Absent Shadows: Destiny Part 19

Absent Shadows: Destiny -

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Elizabeth now stood beside Sam, looking up at her big brother with admiration on her face.

'They did try to reason with them. I heard it all, and I felt what was going on in Zunios' mind too,' she said.

'Did you?' I asked, feeling a frown develop on my face.

'Yes. Zunios was so confident ... I could tell he was convinced that Erranase was going to return to him. He didn't have even the slightest doubt in his mind.'

Sam nodded in agreement. 'Yeah, he thought it was a done deal, that's for sure. And what about when he said "Your friends may go in peace if they leave immediately. Of course, your two young ... a.s.sociates ... are welcome to stay and join us if they so desire." I had trouble keeping a straight face when he said that. I mean, seriously, how could he have ever thought Tom and I would join forces with his lot?'

'I did wonder what was being said ... I mean, you seemed to be talking forever ... and my legs were killing me ... what with crouching for so long,' I said, pointing to the spot where I'd hid.

Sam and Elizabeth exchanged a knowing look, but just then Michael and Crystal came up beside us.

'Did I hear you say you could feel what was going on in Zunios' mind, Elizabeth?' asked Michael.

'Yes, I could,' she answered, looking quite chuffed.

'And so ... would you care to enlighten us?' asked Michael, just a touch sarcastically.

'Of course,' replied Elizabeth, catching my eye and smiling. 'The whole time while Zunios was trying to coax Erranase to join him, his mind was cool and relaxed, overflowing with confidence. But when Erranase finally made it clear that he wasn't interested, that there was no way he was ever going back to them ... well, the change that came over Zunios was like watching a volcano erupting.'

Erranase and Tom walked up, and I could see the closest of the ghosts turning their attention to us as well. Everyone seemed as intrigued as I was by her insight into Zunios' mind.

'His thoughts began whirling round and round in his head at an incredible speed. And he was emitting a red aura that made him look like he was going to burst into flames. That's when he turned his focus onto Michael and Crystal, rendering them virtually useless. I could see their minds cloud over as though a mist had risen from within them. That's when Zunios glared at Erranase, and said that Erranase should have given his decision over the phone, sparing his friends from the full extent of his wrath. I thought he was going to kill Michael and Crystal right then and there.'

Elizabeth paused, smiling briefly at Michael and Crystal before continuing.

'Erranase started begging Zunios to leave, but that was useless. Zunios just looked sort of ... amused at the sight of Erranase begging him. But his mind remained red hot even so. Then he let out a sound that was something between a growl and a laugh, and he started to raise his arm. I'm sure that was to be a signal to Anubinse and Mardukian to attack, but Sam must've spotted the movement too, as that was when he gave his own signal.'

'Yes, I saw his arm move,' said Sam, his voice sounding sad. 'I'd been hoping Erranase could get through to him-but as soon as it became clear that he was going to fight rather than leave, I gave the signal.'

'And that's when all the ghosts appeared,' Elizabeth said, turning to face the small group of ghosts standing nearby. 'And as the ghosts materialised and charged forward through Zunios ... well, it was unbelievable how well it worked ... he completely froze,' she said, beaming with pride. 'It was like a sudden snow storm had come up, dousing the flames in his mind. He lost all concentration, and his control over Michael and Crystal disintegrated.'

'That must be when it all became a blur for me,' I said, more to myself than the others.

'Yes, I suppose it would have,' said Elizabeth, looking at me. 'Sam knocked Zunios to his knees, and put a bag over his head so he couldn't see. His mind stayed clouded for a bit, but even when the fog cleared, he was blinded ... the fury was gone ... he knew he was defeated.'

'And the others?' I asked, wondering why they'd been destroyed if Zunios knew he'd been defeated.

'Shall I tell her?' asked Elizabeth, looking at Michael.

'Yes, by all means,' he replied.

