Absent Shadows: Destiny Part 14

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'Well, I'm glad you had a good time. Tom seems nice. Quite different to Sam though, isn't he? I'm surprised they'd be such good friends.'

'Yeah, well, they sort of grew up together, you know. So, museum today?' I said, wanting to change the subject.

'Hmmm, yes,' she replied, nodding as she swallowed a gulp of coffee. 'And then I'm catching up with an old friend for an early dinner. You're welcome to join us if you're not doing anything. We'll go somewhere near the museum-Italian maybe.'

'Oh, well sure, I mean ... maybe. Can I call you later and let you know?'

'Of course. Oh, and speaking of phones, ring my mobile so that I have your number. I meant to get if from you before you left on You know, it was awfully nice of Sam to get you that phone. I only wish I'd thought of it myself.'

As I went back into my room I remembered I'd left my phone with Michael. 'I must have left my phone in Tom's truck. I'll send you a message when I get it back.'

'Okay. Well, I must run or I'll be late. Any plans for the day?'

'Not too much ... I'll go for a run ... and Sam doesn't work on Mondays, so maybe I'll do something with him.'

She smiled. 'If you feel like going for a drive, you could always go up to Healesville-there's a native animal sanctuary up there. I don't think you've even seen a kangaroo or a koala since you've arrived, have you? Or of course there's always the Melbourne Zoo, if Sam doesn't feel like driving as far as Healesville.'

Not long after she'd gone, the front door buzzer went and it was Sam's voice that came over the speaker.

'Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?'

'Like a rock,' I lied. In actual fact, I'd tossed and turned all night even though I was dead tired.

'That's good. I'd hoped you would. So, are you going to invite me up?'

'Oh, sorry ... of course,' I said, pressing the b.u.t.ton allowing him to come in.

I raced back to my room, threw on some clothes and opened the apartment door to find him standing there patiently. He handed me my phone and came in.

'Thought you might like that back,' he said.

'Thanks. So, any news?' I was desperate to hear something positive, like that all their fears had been for nothing.

'Not yet.'

I waited, hoping he'd tell me more, but he just watched me.

'Did you want to do something today? Debs mentioned a place in Healesville that has native animals ... she thought I should try to get there at some stage. Have you ever been there?'

He hesitated before answering and I could have sworn he was trying to stifle a laugh. 'I'd love to spend the day with you, but most animals don't really react all that well around me ... they get a bit nervous and tend to hide. I don't think you'd see terribly much.'

'Oh ... I see,' I said, imagining a wolf walking through a pack of nervous sheep. 'Well, we can do whatever you like then, but do you mind if I have some breakfast first?'

'Good idea.'

He stood watching as I made myself some toast and poured the last of the coffee into a mug. He smiled, seeming to take pleasure in watching me fiddle.

'Do you like kites?' he finally asked.

Sam parked in the same spot he had the last time he'd taken me to the beach. Once again, there was hardly anyone there.

He jumped out of the car and pulled a red kite off the back seat. We walked down to the hard packed sand and within moments we were running down the beach, following the kite as it darted and weaved on the air currents.

The look on Sam's face was not one I'd seen before; stress-free and child-like. Perhaps this was bringing back happy memories for him. It certainly brought back happy memories for me-flying similar kites, on similar beaches, with Dad and Raye.

But the nostalgic moment came to an abrupt end when Sam's phone rang.

'I see,' he said into the phone. 'Well, I guess this means we'll have to move quickly. Yes ... yes ... say a half hour, depending on the traffic ... I'll ask, but I won't guarantee anything. Right ... we'll be there shortly.'

It wasn't difficult to work out who the caller had been, and I had a fair idea of what was probably being said on the other end. Then Sam confirmed it for me.

'The property settled this morning,' he said, his voice flat, emotionless. 'Michael wants to come with us to meet with Henry. I said I couldn't promise that, I mean, I have no idea how Henry will react. He wants to meet you, but I don't know about Michael.'

'Did Michael say anything else? Do you think they've got the crystals in place yet?' I asked, trying hard to keep the panic from my voice. I didn't want Sam to worry about me-he had enough on his mind as it was.

'No, he didn't have any other news. But as for the crystals, I still think we have a bit of time. They'll need to be precision cut, and that's not something that would be done overnight, not even with the sort of influence that Zunios is capable of.'

'But can't they just use the ones they used before?'

'No, they won't work. I wondered about that too, so I asked Erranase and he said that diamond was a different shape-much narrower. So even if Zunios kept those crystals, they'd be useless. Still, we can't afford to waste time.'

It was clear by the look on his face that our outing was over-Sam wanted to leave, now.

When we approached Sam's tree we could see Michael already standing there, waiting for us. Elizabeth was there too, although it was obvious Michael didn't see her.

'He's very anxious,' she said, looking first at me, then at Sam. 'Why is he here?'

She had her answer instantly, and her face changed from curiosity to wariness.

