Absent Shadows: Destiny Part 16

Absent Shadows: Destiny -

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As I walked down the hill to leave the gardens, the young ghost followed me.

'Thank you-that's perfect. They'll check their files and they'll get him. My b.a.s.t.a.r.d father will get locked up for this.'

I didn't know what to say, so I just repeated how sorry I was. It was an unthinkable situation-a father killing his own daughter. Was he insane? Or was he covering up some abuse or something? How could I ask her such questions? It would be far too insensitive, wouldn't it?

I looked at the girl, but she didn't appear to want to offer any further explanation, so rather than upset her I just gave her a sympathetic smile.

And then she smiled back-only this time it was a smile that changed her face. She was no longer an innocent child-she was something else-something sinister and dark.

Every hair on my body suddenly stood on end, and a feeling of dread came over me. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before, and I felt like I was going to be sick. When I looked down the ground seemed to be coming up at me-was I about to faint?

I put one foot out to the side and braced myself-breathing deeply and slowly trying to stop the dizziness that was threatening to overcome me. When the dizziness subsided, I looked up, wanting to question her further, but she was gone.

I spotted a bench on the edge of the park, so I walked over and sat. I couldn't understand what had just happened. Had I done the wrong thing? Surely not, but why did I feel like this? And where had Rachel disappeared to? And why had she given me that wicked smile?

I sat there for a few minutes, wis.h.i.+ng someone would appear to make everything right-Sam, or Elizabeth, or Crystal. But no one came. They were all busy elsewhere. The only solace came when I convinced myself that all I'd done was provide evidence to the police. Sooner or later, surely, they'd have stumbled upon the gun themselves, right?


Just after four Sam rang. I could hear the stress in his voice, so I did my best to keep mine even. There was no point in burdening him with my problems-he had enough of his own.

'So-how are you? I hope all that talk yesterday didn't get you too upset,' he asked.

'No, I'm fine. How are you?'

'Okay. Tom and I skipped early from the market-we've been getting ready for this fight. It's mostly for my benefit, as Tom gets much more involved in the kills than I ever do. Hopefully it won't come to that anyway. It's just a precaution.'

'Of course, just in case-I understand.' I hoped I didn't sound as distracted as I felt.

'So, what have you been up to today? I hope you've found something to entertain yourself-keeping out of trouble?' There was a laugh in his voice, and I could swear he knew something. Or maybe it was just my guilty conscience. It was an innocent enough question, said with a laugh.

'Oh, well, you know ... I just watched a bit of TV, did some emails ... went for a run ... the usual. Nothing too exciting,' I said, trying to keep my voice even.

'What are you doing now? Shall I come over for a while?'

'Oh, I'd love you to, but I've already promised Claire that I'd meet her for a drink when she finishes work. I'll have to go shortly, actually.' I wanted to invite him along but I knew Claire would not be impressed.

'Okay, maybe tomorrow then. Have fun. Oh, and don't forget to take your phone. Ring me if you need anything ... anything at all.'

After saying goodbye I felt flat. I desperately wanted to see Sam-to have him hold me and make everything feel right again. But I couldn't back out on Claire at such short notice. So I showered, got dressed in one of the outfits that Debs had bought me, and put on a touch of makeup. I looked at myself critically in the mirror. I'd do-just. Besides, maybe it was what I needed tonight; to keep me from thinking about ... everything.

I walked into the bar right at five-thirty, and Claire showed up by herself just a few minutes later. We sat at the bar and ordered our drinks.

'Oh, I love margaritas. I've been dreaming of this all day,' Claire laughed, sipping her drink.

'Yeah? Well my soda water is pretty good too. So, how was work?' I asked.

'Boring ... as always,' she replied with a smirk.

'Oh ... don't look now but I think that guy you were talking to last week is over there. What was his name?'

She looked anyway. 'Terry,' she said, turning back to me, 'Yeah, I think he was about to ask me out last week.'

'You wouldn't go out with him, would you?'

'Well ... no, probably not,' she giggled, 'but still, it's fun to be asked.'

'How is Tom, anyway?' I asked to remind her that he was the object of her affection.

'Yeah, he's good. In fact, we were wondering about having another go at The Grampians this weekend, if the weather's okay. I think he's going to talk to Sam about it.'

'Cool,' I said, knowing that I'd like nothing better. That would mean everything had gone well for Sam and the others-their meeting with Zunios would be behind us.