'Well, Crystal had subdued Anubinse, and Tom was dealing with Mardukian. But then Tom leaned over and whispered something in Mardukian's ear. That's what started the fighting. They were at it like two guard dogs fighting over a bone. But when Mardukian's eyes started glowing brilliant red Michael stepped up and in one fell swoop, broke Mardukian's neck. It was pretty cool, really. He twisted his head off with no more difficulty than someone twisting the top off a soft drink bottle. Michael lifted the body in one hand, grabbed the detached head in his other hand, and disappeared to dispose of his body.'

I cringed as I remembered seeing this part. Elizabeth caught my eye and smiled, then continued.

'Well, at the sound of Mardukian's neck snapping Anubinse lost it. Somehow he managed to pry himself out of Crystal's grip, but she shook her head, and I heard her say, "I wouldn't if I were you." But did he listen to her? No. He bared his teeth and snarled at her, then lifted his arm to strike her. But she was far too quick for him. His arm had barely moved when she reached up, putting one hand on each side of his face as if she was about to caress him, and then, with what appeared to be just a gentle flick, she broke his neck and snapped his head off much the same way that Michael had done with Mardukian.'

'And that left only Zunios,' I said.

'Yes,' continued Elizabeth, 'that left only Zunios. He knew his friends had been destroyed, and was completely deflated. So this time when Erranase asked if he would give his word that he would leave, he agreed. I think Erranase wanted to just let him go, but Sam insisted they wait for Michael to return. So they stood there waiting-Zunios still blindfolded and on his knees.'

'That's true,' said Sam. 'His voice was barely audible when he answered Erranase, and he didn't struggle or resist at all. I got that his fury had been completely spent, but there was no way I was letting him go without Michael agreeing.'

'Yes, thanks for that Sam,' said Michael. 'I must say I hesitated for a bit ... even when he gave his word to never return. He owes you a lot, Erranase. I don't think I'd have let him go, if it weren't for your long a.s.sociation with him ... and your trust that he will honour his word.'

'I believe he will,' said Erranase, looking directly at Michael.

Then Michael, still staring at Erranase, asked, 'What do you think, Elizabeth?'

'I can tell you there was no more anger in him ... or confidence. But I couldn't say whether he will he keep his word.'

'Well, let's just hope Erranase is right about him then,' said Michael, still staring at Erranase.

Moments pa.s.sed in an uncomfortable silence as the father and son stared at each other. Finally Elizabeth spoke.

'And so Zunios was released, and that was it. And so, now we celebrate!'

With that said, all the ghosts starting talking at once and the air filled with cheerful voices. Sam and I stood quietly, watching the others who seemed very much in awe of the spectacle of the ghosts. Erranase then stepped forward and turned to Elizabeth.

'Thank you for your interesting insight however, as you may appreciate, I do not much feel like celebrating. I shall leave all of you to savour your victory while I mourn the loss of two I had called friends for a very long time'. As he finished, he looked around at the group of us and nodded.

'Oh, of course,' said Elizabeth, 'it wasn't very nice of me to speak about celebrating ... I should have realised ... I mean, I know a great deal about loss myself ... I'm sorry.'

'No need to apologise, but I will say goodnight now.'

Michael turned to Erranase and spoke softly. 'While I don't share your feelings, I sympathise with your loss and understand that you wish to mourn them in your own fas.h.i.+on.'

'Thank you,' Erranase replied, 'please, enjoy your evening and I will see you in due course.' With that, he turned and left so quickly it was as if he'd vanished into thin air.

Tom looked around the group with a mischievous smile on his face. Then he chuckled. 'He looked a bit shaken up, the poor old boy. Ah well, I guess he'll get over it ... in a hundred years or so.'

'That's not nice, not nice at all,' said Elizabeth.

Tom turned and faced Elizabeth, and I could have sworn he cringed just a little before he replied to her. 'Ah, come on Elizabeth. How can you feel sorry for him? If it wasn't for him, Sam and I would've dropped off the planet a long time ago, and you wouldn't have to hang around in this old graveyard waiting for Sam to join you.'

'That's not the point,' Elizabeth replied. 'He was very upset, and I hate to see anyone sad. So, let's all be happy,' she said, with a cheerful tone in her voice. Then she added, 'that bag you put over Zunios' head ... what a great idea that was, Sam.'