'I'll ask, but ... I don't know, Sam. I mean, Henry asked to meet Lili, but to bring another person, I really don't know.'

Just as she said this a very rotund man appeared behind her. He had an inquisitive look on his face. When Elizabeth spotted him, her face lit up and her hands went together as if she were about to start clapping.

'Henry-you've come out of the tunnel,' she said, looking first at the rotund man, then at Sam and me.

The old ghost smiled, and looked as though he had tears in his eyes. 'Elizabeth, are you going to introduce me to your friends?' he asked.

'Oh, Henry, of course, of course. This is Lili,' she said, reaching for his hand.

I looked at Henry, and smiled warmly, wis.h.i.+ng that I too could take his hand. He must have read my thoughts in the same way that Elizabeth could because he smiled at me, and said, 'It's a pleasure to meet you, Lili.'

Sam stepped back, grabbed Michael by the shoulder and turned him to face Elizabeth and Henry.

'Michael, I'd like you to meet my sister, Elizabeth, and her friend, Henry.'

It didn't take long at all. Michael's face changed from looking puzzled to looking amazed in just a few seconds. It was a bit like watching a child being introduced to Santa Claus. 'It's quite a pleasure to finally meet you Elizabeth, and you too Henry. I'm honoured,' he said, with genuine humility in his voice.

Elizabeth was the first to speak. 'It's a pleasure to meet you too, Michael. Sam has always spoken very highly of you.'

'The pleasure is all mine,' said Henry. 'However I believe we have little time to waste on formalities.'

'So you know the situation, I gather?' asked Michael.

'Yes. Elizabeth told me some of it yesterday. However the news you bring today suggests that time may well be of the essence. You will appreciate that it has been many, many years since I've had any need to engage in military tactics, let alone any sort of battle. However, I am ready and willing to a.s.sist in way I can.'

'Thank you, Henry,' said Michael, looking at us with a question on his face.

'We can hear him, Michael, if that's what you're wondering. And he can hear all our thoughts too. He's been doing it with me for many, many years. You'll get used to it soon enough,' said Sam.

'Right. Well, Henry, as you're probably aware, we suspect that this diamond could be capable of trapping you, and all the other ghosts, within its boundaries. It's never been tested to my knowledge but I don't think any of us want to take the chance.'

'Quite right,' said Henry, serious now.

'So, how many, uh ... ghosts ... do you think will join us in this effort?' Michael asked. He seemed almost uncomfortable using the word.

'There are ninety-six prepared to help-including me. A few have had military experience of some fas.h.i.+on, but many are women, and some, like sweet Elizabeth here, are merely children. But they are determined to a.s.sist, and will do as they are told.'

'Okay, that's great Henry. Ninety-six ... wow, that's way more than I'd hoped for. We just have to come up with a plan,' said Michael, a deep furrow appearing between his eyebrows as he began to concentrate.

'Where will you meet them? Here, in the gardens would be best for us, obviously, as many of us can't go much beyond them,' said Henry, looking at Elizabeth.

'Yes, we hope to get them to agree to meet us right here actually. This is the spot where they laid out the four bodies, so they must acknowledge the significance of this spot. We'll try for seven, after most of the workers have gone home. It will be dark, and if we're lucky, it might even rain-that would limit any onlookers.'

'Do you think they'll agree to this?' asked Henry.

'I hope so. Zunios is nothing if not arrogant. He will have no doubt in his mind that he, Anubinse and Mardukian are much more powerful than the five of us. That is if he even counts us as being five. He probably doesn't count Erranase as being against him. And in actual fact, that could be right. Erranase might not be able to harm him, if it comes to that. It could just be the four of us,' Michael said, directing this last bit to Sam.

'And is there cause for his arrogance? Does he have some extraordinary skills or powers that I should know about?' asked Henry.

'Yes, he has a very hypnotic voice and gaze. All vampires have this ability to some extent-it's part of their hunting skills-but with Zunios it is much more powerful than I've ever seen before. His skills have been fine-tuned over thousands of years to where even the strongest vampires and dhampirs find themselves losing their train of thought if he focuses on them.'

'And do you think this would affect us ghosts?' asked Henry, with a touch of concern in his voice.

'That I don't know, Henry. But I do know that he would find it relatively easy to focus on two of us at the one time. So he could easily take, say, Crystal and me out of the equation, leaving only Sam and Tom, and possibly Erranase, to be dealt with by Anubinse and Mardukian. That's why I'm confident that Zunios will agree to meet Erranase anywhere he suggests. I can't see him worrying about the numbers or the location. So, the question now is how the ghosts may be able to s.h.i.+ft the balance in our favour.'

'I wish we had more time,' said Henry, shaking his head. 'I've heard of ghosts learning to pick things up, and in this case it would be very beneficial, but I don't know how many of them will be able to accomplish that in just a few days' time.'

