things,' he said, turning in his seat to look at me. 'Firstly, the traffic is a joke. If we leave now, I'll be lucky to have you home in under an hour. However, Crystal is making fettuccine tonight, and has asked if we'd like to join her and Michael. Of course, I won't eat much, and they know that, but Crystal is an excellent cook. I'd have you home before nine if you want to do that.'

'Oh, that sounds nice, I mean, if you want to ... if it wouldn't be too awkward for you.'

'No, it won't be awkward at all. I'd love to, if that's what you'd like to do.'

'Okay,' I answered, anxious to hear the second thing.

'Great, they live right here, just a couple doors down from the restaurant. So now, the second thing ... I bought you something. It's in that little bag on the floor. I hope you won't mind.'

I picked up the little bag and peeked inside. 'A phone! Oh, how sweet. Of course I don't mind. Thank you,' I said, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

'You've been pretty slack in getting one, so I thought I'd just jump in and get one for you.' He smiled, and by the look on his face I knew there was more to it than that.

'So, you want to keep tabs on me, is that it?' I tried to make it sound sarcastic.

'It's a safety thing, Lili. I've put my number in it already, so if you need me, you can simply ring-anytime of the day or night.'

'Thanks Sam. It's one of the nicest things anyone's ever bought me.' He wanted to protect me, and that felt really good.

'I'm glad you see it that way. I was afraid you might think I was being paranoid. But I want you to be able to get in touch with me any time you need me. You may not realise it but I don't need to sleep, although I do sometimes sort of doze I guess. But don't ever worry about waking me-even if you simply can't sleep and just want to talk.'

'You may regret this, you know.' I smiled at him, looking up through my lashes as I'd seen Claire do with Tom.

He shook his head, and laughed, and called me a 'dag'.

'Dag? What's a dag?'

'You haven't heard that one before, I take it?'

'No, I don't think so.'

'Well, it's a term of endearment ... or at least it is in this case. It's sort of like saying you fool, or you idiot. But not so harsh.'

'Right, so I'm an idiot. Okay.'

'No, not you, just your actions. Looking up at me through your lashes like that.'


He laughed, and once again called me a dag, but with a big grin on his face.

'We can sit here for a few minutes. Crystal hasn't come home yet, and Michael is still in the restaurant. I'll show you how the phone works, and you can ring Debs and let her know you'll be late.'

He showed me all the basics with the phone. It was a bit newer and smaller than the phone I'd left at home, but mostly it seemed straight forward enough.

'So, did you register this in my name? I'll need to work out how to pay the bill.'

'It's all taken care of, don't worry about it.'

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