'Yeah, it sure was,' said Tom, turning to look at Sam. 'Good on ya mate-quick thinking there.'

With that compliment fresh in the air, Elizabeth seemed to have quickly put all the talk of sadness behind her, and went skipping off to join some of the other young ghosts that lingered further away.

As soon as she'd gone, Sam turned to Tom. 'So, what was it you whispered in Mardukian's ear anyway?'

'Oh ... that ... well, it was nothing really. I just said, "Hey Dukie, how're they hanging now, old boy?" and he seemed to get a bit agitated by that,' laughed Tom.

Then Sam punched Tom in the arm so hard that it sounded like a bone might have broken.

'What?' asked Tom, laughing.

'That was for Mardukian. I wondered why he'd gone off his tree. I'd picked him for being the mild mannered one. I figured he'd be the first one to agree to go quietly.'

'Well, that wasn't going to happen, was it?' asked Tom, winking.

Crystal looked at Sam, and shook her head as she spoke. 'He wouldn't have taken the bait if he wasn't that way inclined to begin with. It had to happen this way. Zunios is gone, and with a bit of luck he will honour his word. Besides, to be honest, I doubt Michael would have let the three of them go, even if Erranase did trust them,' she finished, looking over at Michael.

'True,' said Michael. 'I think we got a very good outcome. And I, for one, will certainly rest a lot easier tonight knowing that Zunios is not likely to be a threat again ... or at least, not for a very long time.'

'Well, I'll be off,' said Tom, 'I think I'll go do a couple of laps around the market-you know, make sure there aren't any strays taking advantage of our preoccupation.'

'Will you be right on your own, or do you want me to go with you?' asked Sam, as he stepped toward me.

'No, I'm right. You stay here with Lili. I'll catch you later,' he replied, walking off toward William Street.

'And so it's just the four of us,' said Michael. 'Sam, give us a hand pulling this tent down, will you? Crystal, can you fold the chairs, please?'

I looked over in the direction of the ghosts, but they seemed to have all quietly disappeared, with the exception of Henry and Elizabeth. Elizabeth caught my eye and waved me over. As I approached, Henry looked down at the ground, and actually appeared to blush. Can a ghost blush?

'Henry, Elizabeth ... thank you so much for what you did tonight,' I said as I stopped in front of them. 'Who knows how things might have turned out ... you know, if you and the other ghosts hadn't been here to help ...'

'Yes, it all worked out very well, very well indeed,' replied Elizabeth. 'But it was your idea, remember?'

Now it was my turn to blush.

'You're embarra.s.sing me, you two,' I said, laughing. It was so easy to be around them. And I was so happy for Elizabeth to have such a wonderful friend.

Henry's smile widened. 'Lili, it has been such a pleasure getting to know you. And, well, I just wondered if it would be alright, I mean, if you wouldn't mind, well ... if perhaps, from time to time ... you could sit on the bench here, and perhaps I could come and, well ... sit with you?'

'Henry, I would love that, really I would,' I answered.

Henry looked down at his feet, shuffling them like a school boy who had been caught doing something naughty.

'Marvellous ... well, I'll be off then,' he said, looking up at me through his lashes. And with that, he smiled and walked off, and there was a spring in his step that hadn't been there before.

'He really likes you, you know. Thank you for being so kind to him. I hope he will come out here and sit with you. It's a big step for him, leaving the gold unguarded.'

'Well, I certainly like him too.'

She smiled, then waved and called out her goodbyes to the others as she headed off in the same direction that Henry had gone. After a few steps I could no longer see her, but I was pretty sure I could still hear a bit of that carefree humming of hers.

I watched for a few more moments, then turned and walked back up to where Sam, Michael and Crystal were waiting. They'd taken the tent down, folded the chairs, and were just waiting for me to return.

'Sorry,' I said as I walked up.

'Don't be sorry, that was lovely seeing you talking to them,' said Michael. 'I've got to admit I'm still not quite used to this concept of ghosts being so, well, human I suppose.'

'It certainly seems that Henry has taken a s.h.i.+ne to you. Should I be jealous?' asked Sam, winking at me as he threw his arm around my shoulders.