Terry walked up. 'Well, h.e.l.lo there. It's Claire, right? I never forget a pretty face, but names I'm not always that good with.'

'Yeah. So, how are you?' Claire asked, her tone flirtatious.

I glared at her, hoping she'd get the hint. I wanted to keep talking about going back to The Grampians, but she took no notice of me.

'Good, thanks, and all the better for running into you again,' Terry replied, sounding like sleazy used car salesman. 'Pity I didn't run into you again last week, I had tickets to the footy on the weekend. Hawks supporter, right?'

Claire smiled and fluttered her eyelashes at him. Then she winked at me. 'b.u.mmer-I would have liked going to that game-heard it was a good one. Oh, but we were away last weekend anyway, weren't we, Lili?'

I nodded and rolled my eyes. I wished she'd stop talking to the guy. The bartender spotted our empty and came over.

'Another drink, ladies? And would you like to order any snacks? Shall I get you a menu?'

Ten minutes later, a large bowl of chips appeared, and there was no sign of Claire giving up her little flirting game with Terry.

When Claire finished her drink, Terry ordered her another. I clenched my teeth to stop myself from telling the bartender to skip it. Claire was showing no signs of wanting to leave yet.

Claire was just starting on a third drink when I'd run out of patience. I'd had enough of their flirtatious banter, and besides, there was something about Terry that made me uncomfortable. He was good-looking, and sounded well educated, but there was this look in his eyes that I didn't like.

Finally Claire stood up and I was relieved to see her pick up her bag, and throw the strap over her shoulder.

'Terry's going to take us to dinner. Isn't that nice? He knows a great sus.h.i.+ place. We can walk-it's just around the corner.'

The hair on my arms suddenly stood straight up and I felt queasy. What had Debs taught me about listening to my intuition? Well, I didn't have to listen too hard this time: it was screaming at me.

'Oh, Claire, after all those chips, I'm not terribly hungry. And besides, Debs is expecting us-she wants to do your tarot reading, remember?'

'Oh, sure, sometime ... but tonight? I don't remember you saying anything about it being tonight.'

'It must have slipped my mind, sorry, but she is expecting us by seven. And it's what, after six-thirty now. I'm afraid we won't have time for dinner. Terry, it was nice of you to offer ... perhaps another time?'

'Hang on,' said Terry, glaring at me. 'If you need to go somewhere, that's fine. But Claire wants to have dinner with me, don't you babe?'

He was staring deeply into Claire's eyes as he spoke, and immediately I thought of Sam, and his ability to calm people. The thought made me start to panic.

'No, she doesn't. Thank you, Terry, but not this time.' I'm not sure why, but I was still trying to be polite.

Claire just looked at me blankly, so I took her arm and led her out the door. Terry followed us out. I stood there, not knowing what to do. I knew if I screamed someone would come out, but I also knew I'd feel pretty stupid if the guy accused me of over-reacting.

I looked around hoping to find a taxi. Terry continued trying to convince Claire to leave with him. At first he was just talking, but then he took Claire's other arm and tried to lead her away.

And right as he did, much to my relief, a familiar voice sounded from behind me. 'Leave the ladies alone.'

'Sam,' I said, relieved. 'Terry was just leaving, weren't you, Terry?'

Terry s.h.i.+fted his glare from me to Sam, but he didn't let go of Claire's arm. She just stood there, with a dazed look on her face.

'I suggest you let go of her arm, and leave ... now,' repeated Sam, his voice calm but dropping down very low.

'b.u.g.g.e.r off mate; this is none of your business. The lady has agreed to have dinner with me.'

Terry stepped forward as he spoke, still holding onto Claire's arm-he was only inches away from Sam.

Sam moved so quickly that I didn't even see how it happened but Terry was face down on the ground, and Sam was standing over him. Terry's arm was pulled up behind his back in a position that looked very painful.

'Now, Terry was it? I'll be escorting these ladies home, and you will not follow. In fact, you will never approach them again. If you see them, you will simply walk away. Do you understand me? I don't want to have to repeat myself.'

Terry mumbled something that sounded like agreement, and Sam let his arm go. Terry got to his feet, dusted himself off and stood there rubbing his arm, scowling at Sam. When Sam took a slight step forward Terry turned and took off running down the street. I gathered then that he was no vampire after all.