'It sure would be a big help. Even if just a few of them master it, they could approach, or even simply stand guard, holding weapons. That would tip the scales for sure,' said Michael, his voice sounding hopeful.

'Well, I'll gather them up once we finish here, and see how close any of them can come. I'm afraid I've not mastered it myself however, and I've been trying for many years. I would love to handle my gold, but my hands just slip right through it. I can't make contact.'

As Henry said those last words, a memory of something Sam had said struck me. I was sure that a little cartoon of a light bulb must have appeared over my head. Henry and Elizabeth both looked at me at the same time, and tentative smiles appeared on theirs lips.

'That could work,' said Elizabeth, grinning.

'Yes, it could work,' agreed Henry. 'That wouldn't require very much practice either. And there is a huge source of energy right here-the City Loop trains run right underneath the gardens.' He almost sounded disappointed at the ease of the solution.

'What?' both Michael and Sam said it at the same time, turning to look at me.

'Sam, do you remember telling me about how creepy it is when a ghost walks through you? You said that it makes you jump sometimes, if you aren't expecting it. Well, what if suddenly ninety-six of them were to materialize in front of you and walk right through you. Do you think that would be enough to break your concentration, for a moment or two anyway?'

'Of course it would. Lili, you're a genius,' Sam cried. Then he turned to Michael, 'I swear it's a creepy feeling. Not even Zunios would be immune to the effect of it. And even if it only lasted a few seconds, it could be enough for you to overpower him.'

'Let's demonstrate for him, shall we Henry?' said Elizabeth, with a grin on her face. 'Now, Michael, keep in mind that you know what we are about to do, and that you accept that we are ghosts. Henry?'

Elizabeth held out her hand to Henry who took it in his thick one, and then they both disappeared. A few moments later, they appeared right in front of Michael and quickly walked through him. He instinctively jumped back just when it looked like they would collide with him, and then they were on the other side of him. He turned to look at them, a startled expression on his face.

'So, how do you think Zunios would react if ninety-six ghosts did that to him?' asked Elizabeth.

'Well, I think I agree with Sam. Lili's a genius. I don't know why Sam didn't think of this himself,' Michael said, punching Sam in the shoulder as he said it, but winking at the same time.

I blushed at the compliment. 'Well, sometimes it's easy to overlook the obvious because you try too hard to find more complicated answers.'

'Spoken like a true gentlewoman,' said Henry, bowing to me as though I were royalty.

'Lili rocks!' laughed Elizabeth, skipping and dancing in circles.

'I'm never going to hear the end of this ... Crystal will pick on me til the end of eternity,' said Sam, but the look on his face suggested he was proud of me nonetheless.

'There is just one thing ... Sam, is there any chance that Zunios won't see the ghosts?' I asked.

'No. He'll see them. Ninety-six ghosts working together, with all that energy, even the least open to the possibility should be able to see them. The trick will be to keep him from seeing them before we want him too. They'll have to sneak up carefully so he has no idea of what is about to happen, until they're ready.'

Michael nodded his head in agreement with Sam. 'Well, that's settled then. Henry, Sam will let you know as soon as we've arranged the time and place. I'd like it to be sooner rather than later now that we have a plan that we're all comfortable with. But we need to leave a little time, so that it appears Erranase has been considering their offer. Keep your ghost friends fired up and ready-and we'll see you on the battlefield soon, my friend.'

Michael saluted, and Henry who appeared quite chuffed, returned the gesture. Then he disappeared.

We said our goodbyes to Elizabeth, and started to make our way back toward Michael's house. I turned and looked back at Elizabeth once more. The light was fading, but I could still just make her out, skipping away under Sam's tree.

A few minutes later, we walked into the house where Tom and Crystal were waiting for us in the dining room. Sam quickly ran through what had happened with Elizabeth and Henry, and I saw Tom actually s.h.i.+ver when Sam mentioned the ninety-six ghosts.

When he'd finished the story, Crystal looked over at me and winked, 'Come help me in the kitchen, Lili. I'll make us some coffee. And I have some fresh shortbread to go with it.'

We walked into the kitchen and once out of earshot of the boys, she threw her arms around me and gave me a gigantic hug.

'What a marvellously simple solution. Did Michael take it well? The fact that you came up with the idea, I mean? Poor Michael-I'm sure it would have been hard for him, you being the one to come up with the plan. After all, you're just a wisp of a girl in his eyes-a child really.'

'Oh, he seemed to take it pretty well. He even called me a genius.'

'Well, maybe he's finally mellowing in his old age,' she laughed, look on her face suggesting that she was relis.h.i.+ng this moment of female superiority.

Crystal left to take coffee and a plate of shortbreads to Michael and then came back into the kitchen to sit with me. I enjoyed spending time alone with Crystal. There was something about her that always left me feeling calm. It was as if she had the ability to draw any negativity or confusion from me and replace it with pure happiness.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door and I heard Michael answer it. Soon I heard the mellow voice of Erranase, asking for an update.

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