'Are we all ready to go?' asked Michael. 'Lili, you must be freezing. Sam, can you grab the chairs and let's go over to my place.'

Crystal picked up the chairs. 'Don't worry about them, Sam. You should take Lili home. We'll see you tomorrow. In fact, why don't you two come over and I'll make something nice for dinner. Sorry, Sam, I know that doesn't actually tempt you, but Lili might enjoy it.'

'That's very nice of you Crystal, and it sounds very tempting, in actual fact. Lili how does that sound to you?'

'Yes, I'd love to. Thank you.'

We said our goodbyes then walked back across the road to Sam's place where his car was parked out the front. I was glad he would drive us as my hands were nearly frozen. As he drove off, I sat rubbing them together, trying to get some warmth back into them.

'So, do you think he'll come back?' I asked, referring to Zunios.

Sam didn't speak for a moment, and when he finally replied it was in a serious voice. 'There's a good chance he'll keep his word. Erranase trusts him. But even if he does keep his word, there will be others. There will always be others. This is just what it's like for us.'

I wondered why he was telling me this. Was he simply trying to warn me of the constant dangers he faced? Or was he trying to scare me off? I mean, sure, dating a vampire was probably not the safest thing I could do in my life, but was it all that much more dangerous than any other life I could choose?

His voice startled me, interrupting my thoughts. 'We're here-in case you hadn't noticed.'

He'd pulled up at the front of the building, and turned the car off.

'Sorry, I was just thinking about what you'd said-about your world being a dangerous one. I know it's dangerous, Sam, but I can deal with it.'

'Can you?' he asked, staring deeply into my eyes. He reached across and stroked my cheek. 'You know you're the best thing that has ever come into my life. I just don't think I'm the best thing that has come into yours. In fact, I know I'm not.'

'I'll be the judge of what's good for me, okay? And I say that you are good for me. I've been thinking ... you know, about my flight home. I think I'll cancel it. I mean, I can leave it as an open ended ticket ... at least for the time being. It'll give us a chance to work things out.'

'I was afraid you might say that. Look, I really think you should keep your flight as it is-go home as planned. It's for the best.'

My throat started to hurt, and I could feel a lump growing in it. Tears began welling up in my eyes. I looked down at my hands in my lap. When I spoke, my voice was so weak I could hardly hear it myself. 'I'm not leaving Sam, so stop saying that. I love you, remember? And I don't want to leave, ever. You said you loved me ... and would tell me that every day. How are you going to do that, if I'm not here?'

He reached across the seat, and brushed a lock of hair away from my eyes. As he did so, I felt a tear trickle down my face. He leaned over and kissed my cheek, and whispered so quietly I could hardly hear him. 'I do love you-really I do. I ... I just don't know how we can make this work, and I'm afraid the pain of losing you will be worse, the longer we're together. I want you to think hard about this.'

'I have thought about it. I don't want to leave.'

He sat straight back into his seat, putting both hands on the steering wheel while he seemed to search for the right words. Finally he replied-his tone serious. 'Okay, but just keep thinking about it. You've still got a few weeks, so let's not talk about it anymore tonight-you're exhausted, and half frozen. Let's leave this conversation for later. But promise me you won't cancel your flight. Leave it as it is. Promise me?'

'Alright. But I have no intention of being on it.'

'Okay. End of conversation for tonight. It's late, and you need to warm up. Go in now, and I'll see you tomorrow.'

He leaned over again, and kissed me very gently. I reached up and pulled his face down closer to mine, wrapping my arms around his neck-trying to become one with him. He didn't seem to mind, but when he pulled back, he gazed into my eyes and shook his head. His eyes began to twinkle, and then a little smile broke out on his lips.

'Behave yourself,' he said with a wink.

'Always,' I replied as I opened the door and jumped out. 'See you tomorrow.'

I slammed the car door shut, and quickly walked into the building. This conversation wasn't over, not by a long shot. But now that I was no longer near him, and could no longer feel his presence or smell the deep muskiness of him, my confidence at being able to win faded, and I wondered if he'd find a way to push me away.

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