'I'm sorry I had to be a bit rough, ladies, but he didn't seem to get the message when I asked nicely,' said Sam, putting his arm around my shoulders and giving me a gentle hug.

'Don't apologise. I don't know what it was about him, but something didn't seem right. And when he started to pull Claire away from me I wasn't sure what I was going to do.'

'What just happened?' asked Claire, shaking her head as if to clear it.

'Sam just saved your neck, that's what just happened!'

'Wow, that's so weird ... I mean, I barely remember coming outside,' she said, looking somewhat confused.

'We came out to look for a taxi, then Terry grabbed your arm and that's when Sam came up. Remember?'

'Oh, well, yeah, sure,' she replied, squinting a little like she was trying to focus. 'Where did you come from Sam?'

I looked up at Sam, and raised an eyebrow in question. Indeed, where had he come from?

'Funny isn't it? I just happened to be walking past, and heard Lili's voice. Quite a coincidence, eh?' he said, smiling sheepishly.

'Yes, quite a coincidence-an awfully good one, as a matter of fact, don't you think?'

When Sam didn't respond, I turned back to Claire. 'So, Terry wasn't quite as nice as he originally seemed, was he?'

'No, he wasn't,' she admitted, shaking her head again. The fresh air seemed to be helping to clear her head.

'I have a feeling he may have put something in your drink, Claire,' said Sam.

'Ah... maybe that last drink he bought me. Just as well I didn't finish it then, isn't it?'

'Are you okay? Do you feel sick?' he asked, his voice sounding concerned.

'No, I'm fine ... I think,' she said looking at me. 'I'm sorry about this-you know I was just flirting with him, right? I mean, you won't mention this to Tom, will you? He doesn't need to know anything about this at all, right?'

'Your secret is safe with me,' he a.s.sured her. 'My car is just around the corner. Come on, I'll drive you both home.'

Claire sighed again. 'That would be really nice. I do feel a bit light-headed still ... I wonder if he did put something in my drink?'

'Who knows, but maybe you should stay clear of this place for a while,' I said, gently pus.h.i.+ng her from behind. 'Let's get out of here.'

We walked around the corner to Sam's sleek black car. It felt so natural jumping in the front seat of that car, turning to watch Sam as he skilfully drove us out of the city and onto the freeway.

When Sam returned to the car after walking Claire to her front door, I confronted him.

'So, how did you find us?'

'I followed you last week. When you said you were having drinks with Claire I took a chance that you were meeting her at the same place.'

'Ahhh, so you were there last week! I thought I was going nuts. I saw you, you know-out of the corner of my eye. But when I turned you were gone. How'd you do that?'

'Haven't I told you we're fast, Lili? I knew that you'd spotted me, but I didn't want to make a scene, so I left. Or rather, I went outside and watched from a distance.'

I knew I should be mad. If this was anyone else, I'm sure I would be mad. I mean, it was just the sort of thing I'd expect David to do, and I'd have been furious. But how could I be mad at Sam? I shuddered at the thought of what might have happened if he hadn't arrived when he did. Then I laughed, remembering the look on Terry's face just before he ran off down the street.

'What's so funny?' Sam asked, looking confused.

'Oh, I'm just glad you showed up when you did.'

I didn't speak the rest of the way home. I just watched him drive, and stole a glance at him from time to time, wondering how I ended up being so lucky as to have him in my life. It seemed impossible that I'd only known him for three weeks. It felt like I'd always known him. And the idea of getting on a plane and flying back to California seemed more like a nightmare than a reality. Could I really go home, and leave this all behind? Or could I stay, and be the girlfriend of a vampire?

I woke with a start. I'd been dreaming that I was digging a hole that just kept getting deeper and deeper. Then I remembered the look on that girl's face, and I felt sick again. G.o.d, I hoped I'd done the right thing. I kept telling myself there was no point worrying-it was in the hands of the police, and I couldn't undo what I'd done-but my brain wouldn't listen to reason.

I wished I could talk about it to someone, but I didn't dare tell Debs ... and Sam had enough on his mind at the moment. I'd just have to put it behind me. After all, the rain had cleared and left the sky a brilliant shade of blue. On a day like this, it was hard to believe that there were such things as evil vampires and ghosts. Surely the whole thing had been a dream, right?

Wrong. Sam was waiting for me when I arrived in the gardens for my morning run. The look on his face confirmed that none of this was a dream.

'Tom's taking me to do some more, uh, preparation today. But I'll still see you after work.'

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